Download - Geography Vocabulary

Page 1: Geography Vocabulary

Geography VocabularyMonday, April 30

Test on Friday, May 4

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GeographyStudy of the

distribution and interaction of physical and human features on Earth.

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Absolute LocationThe exact place on earth where a

geographic feature is found.

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Relative LocationDescribes a place in relation to other places

around it.

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HemisphereEach half of the globe.

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LongitudeA set of imaginary

lines that go around the Earth over the poles, dividing it east and west.

The prime meridian is labeled the zero-degree line for longitude.

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LatitudeA set of imaginary

lines that run parallel to the equator, and that are used in locating places north or south.

The equator is labeled the zero-degree line for latitude.

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PlaceThe physical features and cultural

characteristics of a location.

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Formal RegionA region that has a limited number of

related characteristics. Examples of formal regions: U.S. & CanadaLatin AmericaEuropeRussia & the RepublicsAfricaSouthwest AsiaSouth AsiaEast AsiaSoutheast Asia, Oceania, & Antarctica

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Functional RegionA region that is

organized around a set of interactions and connections between places.

A city and its suburbs may form a functional region.

Highways, commuter railroads, subways, and bus lines move people from the suburbs to the city for jobs and other activities.

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Perceptual RegionA region in which

people perceive, or see, the characteristics of the region in the same way.