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Getting to Unified Network ServicesErik [email protected]

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The Time for Cloud Networking is NOWThe world wants:

1. Security• Hypervisor becoming more accepted as a

multi-tenant security boundary• Now want network isolation

2. Workload Migration and Cloud Bursting• Canonical APIs (+ extensions)• No lock-in • VM image format• Network federation

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NaaS Core DesignIntel

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Process & Thoughts• Started conversation with people who drafted the blueprints• Goal was convergence so we’re not presenting competing

blueprints• Rationalized conclusions are still proposals• Today represents a point in time snapshot, we’re not done• This is the beginning, we want and need more involvement

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14 hoursEtherpad Discussion:

Wiki Summary:

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Participants (I know I missed some – sorry!)

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Conclusions• There is no more “NaaS”• Networking capabilities are diverse enough that we don’t want a

single monolithic network service• Decompose into independent OpenStack network

projects/services that are individually deployable but can work as a suite• e.g. Core L2/L3, IPAM, FW, LB, etc.

• Assess service granularity over time to ensure not too fine grained

• Containers are extremely valuable but broader than network and should become it’s own higher level service

• Start with simple building blocks and add to them over time• Experimental in diablo

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Diablo Goals

“Quantum” Service

• Def: The smallest amount of a physical quantity that can exist independently

• Most basic network building block service• Expose an L2 network and enable other services (compute, LB, FW,

etc.) to attach to it• L2 bridging / federation a latter step that may be in Quantum or a

separate VPN service

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Diablo Goals

IPAM Service(still need a project name)

• Provide IP address management capabilities across services including nova, LB, FW, etc.

• Could evolve into a broader repository of network information

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Diablo Goals

“Donabe” Service

• Def: Japanese clay pot• Ability to create “containers” of cross service cloud resources and

have them assembled (and potentially managed)• Containers can be hierarchical• High level orchestration service

• Think DCaaS or AWS Cloud Formation

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Diablo Goals

Nova Refactoring to Support These Services

• Introduce using a parallel approach to minimize disruption to nova

• Several potential ways of doing this and need feedback from nova devs

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