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Geography Fall Spring CRT

Student Growth Assessment 1 of 4

Written: 2012-2013

Implemented: 2013-2014


Authors: Eric Gomez, Chris Hennessy, Pete Luby

1. 1.Which of these is the best definition of

centripetal forces?

A. forces that pull people together

B. forces that promote urbanization

C. forces that reduce land use conflict

D. forces that improve living standards

2. How has the EU promoted economic

cooperation across Europe?

A. It has reduced trade barriers.

B .It has banned foreign imports.

C. It has raised workers' salaries.

D .It has ended business competition

3. European Russia is separated from Asian

Russia by the

A. Ural Mountains

B. Rhine River

C. Carpathian Mountains

D. Indus River

4. Italy has a total fertility rate of just over 1.

Nigeria has a total fertility rate of more than 5.

Which of these conclusions can be drawn from

these facts?

A. Italy has a larger population than Nigeria

B. Nigeria has a younger population than Italy

C. Men in Italy retire later than men in Nigeria

D. Women in Nigeria live longer than women in


5. Which of the following physical characteristics

of England fueled the Industrial Revolution?

A. oil reserves in the North

B. rich farmland in the Lowlands

C. natural gas deposits in the North Sea

D. coal resources in the Midlands

6. London became one of the greatest commercial and

shipping centers in the world mainly because

A. it is the city that lies closest to the mainland of


B. ships could sail directly into its port

C. of its location on the Atlantic Ocean

D. of the lasting influence of the Roman Empire over

European markets

7. The Nordic countries share all of the following

characteristics except

A.Viking heritage

B. similar terrain

C. the same religion

D. mixed economies and democratic systems

10. The first major religion to teach that there

was only one God was

A. Judaism

B. Christianity

C. Islam

D. Sunni

8. Which of the following is an important source of

energy in Iceland?

A. coal

B. oil and natural gas

C. forests

D. geothermal energy

9. Europe is known as a peninsula of peninsulas.

Which of the following is not a peninsula?

A. Italian peninsula

B. Switzerland peninsula

C. Greek Peninsula

D. Iberian Peninsula

11. The people who accept Muhammad as God’s

last messenger are

A. Muslims

B. Ashdenazims

C. Sephardims

D. Hindus

12. The formation of OPEC led to

A. a decline in the influence of the Muslim

religion in member countries

B. conflicts between member nations that

frequently ended in combat

C. greater control by member nations over the

price of oil

D. a decline in oil sales

13. The most important factor determining

population distribution in Southwest Asia is the

location of

A. oil reserves

B. reliable sources of water

C. Islamic houses of worship

D. centers of trade

14. The major export from the Middle East is

A. timber

B. fruit

C. wheat

D. oil

15. What is the major export crop grown in Nile


A. wheat

B. cotton

C. wadi

D. all of the above

16. What impact did European Colonialism have

on Africa south of the Sahara?

A. broke up the tribal political systems

B. raised the standard of living

C. led to increased democracy

D. improved relations between Africans and


17. In the Republic of South Africa the races have

been separated by law. This is called a policy of

A. integration

B. apartheid

C. imperialism

D. nationalism

18. Which of these aspects of life in Egypt depends

most on the water stored in Lake Nasser?

A. annual flooding

B. sewage treatment

C. population growth

D. perennial irrigation

19. Which of these created barriers to river travel on

the Nile in ancient times?

A. Cataracts

B. Dams

C. Floodplains

D. Wadis

20. Which of these is a major difference between the

Sahara and the Sahel?

A. The Sahara has larger forests

B. The Sahel receives more rainfall

C. The Sahara has more cropland

D. The Sahel records higher temperatures

21. All of the following are major causes of

desertification except

A. Overgrazing

B. Deforestation

C. long-term drought

D. shifting agriculture

22. All of the following have contributed to

widespread poverty in Africa except

A. desertification

B. reforestation

C. disease

D. war

23. In traditional societies with gender-based

division of labor, the kind of work a person does

depends mainly on the that person’s

A. age

B. sex

C. income

D. religion

24. Which term best describes African women

who set up street-side restaurants in caravans?

A. pastoral nomads

B. migrant workers

C. indigenous peoples

D. micro-entrepreneurs

25. What does the graph below illustrate?

A. Nigeria’s ethnic diversity

B. Nigeria’s spatial inequality

C. Nigeria’s migration streams

D. Nigeria’s economic activities

26. A cultural region is best defined as a region

whose people share the same

A. standard of living

B. life expectancy

C. climate zone

D. Way of life

27. Which of these is an important legacy of British

rule in Nigeria?

A. the movement of the national capital from Lagos

to Abuja

B. conflict between the Igbo and other ethnic groups

C. state legal systems based on Islamic law

D. the rapid shrinking of Lake Chad

28. Which of these was most responsible for the

borders shown on the map below?

A. colonialism

B. nationalism

C. immigration

D. desertification

29. The heavy rains in South Asia are due to the

A. summer monsoons that pickup moisture from

the Indian Ocean

B. winter monsoons that bring cold air and low


C. continental air that blows from Asia’s mainland

D. scorcher temperatures that can reach as high as

110 F

30. The government of mainland China can best

be described as

A. Democratic

B. Socialist

C. Communist

D. Atheist

31. Most of the people in South Asia make their

living from

A. mining

B. herding

C. farming

D. weaving

32. Which tem best describes hiring someone

outside a company to do work that was once done

by the company’s own workers?

A. recycling

B. outsourcing

C. smart growth

D. division of labor

33. How many standard time zones are there in the

world today?


B. 24

C. 30

D. 60

34. What comparative advantage does India have

over many other countries in attracting IT jobs

from the United States?

A. India’s brain drain

B. India’s caste system

C. many Hindi speakers

D. many English speakers

36. What is the main goal of China’s one-child


A. less spatial inequality

B. lower infant mortality

C. zero population growth

D. increased life expectance

37. Which conclusion is best supported by this

population pyramid?

A. There were more boys under age 5 than girls

B. There were more people over 70 than under 20

C. There were more children under age 14 than adults

D. There were more retired people than working people

35. The Three Gorges Dam is expected to provide

all of these benefits except

A. clean energy

B. flood control

C. safer river shipping

D. more steel production

38. Special economic zones attract more foreign

business than other parts of China because they

offer companies that locate there

A. cleaner air

B. greater freedom

C. cheaper energy

D. warmer weather

39. Less than a fifth of Japan is arable land. Which

of the following is the best definition of

arable land?

A. land that is flat

B. land that is forested

C. land that can be mined

D. land that can be farmed

40. Which statement best describes the impact of

high population density on Japan’s public

transportation system?

A. Subways and trains seldom run on time

B. Subways and trains are overcrowded at rush hour

C. Subways and trains are dirty and unpleasant to


D. Subways and trains do not go where people want

to go

41. Globalization has led to a rapid increase in which

of the following?

A. water stress

B. international trade

C. transboundary pollution

D. arithmetic population density

42. The circle graphs below show where foreign

investment went in two different years.

42. Which region of the world received the most

foreign investment in 1914?

A. Western Euprose

B. Latin America

C. Africa

D. Asia

43. According to the graphs above, which

part of the world doubled its percentage of

foreign investment between 1914 and 1998?

A. the United States

B. Canada

C. Eastern Europe

D. Africa

Match the following to the above map of Europe

44. Italy is

A. 1

B. 7

C. 5

D. 6

45.United Kingdom is:

A. 16

B. 10

C. 17

D. 13

46. Germany is:


B. 11

C. 9

D. 19

47. Mediterranean Sea is:

A. 5

B. 7

C. 8

D. 6

48. France is:

A. 10

B. 15

C. 14

D. 9

Match the number on the map on the last page to the locations listed below:

49. Russia

a. 36 B. 17 C. 20 D. 11

50. Sudan

A. 20 B. 8 C. 10 D. 26

51. Atlantic Ocean

A. 33 B. 30 C. 22 D. 34

52. Saudi Arabia

A. 2 B. 33 C. 24 D. 6

53. Persian Gulf

A. 3 B. 11 C. 10 D. 9

54. Iraq

A. 7 B. 35 C. 31 D. 33

55. Egypt

A. 33 B. 32 C. 22 D. 34

56. India

A. 32 B. 33 C. 24 D. 15

57. South Africa

A. 29 B. 28 C. 60 D. 22

58. Nigeria

A. 17 B. 18 C. 19 D. 5

59. Japan

A. 21 B. 5 C. 4 D. 3

60. China

A. 1 B. 19 C. 4 D. 3

A Leader of Her Country

By the 1990s, people had become accustomed to seeing women in high government posts.

People were not so accustomed to this in the 1960s, however. Yet that is when Golda Meir

became prime minister of Israel.

Meir was born in the Ukraine. However, she emigrated to the United States with her

family as a young child. She grew up in Milwaukee, where her mother ran a grocery store. Meir

trained to be a schoolteacher and married when she was about twenty.

As a young woman, Meir heard stories of the struggles to establish a Jewish homeland. In

1921, she and her husband moved to Palestine to work with the Jewish groups there. She was

instrumental in helping Israel become an independent state in 1948. When the new government

was formed, Meir was the only woman to belong to the provisional council of state, the

legislative part of the government. She took an active role in establishing policy.

In 1969, the Israeli prime minister died suddenly, and Meir was chosen as a compromise

candidate for the position. She remained prime minster until 1974.

Seventy-one years old when she took office, Meir was a plain-looking, plain-dressing

woman. She reminded some people of a kindly grandmother. But it was a mistake to

underestimate her strength and will. She let her country through peace and war. After her death

in 1978, Meir was called “one of the great women in Jewish and world history”.

61. The subject of this passage is (A1)

A. the career of Gold Meir

B. how people learn to accept responsibility

C. discrimination against women leaders

D. remaining active even when elderly

62. Gold Meir became prime minister (B1)

A. right after Israel won independence

B. by winning a landslide election

C. as a compromise candidate

D. but was quickly pushed out of power

63. When Israel became a state, the people

in power (C2)

A. were mostly young

B. had a lot of experience running a country

C. were an equal mix of men and women

D. included few women

64. The passage is basically a


A. biography of Golda Meir

B. history of Israel

C. discussion of emigration

D. description of life in Milwaukee

65. In this passage, instrumental means


A. musical

B. very helpful

C. useless

D. recognized

The World's Largest Diamond

In 1907 King Edward VII of England received an extravagant present for his 66th

birthday: a diamond that weighed 3,106 carats.

This raw, rough diamond was found on January 25, 1905, in South Africa,

where a mine superintendent named Frederick Wells stumbled across it while

inspecting the Premier Mine before closing it down for the day. The diamond,

named after Thomas Cullinan, the founder of the mine, turned out to be the largest

diamond ever discovered. Wells not only picked up a gigantic precious stone that

day, he also garnered for himself a $10,000 reward.

South Mrica still being part of the British Commonwealth at that time, the

government purchased the huge uncut stone as a fitting gift for its monarch. When

King Edward finally received his priceless present it was still in its original form, so

he had to have the diamond properly cut and polished. After a lengthy search,

Joseph Asscher, a Dutch craftsman, was chosen to perform the delicate operation.

In 1908 after weeks of study and inspection, Joseph Asscher finally concluded

that the best plan was to cleave the Cullinan diamond into nine major stones, 96

lesser gems, and 10 carats of polished fragments.

The most magnificent of the nine major stones cut from the Cullinan is the

530-carat, pear-shaped gem known as the Great Star of Africa. Today this stone is

part of the royal scepter of the British crown jewels, which are carefully guarded in

the Tower of London.

66. What is the main subject of the passage?


A. King Edward VII

B. Joseph Asscher

C. the British crown jewels

D. the Cullinan diamond

67. The Cullinan diamond was found in the


A. South African Mine.

B. Premier Mine.

C. Nile Mine.

D. Wells Mine.

69. In the first sentence, the writer calls attention

to the subject by telling about an incredible (C2)

A. piece of rock

B. birthday gift

C. sparkler

D. crown jewel

70. In this passage extravagant means


A. rare

B. very impractical

C. extremely nice

D. tasteful

68. You can assume from this passage that


A. King Edward VII was fond of diamonds.

B. the Cullinan diamond was hard to find.

C. Frederick Wells liked King Edward VII.

D. Joseph Asscher was skilled at cutting


Portugal: A Seafaring Country

The fifteenth century was a time of great discovery in Europe. The city of Venice was rich and

powerful. Part of its wealth came from selling spices to the rest of Europe. The spices came from

islands in the Far East. Other countries wanted to grow and prosper from the spice trade. There

was a race to find and conquer the islands where the spices came from, and Portugal led the race.

Portugal is located on the Atlantic Ocean, surrounded by Spain on the north, east, and south.

Scientists in Portugal had perfected the tools needed to navigate the seas. If the country wanted

to build an empire, it would have to be by sea.

Prince Henry of Portugal was known as "the navigator." He started a school to train sailors and

sent out ships to find new trade routes. His sailors explored the coast of Africa and sailed as far

as the Canary Islands. Prince Henry died in 1460. Following his death, Bartolomeu Dias sailed to

the tip of Africa, known as the Cape of Good Hope. For the first time, people saw that it was

possible to sail around Africa. Later Vasco da Gama sailed all the way to India. Portugal had

won the spice race. These explorers conquered the East Indies and ruled over the spice trade for

many years.

71. Find the word prosper in the passage.

One definition below is closest to the meaning

Of that word. Choose that word:


A. survive

B. succeed

C. Fail

D. Decrease

72. Two of the statements below present

Facts, which can be proved. The other

Statement is an opinion, which expresses

Someone’s thoughts or choose beliefs.

Choose the statement that is an opinion.


A. Prince Henry sent out ships to find new trade routes

B. Portugal is on the Atlantic routes.

C. Portuguese sailors were the best sailors in Europe

D. The tip of Africa is the Cape of Good Hope

73. Which event happened first?


A. Vasco da Gama reached India

B. Prince Henry died in 1460

C. Bartolomeu Dias sailed to the tip of Africa

D. Portugal won the spice race

74. Three of the statements below are correct

inferences, or reasonable guesses. They are based

on information in the passage. The other statement

is an incorrect, or faulty, inference. Choose the

statement that is an incorrect inference.


A. The Portuguese knew a great deal about sailing

B. Portuguese explorers made many important


C. The Portuguese were the only people in Europe

making important discoveries during the fifteenth


D. Spices were in great demand in Europe

75. Choose the statement below that expresses

the main idea of the passage.


A. Prince Henry started a school to train sailors

B. In the fifteenth century, Portugal led the race

to conquer the islands of the Far East

C. Portugal was a seafaring nation

D. Spain and Portugal compete for the spice trade