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Shoe Diva Dilemma Solved

Like most shoe divas, I'm sure you have more than five pairs of shoes in your closet taking up valuable space and not really well organized. I know it's not the most glamorous topic, but shoe storage in your home is a great way to make your life easier for when you're in a hurry.

First of all, you have to deem where your shoes belong. Your favourite rubber boots or hunting boots don't belong in your clean and tidy closet (at least I hope it is grin ). Like most boots, whether for stomping around in the mud or something to keep your toes toasty in the winter, they belong somewhere close to the door you're going to be exiting your home. It makes no sense, cleanliness-wise, to keep your boot anywhere else. Same goes for your dress shoes. Dress shoes belong tucked away from everyday shoes, with their bottoms cleaned off of course. Same goes for your running shoes, keep them close to the door so you can have easy access to them.

Space nowadays indeed is a valuable commodity in most homes. The best way to take advantage of your space in your home is to think vertical. Most people miss this simple design idea. Using your vertical space is perhaps the best way of storing your seasonal shoes. After all, you don't need your flip flops in the dead of winter or on the other hand, you won't need your winter boots in mid July.

Now that you know where you should keep your shoes, how 'bout we help you out how to store all of your shoes.

Any shoes last so much longer if you keep them clean and well cared for. Dress shoes especially last must longer if well cared for since they are usually a little more delicate than every day shoes. As a result, dress shoes should be stored with a little more care as well.

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I've seen them stored in their original card board boxes as well as in fancy see-through plastic boxes. Boxes are great for storing your shoes but indeed are a pain to access in a hurry and to ultimately see and make a choice for that special evening out. Our preference when storing your dress shoes are to have them on a pull-out shoe rack in your closet and/or even behind glass-fronted doors. Myself, I love my shoes easily visible and behind glass since I can see them as well as keep them dust-free.

For those everyday wear shoes, they really should be kept close to your exit from your home. As a result, we have found the best way to keep them handy are in a mud room sort of environment. A mud room can be a simple as a built-in bench with storage underneath to an entire front entry closet with built-in shoe racks and lots of hanging for easy access. Mud rooms are a great way to keep everything for leaving your home available speedily with everything you need within your grasp.

As mentioned, your seasonal shoes should be stored away when they're not in use. Whether you keep them in easy-access plastic totes or spiffy see-through boxes, seasonal shoes don't need to take up valuable realty in your home.

Hopefully this gives you some great ideas for shoe storage in your home but most importantly, give Space Age Closets and Custom Cabinetry a call to help you set up your shoe fetish storage!!!