Download - Get Your Hands on a Good Book Due Monday, December 15, 2014.

Page 1: Get Your Hands on a Good Book Due Monday, December 15, 2014.

Get Your Hands on a Good BookDue Monday, December 15, 2014

Page 2: Get Your Hands on a Good Book Due Monday, December 15, 2014.

0Objective: After reading an appropriate book for your reading level, you will design a hand that demonstrates a series of literary elements and devices.

Page 3: Get Your Hands on a Good Book Due Monday, December 15, 2014.

Assignment0Follow the directions carefully. Your

assignment is to design a hand that carefully describes and analyzes the book you recently completed. Before beginning this assignment, you must have fully completed the book. Use the following information along with our classroom discussion as your guide as you complete this assignment:

Page 4: Get Your Hands on a Good Book Due Monday, December 15, 2014.

Trace Your Own Hand on Paper or Poster Board

0Each student is limited to one hand; Use both the front and back of the hand. 0Your artistic ability will not be graded.

However, you are expected to create a quality product demonstrating that significant effort was put forth. No sloppy work.0Include the following components on your


Page 5: Get Your Hands on a Good Book Due Monday, December 15, 2014.

Finger nails (15 points)

0List 5 main characters including a symbol or illustration for each character.

Page 6: Get Your Hands on a Good Book Due Monday, December 15, 2014.

Lifeline (15 points)

0(According to the dictionary: “A diagonal line crossing the palm of the hand and believed to indicate the length and major events of one's life.”) – a timeline of major events that occur in the book No fewer than 5 events and no more than 7 .

Page 7: Get Your Hands on a Good Book Due Monday, December 15, 2014.

Back of hand (15 points)

0List the title, author, and your name as illustrator along with a symbol or picture that helps to explain the book. Do not use computer generated book covers.

Page 8: Get Your Hands on a Good Book Due Monday, December 15, 2014.

Palm of hand (15 points)

0List 2 or more themes that are found in the book; one word with an illustration may explain the theme effectively. The theme of a piece of fiction is its view about life and how people behave or act.

Page 9: Get Your Hands on a Good Book Due Monday, December 15, 2014.

Palm of hand (15 points)

0List 2 or more other books or authors that are similar to this book and may be enjoyed by other readers.

Page 10: Get Your Hands on a Good Book Due Monday, December 15, 2014.

Thumb (15 points)

0Give a perfect, descriptive one-sentence summary of the book In a location of your choice - your opinion of the book. DO NOT say, “It was a great book. It was a good book. Loved it.” Instead, in no more than 2 sentences create the most well-written opinion possible.

Page 11: Get Your Hands on a Good Book Due Monday, December 15, 2014.

Above each finger and thumb (5 points)

0Write a word from the story you did not know and its definition. Make sure you tell the part of speech it is, exp. N., V., adj., etc.

Page 12: Get Your Hands on a Good Book Due Monday, December 15, 2014.

A minimum of 2 extra items (5 points) added to this assignment

by you0Be creative0Give it your best effort for quality work0Be Creative using all of the components listed above on assignment.

Page 13: Get Your Hands on a Good Book Due Monday, December 15, 2014.

Page Requirements

0250-300 pages = A0225-249 pages = B0200-224 pages = C0150-199 pages = D0149 pages or less = F 0Extra credit will be given for every fifty pages

you read over the maximum amount.