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Page 1: Gang and delinquency

Oleh :Brigita P. Manohara

Gang and Delinquency

Page 2: Gang and delinquency

Etimologi Gang : gerombolan, komplotan,

rombongan, regu Delinquency : kenakalan, perilaku jahat,

pelanggaranGang and Delinquency :

gerombolan/komplotan dan kenakalan

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Frederic M. Thrasher (1927)“gangs is an interstitial group originally

formed spontaneously, and then integrated through conflict. It is characterized by the following types of behavior; meeting face to face, milling, movement through space as a unit, conflict, and planning. The result of this collective behaviour is the development of tradition, unreflective internal structure, esprit de corps, solidarity, morale, group awarness, and attachment to a local territory”

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Moore (1991)“gangs are no longer just the rowdy end of

the continuum of local adolescent groups-they are now really outside thet continuum”

 Klein (1995)“street gangs are something special,

something qualitatively different from other groups and from other categories of law breakers”.


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Gang and Delinquency karya : Terence P. Thornberry, Marvin D.

Krohn, Alan J. Lizotte, Carolyn A. Smith, dan Kimberly Tobin

Berisi hasil penelitian yang menguji teori para ahli sebelumnya mengenai gang, karakteristik, struktur, anggota, dampak keanggotaan, upaya penanggulangan

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Keangotaan gangRas :1.Afrika-Amerika2.Hispanic3.White (kulit putih)Jenis kelamin :1.Laki-laki2.PerempuanDurasi :1.< 3 tahun2.> 3 tahun

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Tindak Pidana 1. kejahatan (general delinquency) 2. kekerasan (violence delinquent)3. penggunaan narkoba 4. peredaran/perdagangan narkoba

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Faktor Penyebab Komunitas (community)KeluargaSekolahLingkungan pertemanan yang menyimpang

(peer relationship)Karakter individuPenyimpangan sebelumnya (Prior


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Motivasi bergabung :Keluarga dan teman mereka sudah menjadi

anggota sebelumnyaAda label perlindungan (labeled protection)Fun / action

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“barries in social structure limit the ability of lower cass youth to attain the American dream” – stain theory arientation yang diadopsi Cohen (1955) dan Cloward serta Ohin (1960)

“gangs and gang behavior are seen as natural offshoots of lower-class culture, a long-established, distictively patterned tradition with an integrity of its own” (Miller,1958)

“the influence of poverty inadequate educational process, population shift and ethnic segregation” (Klein, 1995)

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Kerugian Sosial Lemahnya prestasi di sekolah (poor

performance in school)Early datingExternalizing behaviorsPrior delinquencyKejahatan/pelanggaran dipercaya

meningkat angkanya (Delinquent beliefs increase).

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Dalam perkembangan hidup Dikeluarkan dari sekolahKehamilan pada usia diniOrang tua mudaHidup terpisah dari salah satu orang tuaPola pekerjaan yang tidak stabilHidup serumah

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Penanggulangan Klein and Howel (2005) : tripartite

classification1. Prevention

2. Reform

3. Suppression

Howel menggabungkan dua atau lebih dari pendekatan itu

Spergel (1995)1. Local community organizing and mobilization

2. Social intervention

3. Suppression

4. Social and economic opportunities provision

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Kenakalan remaja di Indonesia

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