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“Go Green” the EASY Way!

Low-Cost, High-Return Print Marketing

Lessons from the Best

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“Go Green” the EASY Way!

Low-Cost, High-Return Print Marketing

Lessons from the Best



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You can achieve great results with a smaller investment when your print marketing campaign is smart and well crafted.

Take time to communicate with us

about the obvious issues, like your

budget and deadlines; but also explain

the more interpretive elements so we

can discuss any challenges we foresee

in giving you the effect you want.

By understanding the scope of your

campaign from the outset, we can

incorporate creative and resourceful

strategies to save you money at every

stage of your printing project.

If you and your account

representative have communicated

your choices from the very beginning

of your project, your print job will be

uneventful once it hits the pressroom.

Trust us to use our expertise to

solve any last minute issues. We are

committed to delivering your high-

impact marketing pieces on time and

within your budget.

The Advantage of Foresight:Communicate your needs in advance

and achieve low-cost, high-return print marketing

Combine your jobsOne common money-saving technique is to gang your print jobs.

By placing many projects on the same sheet, or piggybacking on

an unused portion of a sheet, we can reduce manpower, plates

and prep time. This also results in reduced paper waste, which

is important because paper can account for 30%–50% of your

printing costs.

Paper expenses can be reduced even further, if you . . . • Reduce the size and number of pages. By slicing a little off

each side of the page, you not only save paper costs, but the

change in dimensions may also lower your mailing costs.

• Use thinner paper. Changing the weight of the paper can

save 10%–15% of your paper costs. For important documents,

use a heavier cover to create the look and feel you want, but

use a more affordable paper inside.

• Make subtle changes to brightness. Generally speaking, the brighter the paper,

the better the contrast between the paper and ink—and the higher the cost. But

few people will notice a slight change in the brightness of your paper, especially if

it’s mostly covered with ink.

• Consider colored papers instead of bleeds. If you need color at the edge of the

page, you may be able to create the effect you want less expensively with colored

paper instead of ink.

• Opt for the house paper. Paper prices fluctuate often, but you can save time and

money by using papers we purchase in high volume. Ask us for samples.

Think less inkInks present another savings opportunity. The more colors you

use in traditional offset printing, the higher your cost will be.

If you choose to print in full color, choose four-color process

versus full-color plus specific PMS colors. Unless you must

preserve the integrity of a color for branding purposes (think

McDonald’s yellow or Tiffany blue), convert your PMS colors to

their CMYK equivalents.

Eliminate changesChanges become more expensive the further along you are in

the print job. Everyone who needs to approve your files should

do so before you submit them for printing. Make sure your copy

has been proofread multiple times. Confirm that you’ve prepared

your digital files properly, keeping in mind that the resolution of

digital files varies greatly. What you provide to us to start with has

the greatest impact on what you’ll get back.

Examples of how you can lower your print budget:


Quick! Name something you can do for the environment that is quick, easy, and really makes a difference. Did you say buying

environmentally certified paper? If not, you should. Not only do

environmental paper certifications benefit the environment by

ensuring that fiber is harvested legally and responsibly, but they

actually help to promote the protection of forests. How do they do

this? Read on.

Legal, Responsible Harvest

There are three primary environmental certifications for paper.

These are the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), the Sustainable

Forestry Initiative (SFI), and the Programme for the Endorsement

of Forest Certification (PEFC), an international umbrella

organization. Each certification system uses somewhat different

standards and covers different elements in the chain of custody,

but they all focus on the long-term health of forests and

protection of local communities.

FSC-certified paper, for example, requires . . .

• No conversion of forests or any other natural habitat

• Respect for international workers’ rights

• No use of hazardous chemicals

• Respect for human rights with particular attention to indig-

enous peoples

• No corruption—follow all applicable laws

• Identification and appropriate management of areas that need

special protection (e.g., cultural or sacred sites, habitat of

endangered animals or plants)

Other certifications offer similar protections.

Buy Paper, Protect a Forest

Wait, it gets even better. When you buy

environmentally certified paper, it also

helps to grow forests, too.

How? Commercial forestry provides

an incentive for landowners

not to sell off for

development. Nearly 60% of our

nation’s forests are privately owned.

According to Print Grows Trees, an

educational arm of the Printing &

Graphics Association MidAtlantic, one

in five acres of family-owned forestland is

owned by someone at least 75 years old. As these owners age,

this land is being divided, sold, and transferred at an alarming rate,

often for urban development.

In fact, Print Grows Trees reports that 55 million acres of

forestland are owned by people who plan to sell or transfer some

or all of their land in the next five years.

How can we protect these rich ecosystems? Give landowners an

economic incentive to hang onto them!

Owners of woodlands have to pay taxes. Protecting these woodlands against fire, insects, invasive plants, and illegal logging adds more expense to ownership. When the land can pay for itself with selective harvesting and replanting of portions of these woodlands for timber sales, there’s less chance that a landowner will have to sell to a developer. But when the market for timber goes away, those landowners often don’t have a choice. [1]

Certified Forests Are Healthy Forests

Another reason buying environmentally certified paper helps to

support forests is that responsibly managed forests are healthy

forests. Certified forests are under the management of professional

foresters who manage them for long-term sustainability, wildlife

habitat, and water and soil conservation, as well as recreational

use. When you print on FSC-, SFI-, PEFC-, or other certified

paper, you are helping to protect wildlife, biodiversity, carbon

sequestration and, most importantly, water.

So why buy environmentally certified paper?

• It’s easy.

• It protects forests and ensures healthy, growing forests for

future generations.

• It really makes a difference.

When was the last time doing something so good was so simple?



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Want to see the future of print? Take a look

at Media magazine’s Creative Media Awards

issue. If that doesn’t get your creative juices

simmering, nothing will. Here are the “Top

Three Lessons” we selected from the Creative

Media Awards that you can use to punch up

your next marketing campaign.

Marketing Lesson #1 Multiple touches

boost intent to buy. With its Business on Main

campaign, Sprint created a branded destination online

where small business owners can network, get

advice from business experts, and promote their

companies—oh yes, and be exposed to Sprint’s

marketing message too. In fact, Sprint found

that if it could get people to come to the

Business on Main site at least three times, visitors’

“intent to buy” a Sprint product rose 60%.

Marketing Lesson #2 Use deep content

as a way to reach, educate, and hold customers.

How many uses of baking soda can you think of? Arm & Hammer

wants its customers to think of a million.

A&H joined Media’s Creative Media Award winners by doing

something an increasing number of marketers are doing these

days—using content as a branding tool. A&H placed vertical

educational ads next to related editorial content.

The copy was brief and offered little-known

tricks like using a pinch of A&H to keep

cupcakes from cracking. As a result, total

pounds of A&H baking soda increased

by 4.9% within a 52-week period.

The campaign also boosted

A&H’s share of the coveted

35–44-year-old demographic.

Huggies was another Creative Media

Awards winner recognized for its

use of content-driven branding.

The marketer launched its

own magazine, Countdown,

to educate consumers on

everything from pregnancy to

labor pain and baby development

while also gently promoting the Huggies brand. Media praised the

marketer for creating content that is “informative and practical

rather than relentlessly pitchy.” The results? Eighty-three percent

of the 1.5 million moms who received the magazine said they

would “definitely or probably” purchase Huggies diapers.

Content-driven marketing and branding works.

Marketing Lesson #3 Tap customer

frustration. We tend to think of targeting as being associated

with short-run digital printing and 1:1 personalization, but you

can target by selecting a specific demographic and marketing to

the needs, frustrations, and perceptions of that demographic too.

This year, Starcom TD Canada won accolades for this

approach in its Trust First Class Visa Infinite Card “Breaking

Down the Barriers” campaign, which tapped into

consumers’ frustration at not always being able to

use their travel rewards. The campaign used a

newspaper advertisement showing a man and a

woman looking out at a beautiful landscape

but seemingly separated from the scene by

glass. They stood with their hands up as if

pressing against the glass and longing to

pass through.

The image was powerful. In the week

following the campaign, sales spiked 29% and were 13% above

targets. Overall, sales were 15% over the company’s objectives

and beat the prior year’s numbers.

What should you take from this? Follow the lessons of these

award-winning campaigns: Create solid content. Tap (and then

provide solutions for) customer frustration. Touch your target

audience multiple times with a well-crafted message. Then watch

your marketing results soar!

Lessons from the Best


Printer NamePhasellus porttitor elit

In hac habitasse plateaDonec tempor nonummy


About This IssueAbout UsOne or two small paragraphs about

you and your company. One or two

small paragraphs about you and your

company. One or two small para-

graphs about you and your company.

One or two small paragraphs about

you and your company. One or two

small paragraphs about you and your

company. One or two small para-

graphs about you and your company.

One or two small paragraphs about

you and your company.

Programs used:InDesign CSIllustrator CSPhotoshop CS

Paper used:What paper did you use to print this issue?

Ink used:What kind of ink did you use to print this issue?

Coating used:What kind of coating did you use to print this issue?

Computers used:iMac

Press used:What kind of press did you use to print this issue?

Bindery used:What kind of bindery did you use to print this issue?

QR CODE FPONeed a QR code? Call Great Reach

Communications at 978-332-5555


Printer NamePhasellus porttitor elit

In hac habitasse plateaDonec tempor nonummy


QR CODE FPONeed a QR code? Call Great Reach

Communications at 978-332-5555

About This IssueAbout UsOne or two small paragraphs about

you and your company. One or two

small paragraphs about you and your

company. One or two small para-

graphs about you and your company.

One or two small paragraphs about

you and your company. One or two

small paragraphs about you and your

company. One or two small para-

graphs about you and your company.

One or two small paragraphs about

you and your company.

Programs used:InDesign CSIllustrator CSPhotoshop CS

Paper used:What paper did you use to print this issue?

Ink used:What kind of ink did you use to print this issue?

Coating used:What kind of coating did you use to print this issue?

Computers used:iMac

Press used:What kind of press did you use to print this issue?

Bindery used:What kind of bindery did you use to print this issue?



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When we think about success with 1:1

personalized print, we often think about data. How much data do we have? How clean is it? How is it used? Rarely do we ask one of the most important questions: How do we measure results?

If you don’t measure results, you

don’t know to what extent those

results are due to the campaign or

to something else. You don’t know

which elements of the campaign

work and which don’t. If you don’t

know what is most effective, you

don’t know how to improve the

campaign down the road. In other

words, you could just be wasting

your money.

This is the kind of critical

intelligence that will help you

refine your programs into

maximum effectiveness.

1:1 Success Through



Start with your costs. This means campaign development, graphic

design, list acquisition, data manipulation, production, mailing—measure it all.

This is the only way to analyze your true ROI. Otherwise, you’re just guessing.

On a 1,000-piece campaign selling high-end housewares, for example,

you might get an 18% response rate and an average per-order sale of

$125, but by the time you add in the costs to develop the program,

build and clean up your list and print and mail, you might barely

break even. On the other hand, if you are a Lexus dealer, perhaps

all you need to do is sell one vehicle and you’ve knocked it out

of the park.

Incentives. Not only is measurement necessary to gauge ROI, but it will also

give you important intelligence about future campaigns. This intelligence will

help you design programs and adjust incentives, not based on your gut feeling,

but on real data.

Say you give respondents a chance to win a sweepstakes for

$500 if they log into a Web site and fill out a survey. You know

that this campaign generates a 5% response rate, with 28%

of those responses converting to sales of $200 each. Now start

asking questions. What happens if you increase the incentive

to $2,500? Does the response rate go up? If so, does the dollar

per sale increase, as well? Does it generate a 2:1 return? A 3:1 return?

Or does it not affect the response rate or value per sale much at all? If

you test and measure these things, you know how much an additional $2,000

investment is worth to you.

Audience. Don’t stop at one or even two tests. Continue to analyze over

time. Break each campaign into multiple test groups, if necessary. For example,

if you continue to increase the incentive, does the response rate continue to go

up? Or does it flatten out? Does the effectiveness of the incentive change based

on the audience you are targeting? Does a sweepstakes to win a free mountain

bike motivate one audience, while a

Nintendo Wii motivates another?