Download - Getting help for asylum seekers and refugees in Leeds


getting help for asylum seekers & refugees in leedsMARCH 2016

It can feel complicated It seems to

change all the time

No-one is in charge of keeping everything up to date

Often, even the things you think should be up to date are not

The range of help on offer Advice & Advocacy

Campaigning and Activism

Children & Young People


Education & Employment


Housing & Furniture

Learning English

Legal Support

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans+

Mental Health


Orientation & Integration


Refugee Community Organisations

Women’s Groups

Where does lassn fit in leeds?

signposting, signposting plus, and referral

Signposting Signposting Plus ReferralRecognises unmet need Checks info is accurate and up to

dateMakes concrete arrangement to attend

Suggests a place where this might be met

Makes sure the person knows how to get there – gives a map or phone number

Ensures person knows who they will be seeing and when

Gives details of how to contact Helps prepare the person for what to expect

Explores potential communication/support needs

Helps person to gather all the info they are likely to need

Completes referral form

Checks outcome of referral

what to do if there isn’t someone obvious who can help Be aware of your own

limitations, and how this makes you feel

Don’t give advice about things you’re not sure of

Talk to the other people who are helping

Try and signpost to generalist providers – like Citizen’s Advice Bureau

Don’t give people a false sense of hope

where to find up-to-date information – blog about asylum and refugee organisations in Leeds – general support services in Leeds – mental health support in Leeds – comprehensive list of places to learn English in Leeds – limited but up to date info on asylum and refugee organisations in Leeds & beyond – out-of-date asylum and refugee organisations in Leeds – find an approved immigration adviser

where to find up-to-date information part 2

Leeds Refugee Forum – a great place to find small refugee community organisations and groups for people from particular backgrounds

Leeds Migrant Access Project – here’s a link to their activities in February 16 – but these will change all the time. For more information about the activities of the Migrant Access Proejct Volunteers, contact [email protected]

A 3 page guide to Services in Leeds by Welcome to Leeds/RETAS/City of Sanctuary – published January 16