Download - Gbl technology models

  • 1. Technology Integrationand Games BasedLearning Lena ArenaICT Consultant K-12, Sydney Region

2. The TPACK ModelReproduced by permission of thepublisher 2012 by 3. What is TPACK? Technological Pedagogical ContentKnowledge (TPACK) is a framework thatidentifies the knowledge teachers need toteach effectively with technology. The TPACK framework extends Shulmansidea of Pedagogical Content Knowledge. 4. The three primary forms of knowledge 1Content (CK) 2Pedagogy (PK) 3Technology (TK) The TPACK approach goes beyond seeing these three knowledge bases in isolation. The TPACK model shows the inter-relationship of these 3 forms of knowledge. 5. Teachers knowledge about the subject matter to be learned orContent Knowledge (CK)taught. Teachers deep knowledge about the processes and practices orPedagogical Knowledge (PK) methods of teaching and learning Knowledge about certain ways of thinking about, and working withTechnology Knowledge (TK)technology, tools and resources Knowledge of pedagogy that is applicable to the teaching of Pedagogical Contentspecific content - covers the core business of teaching, learning, Knowledge (PCK)curriculum, assessment and reporting Technological Content An understanding of the manner in which technology and contentKnowledge (TCK) influence and constrain one anotherTechnological PedagogicalAn understanding of how teaching and learning can change Knowledge (TPK)when particular technologies are used in particular ways.Technological PedagogicalUnderlying truly meaningful and deeply skilled teaching withContent Knowledge (TPACK) technology using all forms of knowledge. 6. Survey - Summary 53% rarely play computer games for enjoyment 60% use other handheld devices e.g. ipods, smartphones, tablets forgames 47% use games in teaching weekly Most commonly used game types with 73% are on-line games and drilland practice games 92% use PCs or Macs for classroom games 93% agree or strongly agree that games have a valuable roleeducational settings 100% believe that games based learning enhances problem solving skills 86% saw lack of teacher knowledge as the main barrier to increasedused of game based learning in the classroom 7. The LoTi Framework The Levels of Teaching Innovation (LoTi) Framework isa conceptual model to measure classroom teachersimplementation of digital-age literacy . The LoTi Framework focuses on the balancebetween instruction, assessment, and the effectiveuse of digital tools and resources to promote higherorder thinking, engaged student learning, andauthentic assessment practices in the classroom -allcharacteristics of 21st Century teaching andlearning. 8. Where are you at now? The LoTi Levels Level 0 Level 1Level 2 Level 3Level 4 (A) Level 4 (B) Level 5 Level 6Non-use Awareness Exploration Infusion Integration:Integration:ExpansionRefinementUse of digitalDigital tools Digital tools Digital tools Mechanical Routine More complex Collaborations tools andand resourcesand resourcesand resourcesDigital tools The teacher is and extend resources in used for are used byare used by and resource within his/her sophisticated beyond the the classroomclassroomstudents for students to use is inherentcomfort leveluse of digitalclassroom that is non-existentand/or extensioncarry out and motivatedwith resources and promotecurriculum activities,teacher-by the drive topromoting an collaboration authenticmanagement,enrichment directed tasksanswer inquiry-basedtools in thestudentto embellish orexercises, orthatstudent- model of learningproblem-enhanceinformationemphasize generatedteaching thatenvironment solving, noteachergatheringhigher levels ofquestions that involves longer alectures orassignmentsstudent dictate thestudents divisionpresentations,cognitive content, applying their betweenused by processingprocess, and learning to theinstruction andstudents as a relating to the products real world digitalreward forcontent under embedded in tools/resourcesprior workinvestigation.the learningin the learningcompleted inexperienceenvironmentclass 9. How To Vote via PollEv.comTIP Capitalization doesnt matter, but spaces and spelling do 10. H.E.A.THigher Order ThinkingEngaged Learning Authentic ConnectionsTechnology Use 11. Why games for learning?From your readings why do you think thatgame based learning has a place in yourteaching program? 12. Why games for learning?Research suggests that computer games canhelp stimulate a successful learningenvironment and provide motivationallearning contexts that suit many learners. Theyalso provide an opportunity to developcommunities in which learners have a senseof ownership over what they do. 13. Benefits of using game based learning motivating learners to succeed and to continually improve fostering self-esteem, self-determination and enhancing self-image facilitating collaborative learning implicitly developing learners ability to observe, question,hypothesise and test facilitating metacognitive reflection developing complex problem-solving skills making school an exciting place to be offering inroads into other curricular areas sharing practice features that show how games haveenhanced learning in the classroom. 14. Why game based learning in education? Games are interactive and fun - doing Games have outcomes and feedback-learning Games are adaptive - flow Games have conflict , competition challenge and opposition - adrenaline Games have problem solving - creativity Games have interaction - social groups Games have a narrative- emotion Games engage the student Games provide an immersive environment 15. Students as game designers The aim is move students from playing tobuilding transforming students from consumingto creating digital content. The process of understanding and applying theprinciples of good game design to studentcreated games improves literacy, collaborationand higher order thinking skills, and can lay thefoundations for deep learning, innovation andchange in the 21st century classroom. 16. 21st Century SkillsCollaboration Multimodal literacyPersonalised MultitaskingInteractive and networked Creative and adaptiveReflective and critical 17. DESIGNING GAMES 18. Brainstorm1. Make a list of possible plots (storyline) for your game2. Make a list of possible settings for your game3. Make a list of possible characters for your game. Give your characters descriptions (characteristics)Pick one idea from each list above to create a game PlotSetting Characters 19. Getting started with game design1.Use a storyboard to plot your game2.Start with the primary gameplay modeAsk What is the player going to do?3.Define that mode, then move on to others Players role Interaction model Perspective Setting Challenges the player confronts Mechanics that create those challenges Actions the player takes to overcome them 20. Storyboard 21. Storyboard templates1. The Flying Animator http://www.the-flying- Karen J Llyods Downloads template-downloads/3. Education World plates/template_strybrd_8panels.doc 22. Good game designGame RulesRules of a game depend on the game genre. These rules define what actions or moves a player can and cannot make; where they can and cannot go, and how they will win the game. Players do not get most of the games rules from the games instructions. They are inherent to the game and govern the playing processGoals/ObjectivesThe goals and objective of a game establish the games rules of play and the criteria for winningChallengeGames can be competitive in different ways. Some games have clearly defined competition, one player wins, and the other loses. In other games, contestants compete to achieve the highest score. The competition can be with another player, non-player, or the players themselves.EngagementInteractivity is how the player interacts or acts within the game world. The way the player jumps, shoots, or dunks; how they interact with their competition or enemies; what motions, and actions they can make. Another term for the way a player operates in the game world is the games interaction model. Video games require players to be part of the learning environment. 23. GETTING STARTED WITH KODU 24. What is Kodu? Kodu is a visual programming languagemade specifically for creating games. It isdesigned to be accessible for children andenjoyable for anyone. It can be downloaded for free from theMicrosoft website Kodu can be programed for use with akeyboard and mouse or a game controller 25. Why KoDU? Kodu provides a creative environment for designing,building, and playing games. Teach programming, problem-solving, and morewith a creative environment.Students can create a range of terrains, worlds andcharacters, controlling the characters movement,sound and vision using an icon-based language. Games can be shared and accessed by others. 26. KoDU allows Students to learn programming and other skills in a funway Behind the scenes of game development to beexplored Learning to be demonstrated through creating agame Concepts taught in various learning areas to be revised For the improvement of critical thinking and problemsolving skills For improved student collaboration and cooperation Inspired confidence in programming skills 27. Oatley P.S at MAC ICT 28. FLOW Chart -the BACK Story of THE GAME 29. STORY BOARDING 30. GAME DESIGN-USING STORYBOARDS 31. KODU PROGRAMMING 32. The Interface - The Main Menu 33. The Interface the Home Menu 34. New World 35. Tools 36. Instructions based on toolselected 37. Your turnComplete the first activity by placing theprogram next to the correct description. 38. Your turn.Open the practice world from the wiki: Add an apple or other object to the world Add a background sound to one of the objects Add or change some terrain Add some water to the pond Modify code for Cycle to have him earn a pointfor each apple he eats Modify code for fish to allow him to move 39. Summary 40. Questions? Need More Information?Lena ArenaICT Consultant K-12, Sydney RegionPhone: 9582 2851Email: [email protected]