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  • 8/3/2019 Full and final PTI - Copy


    Presented by

    Sheikh Waleed Tariq

    Tayyab Naveed

    Sulman Pasha

    Presented To

    Miss Sadaf Cheema

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    What Is Our Topic


    Be Gentel

    OUR Topic isPakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)

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    The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf(PTI)

    Pakistan Movement for Justice) isa centrist, progressive political party in Pakistan, which wasfounded by former cricket Pakistani captain and

    philanthropist Imran Khan.

    The fastest growing political party in Pakistan. PTI hasestablished itself as one of the country's mainstream nationalparties.

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    Mr. Imran Khan

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    PTI Mission

    To establish a just society based on humane values while

    continuously upholding the self-esteem of the nation.

    The PTI will restore the sovereign and inalienable right of the

    people to choose political and economic options in accordancewith our social, cultural, and religious values.

    We are broad-based movement for change whose mission is to

    create a free society based on justice. We know that nationalrenewal is only possible if people are truly free

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    Next Member

    Usman Anjum

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    History of PTI

    Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf was founded by Imran khan on April

    25, 1996 in Lahore, Pakistan.

    During the 1990s, Pakistan experienced instability, as

    Pakistan's two largest political parties, the Pakistan PeoplesParty and the Pakistan Muslim League (N), were elected but

    never completed their tenure due to allegations of corruption

    and mismanagement.

    In 1999, when PresidentNawaz Sharif, a PML-N politician, was

    ousted by General Pervez Musharraf in a bloodless coup, Khansupported General Musharraf because he believed that General

    Musharraf would be able to unite the country and lead it


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    Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf's constitution was approved on

    January 24, 1999 by the Central Executive Committee in

    Lahore, Pakistan and in October 2002, Imran Khan ran for officein the National Elections and became a Member of Parliament

    (MP) for Mianwali, his hometown. PTI supported General

    Musharraf's 2002 referendum, which allowed President Pervez

    Musharraf to remain in power for another five years .

    PTI believes that because Pakistan never developed properly,

    due to successive indifferent and incompetent administrations,

    the country never remained true to its founding ideals. As arelatively new political party in the national arena, PTI wishes to

    create a modern, democratic Islamic republic which advocates

    complete political, religious, and economic freedom

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    Under the Zardari administration, Khan's popularity has soared

    amid discontent with the ruling administration's domestic and

    foreign policy. PTI's strongest appeal is its credentials as a

    populist party. With increasing corruption, inflation, terrorism,

    extremism, nepotism, and crony capitalism, the popularity ofPTI has surged.

    PTI Chairman Imran Khan argues that a selfish and corruptruling elite, made up of primarily politicians, feudal leaders, and

    military bureaucrats, has destroyed Pakistan and brought it to

    the brink of disaste

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    Next Member

    Suleman Pasha

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    Ideology and Policies

    Ideology and Modern Democracy

    Implement Justice

    Party support for tolerance and diversity

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    PTI believes in pursuing a foreign policy based on a nationalist

    agenda, which it believes will safeguard all of Pakistan's

    national interests and promote greater regional cooperation.

    National interests and strategic ambitions

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    PTI slogan is:

    Justice, Humanity and Self Esteem

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    Next Member

    Sheikh WaleedTariq

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    Imran Khan (Chairman)

    Imran Khan was born in Lahore, and he was educated the

    Cathedral School in Lahore.

    Khan played for the Pakistani cricket team from 1971 to 1992

    and served as its captain intermittently throughout 19821992.

    In April 1996, Khan founded and became the chairman of a

    political party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (Movement for Justice).

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    He represented Mianwali as a member of the National

    Assemblyfrom November 2002 to October 2007.

    Imran openly boycotted the Pakistani general election

    on February 18, 2008 because it believed that the

    election was laced with irregularities.

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    Shah Mehmood Qureshi (Vice Chairman) Received formal education from Aitchison College, Lahore.Received a Bachelors Degree in History from Forman ChristianCollege.

    Shah Mehmood received Law Degree from CambridgeUniversity

    He joined the Pakistan People's Party (PPP) in 1993 under theleadership ofBenazirBhutto. But he swap the party inNovember 2011 from PPP to PTI for the benefit of the country.

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    Hamid Khan (Senior Vice President) Member Pakistan Bar Council

    Former President Supreme CourtBar Council Member of the council that won the case of Chief Justice

    Iftakhar M Chaudhry - One of the prominent Lawyer's Leader in

    restoration of judges movement.

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    Admiral Jawaid Iqbal (Additional Secretary

    General) Vice Admiral (Rtd) Pakistan Navy and Former Ambassador;

    also the PTI Spokesman for military affairs.

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    Arif Alvi (Secretary General)

    1. BDS (Dentistry) from University of Punjab (1970)

    2. Master of Science in Prosthodontics from University of

    Michigan, Ann Arbor (1975)

    3. Master of Science in Orthodontics from University of Pacific,

    San Francisco (1984) 4. Dean Faculty of Orthodontics (College of Physicians and

    Surgeons) (200007)

    5. Diplomate AmericanBoards of Orthodontics (1995)

    6. Professor of Prosthodontics (Honorary) Karachi Medical and

    Dental College (19962005)

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    Shafqat Mahmood (Information Secretary

    1. Masters in Psychology from Government College Lahore.(1970) Also served as lecturer there in 1971.

    2. Masters in Public Administration from HarvardUniversity (1981)

    3. Masters in Public Policy & Administration from University ofSouthern California(1987)

    4. Awarded Huberts H. HumpheryNorth-South Fellowship bythe United States Government (1980)

    5. Edward S. Mason Fellow in Public Policy in developingcountries by Harvard University. (1980-81)

    6. Served as Columnist for Pakistan's TheNews.

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    Mrs. Fauzia Kasuri (Women Wing Vice

    President and Member ISC )

    Bachelor of Arts from Karachi University, St.Joseph'sCollege,Khi.

    Graduate School at University ofNorth Carolina,NC, USA.

    First Part of the MBA program at UNC, NC.

    Currently completing Masters in International Relations,


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    Next Member

    Tayyab Naveed

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    General elections

    Less than one year after its founding, PTI contested its firstelections in the 1997 general elections, when Khanunsuccessfully stood from seven constituencies.In the 2002general elections, the party won 0.8% of the popular vote with 1out of 272 elected members.

    PTI openly boycotted the Pakistani general election on

    February 18, 2008 because it believed that the election wasfraudulent and laced with irregularities.

    With rising discontent among all of Pakistan's traditionalpolitical parties and dissatisfaction with the corrupt politicalorder, PTI has surged ahead.

    In recent polls, Imran Khan has emerged as Pakistan's mostpopular politician, and many disenchanted citizens believe thatonly his party can bring genuine change. Therefore, PTI hastaken to massive campaigning and rallying to bring about aclean sweep in the next general elections.

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    Insaf Student Federation

    Insaf Student Federation is the official student wing of PakistanTehreek-e-Insaf. ISF is present in all provinces of Pakistan.

    ISF has been celebrated as the best student organization ofany political party in Pakistan.

    Glorified for its activism and political prowess, ISF has heldmany protests and rallies in all parts of Pakistan to createawareness about different issues.

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    Insaf Student Federation

    The membership campaign was started by Imran Khan to increase

    political participation and make the people of Pakistan become more

    acquainted with the PTI agenda. The membership drive is still going

    on and has been very successful, especially in Pakistan's largest


    The membership campaign arranged by the party is a unique one, with

    a number of floats roaming various cities with huge banners and

    Imran Khan's picture on top of them.

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    Insaf Student Federation

    Imran Khan appears and gives a message to the people of Pakistan to

    join the party and strengthen its hands.

    The party is predominantly funded by wealthy benefactors who live in

    Europe and North America

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    Future Leaders of PTI ???

    Wait !!!!!

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    Future Leaders of PTI