Download - Full Spread

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Full SpreadWhat Covers You The general theme, situation or question, the heart of the matter, what is going on inside of you.

Ten of PentaclesBriefly:A blessed union, one full of love and caring.

Full Meaning: The picture on this card shows a couple, a man and a woman, under an archway. They are looking at each other very affectionately. Beside them a young child stays close to the woman. In the foreground of this picture sits an older, wiser male, his years have caught up with him and now he sits and watches all that he has

acheived. He is at peace, his family surrounds him and his wealth is evident. He has and still commands much respect as is shown by the two dogs eagerly awaiting his attention. If you are currently single, you may be about to become attached, as in meeting the person you will eventually marry, or actually tying the knot very soon if you are engaged. This will be a blessed union, one full of love and caring. There may also be some financial benefits of mutual sharing coming up in the very near future. It may very well be that your either your close or extended family comes in to assist you start your own venture. If you are currently not particularly financial, your future security is near at hand, and this may come about via any means, such as a windfall, inheritance or the benefit of shared resources.

What Crosses You This card is placed over the 1st card and magnifies the forces at work for this question, the card can therefore be a positive sign or one requiring more work or opposing forces. Also a contrary element, source of resistance, balancing tendency, factor for change, something unpredictable, what is rocking the boat, supporting feature, opposing factor.

King of CupsBriefly:There is success ahead for you, especially if you follow your instincts.

Full Meaning: The picture on this card shows a good looking, blue eyed, clean shaven man.  He is wearing a head-dress of some type and is heavily draped in colourful clothing.  He carries a wand in his left hand and a cup in

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his right.  He appears regal and conservative.  His calm outer nature may disguise a very gentle and sensitive soul. He may be born under a water sign of either Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces.  He is compassionate, caring and considerate to others needs.  In the background there is the ocean, which partly reflects his nature as being deep and potentially mysterious.  If you are this man, you are on your way to reaching your goals.  There is success ahead for you, especially if you follow your instincts at every turn.  If you are a woman and you draw this card, you may be about to meet him and he will play a pivotal role in your life and may even become your husband.  He will be protective of you and look upon the family as his most significant inspiration and reason for happiness.

What Is Beneath You The foundations to this situation or the source of the problem, why things are as they are, soul purpose, what is really going on, hidden influence, starting point, deeper meaning.

The SunBriefly:There is also the possibility, for those who desire a child, that a pregnancy is imminent. Any new business venture also has the signs of success written on it, so proceed with confidence that all will be well.

Full Meaning: This card depicts the Sun and in the front of this is a child on a horse - note the same red feather that appears on the fools

hat. The childs arms are open and a brilliant red flag waves in the air. There are sunflowers on the card, some greenery and a wall in the background. 

This card is generally a big "YES!" card, confirmation that what you seek is on its way. 

Often this card symbolises Summer or is associated with the sign of Leo. Perhaps an important event will occur around your own Summer month or during the one month time span of Leo which is from July 23 up to August 22. For some this can mean a very special relationship on the horizon, and one that may very well lead to marriage, this will be a successful union and bring much happiness into both people's lives. There is also the possibility, for those who desire a child, that a pregnancy is imminent. Any new business venture also has the signs of success

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written on it, so proceed with confidence that all will be well. Also a distinct possibility is a trip to a warm location in the near future.

What Is Behind You What has just past, the influences that are passing away. Also resolved factors, a quality to let go, fading concern, taken care of, no longer useful.

Two of PentaclesBriefly:A choice between two options.

Full Meaning: This card shows a young man with a cap on his head. He holds two pentacles, signifying a choice between two options. He is indecisive about where to put his time and his energy. He may also feel that his accumulation of funds needs to be weighed and considered as to where it would benefit him the most in the future. He

could be offered two different jobs and will deliberate until he feels comfortable in his decision. He may join the army, navy or some other adventurous form of work. There is likely to be some good news or an offer arrives from overseas. The ocean is in the background signifying that he is a sensitive soul and has great compassion.

What Crowns You Current situation and influences. Influences that are to come, conscious influence, goal or purpose, what you accept as true, what you intend to achieve, expectations, what you 'think' will happen.

Two of WandsBriefly:Time to consider a new move in your life that will make big changes to your existing living arrangements.

Full Meaning: This card shows a man with part of his back to us and he is holding a staff in one hand and a globe of the world in the other and is looking out towards a distant mountain. He appears to be studious and in deep concentration. He may be seriously considering

his future. He is tall and well built and wears a cloak for warmth. This can suggest that you are about to consider a new move in your life that will make big changes to your existing living arrangements. You may actually uproot

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yourself and move to another country, another state or another town. Your job is obviously undergoing some kind of transformation and you may be breaking new ground with some new endeavour. This will require your time, your patience and your strong belief in yourself that you can do anything you set out to do. You could be presented with a rather unique opportunity that leads you on to pursue your wildest dreams. Or you may have developed your own vision or idea and be in the process of bringing this all to fruition by your very own hands. Don't let others sidetrack you at this stage, for you are vulnerable to suggestion and may listen to some bad advice or discouragement. Trust in your own wisdom and you will ultimately have the last laugh.

What Is Before You What will happen in the very near future if you continue on the current path. Immediate future, approaching influence, feature gaining importance, still pending, to be taken care of, factor to be welcomed.

Ace of SwordsBriefly:Broaden your horizons and make sweeping changes. Your future is about to move ahead in many and varied ways.

Full Meaning: When you draw this card, you are being given the urge to broaden your horizons and make sweeping changes. Your future is about to move ahead in many and varied ways. This card cuts aside those things and people that you no longer need or are relevant to

your life. This can also too be a fertility card, so if you are seeking to bring a new baby into the world, this can help to manifest it. It is possible that you may feel like making a new beginning in your life and starting over. You could move house, change jobs, get married or have a new baby arrive. Whichever you choose, it will be a welcome change and one that will require additional energy on your part, however you will more than adequately meet the new challenge. Physically, it could mean that an operation is imminent, and that your health is undergoing some changes. It is possible that something has to be removed, whether that be a tooth or other body part, and it may be replaced with an artificial part. This gives the ability to recover quickly and to get on with the rest of your life. 

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You may also be undergoing major psychological changes where you are feeling more confident and outgoing. You may start becoming more ambitious or self-motivated and ready to take on new challenges and dare to do more than you have ever done before. Luck is on your side.

Your Self You are you are, as you could be, how you see yourself, talent or ability you can use, goal for yourself, public face, how you think you should be, self image, sense of where you are, how you limit yourself.

Ten of CupsBriefly:This card symbolises great happiness and contentment.

Full Meaning: This card shows a man and woman with one arm around each and their outer arms held up high welcoming good news. Beside them two young children hold hands and dance.  There is a rainbow in the background and several tall, green trees, some shrubs, beside a river and with mountains in the far distance.  The sky is blue

and the day looks warm as in Springtime.  There are 10 cups across the sky in front of the rainbow. This card symbolises great happiness and contentment.  Two people are brought together in unison and peace to share a special time in their lives.  A joint project has obviously reached fruition and they are proud of their achievements and wish to celebrate in grand style. If you draw this card you may rest assured, that even though it took a long time to get where you are, it has all been worth the effort and the energy expended.  You can relax in your new found comfort zone and pursue your other objectives with peace of mind, knowing that your life is now more secure than it has ever been.

Around You Opinions and influences of friends and family about the matter in question. What others think of the situation, another point of view, as others see you, atmosphere, other persons point of view, what others want from you, what another thinks you should do.

Eight of WandsBriefly:A new love is coming into your life and very swiftly at that.

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Full Meaning: This card has a picture of eight wands running right across it. For some this can mean that a new love is coming into your life and very swiftly at that. It brings things quickly into focus and gives you the opportunity to seize a brilliant opportunity or improve your life in some way. You could also be about to move to a more tranquil setting in either your home life or the location or your work. A river or other picturesque scene may be part of your new environment, or you may meet someone special in just such a location. If you are planning a pregnancy, now may be your most fertile time. The energy of the season of Spring may make you feel inspired to be especially creative.

Hopes and Fears our own hopes and ideals on the matter, aspirations and ideas of success, guidance, key factors, overlooked factor, what you might do, how to proceed, how you can make a change, ward of warning, truth of the matter, honest assessment, something you haven't considered. element of surprise, missing piece of the puzzle.

Knight of CupsBriefly:You may be on the receiving end of a proposal or proposition.

Full Meaning: This card shows a man dressed in armor. He is holding a cup, as if offering it to someone on front of him.  In the background is a blue sky, a river and some mountains and lush green trees and grass. It appears to be a Spring day.  The man is clean shaven and good looking.  He wears his uniform proudly.  If this is you, then you

may be about to propose to the object of your affection.  If this is someone you know, then you may be on the receiving end of a proposal or proposition from this man.  He is affectionate and caring and offers his pledge with sincerity and love.  There could also be a new job offer and this may also involve a place at a distance.

Outcome This card tells what the overall final outcome if the current path continues. Consider the influence of all previous cards, particularly the 6th (what is before you) card, which is a more short term representation of the final outcome. How the

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situation will be resolved, lesson you will learn, what others may do, improvement that will occur.

Six of WandsBriefly:You are about to be recognised or honoured in some way for your talents and achievements.

Full Meaning: This is a victory card, so if you draw this in your reading you are about to be recognised or honoured in some way for your talents and achievements. People will look to your for inspiration and possibly leadership. You may also be considering doing some

travelling or certainly exploring further options as they arise, rather than let them slip through your fingers. You could be given the directorship of a company or other exciting challenge to meet. You will be compensated for your talents in such a way that there is now no going back to your old defeatist ways.