Download - Gandhi methods used to achieve Indian Independence from British colonial rule.

Page 1: Gandhi methods used to achieve Indian Independence from British colonial rule.

Gandhimethods used to achieve

Indian Independence from British colonial rule

Page 2: Gandhi methods used to achieve Indian Independence from British colonial rule.

British Colonial Rule• The British ruled India treating the native population as inferior subjects.

• Economically India suffered while Britain grew wealthier.

• Modernization occurred, but whom did it benefit?

Page 3: Gandhi methods used to achieve Indian Independence from British colonial rule.

British Colonial Rule: Amritsar Massacre• In 1919, the British military opened fire upon a group of peaceful Indian protestors.

• Some estimate that over 1,500 were killed and another 500 wounded.

•Over 120 bodies were pulled out of the well in the center of the square.

Page 4: Gandhi methods used to achieve Indian Independence from British colonial rule.

Method #1: Non- Cooperation

A refusal to cooperate (work for, purchase goods from, etc.) with a government or occupying power.

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Non-Cooperation Example #1:

Khadi (or Homespun)

• Khadi (or homespun) are garments made by hand at home.

• To make clothing you must “spin” a machine and weave the thread into cloth.

• Gandhi personally designed a machine that was powered by hand and could fold up into the size of a typewriter.

• Gandhi advocated that all Indians refuse to purchase British textile goods and instead spin their own Khadi.

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Non-Cooperation Example #2

General Strikes

• Understanding that the British would not profit from India if the native peoples did not work, Gandhi organized several “general strikes.”

• These general strikes called for ALL workers, no matter the field of work, refuse to work until the British meet their demands.

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Method #2: Civil DisobedienceRefusal to obey unjust laws, usually through nonviolent means.

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Civil Disobedience Example #1:

Dandi Salt March

• The British colonial government in India made it illegal to make your own salt.

• All salt had to be purchased from the colonial government and was taxed.

• Salt was extremely important for many reasons, mainly because it allows meat to keep without refrigeration.

• Gandhi, practicing civil disobedience by breaking an unjust law, walked 240 miles to the ocean and began making salt.

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Civil Disobedience Example #2:

Quit India Movement

• In 1939, Germany attacked Great Britain and World War II began.

• Indian soldiers and the nation of India was forced into the war by Britain without consultation with the Indian National Congress or other Indian leaders.

• Gandhi refused to support the war effort and called upon all Indians to refuse military service and for Britain to “quit” India (release it to home rule)

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Satyagraha & Hunger Strikes• A Sanskrit word which means “truth” + “force.”

• Gandhi’s own version of non-violent resistance.

• Gandhi was adamantly against “passive” resistance, he said that there is nothing passive about Satyagraha.

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Satyagraha & Hunger Strikes• On several occasions Gandhi began hunger strikes (refusing to eat until the opposition meets your demands) to oppose British colonial rule of India.

• Gandhi was arrested and served time in prison 6 different times.

• Many times during his time in jail, Gandhi began hunger strikes.

• British authorities, not wanting to Gandhi to become a martyr, would meet his demands and release him from jail.

• Other times, Gandhi used hunger strikes to keep Hindus and Muslims from committing acts of violence upon one another.