Download - Generic Ventolin Inhaler for Treatment of Asthma and COPD


Generic Ventolin Inhaler (Asthalin Inhaler)

Generic Ventolin Inhaler (Asthalin Inhaler) is used for the relief of bronchospasm in conditions such as Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).

Chemical Structure

The active ingredient present in Generic Ventolin Inhaler (Asthalin Inhaler) is Albuterol Sulfate (Salbutamol Sulfate). Albuterol Sulfate is marketed as Ventolin, Asthalin, Ventoline, Ventilan, Aeroli, Aerolin, Ventorlin, Asthavent; ProAir, Ventosol, Asmol and other brand names.

Active Ingredient

Generic Ventolin (Asthalin Inhaler) is a beta2-adrenergic agonist indicated for:Treatment of bronchospasm in bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis and emphysema, and prophylaxis of exerciseinduced asthma

Treatment or prevention of bronchospasm with reversible obstructive airway disease

Prevention of exercise-induced bronchospasm


For relief of acute episodes of bronchospasm:Adults :1 or 2 puffs as necessary. The maximum dose is up to 8 puffs in 24 hours.Children (4 years and older):Half the adult dose.

Recommended Dosage

To prevent allergen- or exercise-induced bronchospasm:Adults:Two inhalations of Asthalin Inhaler, 15 minutes prior to exercise or exposure to allergen. The maximum dose is 2 puffs, up to 4 times a day.Children (4 years and older):Half the adult dose.

Recommended Adult Dosage

Warnings and Precautions

Paradoxical bronchospasm may occur and should be treated immediately with alternative therapy. Requirement for more doses of Asthalin Inhaler than usual may be a sign of deterioration of asthma and requires re-evaluation of treatment.

Warnings and Precautions

Consider discontinuation of Generic Ventolin Inhaler should Cardiovascular effects occur. Use with caution in patients with underlying cardiovascular disorders. Discontinue use of Generic Ventolin Inhaler if immediate hypersensitivity reactions occur.


Use of Generic Ventolin Inhaler is contraindicated in the following cases:

Known hypersensitivity to Albuterol Sulfate or any of the inactive ingredients present in the inhaler

Side Effects of Asthalin Inhaler

The side effects that have been reported are Mild tremor, Hypokalaemia, Palpitations, Muscle cramps, Oropharyngeal Irritation, and Headache. These side effects usually disappear with continued treatment. In case Paradoxical bronchospasm occurs, Asthalin therapy should be discontinued immediately and alternative therapy started.

Overdosage Symptoms

The symptoms of Albuterol Sulfate overdosage are those of excessive beta-adrenergic stimulation, viz., seizures, angina, hypertension or hypotension, tachycardia with rates up to 200 beats/min, arrhythmias, nervousness, headache, tremor, dry mouth, palpitation, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, malaise, sleeplessness. Hypokalemia may also occur.As with all sympathomimetic aerosol medicines, cardiac arrest and even death may be associated with abuse of Asthalin Inhaler .

Overdose Treatment

Treatment of overdose consists of discontinuation of Asthalin Inhaler together with appropriate symptomatic therapy.

Asthalin Inhaler is manufactured by Cipla Ltd. India.It is available as a canister containing 200 metered doses

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Generic Ventolin Inhaler

The Swiss Pharmacy, Geneva Switzerland