Download - Galilee Times Lesson 1 August 4/5… · Welcome everyone! My name is _____, and this is Elevate. This is the start of a brand new series, where we’ll learn about facing our fears.

Page 1: Galilee Times Lesson 1 August 4/5… · Welcome everyone! My name is _____, and this is Elevate. This is the start of a brand new series, where we’ll learn about facing our fears.

Galilee Times Lesson 1

August 4/5 1

Page 2: Galilee Times Lesson 1 August 4/5… · Welcome everyone! My name is _____, and this is Elevate. This is the start of a brand new series, where we’ll learn about facing our fears.

Galilee Times Lesson 1

August 4/5 2

Galilee Times Series at a Glance for Elevate

About this Series:

Extra! Extra! A man from the land of Galilee is changing lives around the world! Through eyewitness accounts and exclusive interviews, get the full story of how Jesus faces off with a storm, defeats

sickness, and helps people take down their fears. The greatest news is, he’s ready to help you, too.

Memory Verse: Psalm 138:3- When I called out to you, you answered me. You made me strong and brave.

Weekly Overview: Lesson: Topic: Big Idea: Lesson 1: August 4/5 Lesson 2: August 11/12 Lesson 3: August 18/19 Lesson 4: August 25/26 Lesson 5: September 1/2

What if? Gospel story, John 18-21 Why do you fear? Jesus calms the storm, Luke 8:22-25 Rejected! Jesus accepts a woman, John 4 #Fail Jesus and Zacchaeus, Luke 19:1-10 Tragedy Strikes Jesus and Lazarus, John 11

Following Jesus can make me strong and brave. Jesus is greater than the things I’m afraid of. Jesus accepts me. Failure can’t separate me from Jesus. Jesus understands when I feel sad.

Large Group

Page 3: Galilee Times Lesson 1 August 4/5… · Welcome everyone! My name is _____, and this is Elevate. This is the start of a brand new series, where we’ll learn about facing our fears.

Galilee Times Lesson 1

August 4/5 3

Galilee Times Series at a Glance for Elevate (continued)

Lesson 1: What if?

Who is Jesus? People around the world are asking, and many have their own answers. He’s an

incredible teacher, a fantastic leader, and a miracle worker, but there’s one thing Jesus did that is

greater than any other. Because of what He did, we never have to fear again. Find out Jesus’ incredible

story in this week’s edition of “Galilee Times!”

Lesson 2: Why do you fear?

“Why are you afraid?” Even Jesus’ friends, the disciples, could hardly believe their ears when Jesus

said that! This week, find out how Jesus turned a raging storm into a calm boat ride, and discover how

he can help us through our greatest fears today.

Lesson 3: Rejected!

Disgrace! Scandal! Witnesses confirm that Jesus is spending time with liars and thieves. Rumors are

flying that he may even be a welcome guest in some of their homes. Why would someone like Jesus

speak to these people? Get the whole story this week!

Lesson 4: #Fail

Read all about it! What happens when he meets someone that others call a failure? What will Jesus

do? Get the full scoop, and find out how Jesus responds to us when we fail today.

Lesson 5: Tragedy strikes

Breaking news: Lazarus, a man who is extremely close to Jesus, has died. Why did this happen? Could

Jesus have done more? What is He feeling right now? Learn just how well Jesus understands when

we feel sad, in this week’s “Galilee Times.”

Page 4: Galilee Times Lesson 1 August 4/5… · Welcome everyone! My name is _____, and this is Elevate. This is the start of a brand new series, where we’ll learn about facing our fears.

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Galilee Times Lesson Outline for Elevate

Lesson 1: What if?

Lesson Segment Total Running Time

Engage Opening Song (2:00) Welcome and Opening Activity (10:00) Question of the Day (3:00) Worship: God Made a Way (5:00) 0:00 - 20:00 Involve Lesson Intro (2:00) Bible Story (6:00) Memory Verse (5:00) Group Activity (12:00) 20:00-45:00

Challenge Application (5:00) Worship: Heartbeat, I Will Follow You (8:00) Wrap Up (2:00) 45:00 - 60:00

Video Cue Slide Cue Audio Cue Tech Notes

Page 5: Galilee Times Lesson 1 August 4/5… · Welcome everyone! My name is _____, and this is Elevate. This is the start of a brand new series, where we’ll learn about facing our fears.

Galilee Times Lesson 1

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Opening Song 2:00 Welcome to Elevate! It’s time to get started, so throw away your popcorn, and find a spot to sit down!

Do This: Sit down at the news desk, pick up the fake microphone, and address the kids from there.

Welcome and Opening Activity 10:00 Welcome everyone! My name is __________, and this is Elevate. This is the start of a brand new series, where we’ll learn about facing our fears. We have a fantastic time ahead with games, today’s epic news story, and a report from the weather room. Our first event is a team activity for everyone.

This game is called “Newspaper Fashion Show.” It’s a game for everyone, in your groups.

Know This: Make sure leaders know where their supplies are for this activity, and know that they will be getting covered in newspaper. If you are unable to do this in groups, you may bring three groups of three kids each on stage, and have them dress someone (still preferably a leader), then allow the audience to vote on whose is best. If you have absolutely no leaders, make sure kids know what they are volunteering for, and are dressing someone of the same gender as they are. Make sure you know what is happening beforehand, and you’ve gone over this with the group leaders. Know This: If you are only a few leaders short, you could have kids dress someone in their group, especially 4-5th grade. If kids are being the fashion models, try to ensure kids are only designing fashion for someone who is the same gender as them.

Game Title Slide: “Newspaper Fashion Show” and clear audio.

(Roll when directed) Elevate Opener

(Auto advance) Elevate Slide and News Underscore

Advance to the Elevate Slide and underscore on cue from the teacher. The underscore should begin loud and then be very quiet. Adjust volume as needed.

Page 6: Galilee Times Lesson 1 August 4/5… · Welcome everyone! My name is _____, and this is Elevate. This is the start of a brand new series, where we’ll learn about facing our fears.

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This week in the news, we’re covering the hippest new styles. Your group has five minutes to dress up your leader in the latest fashion trend, newspaper! Create an outfit for them to wear, with just newspaper and tape. Your group leaders have your supplies, so look for your grade’s flag and head there to get started! Once you’re ready, we’ll begin the five minute countdown. Let’s go!

Wow! You’re all looking stylish. Can I get the models up to the front?

Do This: You can have the groups cheer for their leader, but don’t need to select a winner. If you have time, you can ask questions about their style inspiration.

Fantastic job! Great design work, everyone. That’s it for this segment, next, I’m going to send you over to the question of the day.

Do This: Move to a different part of the room for the Question of the Day. Bring the fake microphone.

Question of the Day 3:00

What’s the most exciting thing that happened to you this week? Audience, turn to the person next to you, and find out their answer!

Do This: Emcee as the kids are sharing their answers. Encourage them to share with the people around them, and encourage any kid whose story you hear. Know This: Allow kids time to interact with one another. Feel free to ask a few of them what their answer is.

(Auto Advance) Game Title Slide: “Newspaper Fashion Show” and clear audio

(Auto Advance) QOTD Slide: What’s the most exciting thing that happened to you this week?

Question of the Day Video

5 Minute Countdown and fun game music!

Page 7: Galilee Times Lesson 1 August 4/5… · Welcome everyone! My name is _____, and this is Elevate. This is the start of a brand new series, where we’ll learn about facing our fears.

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Lesson Intro 2:00

Worship 5:00

So many newsworthy things taking place all around us. We’ll return to the news in a minute, but first, we’re taking some time to worship.

“Worship” is a word you don’t hear every day, but it is something we can do every day. Worshipping simply means showing God that we love him. We can worship God in all kinds of ways, from getting on the mic to tell people how caring he is, to looking at the weather and thinking about how powerful he is. Sometimes, people give their time, or even money to the church, because they want to help them tell others about God. We actually have giving boxes around the room, so if you want to worship God in that way, you definitely can. In church, we also sing so we can worship God together. Let’s do that with this song!

Worshipping God with you is awesome. Let’s take a moment to pray and talk to Him. God, you are so great. Getting to know you is incredible. Help us see how you can give us courage today. Amen.

Worship Slide

Song 1: God Made a Way

(Auto advance) Worship Slide

Bumper Video (1:00)

Page 8: Galilee Times Lesson 1 August 4/5… · Welcome everyone! My name is _____, and this is Elevate. This is the start of a brand new series, where we’ll learn about facing our fears.

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Bible Story 6:00

Do This: Return to the microphone and desk for the lesson intro.

And we’re back, with more from Galilee Times, your favorite news station broadcasting from the homeland of Jesus himself. In fact, we’ll be following Jesus for the next five weeks as he travels the known world, faces impossible odds, and shows us what true courage looks like. Today, our headline is “What If?” We’re starting at a tough spot in Jesus’ story. What if everything goes wrong? What will Jesus do when the worst happens? Let’s start Jesus’ story with a video. If you’ve ever seen “The Action Bible,” it’s a really cool Bible that is written like a graphic novel, with pictures and illustrations of the stories. This video is based on those illustrations, which help us picture what things might have looked like back in Jesus’ day.

That day had to be amazing, but it didn’t stay that way. One week later, the people that didn’t like Jesus caught up to him. They found him praying in a garden, and arrested him. Jesus knew this was going to happen, too. Check out what he prayed to God.

Do This: Read the verse from the screen. Jesus was willing to do anything to finish the mission God had given him. Even though he felt afraid and sad, Jesus trusted God. After those people captured Jesus, they put him on trial.

Series Title Slide: “Galilee Times” Subtitle: “What If?”

Palm Sunday: (3:00)

(Auto advance) Series Title Slide: Galilee Times

Matthew 26:39- “Father, if it is possible, take this cup of suffering away from me. But let what you want be done, not what I want.”

Jesus on trial illustration

Page 9: Galilee Times Lesson 1 August 4/5… · Welcome everyone! My name is _____, and this is Elevate. This is the start of a brand new series, where we’ll learn about facing our fears.

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They made fun of him, and told lies about him. They said he did wrong things that never happened. Finally, they put him on a cross.

Jesus was willing to face one of the scariest things ever, and give his life, all for you. One week before, people had been saying that He was the savior, but on the cross He died, to take the punishment for the wrong things all of us have done.

Jesus was gone. His friends ran away, and he was buried in a cave. He was still God’s son, though. Three days later, some women came back to do a ceremony for Jesus’ body, and they found out he was gone. They thought someone had moved him, but then Jesus showed up, and started talking to them. He was God’s son, and he had proved it by coming back to life. Jesus did all of that, for you. Jesus knows how it feels to be afraid. Even though he was God’s son, he felt afraid like you and I do, and he decided to face it, because of how much he loves you. The main verse for this series is about how God can help each of us when we feel afraid.

Memory Verse 5:00

Do This: Read the verse from the screen. The writer of this verse is calling out to God for help, like Jesus did, and God is there with them. He can give us the strength and courage to keep going. This verse was written hundreds of years before Jesus was here on earth, but it has everything to do with his story. Jesus is the greatest example of courage ever. He gave his whole life so that we could know and follow God. For all of history, people were calling out to God for help, trying to know and understand him, and Jesus is the answer to all those calls. If we have a question for God, the answer is always in who Jesus was and what he did. It’s because of Jesus that we can be brave, no matter what happens.

Cross illustration

Tomb illustration

Memory Verse Slide: Psalm 138:3- “When I called out to you, you answered me. You

made me strong and brave.”

Page 10: Galilee Times Lesson 1 August 4/5… · Welcome everyone! My name is _____, and this is Elevate. This is the start of a brand new series, where we’ll learn about facing our fears.

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This is our memory verse for this series, so let’s try practicing it together! Imagine a line, right down the middle of the room. When I point to you, say the verse. When I stop pointing at your side of the room, stop saying the verse. When I point again, you have to start right where they left off. Let’s give it a try!

Do This: Point to either side of the room, stopping and starting them randomly. You can point to both sides, or begin switching after each word. Get creative! If they begin to get lost, you can say the verse with the kids to help them get back on track.

Group Activity 12:00

Know This: If you are able to do group time, you are encouraged to do it, as the closeness of a smaller group is a great thing for kids to experience. If you aren’t able to do this section in group time, keep following this script, and direct the activity from the stage. Do This: If you are doing this activity in small groups, direct the kids to their group leaders now.

Our next activity is called “What Would it Take?” I’m going to ask you a question, and give you answers A, B, C, or D. All of the questions start with the phrase “What would it take?” Let’s give it a try!

Do This: Make sure the signs A, B, C, and D are set up around the room before this activity begins.

Our first question is: What would it take for you to eat a worm? Gross! Would you A. eat it if someone dared you to, B, eat it for a dollar, C, eat it for fifty dollars, or D, you’d never eat it. Go and stand by the letter of your answer!

Do This: Allow kids to choose their answer. Feel free to ask some of them why they picked what they did, and interact with them.

Alright, you’ve got the hang of this! Let’s try another question.

(Auto-Advance) Game Title Slide: “What Would it Take?”

What would it take for you to eat a worm? (And worm image) A. I’d eat it if someone dared me to. B. I’d eat it for a dollar. C. I’d eat it for fifty dollars. D. I’d never eat it.

Game underscore.

Page 11: Galilee Times Lesson 1 August 4/5… · Welcome everyone! My name is _____, and this is Elevate. This is the start of a brand new series, where we’ll learn about facing our fears.

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Our next question is: What would it take for you to walk a tightrope? Scary! Would you A. Do it if someone dared you to? B. Do it if your best friend did it? C. Do it if you would win a trophy? Or D. You’d never walk a tightrope. Go ahead and pick your answer!

Do This: Allow kids to choose their answer. Feel free to ask some of them why they picked what they did, and interact with them.

You’d be pretty brave to do that. Let’s try another question.

Our next question is: What would it take for you to hold a snake? Would you A. Hold it for fun? B. Hold it if your friends did? C. Hold it if your whole class was watching? Or D. Never hold a snake? Head to your answer!

Do This: Allow kids to choose their answer. Feel free to ask some of them why they picked what they did, and interact with them.

Interesting. All of us have different things we don’t like. Let’s try another question!

Our next question is: What would it take for you to go bungee jumping? Would you A. Go for fun? B. Go if you got on TV for it? C. Go for 50 dollars? Or D. Never go bungee jumping? Head to the answer you would choose!

Do This: Allow kids to choose their answer. Feel free to ask some of them why they picked what they did, and interact with them.

Alright, we have one more question for you!

What would it take for you to walk a tightrope? (And tightrope image) A. I’d do it if someone dared me to. B. I’d do it if my best friends did. C. I’d do it if I would win a trophy. D. I’d never walk a tightrope.

What would it take for you to hold a snake? (Snake holding image) A. I’d hold it for fun! B. I’d hold it if my friends did. C. I’d hold it if my whole class was watching. D. I’d never hold a snake.

What would it take for you go bungee jumping? (Bungee jumping image) A. I’d go for fun! B. I’d go if I got on TV for it. C. I’d go for 50 dollars. D. I’d never go bungee jumping.

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Our last question is: What would it take for you to talk in front of a thousand people? Would you A. Love to do that? B. Do it for school. C. Do it if you got famous? Or D. Never talk in front of 1000 people? Choose your answer, and head to that sign!

Do This: Allow kids to choose their answer. Feel free to ask some of them why they picked what they did, and interact with them.

It’s fun to see the different things we like, and the different things that make us afraid. We all do things for different reasons. Some of us would face our fears for a hundred dollars, and some of us would do it if we might get famous for it. A few minutes ago, we heard about what Jesus did for all of us. He faced being hurt, laughed at, betrayed, and even was willing to die, but why did he do it? What did it take for Jesus to face all those terrifying things? Jesus did all of that because he loves you. He didn’t need any other reason. That’s how much he cares about you. All of us have done things we know are wrong, so he took the punishment for everyone, all at once. Jesus loves you so much that he would do anything to give you the chance to know and follow him. That’s why He faced fear, because nothing can stop him from loving you. Check this out.

Do This: Read the verse from the screen.

Nothing at all can separate us from God’s love, the same love he showed to us through Jesus.

Application 5:00

What would it take for you to talk in front of 1000 people? (Crowd image) A. I’d love to! B. I’d do it for school. C. I’d do it if I got famous. D. I’d never do that.

Series Title Slide: Galilee Times

Romans 8:38- “I am absolutely sure that not even death or life can separate us from God’s love. That’s because of what Christ Jesus our Lord has done.

Page 13: Galilee Times Lesson 1 August 4/5… · Welcome everyone! My name is _____, and this is Elevate. This is the start of a brand new series, where we’ll learn about facing our fears.

Galilee Times Lesson 1

August 4/5 13

Jesus loves us so much, but what happens next? Jesus’ story happened a long time ago, so how does it affect you and me today? I’ll show you! Check out this piece of paper. Do This: Take out a piece of blank paper. Make sure it doesn’t have any folds or creases. It’s a normal piece of paper, but there’s still something interesting about it. Do This: Fold the piece of paper roughly in half, then unfold it and hold it up. Can you tell where I folded it? Of course you can. When I folded the paper, it left a mark. When we do things we know are wrong, it leaves a mark on our lives. That’s a big problem, because those wrong things separate us from God. Let’s see if I can make this paper look exactly like it did before.

Do This: Attempt to smooth out the paper, showing it to the kids after each attempt. You could spread it on a table or wall, you could rub it against a corner, or you could try folding it the other way. Try not to rip the paper. Once you are done, show it to the kids again, then set it down.

The more I tried to fix this paper, the worse it got. This paper won’t ever look exactly like it did before. That’s kind of like the wrong things we’ve done. We can’t go back and un-do them. We can’t un-tell a lie, or un-say a word. We can say we’re sorry, but the person we hurt has to forgive us. Since the wrong things we’ve done separated us from God, we need his forgiveness more than anything. That’s why God sent Jesus. He lived, died, and came back to life to prove that he was God’s son, and that he loves us more than anything else in the world. He took our punishment for the wrong things we’ve done. He defeated fear and death so that we never have to be afraid. When we choose to follow Jesus, he takes away all the things we’ve done, and gives us a new life. Do This: Pick up a new piece of paper. Following Jesus doesn’t mean we’ll never do wrong things again. Instead, it means that when we do wrong, we can ask God to forgive us, get back up, and learn to do what he

Series Title Slide: Galilee Times

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says is right. We can never be separated from God again, because of what Jesus did for us. All we have to do is choose to follow Jesus with our whole life. You can make that choice to follow Jesus today. Some of you may have done that already. You’re doing your best to live like Jesus did, and do what God says is right. That is awesome! You’ve already made the greatest choice of your life. Some of you might not feel ready to decide to follow Jesus. Maybe you have questions about God and Jesus. That is totally ok. You can ask me or the other leaders in here any of your questions. We would love to listen to you and get to know you better. For some of you, though, this is your day! You can decide to follow Jesus here and now, and start to live for him. You can have a friendship with God, and know that no matter what happens, nothing will ever separate you from his love. If you are ready to do that, you can make that choice while we talk to God in just a minute. Before we pray, though, I want to let you know that it’s not the words or the way we say them that makes this prayer special. You don’t have to say the exact right thing for God to save you. What’s most important, most special, is that you tell God you’re sorry for sinning and doing wrong, tell him you believe in Jesus, and ask him to be your leader forever. That’s what this is all about. Let’s all close our eyes, and if you want to make the choice to follow Jesus, you can pray with me either out loud, or in your head. God hears you either way. Let’s talk to God! God, I know that I have sinned. I’ve made bad choices, and I am sorry. I believe that Jesus is your son. I believe that he died on the cross, took my punishment, and came back to life, so that I can be forgiven. Jesus, I ask you now to be my leader, Savior, and friend forever. I choose to follow you. Amen.

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Worship 8:00

If you just made that choice for the very first time, congratulations! You just made the most important decision of your entire life. If you made that choice for the first time today, we’d love to give you something that can help you get started following Jesus! I’m going to have everyone stand, and then you can follow _________ and head to ______________. You can ask them any questions you still have, too! Alright, everyone stand up!

Do This: Make sure you have everyone stand up, this helps kids who made a decision feel more comfortable going to get the Following Jesus booklets.

Now, if you just decided to follow Jesus, head over to the ___________! All the rest of us get to sing and worship God together! This song is about how we can trust God with every part of our lives, every day, every heartbeat.

Let’s sing one more song about what Jesus did for us!

That was great, I love worshipping with all of you! Let’s clap and congratulate everyone that just made a decision again, we are so happy for you! Alright, we’ve got only a couple minutes left, and I have a couple things to show you. You can sit down.


Song 2: Heartbeat

(Auto-Advance) Worship Slide

Song 2: I Will Follow You

(Auto advance) Series Title Slide: Galilee Times

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Wrap-Up 2:00

Do This: Sit back down at the news desk. Next week, on Galilee Times, we’ll be asking: “Why do you fear?” We’ll discover some strange and funny fears, and see how being afraid can both help and hurt us. Before you go, there is something you should be sure to grab. Do This: Show kids the Family Connection Card. This is our Family Connection Card. It’s a great way to show your families and friends what we have been talking about today. Since this series is all about facing our fears, you could try talking to your parents about things you’re afraid of, and maybe even some things they are afraid of! Let’s finish up by talking to God. To help us stay focused on Him, let’s close our eyes and bow our heads while we pray. God, you are amazing. Thank you for saving us, for sending Jesus, and for the amazing love you give us. Help us to follow you every day. Amen. I’ve had so much fun hanging out with you all today, I hope to see you next week!

Elevate Slide

Start hangtime music videos