Download - Germanic invasions 400 to 1000



Germanic Invasions 400 to 1000

By Shaina Levin

31 Dec 406: Many Germanic tribes such as the Vandals and Suebi take over Gaul.

24 Aug 410: Visigoths invade and sack Rome

1 Jan 450:The Jutes, Saxons, and Angles invade and settle in Britain.

20 Jun 451:Roman and Germanic forces unite to fight the Huns. The Huns lose, and are unable to continue conquering western Europe.

1 Mar 453: Attila the Hun dies. Without their leader, the Huns begin to retreat to the east.

4 Sep 476: The German general Odoacer deposes Romulus and becomes the first king of Italy.

1 Jan 486: Clovis defeats Syagrius, which ended all Roman rule west of Italy.

1 Jan 509: Clovis unites all of the Frankish tribes under one ruler and begins the Merovingian dynasty.

1 Jan 541: Outbreak of the plague. It affected most of Europe and weakened many. The plague left western Europe prone to more invasions.

1 Mar 568: Albion leads the Lombards in an invasion of Italy.

1 Jan 600: Around the year 600, the Vikings begin to raid northern Europe and Britain.

1 Jan 711: The Umayyad Empire invades Visigoth controlled Spain. The Muslims successfully conquer Spain.

1 Oct 732: Charles Martel leads a Frankish army and defeats the Umayyads, ending the spread of Islam in Europe.

1 Dec 753: Pepin the Short is appointed king of the Franks. His reign marks the beginning of the Carolingian Dynasty.

25 Dec 800: Charlemagne is appointed by Pope Leo III on Christmas Day and becomes the Holy Roman Emperor.

28 Jan 814: Charlemagne passes away. With his death the Frankish Empire is weakened and his son Louis the Pious becomes king.

15 Aug 843: Louis the Pious’s death leads to a civil war over the next heir. 3 years later the war ends and the Frankish Empire is divided among his three sons through the treaty of Verdun.

1 Jan 899: Alfred the Great gains control over most of Britain and lays the foundation for the Kingdom of England. His grandson is considered to be England's first king.

26 Aug 911: King Charles the Simple gives a part of northern France to the Viking Normans and this region becomes Normandy.

2 Feb 962: Otto the Great Defeats the Hungarians and becomes the Emperor of Rome