Download - Getting to Know Mrs. Thompson. When I was a teenager, I began to collect beads and experiment with jewelry making. I now have millions of beads, and when.


Getting to Know Mrs. Thompson

A Map of Me

When I was a teenager, I began to collect beads and experiment with jewelry making. I now have millions of beads, and when I can decide which ones to use (which is quite difficult when you have millions) creations spring from my hands as though they always existed, but were once invisible. I am mesmerized by these precious, glistening gems, each with their own personality - baubles that I can slide between my fingers and manipulate endlessly, until I’ve found just the right combination of color and purpose. 

Which pieces of jewelry do you think I made?

What I Like:

There is no more perfect flavor combination than chocolate and raspberries.  The bitter, sweet euphoria of chocolate (cacao tree, how I adore you) merging with the tart, bursting revelation of raspberry! Heaven is where I can eat Marble Slab Dark Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake Ice Cream without remorse. But reality is where too much sugar and caffeine gives me a headache.  

Expression through movement is what feeds my soul.  Whenever I hear a good beat, my hips are moving, regardless of the appro- priateness of the location. (Check out my grooves in the grocery store aisle!) 

I am fascinated by and envious of professional dancers. As a child, I took tap, jazz, and ballet, and I imagine could be just as exquisite as they are, if only I had continued with my lessons.

I live for the next season of “So You Think You Can Dance” – only six months to go! Here is my favorite contestant (and this year’s winner), Joshua, performing a Bollywood routine with his partner, Katee:

I get swept away by the movie theatre experience. I’d pay way more than $9 for an opening night epic adventure/ enduring tale of true love/side-splitting comedy/intriguing thriller, my husband’s hand to squeeze, a ridiculously oversized coke and popcorn (with extra butter), too many trailers to count, a packed audience to laugh/cry/scream with, and an empty seat in front of me so I can scrunch way down and still see the enormous screen.

Here’s an image from my current favorite movie, “Lars and the Real Girl.” It’s about a man who’s afraid to fall in love, so he buys a doll and convinces himself that she’s real. The townspeople care so much for Lars that they decide to let Bianca into their lives as well.

The sound of cars racing in endless, pointless circles makes me nauseous.  I actually get motion sickness just from the sound.  I think it all started in the tenth grade when I was home sick with Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and I got the bright idea to watch Days of Thunder , a movie about Nascar.  That was when I got my first migraine, and I haven’t been right since.  In an ironic twist of fate, I married a man who records and watches

8-hour coverage of Le Mans endurance races. Ugh.

What I Dislike:

I am not a fan of meat. Although a vegetarian for 17 years, I’ve been forced to begin eating meat on the advice of my doctor, but I’m not happy about it.  I’m okay with sausage because it’s ground up and I can trick my brain into believing it’s veggie burger. I’ve acquiesced to chicken because it’s fairly bland, but I try not to chew it very much, else I feel the flesh tearing between my teeth. 

Fish is out of the question. I’d rather drag my tongue across the bottom of the lake than eat anything that came from it. My husband loves all the insects: lobster, crab, shrimp. I have a hard time sitting across the table from him at the All-You-Can-Eat Crab Shack.

Speaking of nourishment, when I

hear someone smacking their food, I want to whip out a

role of tape and seal up their mouth. The

sound of slopping and slurping and

chewing and sucking chunks of saliva-

covered goo turns my stomach. Oh,

and I don’t want to see it either.

My heart hurts when I see stray or abused dogs.  I have no tolerance for people who willingly take animals into their homes, then neglect them or force them to fight other animals. Pet ownership is a solemn responsibility, not entertainment. Enough said.

I have pale, almost see-through skin that acquires a marginal amount of color in the summer when my freckles emerge.  I burn when I step out of shadow. 

What I Look Like:

Plastic, cat-eye shaped glasses adorn my nose unless I am in the shower or bed, although my eyesight isn’t too bad.  I think I’ll always wear glasses because I like the way they make me look like a librarian. Plus, there’s something really wrong with affixing a disc of plastic to my eyeball. 

I was supposed to be a carrot-top. I’ve used everything from Kool-Aid to Clairol to get just the right shade of hair - cranberry was my favorite. But lately I’ve acquiesced to nature, grays and all. Sometimes, when the sun hits my hair just right, you can see a few auburn strands struggling for attention among the multitude of browns…

My hair is at its longest length right

now, but has ranged from shoulder length

to super short.  Short hair isn’t the

best look for me due to my melon head. (Really, it’s


You know the saying, “You only have one chance to make a first impression.” I guess that’s why I’m quite introverted when you first meet me – I’m worried that people will realize I’m just a big goof.

Proof positive of my silliness - this is how I would prefer to walk down the hallway:

How I Act:

I am a very curious person, sometimes to the point of annoyance.  If there’s a question, I will ask it, and if I don’t get a satisfactory answer, I’ll ask it another way. So, Are you sure you don’t want to talk?

But I really just want to learn – to know what people think and why.  That’s probably why I decided to study Anthropology in college. I am captivated by the amazing diversity of cultures our planet holds, as well as the commonalities shared by the human race.

I take learning seriously. My brain is like a

muscle, so I work it out to

keep it strong. My favorite

workout routines are working on

math puzzles and reading


I’m no girlie-girl.  If you need your kitchen tiled, you’ve come to the right place. I’ve even got my own tile cutter. Knee pads are must, and grout will turn your skin into a desert, so don’t forget the gloves! 

I’m also great with a hammer, a drill, or a table saw .

What You Should Know About Me:

I am a bit fanatical about precision and organization. My hawk-like eyes can spot a crooked line a mile away, and my skills with centering objects are unparalleled. Filing papers is my specialty. I don’t require that others acquire these meticulous qualities, but don’t think it goes unnoticed!  Some might call this obsessive compulsive behavior, but I call it just plain right living.

I’m a pushover for boxers.  My first dog, Dempsey, was a boxer, and she was the sweetest thing on four legs.  On principle, my husband and I will only adopt pound puppies, but when I see a boxer prancing down the street, with big ol’ slobbery jowls, a broad, white chest, and a sleek, fawn- colored coat, I just melt into a big baby- talking puddle.  And don’t let me start roaming YouTube for videos of boxers.  I’ll be up till all hours of the night…

I can shake the floor with a belch.  We’re talking 10s across the board.  And it’s pretty easy to pin the riotous vibration on someone else in the room, because no one would ever assume sweet little me.  This act is very upsetting to my mother, who thinks I will pass on my impressive abilities to her grand-children.  I love to burp in front of my mom .

Now that you’ve learned way too much about me, I want to know more about each of you!

Your assignment is to create your own “Me Map,” which should include at least four descriptions for each of the following categories:What I likeWhat I dislikeWhat I look likeHow I actWhat you should know

about meMake sure to include

descriptive words and detailed explanations.

Most of all, have fun!


Other jewelry:

Chocolate Raspberry cake:


Lars and the Real Girl:

24 h du Mans:




Stray dog:

Freckle flower:

Cat eye:

Red yarn:

Melon head:

Silly walk:

Curious duck:

Sunrise over Earth:


File folders:

Boxer puppy:

Burping Calvin:

Question key:
