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The Most Important Tips You Need to Read | Marius




Page 2: Getting Blog Readers: The Most Important Tips You Need to Read

Table of Contents

CopyRight Info....................................................... 3

Introduction .......................................................... 4

Getting Started ...................................................... 5

Write Strong and Original Content! ........................ 6

Quality vs Quantity ............................................ 8

Your Audience Has to See Real You ..................... 11

The Importance of Communication .................. 12

The Importance of Your Headlines ...................... 14

Go And Get READERS! .......................................... 20

Receive More! ...................................................... 21

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My name is Marius. I am the owner of and I am working with internet website marketing. I am 24 years old student from Lithuania - not such a big, but, trust me, amazing and very beautiful country. I’m studying economics, but the most time I spend on

my websites and trying to make them successful. I’m not an online marketing Guru and my techniques are not some secrets, which will teach you how to get an unstoppable flood of traffic to your website. What will lead you to earning thousands or even millions of dollars from it.

I am just a simple man, who uses natural techniques as most of other website owners to gain traffic and to market my websites. Actually, when you are promoting your website it is not the most important thing where are you getting traffic from. The

most important thing is HOW you are doing this and what tactics you are using to increase your website traffic. That’s what I want to talk about in this eBook.

I hope you’ll enjoy reading.

Best Regards

Marius Kiniulis

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Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.

Getting Started

In this book I want talk about one very

important thing for every website owner if he

wants to be a successful and get tons of juicy targeted traffic.

Maybe, I won’t say you anything new, but trust

me – this is really very important if you want to succeed in what you are doing.

So, try to remember this every time you are

writing a new article to your blog…

Don’t think how to get visitors to your

blog – think how to get READERS!

Think about it.

When you are working with your blog, you are

not writing for bots and robots. You are doing this

for real persons, who are be interested in what you are writing about. So, you should try to give lots of value to get their attention.

That’s what we are going to talk about further…

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Write Strong and Original Content!

I can talk a lot about the tactics on how to get

targeted traffic to your website. But it will be only

crappy visitors if they won’t found anything useful and interesting on your website. So you have to get their attention with strong content from the very first moment.

The main reason, why most bloggers fails with

blogging is that they are not paying much attention to their visitors.

You are not writing for bots and robots, so your article has to be clear and easy to


If you want to be really successful, you have to

be original and to give your readers something, what they can’t get on other websites. That’s why they are coming to your blog. They expect

something interesting and unrevealed from you. And when they are getting this – they begin to respect you.

Let’s look to some other popular bloggers, who

are talking about internet marketing and online business:

1. Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income blog

2. Glen Allsop and his ViperChill blog

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3. Kim Roach from BuzzBlogger blog 4. Corbett Barr with his ThinkTraffic blog

Check out these blogs… What do you see?

All of these blogs have built a community

around them. They have lots of Twitter followers

and Facebook fans. Besides this, people are still

subscribing to their feed and mailing list and they

are actively commenting on their posts.

So, what is the secret of their popularity?

All their success didn’t came because of the

reason they are doing something mysterious. Their success came because of the reason they are

honest to their readers and they are giving lot’s value in their posts. That’s why people love them. And the best thing is they don’t even need to promote their blogs very much.

People have a very interesting phenomenon –

they like to share interesting stuff with others. So, when these bloggers come with valuable content on their blogs. Then their articles are going viral

like crazy!

That’s what you should be thinking about. Most

of your efforts should go for creating interesting and valuable content.

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This way traffic will come to your website by itself.

Quality vs Quantity

There are lots of bloggers, who always emphasize that you have to post at least few posts a week or even more. That’s OK, I have nothing

against it. But only as long as you can write valuable content with doing this.

Actually, I am not going to write only because I have to write. I write, when I

have something meaningful to say. I’d rather write one article with valuable information in it and which, I think, is worth of your attention than

plenty of crappy small posts.

In my opinion quality is much more important

than quantity. It is good if you have often something meaningful to say, but if you haven’t, it’s better don’t write anything at all, till you found

something interesting valuable to share with your readers.

You should orientate to the information, which people would love to hear and talk about.

Glen Allsop already proved on

his ViperChill blog that quantity doesn’t matter at

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Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.

all! Sometimes he can write few articles a month and sometimes he’s not writing anything at all for

few months. But he still gets lots of visitors to his blog. And every time he posts an article on it, he gets lots of readers, who were waiting, when he will write something interesting again.

That is because Glen is writing really awesome

posts. If you’d look at his articles they are all very long and has tons of valuable information in it. That’s why his readers love him and they don’t

matter for how long they will have to wait for his next post.

Of course, it is hard to create strong content. For me it can take all the day long or even more to

write one article. And sometimes it is even not enough. But the efforts is worth that, because in a long run it can generate lots of long-term targeted traffic.

Also, don’t write for search engines. Search

engines are crawling your website and you can confuse them by adding right keyword to your website.

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But you won’t confuse the visitor, which search engines or other source sends to your website.

These visitors, who are coming to your site are a real humans and if they won’t find anything useful or what he was searching for, they’ll just close the window and never come back to your website


Once again: your main point should be to get

READERS – not visitors!!!

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Your Audience Has to See Real You

It is also very important for your audience to

see your personality. With doing so it is getting

much more easier to communicate with your readers.

I think, it makes much easier for readers to

understand the context of what I write, when they know who I am and what I am doing.

I am writing on my blog –, because I have a passion in working with website marketing. And sharing my personal experience, lets me to build a

better relationship with my audience. In addition to this, it helps to improve my own skills, because I can learn lots of cool things, when you are

commenting and sharing your opinion on this site about what I am doing.

That means I can learn from you as well! And

it’s like a win-win situation here.

What would this site look like if I speak in private? Probably, it would look like some news

portal, where is no personal face and it all comes only about others and what is going around.

This blog would look like without face and with

a gloomy atmosphere

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The Importance of Communication

I strongly believe, that you have seen many

such websites, where is no life. This is because those blog owners are not trying to create a community around their blogs…

Why is it so important to communicate with

your readers?

When you make connections with your

audience, then they are more likely to share, what you are writing about, what means more repeat

traffic and more referral traffic to your website…

What you have to do to reach this?

Try to include your readers into the

conversation. Ask them a question and let them share their opinion. This is useful for both of you – your readers can feel

their importance to you, and on the other side you can get really cool advises and ideas on what you are writing about.

You should also answer to the comments on your blog, especially, some time after you post an article.

Don’t be afraid to let them post on your

Facebook fan page wall. This way your fan page will get a lot of activity and your fans are involved to discuss with each other.

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And the most important thing – ALWAYS answer your emails! Don’t ignore them,

because this is the best way to build relationship with others.

It could be that you will be getting lots of email

from people, who are also webmasters of other websites. So, with a relationship built this way,

they will be more likely to talk about you on their websites. If you are helping them to solve the problems, they know what a good person you

really are. And this way you’re just proving that you are a really good expert in your niche.

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The Importance of Your Headlines

You should know the fact, your headline is one

of the most important elements in your blog post.

When visitors are scrolling your website, first thing, what they see is your post headlines.

It could be that it will all depend only from the

headline whether the blog reader will read your article or not. So, it should be as much informative

as it can. Your headline has to draw visitors attention from the very first moment, when he sees it. And it has to say to him: “this article has

something worth of your attention and you MUST check it, if you want to find out something really important“.

Have in mind, that your headline will appear

not only on your website! Your headline will be visible in search engines (that means more or less search engine traffic), in feed, on other websites and forums. When others will be linking to

your article, then it is very likely they will be using your headline as anchor text. That’s why it is so important to get their attention from the very first


Here are some good headline examples, which

I found on various places:

1. Headlines on Google:

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Getting Traffic from StumbleUpon: A Definitive Guide

Is Going Viral Worth It? How to Get 55,000 Visits from Stumble Upon in 4 Days

2. Headlines on other websites

Reader Challenge Round Up on Smart Passive

Income blog.

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As you can see, when Pat is linking to other

posts, he is taking article headlines as anchor text.

This helps for a visitor to choose by itself, which article he want to read and which one – not.

Which headlines draws your attention here


For example, what concerns me, I have immediately checked the article named How

to Get 1 Million Website Visitors in 2012 by Steve from And after reading this article I have not only read his other blog posts,

but subscribed to his email list as well. This way I became his website loyal reader. I have also

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Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.

checked few other links, but none of them received my bigger attention.

The main thing is that – I haven’t clicked on all

of them. I’ve chosen only few ones.

I’m not saying that other articles were not

interesting or their headlines were bad. But it all depends on my interests. And the one I mentioned above matched it the most.

I strongly believe if you have checked this

article as well, mostly, you weren’t checking all the links in it. Isn’t it?

What all this mean?

If your link gets in the list like this one than it should give for readers as much information as it

can do it to capture their attention. This way you can get super targeted visitors, who will become permanent your blog readers. In other words – other website readers becomes YOUR

website readers!

Catch it?

The same is with search engines as well. Your

post can appear in the first place of search results, but this doesn’t mean that all visitors will be

clicking your link. It could be that they will check only 2nd, 3rd or maybe even the links, which

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appears bellow in search results. People often decides straight from the headline if this is what

they are looking for or not.

And with well written headline you can catch

their attention even if this is not something, what they were looking for.

So, is it clear now, why your headline is so important? Everything may depend only from the

headline, whether your article will be read or not.

Here are some quick tips for your perfect

headline (with some examples):

1. Ask a question: (Example: Is Writing for Others More profitable than Doing this for

Yourself?) 2. Use numbers: (Example: 21 Ways to Get

Traffic to Your Website) 3. Use the power of words “How

to”: (Example: How to Spend Less Time on the Computer)

4. Challenge

someone believes: (Example: Why You Shouldn’t Listen to Your Boss)

5. Use superlatives: (Example: The Easiest

Way to Get Cheap Flight Tickets)

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6. Offer a hidden insight: ( Example: The Biggest Secret to Make Your Article Go Viral)

7. Solve a problem: (Example: How to Avoid Your PayPal Account Frozen?)

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Ask yourself again now. What type of traffic do

you really need? Is it enough to get lot’s of useless

visitors or is it better to get few real readers, who will follow everything you are doing.

When they feel respect for you, than they are

more likely to support you in your projects, share with you their own experience, or even buy a

product from you. That’s the real POWER!

Having a blog is not all only about writing

articles and sharing your experience - it’s all about creating a community! If you create a strong

community than you will be the one everybody likes and is talking about.

So, orientate to your READERS!

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Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.

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