Download - FUN FIT TAYSIDE A new approach When the Social Enterprise Mytime Active received Big Lottery funding to deliver their mend programmes across Tayside, the.



A new approachWhen the Social Enterprise Mytime Active received Big Lottery funding to deliver their mend programmes across Tayside, the POST team at NHS Tayside were identified as the key partner for the project.

Six age 7-13 groups and a 2-4 have run to date with amazing results being observed for the Graduate families. This has been testament to the hard work of the families themselves, the mend delivery staff and the strong partnership with NHS Tayside.

“The amazing changes seen in all 3 of my boys were noticed and mentioned at parents evening at school!” Dundee Mum.

We had a great few days trying new sports in partnership with NHS POST & Dundee Leisure & Sport.

Tayside Graduates supporting Team Scotland with some of the Glasgow Graduates with free Commonwealth Games tickets from Big Lottery Funding.

Try new foods!

Play fun games

Fun days out!

Graduates School Holiday Camps

94% of children showed an improvement in at least 1 key indicator (BMI, Waist Circumference, Self Efficacy, Weight) across the project.

Meet some of our amazing GRADUATES!GabrielleGabrielle came along with her Mum as while she was dancing a lot they needed a bit of support with nutrition. She threw herself into mend & came along with her friend to the amazing play day our East Ayrshire group held to meet other graduates from the West Coast.

Best bits: Helping the rest of her family make healthy changes including her Mum, Dad and Gran who has gone down in 2 dress sizes! She also helps her friends to understand food labelling and portion sizes.

Biggest achievements: Lost 1.5kg & 5.5 cm off her waist, lowering her BMI from obese to overweight in 10 weeks. 6 months later she is now healthy weight & has continued to use her reward chart & food tracker that she set up herself.

MichaelMichael had an amazing amount of nutritional knowledge but both him and his Mum needed a bit of support to put that into place for everyday meals and making sure snacks were healthy. He loved football more than anything and we encouraged him to go along to a free group that ran in his area.

Best bits: Being crowned Man of the Match at the first session at the local football group for his leadership skills. The support he gave to other children was great and was a real role model for younger group members.

Biggest achievements: His BMI fell along with losing 2kg & almost 3cmoff his waist. Having the confidence

to try out for his school football team.

Meet some of our amazing GRADUATES!KelseaKelsea came along with her Mum and 2 of her brothers. Each family member had different needs from the programme and the wide range of topics we cover really helped with this.

Best bit: She now has the confidence and knowledge to when eating at school and out with friends to choose healthier options.

Biggest achievements: Lost 4 cm off her waist and 1kg in weight along with lowering her BMI &recovery heart rate. Her brother and Mum also lowered their BMI.

KeatonKeaton loves sports, is incredibly active and has super throwing and catching skills. He came to us with his Mum, Gran and 2 cousins wanting to know more about eating healthily.

We identified his diet was mainly made up of healthy foods but his portion sizes needed reducing. Our portion sizes and label reading sessions really helped the whole family and they love exploring new foods and ideas together.

Best bit: Making up a mend rock song with the other boys using tennis rackets as guitars!

Biggest achievements: Lost 7cm off his waist, lowered his recovery heart rate by 20 beatsper minute & lowered his BMI.

Programme information

Achieving*Goals and Rewards*Supermarket Tour*Regular sessions and hand-outs*Graduation ceremony*Healthy Snacks*Raising awareness/ giving tools to lead a healthy lifestyle

Nurtured*MEND Kit - Kids packs include t-shirts, water bottle, ball and folder*Partnership working with other relevant agencies (health education, leisure, social services etc.)*Free programme and graduate activities*Welcoming and non-judgemental environments

Active*Twice weekly exercise sessions*Homework Challenges*Children are empowered to make healthy choices*Acting as a stepping stone to mainstream activities which families are not using

Respected*Helping set ground rules for programme with other participants and Leaders*All children/parents views are respected*Facilitated discussions with families

Accepted*Use of a range of multi-cultural resources used throughout the programme*Child Obesity Awareness Training & Talking About Weight Training day available to local practitioners*Parent & Child feedback*Programmes have been devised by experts in psychology, exercise & nutrition to offer a safe, inclusive & non-threatening approach to tackling obesity

Included*Equal Opportunities Policy*Improves self-esteem*Proven effectiveness in diverse communities*Families are encouraged to stay in touch after MEND*Signposting to future activities for Graduates (sustainability)*Working in partnership with families to ensure sustainable measurable change

SafeSecure online system for inputting/ storing confidential informationCompleted Risk AssessmentsPublic Liability Insurance CertificateAccident formsNecessary that all staff have PVG ClearanceRecommended that staff complete Level 2 Child Protection courseFull staff training relevant to their roleQuality Assurance team

How the mend programme meets GIRFEC

Healthy*Encouraging healthy eating/ trying new foods*Mind sessions*Exercise/ activity sessions*Learning the benefits of a healthy lifestyle

Responsible*Families learn a range of skills such as label reading which empowers them to make sustainable changes *Local delivery teams are encouraged to make links with all local relevant professionals to refer families*The programme can be tailored to suit the needs of local health frameworks

How to find out moreContactNHS POST:To join up to one of our groups on 01738 473784 or email [email protected]

Emma Goodfellow: For anything else or to see how mend could work with your school or organisation contact the mend programme manager for Tayside on 07866 047232 or email on [email protected]

Twitter @mytimetayside

Facebook MytmeActiveTayside


Where & When are the groups? Summer 2015:7-13 Showcase the Streets, Stobswell, Dundee starting 15th July every Weds & Friday 6-8pm.2-4 Brooksbank Centre, Mid-Criagie, Dundee starting 13th July every Monday 9:30-11am.7-13 Community Centre, Marketgate, Arbroath starting 13/07 every Monday & Tuesday 6-8pm.2-4 Arbroath- details to be confirmed (August start)

Autumn 2015:7-13 Dundee- details to be confirmed.7-13 Riverside Church, North Muirton, Perth starting 5th Oct every Monday & Friday 6-8pm.2-4 Riverside Church, North Muirton, Perth starting 5th Oct every Monday at 9:30am. 2-4 Dundee- details to be confirmed

Plus more in 2016!