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Genetic Algorithms: An Introduction

Rao Vemuri

UC Davis

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Running Example

Examples from Dissertations

– DNA Sequencing

– Groundwater Remediation

– Atomic Stabilization

Genetic Programming

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What are Genetic Algorithms

Inspired by Biological Evolution

Search and Optimization Procedures

Good in Rugged Search Spaces

Good for Multimodal Environments

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Characteristics of GA’s

Can solve “hard” problems

Easy to interface with existing models

Rely on very little domain knowledge

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Adaptive Search Using GAs

Figure goes here

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The Central Idea

Start with a population of individual solutions

Represent individual solutions by bit strings

Call each bit string a chromosome

Evaluate each individual for fitness

Select those with high fitness

Mate them using Crossover (Exploitation)

Mutate (Exploration)

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Genetic Operators


– Survival of the Fittest


– Unite individuals as parents to generate new

combinations of partial solutions


– Introduce new features not present in the parents

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Selection Operator

Calculate the fitness of all members

Select a subset with better fitness scores

– Roulette wheel selection (or FPR: fitness

proportionate reproduction)

– Tournament selection

– Etc.

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Crossover Operation

Parent 1: 100 111 00

Parent 2: 010 001 10

Child 1: 100 001 00

Child 2: 010 111 10

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Mutation Operation

Mutation is an important genetic operator.

It takes a single candidate and randomly

changes some aspect of it.

Parent: 100 111 00

Child: 100 011 00

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A Running Example

A Franchiser wants a profit-making strategy

in running a restaurant

Options are:

– Affordable Vs Fancy

– Hot Dogs Vs Crepes

– Soft Drinks Vs Wine

Data on costs and sales available to estimate


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Encoding the Problem

Define 3-bit chromosome

Encode as follows

Bit 1: 0 Soft drink 1 Wine

Bit 2: 0 Hot dogs 1 Crepes

Bit 3: 0 Cheap 1 Expensive

Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3

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Fitness Evaluation

Each option is a 3-bit sequence

There are only 2^3 = 8 options

Assume that Profit =

Decimal value of the 3-bit sequence

A peek at the correct optimum by exhaustive


– 000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, 111

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Exhaustive Enumeration is Impractical

Consider a Travelling Salesman Problem

For N cities, there are (N-1)!/2 solutions


– A 20-city problem takes 1 hour


– 21-city problem takes 20*1 hours = 20 hours

– 22-city problem takes 21*20*1 hours = 17.5 days

– 25-city problem takes ~ 6 Centuries !!!

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Let us Try a GA

Try, say, 4 randomly selected strategies at 4

different outlets

Compare their profits

Pick those that are doing well: Mating Pool

Using X-over and Mutation, generate

offspring strategies

Go back and repeat until a good strategy is


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One Simulation Run

X(i) F(i) MP F(i) X(i) F(i)

001 3 011 3 111 7

001 1 110 6 010 2

110 6 110 6 110 6

010 2 010 2 010 2

Total F 12 17 17

Worst 1 2 2

Ave 3 4.25 4.25

Best 6 6 7

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What Did the Franchiser Learn?

Lesson 1: $3 is an estimate of the average

profit (estimate based on 4 samples)

Lesson 2:

– 110 is 200% better than average strategy

– 010 is 2/3 as good as average strategy

– 001 is 1/3 as good as average strategy

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What Do We Do Next?

Option 1: Brute Force Method

– Continue Searching for better solutions

Option 2: Greedy Method

– Because 110 is 200% better than the average,

grab it. Do not worry about searching for better


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Another Lesson Learned

Cost of exploring for a better solution

– Current profit – Average profit = $6 - $3 = $3

Cost of NOT exploring further

– Max. profit possible – Current profit + $7 - $6 = $1

This is Exploration Vs Exploitation

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A general form of the genetic algorithm:

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Useful References

• John Holland, Adaption in Natural and Artificial Systems, 1975.

• David E. Goldberg, Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning, Addison Wesley

• Zbigniew Michalewicz, Genetic Algorithms + Data Structures = Evolution Programs,Third Edition, Springer, 1996, ISBN: 3-540-60676-9,

• Evolutionary computing (EC) was introduced in the 1960s by I. Rechenberg in his work "Evolution strategies" (Evolutionsstrategie in original).

• In 1992 John Koza has used genetic algorithm to evolve programs to perform certain tasks. He called his method "genetic programming" (GP). LISP programs were used, because programs in this language can expressed in the form of a "parse tree", which is the object the GA works on.

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An Example

• Consider f(x)=100x2(1–x)2–x,

which has local minima x1 near 0 and x2

near 1:


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Code for Plotting

ezplot('100*x^2*(1-x)^2 - x',[-0.2,1.2])


hold on

plot([0 0],[-1.7 0],'r--')

plot([1 1],[-1.7 -1],'r--')

annotation('textbox',[0.25 0.1 0.07 0.1],...


annotation('textbox',[0.8 0.1 0.07 0.1],...


hold off

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Output of Matlab

The minima are located at:

x1 = fminsearch(@(x)(100*x^2*(x - 1)^2 - x),0)

x1 =


x2 = fminsearch(@(x)(100*x^2*(x - 1)^2 - x),1)

x2 =


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