Download - Generic Programming Johan Torp. Agenda GP introduction GP in perspective Questions * GP = Generic programming in C++

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Generic Programming

Johan Torp

Page 2: Generic Programming Johan Torp. Agenda GP introduction GP in perspective Questions * GP = Generic programming in C++


• GP introduction• GP in perspective• Questions

          * GP = Generic programming in C++

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What is GP?

• Algorithmic GP • GP techniques & patterns in C++


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class BarInterface { virtual void bar() = 0; };void polymorphicFunction(BarInterface& t) {  ...;  ...}

template<class T> void polymorphicFunction(T& t) {  ...;  ...} 

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GP interface is called concept

// MyBarConcept// // Has a memberfunction called bar()// ... more assumptions ...

// T must fulfill MyBarConcepttemplate<class T>void polymorphicFunction1(T& bar); 

// T must fulfill MyBarConcepttemplate<class T>void polymorphicFunction200(T& bar);   class MyBar {   void bar(); };  

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Example concepts

Concept DefaultConstructible Copyable  Assignable  Addable Convertible to OtherType OutputStreamableBarConcept

Valid expressions T t; T t2(t1);t1 = t2t1+t2; static_cast<OtherType>(t); stream << t;;

   Require as little as possible for maximal genericity

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Concepts are type requirements

• Valid expressions, pre/post conditions & semantics• Additionally: Invariants, associated types, complexity

guarantees, etc

Concepts in C++ are expressed in documentationTypes which fulfill concept C are said to model CRefine new concepts from old ones by adding additional requirements

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Input Iterator

Description  An Input Iterator is an iterator that may be dereferenced to refer to ...Refinement of  Trivial IteratorAssociated Types   Value type - The type obtained by dereferencing ...  Distance type - A signed integral type used to ... Valid expressions  Dereference                         *i   Pre-increment                    ++iExpression semantics  Dereference                       Will return a reference to the accessed value type   Pre-increment                    Will ...Complexity guarantees  All operations are amortized constant time

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Template instantiation

class OneBar { void bar() };class AnotherBar { void bar() }; Source1.cpp:   polymorphicFunction(int(123)); Source2.cpp:   polymorphicFunction(OneBar());  polymorphicFunction(OneBar());  polymorphicFunction(AnotherBar()); Source3.cpp:  polymorphicFunction(OneBar());

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Generalize memcpy

void* memcpy(void* region1,  const void* region2,size_t n); 

• Only reads contigous memory• Only writes to contigous memory • Only byte-wise copying  

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Minimal requirements of copying

• traverse through source sequence • access source elements• copy elements to destination• know when to stop


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STL version of copy

template <class InputIterator, class OutputIterator>OutputIteratorcopy(InputIterator first, InputIterator pastLast, OutputIterator result){   while (!(first == pastLast)) // Don't require != operator       *result++ = *first++;   return result;} 

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How pointless?!

• Real std::copy is optimized for different types• Solves optimized generic copying once and for all

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C++ language features supporting GP

Dispatching features • Inheritance• Templates• Namespaces & argument dependent lookup (ADL)• Function & operator overloading• Implicit type conversion• SFINAE• [Partial] template specialization

 Other useful language features • Dependent types• Template type deduction• Template non-type arguments (compile-time integers, bools, etc)• Template template arguments

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GP techniques & patterns

• type traits• mix-in classes• policy based design• object generators • enable if • tag dispatching • type erasure• lazy data views  • concept and archetype checking

GP related programming models:• template metaprogramming• expression templates to create DSELs• macro metaprogramming

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GP in practice

• Generalize patterns / boiler plate into generic classes • Library based programming models

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GP problems

• Compilation & link time• Code size• Language flaws


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How much GP can we afford?

Maybe we can use more GP because: • Compilers have improved • Well modularized => recompile less• Master/unity builds lessens template bloat• Stability & higher abstraction level allows faster iteration  too• Explicit template instantiation can lessen template bloat• Replacing boilerplate interfaces with type erasure gives

similar run-time performance 

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GP flaws fixed in C++0x

• Concept code support• True variadic templates • Type deduction and type inference of named variables• Rvalue references• Preventing template instantiation• Axioms• Object construction improvements• ... and lots more!


Compilers are continously adding C++0x features

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GP vs OOP: Efficiency and compilation

GP more efficient run-timeOO code requires less compilation

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GP vs OOP: Dependencies

• Concrete OO classes and polymorphic code are coupled via the interface 

• A type might fulfill/model a concept. Polymorphic code only depends on concept via documentation

    A.k.a. : ad-hoc polymorphism vs parametric polymorphism

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GP vs OOP: Customization points

Mix-in classes change interface, state, data layout, etc  template <class MixIn>  class Foo : public MixIn {...};   Type traits & tags can non-intrusively add static information   template<class T> struct iterator_traits<T*> { typedef random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;};

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GP vs OOP: Orthogonality

template<class Aspect1, class Aspect2, class Aspect3>class TweakableGPClass{ ... };

class TweakableOOClass{   TweakableOOClass(Aspect1&, Aspect2&, Aspect3&);private:  Aspect1& m_a1; ...}; Composition problems• Boiler-plate• Run-time costs (vtable calls, method forwarding, extra state)

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GP vs OOP: Dispatch

• OOP is only polymorphic on one type - the object type• GP is polymorphic on all parameter types• GP also allow complex dispatch logic!

// Default fallback, unless no other function matches bettertemplate<class Object1, class Object2>void handleCollision(Object1&, Object2&); // Any object going into a black hole disappearstemplate<Object1>void handleCollision(Object1&, BlackHole&);// Unless it's another black hole -- then we get // a super nova explosion instead. Yay!template<>void handleCollision(BlackHole&, BlackHole&);// Missiles which hit anything damagable inflicts damage template<class Object2>enable_if<void, isDamagable<Object2>::value>handleCollision(Missile&, Object2&);

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GP vs OOP: Simplicity

• More power = more ways to shoot ourselves in the foot• OO is less abstract

  GP is best suited to build generic libraries - which in turn provide simple and limited programming models

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C++ multiparadigm programming

• Object orientation• Generic programming• Procedural programming


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GP and dynamically typed languages

def foo(t):  """t must model bar"""  ...  ...

• Compiled separately, extremely fast iteration time• Late binding can provide poor runtime performance • Nothing checked statically, rely on interpreters & unit tests

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A reflection on reflection

Reflection allows a program to observe and modify its own structure and behavior at runtime • GP dispatch techniques are similar to run-time reflection• GP allows static analysis => understandable behaviour

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GP is generative

Macro > Template instantiation > Compilation  • Work on multiple "compilation levels" in the same file at the

same time 

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Code generation

• Raise abstraction level without runtime penalty• Pay in terms of build system complexity• Identify boiler plate & patterns and generate them

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• Concepts are type requirements• Template instantiation • Algorithmic GP • GP techniques• GP problems• GP classes are highly customizable and reusable• GP vs OOP • GP is useful for core libraries & algorithms• Dynamic programming languages & reflection• Code generation


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