Download - FundingUnion Wealth Plan of Action

  • 8/12/2019 FundingUnion Wealth Plan of Action


    with the Power of BitcoinFundingour Lives and Communities

    our Businesses and Projects

    a New International Economy

    Connecting the International Business Community Online and Offline!

  • 8/12/2019 FundingUnion Wealth Plan of Action


    FundingUnion: Global NetworkingThe Social Build to Empower Your Online Presence

    The Social Network to empower business- online and offline!

    Connect with groups of like-minded individuals worldwide: beginners, mentors, leaders,coaches, professionals, and business-owners

    Explore and Explode Team Building with Your New Contacts and Create Connectionsaround the world

    Join forces with other existing partners and teams(Massive Potential for Long-Term, Joint Venture Opportunities)

    Take part in new Missions, Projects and Income Streams

    Discover new Resources and Niche Markets

    Accelerate Your Business Offers: Programs, Products and Services, locally nationallyinternationally

    Leverage the Strength of your Personal Pre-Built FU Member Teams to enter Established Third-Party Programs for Multiple Diversified Income Streams

    Laser-Targeted Advertising

    A Rich Versatile Platform for all Your Networking and Business Building Needs

    and Introducing FundingUnions very own BITCOIN MARKETPLACE

  • 8/12/2019 FundingUnion Wealth Plan of Action


    Multiple Lucrative Income StreamsThe Bitcoin Tsunami Begins HERE

    Introducing FUs Innovative Compounding Multi-Matrix System:

    Social Matrix:

    Only $10, one-time, Lifetime Membership

    3x10 forced, global matrix. No holes, multiple accounts allowed!

    Even Free Members can earn 2-Tier Instant Referral Bonuses!

    Personal Matrices, beginning with Bit27 and Bit50:

    Optional, however, highly recommended forAccelerated Cashflow

    Multiple 3 x10 forced, team-filled Increasing earnings in each successive matrix!

    Residual MATRIX Earnings paid monthly, leveraging EVERY position,10 Levels deep in ALL Personal Matrices

    Earnings accumulate in your account, available for immediate withdrawalanytime!

    Even SocialMatrix Members can earn 2-Tier Instant Bonuses on their Referralswho move to the Personal Matrix (Bit27)

    2-Tier INSTANT REFERRAL Bonuses Recur Monthly in Personal Matrices

    More Earnings include (minimum qualification: SocialMatrix Membership)

    Reward Pool Bonuses

    Profit Sharing Advertising Commissions, and more!

  • 8/12/2019 FundingUnion Wealth Plan of Action


    Free Member SocialMatrix Bit27

    Fu-Chat Fu-Chat Fu-Chat

    Private Messages Private Messages Private Messages

    Instant one-time2-Tier Referral Bonuses

    Instant one-time2-Tier Referral Bonuses

    Instant Residual2-Tier Referral Bonuses

    Profit Share Profit Share

    Matrix Earnings Rapid & Residual Matrix Earnings

    Rewards Pool Rewards Pool

    Marketing Training Webinars Marketing Training Webinars

    Mail (internal Email, notificationto external email)

    Mail (internal Email, notification toexternal email)

    Add Friends Add Friends

    Send Greetings Send Greetings

    Create Groups Create Groups

    Create Business Pages Create Business Pages

    Feature Pages Feature Pages

    Basic Advertising Basic Advertising

    Banner Advertising

    Choose Your Benefits

  • 8/12/2019 FundingUnion Wealth Plan of Action


    FundingUnions SocialMatrix Investment: one-time $10 to Upgradefor Lifetime Membership

    INSTANT REFERRAL BONUSES:For Every New Member you Directly Refer, who Upgrades,

    You receive a one-time $2 Instantlyinto your Coinbase Bitcoin Wallet.*

    For Every New Member Your Direct Referrals Invite who Upgrades,You receive a one-time $3 Paid Instantly

    into your Coinbase Bitcoin Wallet.** To Infinity!

    Key Points:

    The SocialMatrix is first and foremost the Gateway into our Community throughwhich free members must pass in order to gain access to all of the features andbenefits which await them inside.

    While it is structured as a giant matrix and while, over time as members continue toswell the ranks of our community, $5 of the $10 upgrade fee will find its way up thelevels in the form of Matrix Earnings but consider that icing on the cake

    Youre not joining the SocialMatrix for the Earnings in the SocialMatrix. Youre joiningit for the value and the many benefits that the Lifetime Membership offers

    Instead, join with us and invite others to do the same and you will be rewardedwith Instant Referral Bonuses both from the SocialMatrix as well as when any of thepeople youve referred choose to join the Personal Matrices (Bit27, Bit50 and more.)

    SocialMatrix Members also are eligible for Reward Pool Bonuses and Profit Sharing.

  • 8/12/2019 FundingUnion Wealth Plan of Action












    $.50 x 59,049

    x 19,683

    X 6,561

    x 2,187

    x 729

    x 243

    x 81

    x 27

    x 9

    x 3

    FundingUnions first Personal Matrix Introducing Bit27$27 Monthly Subscription

    MONTHLY INSTANT REFERRAL BONUSES:For Every Member youve Referred Directly, who joins Bit27,

    You receive $4 Instantly EVERY MONTH into your Coinbase Bitcoin Wallet.*

    For Every Member youve Referred InDirectly, who joinsBit27,You receive $6 Instantly EVERY MONTH

    into your Coinbase Bitcoin Wallet.*

    * To Infinity!

    This is YOUR Personal Matrix:

    Bit27 is also a 3x10 forced matrixhowever, here, you can build deep,

    quickly how quickly, of course,depends on you and your team.

    Here, your Direct Referrals land below

    you in your matrix. As they refer their own DirectReferrals, those referrals will land below them.

    The matrix still fills in left to right, moving down levelby level. Some teams may go deeper faster, leaving open

    positions in some of your upper levels.

    These open positions can be filled in by spillover Spillover isdistributed evenly

    The Foundation you Lay with Bit27 will determine the composition of your Team for all of thePersonal Matrices.

    The position you secure when you first upgrade to Bit27 is Your Position


    is the Key to Your Empire

  • 8/12/2019 FundingUnion Wealth Plan of Action


    Personal Matrix IBit27100% of the monthly $27 Matrix Subscription is paid out in Residual Bonuses and Matrix Earnings:

    $4 Instant Referral Bonus paid in Real-time to Direct Referrers Coinbase Bitcoin Wallet$6 Instant Referral Bonus paid Real-time to Referrers Referrer Coinbase Wallet

    $15 Matrix Earnings-paid out through 10 Levels$2 FundingUnion Rewards Pool

    Level Members in MatrixTotal Members in

    MatrixMatrix Earnings per

    PositionTotal Earnings per


    1 3 3 $0 $0

    2 9 12 $3 $27

    3 27 39 $1 $27

    4 81 120 $1 $81

    5 243 363 $2 $4866 729 1,092 $3 $2,187

    7 2,187 3,279 $3 $6,561

    8 6,561 9,840 $1 $6,561

    9 19,683 29,523 $.50 $9,842

    10 59,049 88,572 $.50 $29,525

    Total Possible Monthly Earnings $55,296

    Youre In Profit from Matrix Earnings alone after your Level 2 is filled.

    However, you also be receiving multiple 2-Tier Instant Referral Bonuses of $4 and $6 everymonth!

    Total possible monthly Commissions: $55,296 SocialMatrix Members earn one-time 2-Tier Referral Bonuses from their Referrals who

    upgrade to Bit27! Its strongly suggested to upgrade to Bit27, in order to remain connectedto your Personal Referrals and to keep receiving Instant Referral Bonuses (and the MatrixEarnings every month!)

  • 8/12/2019 FundingUnion Wealth Plan of Action


    Personal Matrix IIBit50100% of the monthly $50 Matrix Subscription is paid out in Bonuses and Matrix Earnings:

    $5 Referral Bonus paid Instantly to Direct Referrers Coinbase Wallet$10 Referral Bonus paid Instantly to Referrers Referrer Coinbase Wallet$29 Matrix Earnings-paid out through 10 Levels

    $10 FundingUnion Rewards Pools

    Youre In Profit from Matrix Earnings alone after your Level 2 is filled. However, you also be receiving multiple 2-Tier Instant Referral Bonuses of $5 and

    $10 every month! Total possible monthly Earnings: $107,703

    Even Bit27 Members earn 2-Tier Referral Bonuses from Bit50!

    Level Members in MatrixTotal Members in

    MatrixMatrix Earnings per

    PositionTotal Earnings per


    1 3 3 $0 $0

    2 9 12 $6 $54

    3 27 39 $3 $81

    4 81 120 $2 $162

    5 243 363 $4 $972

    6 729 1,092 $5 $3,645

    7 2,187 3,279 $5 $10,935

    8 6,561 9,840 $2 $13,122

    9 19,683 29,523 $1 $19,683

    10 59,049 88,572 $1 $59,049

    Total Possible Monthly Earnings $107,703

  • 8/12/2019 FundingUnion Wealth Plan of Action



    # Directs InDirects


    x $2(Tier 1 Bonus )

    SocialMatrix x

    $3(Tier 2 Bonus )


    x $4(Tier 1 Bonus )


    x $6(Tier 2 Bonus )



    1 3 3 x 3 $6 $27 $12 $54 $99

    3 9

    A Simple Plan for FAST, INSTANTEarnings with the Social & Personal MatrixWeek 1



    1 2 3


    1 2 3


    1 2 3

    Week 1.1

    Invite 3. When they upgrade, to the SocialMatrix ($10), thats 3 x $2 = $6

    . Instantly in your wallet!

    When they upgrade and follow you to thePersonal Matrix (Bit27) thats 3 x $4 = $12

    Week 1.2 help your 3 each invite 3. When theyupgrade, you get 3 x 3 x $3 = $27 for your InDirects (Tier2 Instant Bonus) and hey, your business is paid for!

    When they upgrade and follow you to the PersonalMatrix (Bit27) thats 3 x 3 x $6 = $54


    The Matrix depicted in this example shows what your Personal Matrix would look like if you ONLY filled it with Your PersonalDirect and Indirect Referrals. Naturally, the expectation is that other members of your team will also be working so positions in

    your matrix will NOT be filled in THIS orderly fashion.


  • 8/12/2019 FundingUnion Wealth Plan of Action


    Week 2.2 help your 3 each invite 3. When theyupgrade, you get 3 x 3 x $3 = $27 for your InDirects (Tier2 Instant Bonus)

    When they upgrade and follow you to the PersonalMatrix (Bit27) thats 3 x 3 x $6 = $54

    A Simple Plan for FAST, INSTANTEarnings with the Social & Personal MatrixWeek 2





    1 2 3



    1 2 3



    1 2 3


    1 2 3


    1 2 3

    Week 2.1

    Invite 3 more. When they upgrade, to theSocial Matrix ($10), thats 3 x $2 = $6

    . Instantly in your wallet! When they upgrade and follow you to the

    Personal Matrix (Bit27) thats 3 x $4 = $12


    The Matrix depicted in this example shows what your Personal Matrix would look like if you ONLY filled it with Your Personal

    Direct and Indirect Referrals. Naturally, the expectation is that other members of your team will also be working so positions inyour matrix will NOT be filled in THIS orderly fashion.


    Week# Directs InDirects

    SocialMatrixx $2

    (Tier 1 Bonus )

    SocialMatrixx $3

    (Tier 2 Bonus )

    PersonalMatrixx $4

    (Tier 1 Bonus )

    PersonalMatrixx $6

    (Tier 2 Bonus )





    1 3 3 x 3 $6 $27 $12 $54 $99 $99

    2 3 3 x 3 $6 $27 $12 $54 $99 $198

    6 18

  • 8/12/2019 FundingUnion Wealth Plan of Action


    A Simple Plan for FAST, INSTANTEarnings with the Social & Personal MatrixWeek 3

    Week# Directs InDirects

    SocialMatrixx $2

    (Tier 1 Bonus )

    SocialMatrixx $3

    (Tier 2 Bonus )

    PersonalMatrixx $4

    (Tier 1 Bonus )

    PersonalMatrixx $6

    (Tier 2 Bonus )





    1 3 3 x 3 $6 $27 $12 $54 $99 $99

    2 3 3 x 3 $6 $27 $12 $54 $99 $198

    3 3 3 x 3 $6 $27 $12 $54 $99 $297

    9 27





    1 2 3



    1 2 3



    1 2 3




    1 2 3



    1 2 3



    1 2 3


    1 2 3

    Week 3.1

    Invite 3 more

    Week 3.2 Help your 3 each invite 3

  • 8/12/2019 FundingUnion Wealth Plan of Action


  • 8/12/2019 FundingUnion Wealth Plan of Action


    Week #

    Total NewMembers in

    Bit27Total DirectMembers


    Bonuses@ $4

    Total InDirectMembers


    Bonuses@ $6

    Total 2-Tier InstantBonuses

    Month by MonthMatrix Earnings:Month by Month

    Instant Bonuses +Matrix Earnings:Month by Month

    4 48 12 $48 36 $216 $264 $63 $327

    8 96 24 $96 72 $432 $528 $111 $639

    12 144 36 $144 108 $648 $792 $183 $975

    16 192 48 $192 144 $864 $1,056 $279 $1,33520 240 60 $240 180 $1,080 $1,320 $375 $1,695

    24 288 72 $288 216 $1,296 $1,584 $471 $2,055

    28 336 84 $336 252 $1,512 $1,848 $567 $2,415

    32 384 96 $384 288 $1,728 $2,112 $684 $2,796

    36 432 108 $432 324 $1,944 $2,376 $828 $3,204

    40 480 120 $480 360 $2,160 $2,640 $972 $3,612

    44 528 132 $528 396 $2,376 $2,904 $1,116 $4,020

    48 576 144 $576 432 $2,592 $3,168 $1,260 $4,428

    52 624 156 $624 468 $2,808 $3,432 $1,404 $4,836

    $4,368 $19,656 $24,024 $8,313 $32,337

    Total 2-Tier Bonuses Residual (Compounded) $24,024

    1) You Bring 3 new members (who join the SocialMatrix and follow you into Bit27) every week, and2) Help each of your 3 invitejust 3 who will also upgrade to the SocialMatrix and Bit27. In this example, your Directs only ever

    bring 3 each in the entire 12 months!

    Grand Totalat the end of 52 Weeks

    FundingUnion, Incs

  • 8/12/2019 FundingUnion Wealth Plan of Action


    Week #

    Total NewMembers in

    Bit27Total DirectMembers



    @ $4Total InDirect




    @ $6

    Total 2-Tier InstantBonuses

    Month by MonthMatrix Earnings:Month by Month

    Instant Bonuses +Matrix Earnings:Month by Month

    4 48 12 $60 36 $360 $420 $153 $573

    8 96 24 $120 72 $720 $840 $249 $1,089

    12 144 36 $180 108 $1,080 $1,260 $393 $1,653

    16 192 48 $240 144 $1,440 $1,680 $585 $2,26520 240 60 $300 180 $1,800 $2,100 $777 $2,877

    24 288 72 $360 216 $2,160 $2,520 $969 $3,489

    28 336 84 $420 252 $2,520 $2,940 $1,161 $4,101

    32 384 96 $480 288 $2,880 $3,360 $1,374 $4,734

    36 432 108 $540 324 $3,240 $3,780 $1,614 $5,394

    40 480 120 $600 360 $3,600 $4,200 $1,854 $6,054

    44 528 132 $660 396 $3,960 $4,620 $2,094 $6,714

    48 576 144 $720 432 $4,320 $5,040 $2,334 $7,374

    52 624 156 $780 468 $4,680 $5,460 $2,574 $8,034

    $5,460 $32,760 $38,220 $16,131 $54,351

    Total 2-Tier Bonuses Residual (Compounded) $38,220 Grand Totalat the end of 52 Weeks

    FundingUnion, Incs

    1) You Bring 3 new members (who join the SocialMatrix, follow you into Bit27 and Bit50) every week, and2) Help each of your 3 invitejust 3 who will also upgrade to Bit50. In this example, your Directs only ever bring 3 each in the

    entire 12 months!

  • 8/12/2019 FundingUnion Wealth Plan of Action



    INSTANTReferral Bonuses


    INSTANTReferral Bonuses


    INSTANTReferral Bonuses

    Instant Referral

    Bonuses, 2-Tier TotalsMonth by Month


    Total NewMembers

    in Bit27Total DirectMembers


    Bonuses@ $2




    Bonuses@ $3



    Month byMonth


    Bonuses@ $4


    Bonuses@ $6

    (Residual) Bit272-Tier BonusesTotals, Month

    by Month


    Bonuses @$5


    Bonuses@ $10

    (Residual) Bit502-Tier BonusesTotals, Month

    by MonthSocialMatrix

    + Bit27

    SocialMatrix+ Bit27+ Bit50

    4 48 12 $24 36 $108 $144 $48 $216 $264 $60 $360 $420 $408 $828

    8 96 24 $48 72 $216 $288 $96 $432 $528 $120 $720 $840 $816 $1,65612 144 36 $72 108 $324 $432 $144 $648 $792 $180 $1,080 $1,260 $1,224 $2,48416 192 48 $96 144 $432 $576 $192 $864 $1,056 $240 $1,440 $1,680 $1,632 $3,31220 240 60 $120 180 $540 $720 $240 $1,080 $1,320 $300 $1,800 $2,100 $2,040 $4,14024 288 72 $144 216 $648 $864 $288 $1,296 $1,584 $360 $2,160 $2,520 $2,448 $4,96828 336 84 $168 252 $756 $1,008 $336 $1,512 $1,848 $420 $2,520 $2,940 $2,856 $5,79632 384 96 $192 288 $864 $1,152 $384 $1,728 $2,112 $480 $2,880 $3,360 $3,264 $6,62436 432 108 $216 324 $972 $1,296 $432 $1,944 $2,376 $540 $3,240 $3,780 $3,672 $7,452

    40 480 120 $240 360 $1,080 $1,440 $480 $2,160 $2,640 $600 $3,600 $4,200 $4,080 $8,28044 528 132 $264 396 $1,188 $1,584 $528 $2,376 $2,904 $660 $3,960 $4,620 $4,488 $9,10848 576 144 $288 432 $1,296 $1,728 $576 $2,592 $3,168 $720 $4,320 $5,040 $4,896 $9,93652 624 156 $312 468 $1,404 $1,872 $624 $2,808 $3,432 $780 $4,680 $5,460 $5,304 $10,764

    $2,184 $9,828 $13,104 $4,368 $19,656 $24,024 $5,460 $32,760 $38,220 $37,128 $75,348

    FundingUnion, Inc

    2-Tier Referral Bonuses. One time in the Social Matrix,Every Month in the Personal Matrices!

    ALWAYS paid out INSTANTLY straight into your Coinbase Wallet!!!

    Grand Total

    at the end of 52 Weeks

  • 8/12/2019 FundingUnion Wealth Plan of Action


    Heres what can accelerate your Earnings with

    FundingUnion, Incs

    Your Directs bring in MORE than just 3 people in the next 12 months

    Your InDirects bring in MORE than just 3 people in the next 12 months

    If your Referrals choose to go fromzero to fifty, right out of the Starting Gate toCLAIM a top spot in your Personal Matrix i.e., they immediately upgrade toboth the SocialMatrix AND Bit27 ($10 + $27)

    Other members, below your Directs and InDirects, will also be referring so yourMatrix can go deep very quickly and since we get paid on all Levels, everymonth in the Personal Matrix if someone falls into your Bit27, Level 7, youllreceive $3 month after month

    SocialMatrix Reward Pools for Top Referring Members and Teams and otherMembers who achieve recognition for contributing Value to our Community

    FundingUnion Rewards Pools for the Individual Matrices

    Profit Share Payments

  • 8/12/2019 FundingUnion Wealth Plan of Action


    Heres some really COOL things to keep in mind!

    If, for whatever reason, your Subscription for the Personal Matrix fails, you willlose your spot in that Matrix (and, of course, any Matrix earnings you might

    have had coming your way). HOWEVERthe minute you resume yourSubscription, you REGAIN your original spot in the Matrix (and, of course, allMatrix Earnings from that point forward). Hows that for motivating people to

    jump on the Zero to Hero track?! There is NO risk of getting stuck with monthlypayments when youre not earning. Of course, this will encourage others todo the same and jump into Bit27 immediately. (So DONT lose out. Get your

    top position and maximum chances at spillover) what are the possibilities?!

    Right now, Free Members can earn 2-Tier Referral Bonuses on any of theirDirect / InDirect Personal Referrals Upgrades This is subject to change in thefuture so now is definitely the time to take advantage of this and Refer,Refer, Refer!!!

    Additional Services and Sources of Income will include Income from paidservices like advertising (Banner Ads, Ads Featuring Pages/Groups, etc.)which will go into a Profit Sharing Pool that will get paid out to Members whohave upgraded at least to the Social Matrix.

  • 8/12/2019 FundingUnion Wealth Plan of Action


    Thisis Only the Beginning

    of the

    Continuity Strategy for WealthGet back to the Member who introduced you to FundingUnion

    and Take Action Today.Begin with your Free Membership NOW!

  • 8/12/2019 FundingUnion Wealth Plan of Action



    The information shown in this presentation does NOTconstitute a promise of income, wealth, or success. This

    presentation is simply a demonstration of howFundingUnion, our SocialMatrix and the Personal Matrices

    function and,

    what could happen when you join us.Just because it could happen doesnt necessarily

    mean it will happen. Expectations presentation reflectwhat is stated here.

    However, how much you actually earn will depend mainly on your effortsand your willingness to put into action the suggestions provided herein.

  • 8/12/2019 FundingUnion Wealth Plan of Action


    NOTICE: All information contained herein is, andremains the property of FundingUnion, Inc. and its

    suppliers, if any. The intellectual and technicalconcepts contained herein are proprietary to

    FundingUnion, Inc. and its suppliers and may becovered by U.S. and Foreign Patents, patents in

    process, and are protected by trade secret orcopyright law. Dissemination of this information orreproduction of this material is strictly forbiddenunless prior written permission is obtained from

    FundingUnion, Inc.

    2014 FundingUnion, Inc.All Rights Reserved