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Page 1: General Membership Transition Meeting Agenda · she transitions off the Executive Board and Legislative and Policy Chairperson ... logo gear in compliance with state purchasing ...

General Membership Transition

Meeting Agenda

Capitol Building - 416 Sid Snyder Ave SW, Olympia Columbia Room


Tuesday, July 19, 2016 - 8:00am - 4:30pm

8:00 – 8:30 Registration and Networking All Members

8:30 – 8:45

Welcome and Announcements

Preview of day’s activities

Housekeeping and building logistics

Partnering with Governor’s Office, OFM, and DES for mentoring program

Maria Peterson, Chair

8:45 – 8:55

Introductions and New Member Welcome

Executive Board

Appreciation of departing members

Welcome of new members

Reaffirmation and Oath of Office

ICSEW goals

Benefits of ICSEW participation

Knowing how to measure success and how to achieve ICSEW ad personal goals

Maria Peterson

8:55 – 9:15

Speed Networking

Ice Breaker – What is one of your short term goals you would like to accomplish in five months

How are you going to accomplish that goal?

Find a person you don’t know and ask/answer the questions

Leatta Dahlhoff

9:15 – 10:00

Annual Report and Member Recognition

Information Previously posted on the website

Executive Board o Focus on Executive Order o Increased Transparency o Governor reaffirmed support for ICSEW o Paid Family Leave Advisory Group o Guiding formation of women’s economic equity

board o Relationship building with law makers

Communications o Website updating, with new website – changed over

from Dreamweaver to WordPress o Social media enhanced focus, Twitter feeds o Shift from newsletter to a short snippet article format

Maria Peterson

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General Membership Transition

Meeting Agenda

Capitol Building - 416 Sid Snyder Ave SW, Olympia Columbia Room


Conference o Annual leadership and development conference o Only source of revenue for ICSEW o Emphasis on securing sponsorships

Health and Wellness o Annual Health and Wellness Fair o Health and Wellness activities at each ICSEW

meeting o Support from Department of Health o Team effort and team recognition

Legislative and Policy o Lonna Hocker is the longest running member,

mentoring Melissa Cheesman as her replacement as she transitions off the Executive Board and Legislative and Policy Chairperson

o Updating ICSEW Policies o Tracking bills and legislative action o Appreciation for subcommittee members

Membership o Karin Johnson is sharing information about ICSEW

on the eastern side of the state o Meetings are going to be shifting from the WASPC

location to free venues o Membership documents and rosters have been

updated o Appreciation to all Membership Committee members

Professional Development o Speakers for conference and general membership

meetings o Maintains list of approved speakers o The point of contact for speaker information flow o Last year’s conference was well received as is this


Public Outreach o Public service recognitions event coordination, to

include travel o Toiletries drive coordination for YWCA in Olympia o Responsible for centralizing supply ordering with

logo gear in compliance with state purchasing guidelines

o Popular items include nail files and hand sanitizer o Appreciation to committee members

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General Membership Transition

Meeting Agenda

Capitol Building - 416 Sid Snyder Ave SW, Olympia Columbia Room


Member Recognitions o Erika Summers

Conference Planning 2015 o Kelly Lane and Kathy Davis

Extra Mile o Deb Holcomb

Lorri Jo Brown Excellence in Service

Sticky Note Activity – What Gaps can ICSEW fill? o Editorial calendar o Use communication distribution list o More use of SharePoint o Mentorship for Women at Risk o Increase acknowledgement in the workplace in

communities in work at home “the second shift” to balance work and home responsibilities

o Increase articles for Interact and Communications Subcommittee

o Paid Family Leave – be model for other employers –Family Leave Act is not funded; challenge is from concerns from private sector; state employee voice has not been heard; a survey has been sent out and ICSEW has been asked to come to the table but not able to express opinions; private sector has concerns that state agency participation will skew results; private industry perspective is that the state already has sick leave; cover the gap; sick leave alone does not address the problem; full spectrum of family paid leave (not just infants, but elder and other care as well)

o Diversity subcommittee or ongoing trainings o Closing the gap with teen girl activities between Girl

Scouts and Mountaineers o Summer activities for children by partnering with

non-profit organizations and community involvement o Bridging the gap between school and employment

(grown kids at home who need to obtain gainful employment and independence)

o Training on how to complete a government application to better sell oneself; have employment coaches

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General Membership Transition

Meeting Agenda

Capitol Building - 416 Sid Snyder Ave SW, Olympia Columbia Room


o Political involvement training (school board and other political positions)

o Parental mentorship volunteer – women at risk of losing children to set smart goals and stay on track – go to school – improvement situation

o Path from jail/prison/charges to a careers and education outside of that path or environment – reentry into society

o Teen mom programs – Treese o Partnership with work source to offer

training/internship/experience to job seekers o Employment mentorship – how to get hired with the

state – partner with work souce or AmeriCorps o Youth employment/empowerment partnership with

Washington Workforce Development Counci o Racial diversity empowerment for systematically

oppressed groups o Gender wage gap o Affordable housing/homeless – partner with Home

First! o Increasing workplace acknowledgement of

workplace “second shift” and work life balance o Encourage greater diversity in our membership o State should be a role model for state family leave o Bring child to ICSEW meeting that coincides with

“Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day” o Provide a webinar capabilities for professional

development training for those who cannot travel to go to leadership conference or meetings (live and not recorded)

o Mental illness lack of resources, awareness, and training

o Connecting with “millennials” climate change, jobs, and income

o Child and elder care resources needed o Executive Board cell or home phone numbers for

during driving times/meetings/events, etc. o Homelessness o Student loans interest rates o ROOF Center in Rochester – Help coordinate

services for low income – support Boys/Girls Club with opportunities for young girls – Sandy Logan, DES

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General Membership Transition

Meeting Agenda

Capitol Building - 416 Sid Snyder Ave SW, Olympia Columbia Room


o Outreach to teens and young adult women in community with career and mentorship programs and ideas – Karen Bailey ESD

o Share with other agencies when complete: Respectful Workplace Initiative (RWI) – just

started at L&I – four legs of RWI – Professional, Respectful Workplace, Accountability, Inclusion, and Engagement (L&I contacts: Stephen McGill, Sr. Project Manager; Doug Spohn, and Ken Grubb

o Domestic Violence Program for Children – Treese o At ESD we have ongoing programs statewide for

youth mentorships and training toward employment – for more information: Cheryl F.

o How to accomplish snip-its of personal and professional development often, i.e. weekly

o Political office and running for office course o Bridging the gap between school and employment

for our young adults – Dana Bowen o Monthly ISCEW Mingle Nights networking events –

After five with community members and other non-profit community service organizations or resources – connect community with resources, etc. – Themed nights YWCA – CYS – Safe Place – Food Bank – Etc. – Andrea Duane

o Partner with young girls to counsel on career options after graduation

o Affordable, safe, and good summer day camp programs for older kids (8 +) or even programs where older kids can go to assist non-profits

o It’s hard to hold a supervisory/managerial job if you have family obligations (children/caregiver role) that makes it difficult to be on call 24/7 or work exceedingly long hours – women also really need the higher pay that comes with landing supervisory/managerial jobs – It would be great to have more part0time or ¾ time or job sharing at the upper levels of the career ladder – Lack of this flexibility in the top tier jobs has kept me personally from even applying for them. I have three school age kids and a husband with a degenerative illness – I knkow my limits in terms of time and availability but I have reached an earnings plateau, too

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General Membership Transition

Meeting Agenda

Capitol Building - 416 Sid Snyder Ave SW, Olympia Columbia Room


o Develop program to help others become successful public speakers without fear – Val Evans

10:00 – 10:15


10:15 – 11:00

Governor’s Policy Office Briefing

Paid Family Leave Grant – applied for and received about $250,000 to study Paid Family Leave; poll of 500 modeling University of Massachusetts with benefit scenarios; University of Washington study showed the overall savings by providing this programs; 30 one-on-one interviews on various circumstances. All activities are in progress. By the beginning of November, results will be published

Executive Order on Work Environment – Recognition for flexibility on work location and hours; not all agencies recognize the executive order; there is a cultural change as well as logistical challenges; the Executive Order lays out a timeframe to better accommodate agencies and participants

Child Care Survey Results – Governor is interested in making the State of Washington an employer of choice and wants to make sure childcare is affordable; employees have challenges getting into the affordable childcare program; 73% would like to participate in an affordable child care program; Tumwater has the largest child care “desert”; next steps are identifying a location and then contracting with a childcare provider to run the program

Governor’s Equity Summit – April in Bothell UW; there is a desire for addressing race and equity issues (policies and practices); three panels (leadership, school to prison pipeline; policing) and conversations continuing with either an annual or biannual event (recorded on TVW)

Women’s Commission – Possible creation of Women’s Commission; two representatives from ICSEW; charged with addressed pay equity issues and expanded to include private sector businesses as well; route can be executive order with no funding (legislative process needed for funding); focus on women’s issues around the state and around the company; Leatta recognized as one of the “40 under 40” – recognize individuals with community commitment, public service, and leadership (nominated by Rachel Young of Miss Moffet’s Cupcakes) – award ceremony August 17th

Paulette Avalos and RaShelle Davis, Policy Advisors

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General Membership Transition

Meeting Agenda

Capitol Building - 416 Sid Snyder Ave SW, Olympia Columbia Room


Legislative Session o Agencies create decision packages and budgets

given a very fiscally challenging year with McCleary funding decision – packages are due at the end of September

o Governor’s budget will be released in December o 27 different unions are negotiating contracts by

October o Legislature to make decisions on agreements o McCleary chronology distributed and discussed

“Ample Provision” was the key issue Student transportation and other goods

(materials, supplies, and operating costs) Salaries for teachers and educational support

staff House and Senate workgroup established to

determine a plan to fully fund education $100,000 daily fine until education is fully

implemented (up to $30 million in account to date)

Charter school children were displaced last year

The current education system is not broken and is producing more high school graduates with meaningful diploma in preparation for higher education and entry level jobs in career and technology programs

There are a million students in the education system with 295 school districts

Encourage ICSEW to run for school board positions and to encourage diversity to make sure a variety of voices are heard

Shift from the use of levies to support education to using state funds to support education for more equitable distribution of funding and support

Lottery proceeds were intended to support education, with now only a portion going toward public schools; to make government work, proceeds need to be allocated to corrections and other purposes and issues; 40% of the state budget is still going toward education; lottery proceeds will not fully fund

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General Membership Transition

Meeting Agenda

Capitol Building - 416 Sid Snyder Ave SW, Olympia Columbia Room


education; the revenue system in the state is archaic; lower income are paying a higher percentage of taxes than those who are wealthy and further discussion is needed;

State income tax may be a subject in the future – Legislative and Policy may invite OFM to give a presentation on revenue and how funds are collected and distributed – two options are to cut programs or raise revenue – the November election will provide a new landscape view regarding possible options – Governor has been supportive of a capital gains tax

11:00 – 12:00

Keynote Speaker

Inspire, encourage, and empower women

Recognized attendees are spouses, parents, caregivers and others who “give”, “give” and “give”

Definition of “Transition” for “Transition Meeting”, with a caterpillar analogy – what to do while we are still in the cocoon – transition focus for today is where we are all in life

Three life lessons - Leadership o Envision success – Dr. Seuss o It’s not about you – Emotional Intelligence 2.0 o Believe in yourself – The Little Engine That Could

The cocoon is the dark soul of the night – are we prepared? What am I doing? Trying to figure out what to do and how to do it when we have not stopped to figure out our purpose and what we are trying to achieve

The architect is the person who in their minds eye sees the end state and then make it happen by first designing the vision on paper so others can run with it and make it happen

The caterpillar can envision itself as a beautiful butterfly – if time and money are no longer an object, then what is your vision now? What is success to you now?

o Increase the quality of others’ existence o Community involvement o Eliminate gender inequity

If presented with a beautifully wrapped gift and inside is the most precious gift – you – what are your gifts?

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General Membership Transition

Meeting Agenda

Capitol Building - 416 Sid Snyder Ave SW, Olympia Columbia Room


o Compassion, empathy, commitment, sense of wonder, honesty, caring, kindness, being there for others, likes to have fun, humor, inclusiveness, and ear to listen and a hand to help, organization, loyalty, respect, perseverance, love, optimistic, health, desire to grow, positive, listener, ability to lead and follow, willingness to donate time, encouragement, patience, good cook, advocacy, knowledge and experience, humble, documentation, good listener, inspirational – how often do we think of these of ourselves?

We are human beings and individuals and are more than what we “do” and should focus on who we “are” and “being” precedes “doing”

State employed women are often put in difficult situations without the resources to be successful – women need to be good to themselves – women need to “receive” first so that they are able to “give” – envision success to be successful

We need to rid ourselves of the beliefs and attitudes that have come from other people – whose voice are we listening to? Negative talk will not align with our passion – Listen to what you are saying about you – “Talk the Walk” until you can “Walk the Talk”

o “Act like you know” and if you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything at all – increase positive attitudes – revise the internal chatter we have about ourselves (assignment for ourselves)

o Give ourselves permission to fail, to be human, and to be human beings, and “human becomings” – do not beat ourselves up when we are not perfect

Read Dr. Seuss’ “All the Places You Go” o We will have to be able to trust “the inner you” o Avoid “the waiting place” o Have a vision o Everyone may not be as excited as us about our

vision o Have a network of women or friends who can

provide a safe place to help process situations

When given a compliment, respond with a simple “thank you” because no other elaboration is needed

Do not minimize yourself in your mind’s eye and remember it’s not always about you

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General Membership Transition

Meeting Agenda

Capitol Building - 416 Sid Snyder Ave SW, Olympia Columbia Room


Emotional Intelligence 2.0 o “It’s about whoever we are serving” o Greet people by name o Watch body language, facial expressions

Timing is everything – it’s about others o Develop a back pocket question (chit chat and small

talk) – think about what’s going on in the world today (avoid politics and religion)

o Don’t take notes at meetings (look at and listen to people at meetings – observe who always agrees and disagrees with others and watch the communication flow) – learn about communication styles and alliances and listening

o Two ears and one mouth – use them proportionately Learn about informal power structure and

group dynamics and how to connect with people – master body language

o Before meetings, envision success and prepare for conversions you don’t want to have

o Clear the clutter in your mind prior to every interaction

o Establish boundaries and when present, “be present”

Believe in Yourself o Be calm (picture a swan) o Believe you are more than enough for any situation o “The Little Engine That Could” (the little blue engine

was a “she”

Envision what success looks like, remember it’s not all about you, and live out the vision of helping others, embrace your greatness, and go forth and do great things

12:00-1:00 Networking Lunch

1:00– 1:30 Capitol Campus Tour Health and Wellness

1:30 – 1:45

Conference Registration – Registration Closes July 29th

Events starts in theater room and then breakout sessions are in smaller rooms

The venue is larger than in previous years

Online volunteer signups are available and representatives are required to assist (sign up genius)

There is still a need for room facilitators to provide logistical assistance, maintain times, and introduce the speakers

Erika Summers

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General Membership Transition

Meeting Agenda

Capitol Building - 416 Sid Snyder Ave SW, Olympia Columbia Room


Hard copy signup provided at the General Membership Transition Meeting in the back of the room

Feedback from previous year indicated that participants didn’t know who the representatives were for ICSEW - Representatives who attend conference will be wearing logo polo or button down oxford shirts to be readily identified as an ICSEW member – will be sent out as they arrive so that the members will have them prior to the conference - Only representatives can attend for free, but if the representative cannot attend, arrangements for replacement processes will be determined by the Executive Board

1:45 – 2:45

Subcommittee Career Fair

Each subcommittee chair was available to answer questions about their subcommittee in a round-robin, career fair format


2:45 – 3:00 Break

3:00 – 3:45

Mentorship Program

Baby boomers and millennials operate very differently in the workplace

What would a successful mentoring program look like? o Develop a pilot program before implementing an

actual program o UTC has a mentoring program o Have a questionnaire to determine what the end

result will be and have a post survey to determine program effectiveness – pair up mentoree with a mentor - Survey for rates of placement or promotional opportunities after mentoring

o Have visibility about what resources are out there – Evergreen has a tuition waiver for state employees

o Have a mentoring link on the ICSEW website to help link mentors and mentorees – allow the person to be mentored to be able to select their mentor – anonymous connection, first, then reach out – clear “on ramp” and “off ramp”

o Clarify differences among mentoring, buddy system, and coaching

o Have consistency among state agencies – ICSEW program vs state agency program


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General Membership Transition

Meeting Agenda

Capitol Building - 416 Sid Snyder Ave SW, Olympia Columbia Room


o Defined policy, procedures, and application processes (pair up mentor with mentoree) – who makes these connections?

o FabFems is for mentoring youth across the country o Committee mentorship selection versus self-

connection o Outreach to partner agencies and Human Resources o Establish timeframes for the mentorship o If a mentor is “taken” can there be a waiting list? o Is there a certain skill being desired? o Mentorees should have a wish list of what they

would like to be mentored o Establish a schedule with time commitments and be

consistent o There are currently four agencies that have

mentorship programs that can be used as examples as a committee start point (UTC, DOT, and two others)

o Does the Department of Personnel have a program in place? (DES) Is there a framework in place?

o Work Source topic conference emphasized a mentorship program cutting across agencies – 40s and up in state government stick with a job until they retire and millennials stay with a job 2-5 years – each agency should develop their own program that addresses individual agency needs but have mentor whose abilities can cross and address multiagency needs

o Recommend Jennifer Belcher come talk to ICSEW about mentorship programs due to her connections with state agencies

o Mentorship programs can assist with succession programs and help with employee retention

What stands in our way? o There are some stuck in the old way of doing things

when the millennials look at the new way of doing things – train the mentors in the new way – New generation gap training – multigenerational workforce training

o How to effectively communicate across the generation gap - How to find good leaders who can mentor and provide training

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General Membership Transition

Meeting Agenda

Capitol Building - 416 Sid Snyder Ave SW, Olympia Columbia Room


o Time limitations on the parts of both potential mentors and mentorees

o Human Resources policies and procedures vary from organization to organization

o Get agency directors involved so that when positions open up potential internal candidates instead of losing them by hiring external – get director support to mentorship programs – have agencies see the value in mentoring staff – use the ICSEW connection to promote the mentorship program

o Consider a one hour phone call once a week o Is the supervisor really coaching or just directing?

Mentoree o May not know what skill sets are needed for

promotional opportunities o Gov Loop has a mentorship program that covers city

to county to state – additional research on existing programs is needed before creating something new

o A mentor in the same agency may not be the ideal solution when considering long term goals

Mentorship Experiences o Cheesman – paid to provide a life experience –

meetings were productive when both were ready to participate – rules of engagement and groundwork established help achieve success – it is all about what you put into it

o Hocker – Agency had a mentorship program and then due to staff changes, the program went away – had a mentoree who was five to ten years behind where she was – focus on goal setting and accountability with specific time frames – learned a lot how to reach out and focus on someone else and gain others’ perspectives

3:45 – 4:00 Closing Comments Maria Peterson

Attendance Policy:

Excused absence is when at least two days’ notice is provided to the Membership Chair and an alternate attends in the member’s place. Two unexcused absences in a row will result in contact from the membership committee to the agency

director or head of educational facility. Karin Johnson, Membership Chair, at [email protected].