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45 l'm seeing him tomorrow: Present Gontinuous tense as future

We're meeting at 10 o'clock tonight.My aunt is coming to stay for the weekend.I'm leaving at 9 o'clock on Friday morning.Are you staying here tonight?Alan isn't coming with us tomorrow.

Verbs STAGE 2

o We use the present continuous to talk about arrangements in the future: thethings you write in a diary; often with verbs like go, come, see, meet, stay,Itoue,leave.

o We use the present continuous with future time expressions, e.g. tomorrow, dttlrc weekend, next week, on Fidoy, noct year. (Occasionally there is no timeexpression. This is because the future time is clearly understood.)


45a Are the following sentences present or future? Write Present or Fuftrre aftereach one.

1 Where is Jack? Is he working?

2 Are you going out tonight?

3 That tree's growing very fast. ....

4 I'm seeing Ttisha on Wednesday. .....

5 Anna's starting school on Monday

6 I'm waiting for a call at the moment.

7 He's making some chairs for the garden.

8 We're getting a new car next week.

9 My parents are coming to stay with me this weekend.

10 'What languages is she learning at school?' 'She's learning French and


45b Complete the sentences, putting the verbs into the present continuous.

I!rt.eaLi.n0.. Debbie tonight? (you/meet)

2 1..' to class tomorrow. (not/come)

3 .. ... to work next week? (you/go)

4 My cousin us on Saturday. (visit)

5 I ......... a special meal tonight. (make)

6 .......... .. on Friday? (they/eave)

7 We ........ there with Skybright Airlines. (fly)


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Verbs STAGE 2

8 ........... ... at home this weekend? (you/stay)

9 We my niece on holiday with us. (take)

10 I ......... ..... a birthday party this year. (not/have)

ll I ......... ..... work at 5 o'clock. (finish)

12 ........... ... to another town? (they/move)

13 We home tonight. (not/go)

14 Ian the train at 12 o'clock. (catch)

15 They tonight. (not/come)

45c Complete the conversation using the information in the diary. Use verbs inthe present continuous and add any other words you need.

MondaY 8?.n.- Anena' Liz'


i eefr, dan en' fu*i on'7'3 o'








A: (you/stay) ............. at home on liresday?

B: Yes,

A: And Thursday?

B: I (meet)


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Verbs STAGE 2

46 l'm going to see a film tonight: he going fo future



am ('m)

She IHe I is ('s)

It I I going to finish.

You I

We I are ('re)They

o am, is, are going + to-infinitive (present continuous of go)

am not ('m not)

going to pay.


is not (isn't/'s not)


are not (aren't/'re not)


Issheheit going to finish?


USEo To talk about a plan or an intention: something that you have decided to do or

not to do:We're going to uisit Alice and Ttm on Saturday.l'm twt going to watch television on

. To make a prediction: something in the present tells you what is going tohappen in the future:Look at that sky. lt's going to be o nice day tomorrow.

. To talk about a fact in the future:Danny's going to be seuen on ltis next bitthday.


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Verbs STAGE 2


46a the people in the sentences below are all thinking about their summerholidays. Complete the sentences about what they plan to do using 'm,or going to ... . Use the verbs in the box.

travel teach read stay walklie play de rycle swim

| .'!?y... in bed all day.

we do.. the gardening.

I ....... lots of books.

I ........ ..... in the sun.

We .......... . round the world.

I ........... . to Brighton on my new bike.

I .......... lots of sport.

We ....... English in a summer school.

I .......... .. in the sea every day.

I .............. in the mountains.

ItGb fim is asking Sarah about her holiday plans. Write Kim's questions usingthe present continuous as future of the verb go, and the be going to futurewith the other verbs.












I When are you goinq on holiday?

W2 And where are you qoing?

At the beginning of next month.

To San Sebastian in Spain.

No, I don't like planes.

By boat. It goes from Plymouth to




Yes, we're going to take Tom's car.

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Verbs STAGE2

I am. Tom doesn't like driving abroad.


No, we're not. The hotels are too

? expensive.

8So In a friend's flat. I've got a friend

? teaching English there.

9 And For two weeks.


No, there's no need. My friend speaks

? very good Spanish.

46c Complete the sentences, putting the verbs into the be going to future.

1 Jill ..'?..q?.i!.q.!.2.?9...r"ry pleased with her present. (be)

2 My parents ..?.1?.9.?!f ,0..!?.!.I!tl!... their tent with them. (bring)

3 He ... for a new job soon. (look)

4 ... the dinner tonight? (you/make)

5 Watch out! That glass ........ ..... . (break)

5 He ..... his driving test. (not/pass)

7 lt ........ hot today so we should take

some bottles of water. (be)

that film on television tonight?


9 My brother .. in the States next year.


10 We ........ with friends. (not/stay) We

a hotel. (find)

11 They a new swimming pool in the

centre of town. (build)

12 .......... another car? (they/get)

13 The sky looks very grey. It ............. .......... in a

minute. (rain)

14 L........ David's parents tonight. (meet)



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USEo To talk about plans which are arranged for a particular time in the future. This

construction is used very often with come and go, and with verbs like see,stay, visit, fiteet, etc:.

They're going tomorrow.

I'm arrivittg next week.

We're uisiting the Stotes in three weeks.


o Remember that a time word or expression must be used, or understood from theconversation, to make the present continuous a future.

o This is not just a 'near' future - it is possible to say: He's coming brck in ten yeors.


Write these sentences in full, putting the verbs into the present continuous andsupply the missing words where necessary.

| | / see / them / Saturday.

l'm aeeing them on Saturday.

2 They / come / here / three weeks.

They're cominq here in three weeks.

3 | /meet/John/ threeo'clock.

4 What / you do / Friday night?

5 | / go / lo the disco / Saturday evening.

5 We / go back / to the States / three years.

7 They / go on holiday / two days time.

8 I / not come home / Friday.

9 You / work late / tomorrow night?

10 We / not go to school / next week.


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l1 He / comg to see you / tomoprow.

12 Mr and Mrs Green / go away / three weeks.

13 We / have a party / Saturday.

14l / see her again / next week.

15 You / play football / this week?

49 saing to





am ('m)

lsiir lq:Ts'opay.




Am lI

heIs lshe I going to pay?


weAre lyou


USE. To talk about a planned future action:

I'm going to see my porents on Saturday.(This use is similar lo present continaous + time word L Exercise 47.)

o To talk about something in the future which we can see as a result ofsomething happening now:Look at those clouds. It's going to rain.That man on the bike is going to fall off.

o To make statements about the future in a neutral way:Alan's going to ftnislt his exams on Fiday.Jenny's going to be five next week.l'm going to work for o televisbn company.(The future simple is also used for the purpose ) Exercise 50.)



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f8a {rite lhe pprrBqf fprm of g0t4g rg tq complgte these sentences.1 Whpq (yqv) ,,!,p.. phone her?

z (Thev qal) 6tay yery long.

3 \{hat (ygu) , ...... ......:.:: pay to ypur father?

5 (we) ...:............:...:..... play tenqis tomonow?e (!he) .........:.,.......:.:i:.. ..,. live ir1llexico for a few months.z (The mSchine) :. ... .:...:.. ...: ,:.......... wprk?8 (YgUr paren{s) . ... ..:::..... .. ..::... ,,, h4vp a hpliday this ygarag (Thgy) ::.:..:......... .........: bqrrqw some morey frorn the


lQ (l not) :.... :........ :...... : : :.. ::. : :........:.. eat there 4gain,

48h Write the correct form.of gglltg {q 4nq use one of these verps to Completethe sentences. Use each verb gqpg only.

finiqh complain falt offdie rain drive wor\

bq missfail

1 Look at those clog(st Il .s,gdf.q.!9..f4!1.. .

2 Look at the sun! I[.:.....:... hot today.3 Susan's not working vefy hafd. I think she .....

her exams.

4 He's very angry. HB ,,,,, ........ tg the man6ger.5 It's nearly four o,clocf. The lesson .. soon.6 I don't like travelling by plane. I .......... ........... there.7 This plan is too complicated. ft (not) ....8 The President's very ill. I think he .......9 Watch the baby! She.......... .... the bed!10 This bus is very slow. I lhink we ....

the train.


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49 going fol Present Gontinuous + time word

:TIT:J possibre to use either tense:I'm seeing them tomorrow. I'm going to see them tomorTow.

The going to future is very common, especially in conversation.If there is doubt about which of the two futures to use, it is better to usegoing to.

.H::I;,1"'"::JT;il';H::.'i.:il:iIffi:::::T:::::'.."particular time in the future.


In your notebook, supply the godng to or present continuous future for these sen-tences. If two answers are possible, write them both.

I We ...... at home tonight. (stay)

We're going to etay at home toniqht./We're etaying at home toni7ht.

2 Look at the sky. It ...... tomorrow. (rain)

Look at the sky. lt's going to rain tomorrow.

3 We ...... at a restaurant tonight. (eat)

4 They ...... to Manchester tomorrow morning. (drive)

5 I ...... my teeth, have a wash, and go to bed. (brush)

6 Be careful with that plate! You ...... it! (break)

7 My parents ...... with us for the weekend. (stay)

B Who's ...... him the news? (tell)

9 Hurry up! We ...... the train! (miss)

l0 How many people ...... today? (arrive)

11 They ...... Nick at 10 o'clock tomorrow. (see)

12 I ...... to the seaside next weekend. (go)

13 Who ...... to John's party later? (come)

14 Bring your hat and gloves - it ...... cold later tonight. (get)

15 Mary ...... to Barbados next Tuesday. (fly)

16 Our friends ...... us before the concert. (meet)

17 We...... into our new house next month. (move)


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Future Simple






Shall/will I]helshe I

it I staylwill

Shall/will I we

will youthey



the negative contraction : won't.

shall is not used very often now. We generally use it only as a first personquestion (: with I or we) to make suggestions and offers:Sho,ll I cafly your suitcase for you?Shall we go to a restaurant?

For a statement of future fact. This can bea) certain:

They'll be here on Saturday aftemaon.The journqt will take six lnurs.

b) uncertain:I tltink it'll roin tomorrow.I'm not sure he'll be there.

Going to can also be used for this purpose L Exercise 48.

For a sudden decision to do something (usually used with I or ue):No one's offered to lrclp? l'll da it for you!Wait o minute - l'll open the door for you.I think I'll hnue eggs and chips please.

To show willingness to do or not to do something in the future (often as apromise or a threat):I I'll be there.I'll neuer speok to ltim again.

He says he'll send tle monqt.

Exercise 58 for future simple in conditional sentences.

Exercise 53 for future simple + when, as soon ds, etc.


IHeShe lwillIt | | stay.we l('ll)YouThey


IHeShe lwill notIt I lstay.We l(won't)YouThey

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Write these sentences, putting the verbs into the future simple.

1 I'm sure he (not be) late.

I'm sure he won't be late.

2 (I open) the window for you?

thall I open the window for you?

3 How long (the journey take?)

4 I suppose (she be) in London next week.

5 John (phone) your office for you.

6 (There be) a lot of people at the meeting?

7 What time (the race start?)

8 He (never agree) to your idea.

9 You (never see) your money again.

10 What's the matter? (I phone) the doctor?

11 Don't worry. I (payJ for the damage to your car.

12 (You be) at home tomorrow?

13 The company (not give) you an extra day's holiday.

14 Don't touch that! You (hurt) yourself!


15 There (not be) any newspapers tomorrow.

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51 going fo - future plan, and will - sudden decision

CONTRASTo In convetsation, going to is often used to indicate a future plan that has been

made before the time of speaking:I'm going to see Pat tomorrow - we arranged it this morning.

o Will is often used to indicate a sudden decision, made at the time of speaking:How con we get to the airport? I know! I'll borrow Sue's car!


Write the correct form of going to or will to complete the dialogue.

LAURA: What are you doing this weekend, Jan?

rANyA: r'..'ry.9.?!!9..r?.9?.e,.. .....(see) a new play tomorrow at the

Royal Court Theatre - 'Day of the Flood'.

LAUM: Have you got the tickets yet?

rANyA:No, I'.. ... (get) them this afternoon,

actually. Would you like to come?

LAURA: Oh, thank you, that would be nice.

rANyA:OK, I'.. ... (get) you a ticket too.

LAURA: Great ... what time does it start?

rANyA: Eight o'clock, but *e n..... (all meet) in

the Green Cafe at 7.15 .-.

LAURA: OK, I '.. .......... ........ (meet) you in the cafe, but, er

... I u........

. (be) there about half-past seven.

rANYA: That's fine.


il lll lllll lllll l :::l ;:,:,T"i*: ffi;rrs,rra, oxrrANyA: Yes, that's OK, no problem.

LAURA: (you eat) in the cafe, or just have a

cup of coffee?

rANYA: Just a coffee I think ...

LAUM:Look,'...... (we go) to a restaurant after the

show? I know a very good Chinese restaurant ...

TANvA:That's a good idea - I'0............ (phone) the

others and see if they want to come too.

LAUM:Good, and then I "........ ........ (book) a table...Great! I "............ ....... (see) you tomorrow.

TANYA: Yes, see you. Bye! 63

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Write these sentences, putting the verbs into the future simple or present simple.

1 I (give) it to them when they (visit) us.

l'l_l qive it to them when they vieit us.

2 I (not send) the parcel until I (hear) from you'

I won't send the parcef:until I hear from you.

3 As soon as they (phone) me, I (contact) you'

4 I (see) you before I (fly) to Paris.

5 They (send) you the money before they (leave).

6 When I (talk) to him, I (give) him your news.

7 She (visit) her parents before she (go) to the airport.

8 I (finish) this when I (be) at the office.

9 I (send) you a postcard when I (gefl to Bermuda.

10 She (do) her homework before she (go) out.

11 After I (visit) the hospital, I (go) and see her parents.

12 I (phone) Mary when we (geO to San Francisco.

13 I (call) you as soon as we (sign) the contract.

14 He (not do) anything before you (tell) him to.


15 You (be) very surprised when you (meet) him.