Download - Funky game engines

Page 1: Funky game engines

G a m e e n g i n e sAll engines are similar in terms of what they actually do on a binary level, but their

purpose and outcome can be very different. There are also other differences, for example, 2D game engines use only two coordinates (x,y), while a 3D game engine uses three coordinates (x,y,z). Game engines are different from a game; A game engine is what makes the game run, but games made using the same engine might turn out completely differently.

Graphic rendering, collision detection, artificial intelligence, sound and physics are all elements which can be included in any of the game engines. However they must be applied differently depending on the type of engine and language used.

A lot of game engines produce their own game engines rather than using commercial ones, however using a ready made one it makes things a whole lot easier by often added a more simple drag and drop element and makes tracking down bugs much easier. As a result of this, game engines often use languages which are object oriented. Free game engines are a popular choice for solo developers as they are usually just as Some 3D game engines include…

Blender: A game engine working with both 2D and 3D although generally 3D oriented. Comes with it’s own built in 3D modeller for quick and easy access and intuitive use. It is integrated with the bullet physics library. A popular choice due to it’s powerful nature and the fact that it’s free, complicated for beginners however so often not a good choice for novices. Not usually used to produce large, commercial gaming productions. It can be used to produce games for many different platforms, and can be used with a few programming language although python is the main one. Many indie games have been built including ‘Yo Frankie!’ and ‘colour cube’.Unity: This 3D game engine is not fitted to suit one type of game style but works for use to produce games on the web, Windows, and Mac OS X. Although there is a free version, it has only limited features in comparison to the pro version. Although a commercial game used for some high industry level games, it is also very easy to use due to the drag and drop nature of the program. It supports iPhone, Android, Nintendo Wii, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 so is very flexible. Games produced with the software include indie games such as ‘fly like a bird’, ‘feralheart’, ‘Wolfquest’ and ‘slender’ but also more commercial games such as ‘Guns of icarus online’ and ‘Bad piggies’. Some 2D game engines include…Box2D: Uses python as it’s main scripting language and C++ as it’s primary programming language. Very good as physics engine but also used for the production of many games such as ‘Angry birds: Sleepy hollow’.Lavgine: Scripting in Lua, uses C++ and Lua as its main programming language. Has produced games such as ‘Journey to the centre of Hawkthorne’.Flexible isometric free engine: This engine’s scripting is in python. C++ is it’s main programming language, however. It is a free, 2D engine, optimised for RTS and RPG games. It

Allegro ClanLib Coscos2d Construct classic Corona SDK DGD Exult Flexible Isometric

Free Engine Flixel

Examples of some 2D games you might recognise would include…


Sonic Mario

Wonder boy Rollercoaster

tycoon Sim city

Page 2: Funky game engines

Rendering is the process of producing a still image form a model. A scene file contains objects in a strictly defined language or data structure; it would contain geometry, viewpoint, texture, lighting, and shading information as a description of the virtual scene. The data contained in the scene file is then passed to a rendering program to be

-Cocos 2D

Some games produced with a mobile game engine include:-

Dead end Finger

Kicks Megabad

Graphic rendering

Collision detectionCollision detection is an essential part in 3D games. It ensures the game physics are relatively realistic, so an object does not cut through other objects or hover when it should fall. How well a game can detect collisions is an integral part of the believability and enjoyment of the game. A poorly implemented collision detection system can be a Artificial intelligence

Game artificial intelligence (AI) refers to techniques used in computer and video games to produce the illusion of intelligence in the behaviour of non-player characters (NPCs). Since game AI is centred on appearance of intelligence and good game play, its approach is very different from that of traditional AI; workarounds and cheats are acceptable and, in many cases, the computer abilities must be toned down to give human players a sense of fairness. This, for example, is true in first-person shooter games, where NPCs otherwise Sound

Sound can range from a primitive synthesizer tune to an orchestral piece, usually such that the older the game, the simpler the music. In recent times, many games have had complex soundtracks similar to those of movies, and sometimes even interactive soundtracks which change in order to create an appropriate atmosphere, based on what the player does. It is also much more common for video game soundtracks to be PhysicsComputer animation physics or game physics involves the introduction of the laws of physics into a simulation or game engine, particularly in 3D computer graphics, for the purpose of making the effects appear more real to the observer. Typically, simulation physics is only a close approximation to real physics, and computation is performed using discrete values.There are two different kinds of physics placed within a game;

‘Ragdoll Physics’(This is a procedural animation and simulation technique to display the movement of a character when killed) and ‘Particle Physics’(A particle system model allows a variety of other physical phenomena to be simulated, including smoke, moving water, precipitation, and so forth.

Mobile game engines - Sparrow -ISGL3D

Bird Smash

Stick wars Pero the

Game mods

A game mod is a modification or addition to a game. This may include tweaking the code to behave differently or adding and taking away from the source code.Some game mods

include:- MINERVA - Episodic single-player mod based in the Half-Life 2 universe, with a style of storytelling inspired by classic games such as Marathon and System Shock.

Nightmare House 2 - This horror-themed mod was nominated at the ModDB 2010 Mod of the Year awards for Best Original Art, Best Singleplayer Mod and Player's Choice Mod of the Year categories, eventually winning 2nd place at the latter.

Portal: Prelude - An unofficial prequel to Portal, set before the activation of GLaDOS when scientists used to watch over the test chambers and instruct the test subjects. Gameplay is similar to Portal in its basic aspects: There are 19 Test Chambers in which puzzles must be solved in conjunction with a "portal device".