Download - GAMING



Do you think gaming is a problem? Do you spend your time sitting in front of that screen watching digital you run around killing zombies or whatever? You’re reading this to stop yourself from picking up that controller and getting sucked into that game….AGAIN. Anyways, this is a problem for you so there is something called the outside and it is your cure! Just go outside and do something!! Be free of that controller, don’t be a loner all the time! Be active! Stop yourself. Over 500 people in the US are addicted to video games and TV. They “Don’t even have enough time to cook.” So that basically results in easy to prepare junk food and all that sitting around, which results in fat and over weight and …THAT…ISNT…GOOD!! YOU CAN TELL YOU HAVE A GAMING PROBLEM WHEN;

1. Getting Angry when told to stop playing! So you don’t like coming back to the real world? You have got a problem. This going beyond entertainment….you like your computer better than your family. The game have too much of a hold over you if it is effecting psychology and sense of well being.

2. Excessively defending or lying about the habit If you have to lie about how much you enjoy a hobby, it’s a sign that something may not be right. And players who don’t try to hide the amount of time they dedicate to game playing may show other signs – they may become angry when challenged about their gaming or spend an excessive amount of effort trying to defend the amount of time they play.

3. Neglecting other areas of life CBS news highlighted a specific case in which video game playing went too far. In this article a mother tells CBS how her son went from an academically successful, outgoing student to a reclusive individual who failed two of his 10th grade classes. This is the big thing that separates an addict from a normal gamer. When video games cause people to ignore other areas, their health and quality of life can suffer. Serious addicts may not even be able to find time to eat or sleep!! And an addiction doesn’t always have to cause serious health issues to be a problem. Addicts may also stop other healthy lifestyle behaviors, such as going out with friends, working or attending school to play video games, its disgusting.

4. Spending too much money on games This one is a big warning sign for adults. Those who stress their income by buying too many video games may not have enough resources to pay for other major financial things such as bills, loans, tuition, etc. This doesn’t mean you should just stop yourself of getting that awesome new game! Just try to be smart about your spending and money or create a gaming budget. It might sound like it’s taking some of the fun out of playing video games, but by using a specific a responsible amount of money each month for gaming you’ll be able to get your fill without causing yourself more stress later.

5. Negative social behavior Even video game addicts who don’t actively try to close themselves off from the rest of the world may still unintentionally damage their social skills. Video game withdrawal may cause mood problems that make it difficult for addicts to interact with others in a healthy way.

If any of this applies to you then you are most likely addicted to video games, and you should keep yourself AWAY from the problem its ok once in a while but no more than an hour a day AT MOST!