Download - GATES OF PEACE L’Chayim · 2015. 7. 19. · Parasha Shoftim. Student Rabbi Kath Vardi service leader, August 29th, Saturday Parasha Ki Tetze . Louise Davies Service leader September

Page 1: GATES OF PEACE L’Chayim · 2015. 7. 19. · Parasha Shoftim. Student Rabbi Kath Vardi service leader, August 29th, Saturday Parasha Ki Tetze . Louise Davies Service leader September

Newspaper of the Southport & District Reform Synagogue, GATES OF PEACE

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Date Event

July 10th, Friday No service.

July 11th, Saturday Parasha Pinchas. Richard Choueke service leader

July 17th, Friday No service

July18th, Saturday Parasha Matot/Masei. Louise Davies service leader

July 24 , Friday Service/Dinner with our friends from Southport Hebrew Congregation ( see later)

July 25th , Saturday Parasha Devarim. Sue Fox and Mina Abram -Hebblethwaite service leaders

July 31st, Friday No service

August 1st, Saturday Parasha Vaetchanan. Fortune Chamberlain service leader

August 7th, Friday No service

August 8th, Saturday Parasha Ekev. Rabbi Ash service leader.

August 14th, Friday No service

August 15th, Saturday

Parasha Reeh. Richard Choueke service leader

Synagogue Dates to remember

L’Chayim July- August 2015 23 Tamuz -21 Elul


For those receiving L’Chayim by e-mail, please print off the calendar (pages 1-2) so that you can display your hard copy at home.

Contacts: Synagogue Office: Lisa Sachs (Administrator Tues, Thurs,

& Fri 10am-1pm), Princes Street, Southport, PR8 1EG Tel.& Fax.

01704 535950

email: [email protected]


Emergencies: Please contact the office

The Sternberg Centre home to the Movement for Reform Judaism General Enquires: 02083495724

The term sh'liach tzibur refers to the designation of the person who in pub-lic synagogue worship officiates as both cantor and leader.

Page 2: GATES OF PEACE L’Chayim · 2015. 7. 19. · Parasha Shoftim. Student Rabbi Kath Vardi service leader, August 29th, Saturday Parasha Ki Tetze . Louise Davies Service leader September

Community Newspaper of the Southport & District Reform Synagogue, GATES OF PEACE


On occasions when we are unable to offer a service , we have been ad-vised we can go to The Home ( 81 Albert Road) to attend the service there. If you wish to attend, you must contact Mr Brian King (Chairman of the Home), tel. 01704 565621, no later than Thursday afternoon prior to the service for security reasons. The home is orthodox, men and married women will need to cover their heads. They sit separately.

Any kind person interested in becoming a leader could they please contact the office.

Date Event

August 21st, Friday No service

August 22nd, Saturday

Parasha Shoftim. Student Rabbi Kath Vardi service leader,

August 29th, Saturday

Parasha Ki Tetze . Louise Davies Service leader

September 5th, Saturday

Parasha Ki Tavo. Fortune Chamberlain service leader

On behalf of the congrega-tion I would like to thank all the service leaders for their support in keeping the Southport and District Re-form Synagogue alive. Our unsung, and sometimes sung heroes! (ed, Chairman).

FRIDAY NIGHT WITH FRIENDS -you are invited.....

July 24th

We are invited to join Orthodox Rabbi Ariel Abel at Southport Hebrew Congregation, Arnside Road,on 24th July for a traditional Friday night service and dinner.

Mincha Service is at 6.15pm, followed by Kiddush and dinner.

Booking and payment :

Southport Hebrew Congregation Office- telephone 01704 532 964 orRay Horwich on 01704 879 200

Cost is £12-50 per person

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Community Newspaper of the Southport & District Reform Synagogue, GATES OF PEACE


Southport Jewish Community continues to have regular meetings to bring together all of us in Southport with a Jewish tradition. The executives of the two Southport synagogues now include the Southport Rest Home ( “The Home”) in its community meetings.

We as a shul continue to support The Home. You can see from the advert we carry that The Home offers a variety of accommodation, Jewish, and non Jewish.

We encourage joint social activities, cooperation with minyanim and tahara, where possible.We are pleased to welcome to our next meeting Merseyside Police, who will be telling us of about the interfaith group dialogue the Police are encouraging on Merseyside. Doreen Canter, from our shul, gives us a voice on the Faith Committee that exists in Southport District General Hospital. If you have other areas of mutual interest please let the shul executive know.

Rabbinic Support Although the synagogue does not have a full time Rabbi, we do have Rabbinic support and of course the co-operation of other nearby communities. Rabbi Norman Zalud now offers the synagogue pastoral support for personal issues. Rabbi Robert Ash offers support to our ser-vices and for Jewish learning. Rabbi Elf supports our services on request. Student Rabbi Kath Vardi will continue to support our synagogue for services and education, thanks to the MRJ.

The Stone Consecration for Rudy Lieberman ( Arnside Road Shul ) is on 12th July at Duke Street Cemetery, 11.30am.

The Stone Consecration for Joyce Levy (Arnside Road Shul) is on 19th July , 1pm, at Duke Street Cemetery, followed by a plaque dedication and tea at Arnside Road shul.


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Community Newspaper of the Southport & District Reform Synagogue, GATES OF PEACE


Apparently, and with respect, there is life north of the Watford Gap. Chief Rabbi Mirvis is on a mission to visit every orthodox syna-gogue in the U.K.

Southport Hebrew Congregation invited a few members of South-port and District Reform Synagogue to meet the Chief Rabbi, dur-ing his brief visit as we had lunch together at Arnside Road.

It would have been nice if there had been more time for the Rabbi to visit. However he was delayed coming and had a busy schedule to keep, going up to St Anne’s shul after lunch.

Southport Hebrew Congregation did man-age to get him to answer four prearranged questions.

( above Chief Rabbi with the Southport Hebrew Congregation’s Executive)

I think we would disagree at what the role of women is in Judaism, however it was good to hear that they should have a thorough Jewish education.

He was encouraging in the belief that smaller Jewish congregations could function. He offered to come back to Southport and spend more time.

Our thanks to the Executive of Southport Hebrew Congregation for inviting the Executive of Southport and District Reform Synagogue to the luncheon. ( Article Selwyn Goldthorpe)

Chief Rabbi visits Southport- 22nd June

Ephraim Mirvis has been Chief Rabbi since 1st September 2013 and Tweets from the Office of the Chief Rabbi.“The challenge at the root of our faith is: What contribution can we make and how can we enrich our society?”Chief Rabbi Mirvis @chiefrabbi Jun 23“It has been wonderful to spend time in #Liverpool, #Manchester, #South-port and #StAnnes in the last couple of days”

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Community Newspaper of the Southport & District Reform Synagogue, GATES OF PEACE


There were no signs of nerves as Sam Davies looked out on a packed synagogue to begin his bar mizvah. Sam has turned out to be a confident young man who has worked hard with his teachers to produce a very interesting bar mizvah project.

It is a credit to Sam’s Mum, Louise, that Sam is so well educat-ed about Judaism. His project was on display for his bar mitzvah day for all to see the hard work that has taken place. Mazeltov!

Sam was congratulated by Rabbi Elf, for the great strides Sam has made in his Jewish Education.(see photo to the left)Rabbi Elf took the very enjoyable service. Thank you.

Sam has a national level of interest in chess. Perhaps, this is not sur-prising as his Dad, Nigel, is a Grand Master of the game, and they play each other regularly. Nigel reckons that Sam may at present be in the top three of British players for his age. Sam was presented by myself, on behalf of the congregation, with an inscribed siddur, in memory of the day. I was able to say in public how proud we were of him, and I hoped that with his knowledge of Judaism, he would not replace his chess bishops with rabbis, nor be putting stars of David on his kings. I asked him to check the inscription in the siddur, and went on to suggest that Judaism was a fine way to make all the right moves in life!Our very great thanks to Louise for inviting the whole congregation to the sumptuous kiddush/

lunch that followed. The cake was wonderful! ( Article by Selwyn Goldthorpe, editor, Chairman SRS)

Sam was King 4th July

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Community Newspaper of the Southport & District Reform Synagogue, GATES OF PEACE


An update of the last 7 months.... by Anne Kletz (Head of Cheder)

Following on from our presentation at the Chanukah service of the scroll of Bereishit, we moved forward to the 20th Century and The Holocaust. Cheder looked at the world of Anne Frank and the idea of exclu-sion from society leading to a breakdown in trust as people became collaborators, victims or rescuers. Using mini films on the site ‘The Secret Annex Online’ we heard about those times from the helpers at the Annex and from Otto Frank, the only survivor. Judging by their questions Cheder found the topic most absorbing and made a moving presentation in shul by reading quotations, which they had chosen, from Anne Frank’s diary, to mark the 70th an-niversary of Anne’s death.

This work led to us thinking about the survivors, their problems and the desire of many to settle in Israel. Using large maps we were able to discuss the establishment of the State of Israel and the changing and controversial nature of Israel’s borders from the U.N. plan of 1947 to the present day. Whether Jerusalem is a divided or united city it has always been the focus of the Jewish world, the direction in which we turn to pray. This idea gave us an opportunity to talk about the formation of synagogues with the Ark on the eastern wall facing Jerusalem, and to take a look at our Shabbat morning service………..indeed we have developed our own very, very short service including just the main prayers!

To complement this work Cheder have painted tiles ( see page 7) depicting the buildings of Jerusalem and the wonderful colours created by the Jerusalem stone, maybe to place on the Eastern walls of their homes……….and in between our more serious studies there has been time to make Hamantaschen and an Israeli salad for our Yom Ha’Atzmaut themed lunch.

All this has been achieved not only with the interest and hard work of the Cheder mem-bers, but with the help of their parents who have come in to work with Cheder on a weekly rota – Thank You!

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Community Newspaper of the Southport & District Reform Synagogue, GATES OF PEACE


Cheder Art

Decorated ceramics by the young people of our cheder, designed to show the colours created by Jerusalem stone.( The middle left ceramic is not yet finished, but it does show the design process that starts with a black and white drawing)

Any orders?

( A big thank you to the parents for their help and enthusiasm, and to Anne Kletz, Head of Cheder,, and to the cheder pupils- well done! -editor, and Chairman, SG)

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Community Newspaper of the Southport & District Reform Synagogue, GATES OF PEACE




Just before half term 60 ( yes, SIXTY! editor) six and seven year olds from Linaker Primary School made a visit to our synagogue......

Louise Davies , Andrew Howard and myself (Anne Kletz) had been told what the classes had been learning about Judaism and were looking forward to see-ing some of the items they had discussed in class. ‘Help!’ was our initial reac-tion, concerned we might be asked some difficult questions to which we didn’t know the answers.

Well, we all ended up having a busy but most enjoyable morning as the chil-dren and teachers were so interested in the synagogue and our religion – one teacher told us they had actually built a full size Succah at school!

Following Louise’s plan, the children, divided into groups, visited 3 study sta-tions in turn – one on Shabbat, one on the Torah scroll and one on the Festi-vals. Each station was laid out with artefacts relevant to that topic to make the session as ‘hands-on’ as possible.

At Louise’s station the children clearly enjoyed trying on the tallits, wearing the kippahs and tasting the challah. It was explained to them that although these items are mainly for boys and men, in our synagogue some ladies choose to wear them as well as everyone is treated equally here. They had learned in school that in Jewish homes all cooking and food preparation had to be done before Shabbat started. Louise happily advised them that thankfully this was not the case in our Synagogue!

The glittering silver ornaments of the Torah scroll and hearing Hebrew being spoken for the Shabbat blessings were yet another attraction. Andrew particu-larly enjoyed seeing the children’s faces light up each time he opened the Ark

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Community Newspaper of the Southport & District Reform Synagogue, GATES OF PEACE


You may not have noticed but the ‘bat’ that has hung over the bimah (see photo above) resembling a microphone has finally been removed. It has been replaced by a wireless

microphone. It is hoped that those amongst us that want to be pop stars may now get the opportunity. As far as we can tell we have notbroken any British Nature Laws, or religious laws bymaking this move.

They were also most intrigued at see-ing our prayer books go right to left with Hebrew writing.

My station on the festivals took in Rosh Hashanah, Succot, Chanukah and Pe-sach with the emphasis on food associ-ated with those festivals…………with a Jewish event there has to be eating and this one was no different with the children munching on doughnuts as

they listened attentively. After some juice and yet more challah and doughnuts the children took part in a mini quiz to test their knowledge, re-visiting the stations to find the answers.

As for Louise, Andrew and myself, we had to give our talks six times and felt exhausted by the end but the children’s enthusiasm made it all worthwhile. By the way I received one tricky question from a teacher on the significance of the 3 strands in the plaited challah……………...and another sharp eyed adult spotted a seven branched Menorah sitting on a shelf as I showed them the 8 branched Chanukiah! Fortunately I had explanations for both but I stressed that we have all sorts of interpretations for some of our customs!

All in all a successful morning and much appreciated by the staff and children alike.

Article by Anne Kletz, Cheder teacher.

Thank you on behalf of our synagogue to all that helped make this visit such a success. Such hard work! ( Selwyn Goldthorpe, Chairman)

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Community Newspaper of the Southport & District Reform Synagogue, GATES OF PEACE

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Martin Herr from Liverpool Reform Synagogue took a service at our shul on 30th May and we have donated his fee to Maksam, where he has been volunteering to help in Israel. Martin thanked us for our donation and has left us 3 posters of paintings done by People in the Maksam scheme by way of a thank you.

The Maksam network of neighborhood centers is committed to improving the future prospects of Hadera’s young children of Ethiopian origin and chil-dren of other immigrant communities by promoting their successful integra-tion into Israeli society. Maksam delivers educational rein-forcement and enrichment to elemen-tary-aged school children, providing them with the skills and tools they need to complete elementary school

MAKSAM is operated by TheGidon Association for Ethiopian Jews in the Hadera Area, an Israeli registered Non-Profit Association authorised to received tax-de-ductible donations in accordance with Section 46 of the Israeli In-come Tax Ordinance.

If you wish to learn more about MAKSAM and /or make a further donation we would urge you to see their web site:

We would like to hire out the synagogue hall during the week to interested groups. If you know of an organisation, or group that wish to use a modern hall, then please put them in contact with the office. The hall could be used for anything from chess clubs to yoga groups.

We have rented 1 car parking space at the front of the synagogue, Monday to Friday. Sorry for any inconvenience- it all helps to keep the synagogue open for a longer period as we continue to endeavour to not have a financial deficit.

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Community Newspaper of the Southport & District Reform Synagogue, GATES OF PEACE

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On Shabbat 27th June Student Rabbi Kath Vardi took the service and afterwards there was a chavurah lunch and an informal pre-sentation and talk about the history of the Kibbutz movement in Israel. Kath’s husband Meir also joined in with the presentation and answered many quite personal ques-tions about growing up in a kibbutz, being looked after by a collective rather than a family giving him a lot of independence but also a little regret that he did not have as much quality time with his own parents.

The Kibbutz movement started out with very strict ideals and people forming relation-ships was almost against the rules as it broke up the groups of workers. Children were raised in a children’s house looked after in a large group and only saw their parents a few hours each day

The principle of equality was taken extremely seriously up until the 1970s. Kibbutzniks did not individually own tools, or even clothing. Gifts and income received from outside were turned over to the common treasury. If a member received a gift in services—like a visit to a relative or a trip abroad paid for by a parent—there could be arguments at members' meetings about the propriety of accepting such a gift. Up until recently, members ate meals together in the communal dining hall. This was seen as an important aspect of communal life.

The Kibbutz movement has changed a lot over the years. From agriculture and food supply to security and now factories manufacturing all types of products. Some are religious and some are secular. Some even have “private “ housing connected to them and so the movement continues as it changes.

Thanks to Kath and Meir for a very interesting and thought provoking afternoon.

Article by Gillian Goldthorpe

A first hand account of kibbutz life...

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Community Newspaper of the Southport & District Reform Synagogue, GATES OF PEACE

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Scroll Appeal by Dr Selwyn Goldthorpe

"I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. .”Winston Churchill, 1940

Toil, tears, and sweat - yes! If you do not want to drop our beautifully written, but heavy scroll, when you come to lift it, then you too will be toiling, sweating and have tears. The scroll is about twice the weight of an ordinary scroll because the parchment has been made whiter by coating with kaolin. The result- a lovely clear scroll to read, however it is very heavy so that only the fittest of us can lift this without dropping it.

This is why we have a scroll appeal. Of course you could say that the cheaper alternative is for you to all to pay for my gym pass, and let me build up some (more) muscle bulk, or for others to do likewise. In our wisdom, we are looking for a second-hand light weight scroll that is in good condition ( new scrolls are in excess of £20000 ).

Thanks to Harry Kessler, we (he) has found one. I took this scroll over to a qualified scribe in Manchester to see whether the text lives up to expectations. Superficial examina-tion by me, from one end to another ( A bit like a full medical, but without the gloves!) showed the scroll to be in good condition. Our student Rabbi, Kath Vardi, has seen part of the scroll and finds it readable. We await the survey result by the scribe.

Our present plan, by Council, is to do a part exchange with one of the scrolls that are deemed to be in such bad condition it is not economically viable to make good.

We need to rely on YOUR generosity to ensure that we have a usable scroll, otherwise the toil, tears, and sweat will continue. Please contact the office to donate if you have not done so by pledge to Harry.

Our thanks to Louise Davies, who donated a cheque to the synagogue for a three figure sum, on behalf of her family, at Sam’s bar mitzvah in aid of our scroll appeal. What a kind gesture! She and her relatives receive my Mensch of the Month award. Thank you.

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Community Newspaper of the Southport & District Reform Synagogue, GATES OF PEACE

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Rabbi Amanda Golby Finchley London

25th May 2015

Dr Selwyn Goldthorpe Chairman Southport and District Reform Synagogue

Dear Selwyn,

I should just like, through you, to thank the Executive and Council, and indeed the membership for awarding me Honorary Life Membership.

I enjoyed my visit, and, while in many ways demographic changes mean that it is a very different community from the one which I had the privilege of serving, it was good to be with you, and to see the way in which you are adapting to the changed situation. It was good to see familiar faces, and to meet some new ones.

I was sorry that your family commitments meant you could not be there on the Shabbat, but you were well represented by Gillian, and it was indeed a happy ‘coin-cidence’ that the Southport Jewish Heritage walk was arranged for the Sunday, so I was able to stay for that, and see you briefly, and indeed enjoy the Goldthorpe stru-del.

The certificate will be a special reminder of the weekend, and of my long-lasting as-sociations with Southport.

With very best wishes and many thanks,

Rabbi Amanda

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Community Newspaper of the Southport & District Reform Synagogue, GATES OF PEACE

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Southport Jewish Heritage walk- 31st May

Ok, Ok. Some people will go on a walk in order to have the opportunity of eating my strudel. Even Rabbi Golby was there. This I understand. It is not every day you get such a chance to go on a walk with John Cowell, who happens to be a historian who is writing a book about the history of Jews in Southport, knows his way around the Jews ( past and present of Southport), but knows where to find a decent bit of strudel in town.

I should have realised, he had found my strudel last time he came on a walk looking around Southport. It was good that this time he had chosen to do so when the Southport Air Show was not taking place, and so, there were no Tornados. I cannot comment about the wind, though I do put plenty of cinnamon in the strudel. He was not hoarse from shouting over the noise of aircraft, this time...... Like the Pied Piper, John had gathered a crowd to lead them to the home of good strudel, Southport & District Reform Synagogue. Along with my other cakes and tea, there was nothing left, but to make their way to the cemetery, weighted down, they had the knowledge that they were following the path of others that had led a fruitful life.

I believe that there is to be an autumnal talk (18th October), when the strudel apples are fit for picking, and more of Southport’s Jewish secrets can be revealed. ( Article by Selwyn Goldthorpe)

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Community Newspaper of the Southport & District Reform Synagogue, GATES OF PEACE

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Progress On The History Of The Southport Jewish Communi-ty

– an update from John Cowell, historian.

As you may know, I started this research in late 2012, after finishing the book on the Bolton Jewish community History I wrote with Hilary Thomas. (An Industrious Minority: a history of the Bolton Jewish community) I gave myself approximately three years – one shouldn’t be dogmatic about such a schedule, because the material itself can spring surprises on one. One of those has been the length of the minute books of the Southport Hebrew Congregation, and another was the amount of material in the Liverpool Record Office, only re-opened a few months ago. The average minute book is around 300 pages! I am, of course, deeply indebted to the Southport Hebrew Congregation for access to these wonderful, detailed records of how the Congregation made its decisions and interesting references to individual members of the Congregation.

I am not going to summarise the story so far, as there are elements that I haven’t yet gone into deeply, but rather shall try to give an impression of the continuing research. Other mater-ial that I have been working through includes pictures taken for me by my ill-paid “research assistant”, Brian Horton, of the interior of all three Synagogues in Southport, paying particular attention to the memorial windows, furnishings, plaques, and tables of officers. I am going to use the information from the windows, plaques and tables of officers in the construction of a set of short biographical details, which I am calling a List of Southport Jews. I hope this will even-tually have more than a thousand entries – and I know it should have more. Space will be a big consideration, as I don’t want to burden the reader with two volumes, so these short entries on many quite obscure people will abound in abbreviations, all properly explained at the be-ginning.

Paragraph-long biographies of the leading figures in the community, such as long-serving offi-cers, clergy, and people who have been conspicuous in the life of the broader community of Southport, will be in a separate section of the book. Those in this part will be the obvious ma-jor figures, such as S.M. Harris (President for 17 years in total, and a founder of the Southport Hebrew Congregation), Rabbi Silverstone, two Mayors of Southport, Sampson Goldstone, the recently deceased Rabbi Sidney Kay, and quite a few more. The book will be well-illustrated, and photographs of former or current members of the community are welcome, especially if they can be provided in the form of scanned pictures, so that I do not need to borrow the originals: anyone who doesn’t have access to scanning equipment can contact me to make arrangements for scanning their photographs.

One subject which has obviously interested me has been the large number of hotels and boarding houses catering for Jewish visitors. So far I have yet to acquire photographs of a sin-gle such establishment, but there is still time. I have the material to provide a fairly complete list of these (that means, of course, an incomplete list!) – culled mainly from the Jewish Chron-icle. My subscription to the paper gives me access to their online archive, and I use it virtually every day. It is a slow process to work through the online archive, with sometimes several hundred references to Southport in a year but I shall resume this task as soon as I have worked through all the minute books I can find. Only about 72 years to go! ( Continued /)

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I am providing a slip you may like to detach if you would like to pay £10 in advance, to become an advance subscriber. As paper prices rise rather erratically, I can’t say what the likely price of the book will be, but I shall try to keep it below £20. I hope to pro-duce it by late 2015.

If you are interested in sponsoring the book, by providing financial support, I am happy to give you an opportunity to put a dedication in the book, perhaps to relatives or friends or someone in the history of the community who made a great impression on you. If you can do this, I am most appreciative – as you may imagine there are some costs involved, including the initial printing and binding costs, as well as the cost of dis-tribution and publicity, stationery, scanning, and travel to pursue research, notably in Manchester. Please feel free to contact me at [email protected], or tele-phone 01704-808794, or 5 Tinsley Avenue, Southport, PR8 6HT. (I have an answering machine)

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………Advance subscriptionI should like to become an advance subscriber to your forthcoming book on the history of the Southport Jewish Community, and enclose a cheque for £10 (payable to John Cowell, please). Name……………………………. Telephone number/e-mail address (both helpful) …………………………………………………………………………………………Postal address ……………………………………………….

Executive and Council wish you a nice, relaxing summer holiday.

Some of the synagogues activities are reduced over summer for this reason.

However we are planning for High Holy Days. This year Rabbi Ash will be taking the services.

Should you wish for any change, or addition to the High Holy Days services, then we will be pleased to hear from you.

We would like to know if there are any volunteers to lead the singing or form a small, synagogue choir. If you would like to do so, we would be pleased to hear from you.

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Do you have an idea that would impact our local community and be shared across the Movement forReform Judaism ?

We have access to money from a community fund that could finance your idea?

Talk to the synagogue’s Executive. Any reasonable idea will be considered.Young? Old? Student? Teacher? Thinkers? Doer? Anything goes......


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Community Newspaper of the Southport & District Reform Synagogue, GATES OF PEACE

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It is a religious obligation and a mitzvah to attend a Jewish funeral or stone set-ting. Some of our community have seen all their friends die, and do not have any-one to remember them. Sadly, we do need people to attend funerals and stone settings from both the orthodox and reform communities.






TELEPHONE 0151 733 5563

If you wish to sponsor a page in L’Chayim, this can be done for a minimum of £10. You can pay more if you wish. Please contact the office.

To advertise a business or an event, there is £10 minimum charge, or for a full page £40. L’Chayim is distributed around the Jewish community with an interest in Southport and District Reform Synagogue, this includes country members, and friends of the synagogue. (ed).

Remember to bring long dated food and toiletries for our box near the front door so that this can be sent onto the local shelter.

If you have any contributions to the shul for raffle prizes these would be greatly appreciated at the shul office.


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Need a break?

In need of

The Southport Rest HomeChoice of long or short stays,

permanent residency

*Friendly atmosphere*24 hour care*Rooms available at reasonable rates*Excellent food from our Kosher kitchens*Conservatory overlooking Hesketh Park*Beautiful synagogue for your convenience

Also available : self-contained flats

Enquiries to Julie on 01704 531975Type to enter

text The Home is looking for volunteers to take chair-bound residents out to the nearby local park and amenities.

If you can spare a little time for this mitzvah, please contact Julie on the above number. You are only young once!

Page 21: GATES OF PEACE L’Chayim · 2015. 7. 19. · Parasha Shoftim. Student Rabbi Kath Vardi service leader, August 29th, Saturday Parasha Ki Tetze . Louise Davies Service leader September

Community Newspaper of the Southport & District Reform Synagogue, GATES OF PEACE

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A rabbi was once passing through a field where he saw a very old man planting an oak tree. ‘Why are you planting that tree?’ Said he. ‘You surely do not expect to live long enough to see the acorn grow up into an oak tree?’‘Ah,’ replied the old man, ‘my ancestors planted trees not for them-selves, but for us, in order that we might enjoy their shade and fruit. I am doing likewise for those who will come after me’ Talmud Ta’anit 23a

A legacy to Southport and District Reform Synagogue today is a special gift to our tomorrow.

After considering your family and friends, you may also want to leave anamount in your will to charities. Please consider making S&DRS one of yourcharities. S&DRS future will be all the more secure so that our children may con-tinue to practice the religion of their choice in Southport.

The responsibility to protect what was given to us, build on it and pass it on to the next generation in a better, stronger state is in-cumbent on us all. The gift of continuity in your will, whether large or small, will help to ensure that our community will continue for generations to come.L’dor v’dor—from generation to generation.

Remember S&DRS when writing your will. Even if you have already made a will,you can amend it at any time and make your gift by using a simple document, a codi-cil. We can provide the correct wording for this. It is always advisable to seek profes-sional advice when drafting something as important as a will. S&DRS can supply you with details of a number of local solicitors who are willing to offer advice.

Please give this some thought - your contribution can make a significant difference.