Download - General practices in project management within the MFAR Project Cycle Management ----- A short training course in project cycle management for subdivisions.


General practices in project management within the MFAR

Project Cycle Management-----

A short training course in project cycle management for

subdivisions of MFAR in Sri Lanka


Icelandic International Development Agency (ICEIDA)


United Nations University Fisheries Training Programme (UNU-FTP)


Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (DFAR)

Sri Lanka


• General practices in project management within the MFAR

• Essential questions behind the visions of the organizations and institutions of MFAR

Learning objectives

• The participants will be familiar with the structure and missions of institutions, corporations and departments of MFAR

• Have knowledge of several internationally funded programmes and projects

Institutional structure of MFAR

Missions of departments


The sustainable development of fishing industry through sound resource management and the application of new technology in conformity with national and international laws and conventions for making an effective contribution to the national economy of Sri Lanka.

The sustainable development of coastal resources and the management of coastal processes to optimize social economic and environmental status of Sri Lanka

Missions of corporations CFC CFHC Cey-Nor


To conduct:

-deep sea fishing using its own trawlers.

-fish processing and making fishery by products

-retail and wholesale trading and distribution.

-import and export of fish and related products.

To build cold rooms and rent the excess capacity to other entrepreneurs.

To construct ice plants for production and sale of ice.

Objectives - Planning, development, management and maintenance of harbours, anchorages and costal facilities assuring growth and profitability in accordance with modern technology and conservation of the environment.

Mission - To reach excellence as a provider of goods and services required by the fishing industry, to maintain quality and customer care and employee satisfaction and to achieve the desired levels of productivity and commercial viability.


To contribute to the improvement of the socio-economic status of rural fisher communities by alleviating poverty, creating employment opportunities, improving nutritional status and encouraging the greater participation in managing the aquatic resources in a sustainable manner.

Conduct scientific research and provide services for the development and sustainable utilization of living and non living aquatic resources.

Development of technical and managerial skills of persons engaged in or expecting to be engaged in the industries related to aquatic resources through education and training in efficient and sustainable utilization of aquatic resources

Missions of institutions

Answering these questions leads us to the vision :

• What is our area of activity - what do we do?• Who are our customers/stakeholders?• What are our customers/stakeholders really

seeking?• If everything carries on as it has until now, how will

our organization be in 5-10 years?• How would we like our organization to be in 5 – 10

years time?

Finding the vision of the organization

Operational structure

• Departments, corporations and institutions have autonomy in their day to day operations, as long as they obey national laws, regulations, governmental policy and the policy of MFAR

• Therefore the departments, corporations and institutions can operate according to their own standards

• There is little consistency in co-operative procedures between departments, corporations and institutions

• Is that positive or negative?

Operational structure

• If co-operation is needed between sub divisions of MFAR, the procedure and dialogue are formal between the departments, corporations and institutions and have to go through proper channels

• Hence little lateral interlinkages

• Is that positive or negative?

Operational structure

Types of projects at NARA

• Research projects funded by treasury• Externally funded research and development

projects• Collaborative research projects• Consultancy studies• Extension programs• Training programmes

Examples of current projects - NAQDA

Projects Activities District

1 - Management of inland fisheries

Monitoring of illegal fishing activities in perennial tanks

Special fingerling stocking programs of tanks in the North East Province

Special fingerling stocking programs of tanks in Mahiyangana area

Island wide

NE Provinces


2 - Coastal and brackish water development

Monitoring and extension activities of shrimp farming, (issuing of licenses , regularization of unauthorized shrimp farms, increase of shrimp farm area and production, monitoring & control of disease occurrences etc.)


3 - Development of shrimp farms in Batticaloa District

Construction of shrimp farms and cluster ponds in Batticaloa District


Examples of current operations (projects) DFAR

Operations Activities Area

1 - Management of costal fisheries

Monitoring illegal fisheries e.g. dynamiting, fishing on coral reefs, (1000 cases are being filed by fisheries inspectors), Awareness programs to be conducted

National programs

2 - Addressing problems in the high sea fisheries

New regulations according to the current situation in fisheries

National level

3 - Improvement of socio economic standards of fishing communities and community development programs

Formations of fisheries co-operatives in a new vision (Reorganizing of fisheries co-operatives) and introduction of income generating activities in a formal way using PCM

National level

Foreign funded projects

• There are several ongoing foreign funded development projects that being carried out within MFAR

• These development projects are funded by agencies such as:

• Asian Development Bank (ADB) • International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)• Food and Agriculture Organization of the United

Nations (FAO)• Foreign govt. developmental agencies, e.g. ICEIDA,

GTZ, SIDA, Govt. of Netherlands and several others

Examples of foreign funded projects

• Aquatic Resource Development & Quality Improvement Project (ARDQIP)

• Coastal Resources Management Project (CRMP)• DEOCOM Project - Project on the delimitation of the outer

edge of the continental margin of Sri Lanka under the UNCLOS

• Post Tsunami Coastal Rehabilitation and Resource Management Programme

• Post Tsunami Livelihood Support and Partnership Programme

• Project to replace tsunami affected one-day and multi-day boats


• On 28 of April IFAD launched two multi million USD programs.

• Post Tsunami Coastal Rehabilitation and Resource Management Programme.

• Post Tsunami Livelihood Support and Partnership Programme.

• IFAD uses Logical Framework Approach (LFA) and the Sri Lankan participants will have to adopt and work according to that approach


• Monitoring and evaluation is an important element of IFAD’s LFA

• It focuses on a learning approach to management that uses achievements and problems to improve decision-making and accountability


Possible constraints

• Linguistic• Resource management• Budget control• Multi disciplinary approach• Lack of experience • Lack of infrastructure

Possible strengths

• Strong institutional capacity• Co-operation with the industry and fishers’

co-operatives• Increasing governmental interest in the

fishery sector• Increased use of information technology

(computers)• International development cooperation


• Drucker, Peter (1973). Management: Tasks, Responsibilities and Practices. Transaction Publishers; New Brunswick [USA] and London [U.K]

• MFAR (2007). Missions of MFAR downloaded 15th of May from: