Download - Geographical skills to describe site and situation Linked to paper 1: skills.


Geographical skills to describe site and situation

Linked to paper 1: skills

Recap Site and Situation

1. What do these terms mean?

Key words:

• SITE: the ground on which the settlement stands, described in terms of its physical characteristics.

• SITUATION: the location of the settlement relative to its surroundings, described in relation to other settlements, rivers, transport lines etc.

Examples of questions

• Annotate the image to explain why Durham was chosen as a site for a settlement (5)

• Using evidence from the image explain why Durham was chosen as a site for a settlement (4)

How to use map evidence….

• Use grid references• refer to specific detail i.e. name roads and

rivers• Use scale for distance• Use compass points• Consider height using contour lines and spot



1. Describe the site Wellesbourne. Use map evidence in your answer. (3)


• Site: it is located on flat land, 48 metres above sea level. It is located on a tributary of the River Avon which flows through the north of the settlement.

colour shading.

spot heights contour lines

How is relief shown on a map?

Relief is shown on maps in three main ways:

10-20 m

21-30 m

31-40 m

41-50 m










Contours are lines that join points of equal height.


Relief is often shown on OS maps by light brown/orange lines known as contour lines.

Contour lines usually have a number attached to them. This number indicates the height of the land above sea-level.

Shape of slope/ slope


Describe the situation of Wellesbourne. Use map evidence in your answer (4)

Situation: It is approximately 7km east of Stratford Upon Avon. It is accessed by the A429 which runs north to south through the settlement. The A429 connects Wellesbourne to the M40 motorway to the north of the settlement. There is a small airfield to the west of the settlement that would allow access by helicopter or small aircraft.

The shape of settlements

LO: To understand how settlements grow

Settlement patterns p162 Geog Foundations

Dispersed: Dispersed settlements have buildings which are spread out, e.g. farmhouse in the middle of fields or a few houses in a mountainous area. They are dispersed because farmers need a lot of land for grazing and growing crops.

Nucleated: Nucleated settlements have buildings which are close together. They develop a nucleated pattern as they often grow around a road junction or a river crossing.

Linear: Linear settlements have a long and narrow shape. They often follow roadways, riverbanks, canals or narrow valleys where there is little room to grow outwards.

Using the OS maps find examples of each type of settlement and record it in a table:

Using evidence from the map explain why you think the settlement grew in this way.

Map skills

Model answer

1. Describe the distribution of settlements on the map extract (4). 2. Why may the distribution be like this? (use evidence from the map)(4)


Function of settlements

• What does the term function of a settlement mean? (1)

A function describes the towns principle purpose or activity. I.e. tourism, residential (commuter settlements), industrial, trading (e.g. port)


Definition - FUNCTION - this is the reason why a settlement was built. Different settlements have different functions (e.g. resort, port, market town).

Why do settlements grow?We have already learned why settlements choose a site. For a settlement to grow at this site there has to be a special reason. This special reason is called the FUNCTION.

In the U.K. there are a number of main functions: -

1. MARKET TOWN - these settlements grew up when most of the people in the U.K. were farmers. They where a place where farmers could buy and sell goods. This is called TRADING.

2. INDUSTRIAL TOWN - these grew up later than market towns. They used the things produced by farmers to make other things. This is called MANUFACTURING.

3. PORT - these grew up to help people living in industrial and market towns by bringing things in an out to other countries. A port IMPORTS and EXPORTS things.

4. HOLIDAY RESORT - these grew up to help people living in market, industrial and port towns. People go here to relax and enjoy themselves. A holiday resort provides a SERVICE.

What is the function of Budleigh Salterton? Use map evidence in your answer (2)

What was the original function of Houston?How has Houston’s settlement function changed over time?

The function of a settlement describes all the main activities that occur in it.

Change in function of a UK settlement: case study St Austell, Cornwall- link to Economic activity

The china clay mineral was found in large quantities just north of the settlement at Hensbarrow downs- so the towns main function was first industrial

The success of the industry in the area meant that many families moved to the area and as the city grew more shops and businesses took root making the city one of the most important commercial centres in Cornwall.

As China clay became less important in the area (deindustralisation) Tourism is increasingly important to St Austell's economy. Tourists are drawn to the area by nearby beaches and attractions such as the Eden Project,

Change in function of Benidorm

Plenary: Reverse answer quiz

Here is the answer. What could be the question?

1. Hierarchy

2. City

3. Market Town

4. Linear

5. Function