Download - Generational Service Expectations


Generational Service Expectations

By: Lisa Smidt

Today’s Agenda:

The 4 Generations

Traditionalist 1901-1945

Baby Boomers 1946-1964

Generation X 1965-1977

Generation Y 1978-2000

Did you know…

…that the generation with the most buying power is being served predominately by Generation Y?

Did you know…

…that generational research varies greatly by region, culture, and social economic status, making most data very generalized.

Did you know…

…the next two emerging generations are referred to as Gen Z and the AO Generation

• Either served in WWII or were growing up while the world was at war

• Hard workers• Respect for authority• Believe in duty before fun• Kept work and family separate• Believed in paying in cash

Traditionalist 1901-1945

• Most were children of the traditionalists• Believed in buying now and paying later• First Credit Card introduced• Suburban living developed• Workaholics

Baby Boomers 1946-1964

• Were children of the traditionalists or boomers

• Were latch key kids• Want work/life balance• They are savers• Believe in asking why

Generation X 1965-1977

• Were also children of the boomers• Multitasking is essential• Starting using technology from childhood• Want a work/life balance• Typically closer to their parents than previous generations

Generation Y 1978-2000

What do we expect?


• All of the following were checked by all of the generations:They expect friendly and courteous serviceThey expect people to excuse themselves if they need to step away

They are bothered when they are ignored

Comparison Data:

• Generation Y expected the least from their customer service checking a total 9 boxes

• Generation X expected the most from their customer service checking a total 14 boxes

• Boomers were the only group that did not expect to be thanked for their business

• Traditionalists were the only ones that expected eye contact when they entered

Where do we go from here?

• What are some benefits of discovering the expectations of different generations?

• What other expectation related questions could be asked to gain additional relevant information?

• Do you think there are differences between service expectations amongst the generations?

Customer Service Skills

When dealing with individuals from other generations here are some things to keep in mind:

Customer Service Skills

• Always be friendly and courteous• Remember that how you expect to be treated may not be the same as someone else

• Error on the side of caution and lean towards being more conservative

• If they are your age or older use last names until told otherwise

• Have patience

Awareness……will bridge the customer service Gap!


Baby Boomers

Generation X

Generation Y

Thank you!