
Fully functional bioengineered tooth replacementas an organ replacement therapyEtsuko Ikedaa,b,1, Ritsuko Moritaa,c,1, Kazuhisa Nakaoa,c, Kentaro Ishidaa,c, Takashi Nakamuraa,c,Teruko Takano-Yamamotod, Miho Ogawab, Mitsumasa Mizunoa,c,d, Shohei Kasugaie, and Takashi Tsujia,b,c,2

aDepartment of Biological Science and Technology, Faculty of Industrial Science and Technology, and cResearch Institute for Science and Technology,Tokyo University of Science, Noda, Chiba 278-8510, Japan; bOrgan Technologies Inc., Tokyo 101-0048, Japan; dDivision of Orthodontics and DentofacialOrthopedics, Graduate School of Dentistry, Tohoku University, Sendai, Miyagi 980-8575, Japan; and eOral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Departmentof Oral Restitution, Division of Oral Health Sciences, Graduate School, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo 113-8510, Japan

Edited by Robert Langer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, and approved June 30, 2009 (received for review March 17, 2009)

Current approaches to the development of regenerative therapieshave been influenced by our understanding of embryonic devel-opment, stem cell biology, and tissue engineering technology. Theultimate goal of regenerative therapy is to develop fully function-ing bioengineered organs which work in cooperation with sur-rounding tissues to replace organs that were lost or damaged as aresult of disease, injury, or aging. Here, we report a successful fullyfunctioning tooth replacement in an adult mouse achieved throughthe transplantation of bioengineered tooth germ into the alveolarbone in the lost tooth region. We propose this technology as amodel for future organ replacement therapies. The bioengineeredtooth, which was erupted and occluded, had the correct toothstructure, hardness of mineralized tissues for mastication, andresponse to noxious stimulations such as mechanical stress andpain in cooperation with other oral and maxillofacial tissues. Thisstudy represents a substantial advance and emphasizes the po-tential for bioengineered organ replacement in future regenera-tive therapies.

regenerative therapy � transplantation

The current approaches being used to develop future regen-erative therapies are influenced by our understanding of

embryonic development, stem cell biology, and tissue engineer-ing technology (1–4). One of the more attractive concepts underconsideration in regenerative therapy is stem cell transplantationof enriched or purified tissue-derived stem cells (5), or in vitromanipulated embryonic stem (ES) and induced pluripotent stem(iPS) cells (6, 7). This therapy has the potential to restore thepartial loss of organ function by replacing hematopoietic stemcells in hematopoietic malignancies (8), neural stem cells inParkinson’s disease (9), mesenchymal stem cells in myocardialinfarction (10), and hepatic stem cells in cases of hepaticinsufficiency (11).

The ultimate goal of regenerative therapy is to develop fullyfunctioning bioengineered organs that can replace lost or dam-aged organs following disease, injury, or aging (4, 12–14). Thefeasibility of this concept has essentially been demonstrated bysuccessful organ transplantations for various injuries and dis-eases (15). It is expected that bioengineering technology will bedeveloped for the reconstruction of fully functional organs invitro through the precise arrangement of several different cellspecies. However, these technologies have not yet achieved3-dimensional reconstructions of fully functioning organs. Toachieve the functional replacement of lost or damaged tissuesand organs, the development of 3-dimensional bioengineeredtissues comprising a single cell type is now being attempted usingbiodegradative materials (3), appropriate cell aggregation (16),or uniform cell sheets (17). These are now clinically applied forcorneal dysfunction (18), myocardial infarction (19), and hepaticinsufficiency (20) using oral mucosal epithelial cells, myocardialcells, and liver cells, respectively, with favorable clinical results.

A concept has also now been proposed to develop a bioengi-neered organ by reproducing the developmental processes dur-ing organogenesis (13, 21, 22). Almost all organs arise from theirrespective germs through reciprocal interactions between theepithelium and mesenchyme in the developing embryo (23–25).Therefore, it is predicted that a functional bioengineered organcould be produced by reconstituting organ germs betweenepithelial and mesenchymal cells in vitro, although the existenceof organ-inductive stem cells in the adult body has not been fullyelucidated yet with the exception of hair follicles (26) and themammary gland (27). Tooth replacement regenerative therapy,which is also induced by typical reciprocal epithelial, and mes-enchymal interactions (25, 28), is thought to be a feasible modelsystem to evaluate the future clinical application of bioengi-neered organ replacement (13, 21). The strategy to develop abioengineered third tooth after the loss of deciduous andpermanent teeth is to properly reproduce the processes whichoccur during embryonic development through the reconstitutionof a bioengineered tooth germ in vitro (21). We have recentlydeveloped a method for creating 3-dimensional bioengineeredorgan germ, which can be used as an ectodermal organ such asthe tooth or whisker follicle (29). Our analyses have provided aneffective method for reconstituting this organ germ and raisedthe possibility of tooth replacement with integrated blood vesselsand nerve fibers in an adult oral environment (29). However, itremains to be determined whether a bioengineered tooth canachieve full functionality, including sufficient masticatory per-formance, biomechanical cooperation with tissues in the oraland maxillofacial regions, and proper responsiveness via sensoryreceptors to noxious stimulations in the maxillofacial region.There are currently no published reports describing successfulreplacement with a fully functional bioengineered organ.

In our current study, we describe a fully functioning toothreplacement achieved by transplantation of a bioengineeredtooth germ into the alveolar bone of a lost tooth region in anadult mouse. We propose this as a model for future organreplacement therapy. The bioengineered tooth, which waserupted and reached occlusion in the oral environment, had thecorrect tooth structure, hardness of mineralized tissues formastication, and responsiveness to experimental orthodontictreatment and noxious stimulation in cooperation with tissues inthe oral and maxillofacial regions. Our results thus demonstrate

Author contributions: T.T. designed research; E.I., R.M., and K.N. performed research; E.I.,K.N., T.T.-Y., and S.K. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; E.I., R.M., K.N., K.I., T.N.,M.O., and M.M. analyzed data; and E.I., R.M., K.N., and T.T. wrote the paper.

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.

Freely available online through the PNAS open access option.

1E.I. and R.M. contributed equally to this work.

2To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected].

This article contains supporting information online at�cgi�doi�10.1073�pnas.0902944106 PNAS � August 11, 2009 � vol. 106 � no. 32 � 13475–13480







the potential of bioengineered organ replacement for use infuture regenerative therapies.

ResultsEruption and Occlusion of a Bioengineered Tooth. We first investi-gated whether a bioengineered molar tooth germ, which wasreconstituted from embryonic day 14.5 (ED14.5) molar toothgerm-derived epithelial and mesenchymal cells by our previouslydeveloped organ germ method, could erupt and reach occlusionwith an opposing tooth in the mouse adult oral environment(Fig. 1A). After 5–7 days in an organ culture, a single bioengi-neered molar tooth germ, which had developed at the early bellstage of a natural tooth germ and was with a mean length of534.4 � 45.6 �m (Fig. 1B), was then transplanted with the correctorientation into a properly-sized bony hole in the upper firstmolar region of the alveolar bone in an 8-week-old adult murinelost tooth transplantation model. In this model, the upper firstmolar had been extracted, and the resulting wounds had beenallowed to heal for 3 weeks (Fig. 1 A and Fig. S1 A). The cusp tipof the bioengineered tooth was exposed into the oral cavity at36.7 � 5.5 days after transplantation at a frequency of 34/60(56.6%) (Fig. 1C Center and Fig. S1 B–D Center). In currenttransplantation model, the non-erupted explants also occurredat low frequency and were due to the microsurgery for thetransplantation, such as transplantation with the reverse direc-tion or the falling off the explants. The vertical dimension of thetooth crown continually increased and the bioengineered toothfinally reached the plane of occlusion with the opposing lowerfirst molar at 49.2 � 5.5 days after transplantation (Fig. 1C Right,and Fig. S1 B–D Right and E). During the course of eruption andocclusion, the alveolar bone at the bony hole gradually healed inthe areas around the bioengineered tooth and the regeneratedtooth had sufficient periodontal space between itself and thealveolar bone (Fig. 1D and Fig. S1D). The bioengineered tooth

also formed a correct structure comprising enamel, ameloblast,dentin, odontoblast, dental pulp, alveolar bone, and bloodvessels (Fig. 1D). It is known that mice have a considerableamount of cellular cementum that increases in thickness both onthe sides of the roots and in the interradicular area and formsaround the apex of the molar roots (30). The fully occludedbioengineered tooth was also observed to have a large amountof cellular cementum that was equivalent to a normal murinemolar tooth (Fig. 1D and Fig. S1 A). The root of the bioengi-neered tooth was also observed to be surrounded by sufficientperiodontal ligaments (PDL) (Fig. 1D). Observations of thebioengineered tooth morphology revealed that the crown hadplural cusp structure. The lengths and crown widths of theerupted bioengineered teeth were 1,474.4 � 115.1 and 690.7 �177.7 �m, respectively. However, the bioengineered tooth wassmaller than the other normal teeth, since at present we cannotregulate the crown width, cusp position, and tooth patterningincluding anterior/posterior and buccal/lingual structures usingin vitro cell manipulation techniques.

We also transplanted green fluorescence protein (GFP)-labeled bioengineered tooth germ, which was reconstituted bynormal epithelial cells and the mesenchymal cells from GFP-transgenic mice into non-transgenic mice as described above(29). A GFP-labeled bioengineered tooth was produced andcould be observed in the bony hole in the alveolar bone of adultmice (Fig. 1E and Fig. S1F). GFP-positive mesenchymal cellswere also detectable both in the odontoblasts and in the dentalpulp and PDL, which differentiate from the dental papilla anddental follicle cells, respectively (Fig. 1F). Green fluorescencewas also observed in the dentinal tubules of the GFP-positiveodontoblasts in the regenerated tooth (Fig. 1F Lower).

We next investigated the gene expression profiles of colony-stimulating factor 1 (Csf1) and parathyroid hormone receptor(Pthr1), which are thought to regulate osteoclastogenesis during







Fig. 1. Eruption and occlusion of a bioengineeredtooth. (A) Schematic representation of the transplan-tation technology used for the generation of reconsti-tuted tooth germ. (B) Phase contrast image of bioengi-neered tooth germ on day 5 of an organ culture. (Scalebar, 200 �m.) (C) Oral photographs of a bioengineeredtooth during eruption and occlusion processes, includ-ing before eruption (Left), immediately after eruption(Center), and full occlusion (Right). (Scale bar, 200 �m.)(D) Histological analysis of the bioengineered toothduring the eruption and occlusion processes, includingbefore eruption (Left), immediately after eruption(Center), and full occlusion (Right). (Scale bar, 100 �m.)(E) Oral photograph of a bioengineered tooth recon-stituted using a combination of epithelial cells fromnormal mice and mesenchymal cells from GFP-trans-genic mice (GFP bioengineered tooth). A merged im-age is shown. (Scale bar, 200 �m.) (F) A sectional imageof a GFP bioengineered tooth. Fluorescent and DICimages are merged. (Scale bar, 100 �m.) (G) Oral pho-tographs showing occlusion of normal (Upper) andbioengineered (Lower) teeth. (Scale bar, 200 �m.) (H)MicroCT images of the occlusion of normal (Left) andbioengineered (Right) teeth. External (Left) and crosssection (Right) images are shown. The bioengineeredtooth is indicated by the arrowhead.

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tooth eruption (31). Those genes were detectable in the eruptionpathway and at the boundary surface between the dental follicleof the bioengineered tooth and osseous tissues, as is seen innormal teeth (Fig. S2). These observations suggest that theeruption of the bioengineered tooth germ faithfully reproducedthe molecular mechanisms involved in the normal tooth eruptionprocess.

We next analyzed the occlusion established between thebioengineered tooth and the opposing lower teeth. We oftenobserved that the bioengineered tooth moved physiologicallybefore achieving the occlusion during the transplantation ex-periments. The regenerated tooth achieved normal occlusion inharmony with other teeth in the recipient animal and hadopposing cuspal contacts that maintained the proper occlusalvertical dimensions between the opposing arches (Fig. 1 G andH, and Fig. S1 B–E). Following the achievement of occlusion at49.2 � 5.5 days after transplantation, there was no excessiveincrease in the tooth length or perforation of the maxillary sinusby the erupted bioengineered tooth at up to 120 days aftertransplantation. These results indicated that the bioengineeredtooth moved in response to mechanical stress and achievedfunctional occlusion with the opposing natural tooth.

Masticatory Potential of the Bioengineered Tooth. The masticatorypotential of a bioengineered tooth is essential for achievingproper tooth function (32). We thus performed a Knoop hard-ness test, which is a test for mechanical hardness and is used inparticular for very brittle materials or thin sheets. This was animportant parameter for evaluating masticatory functions in ourbioengineered tooth, including both the dentin and the enamelcomponents. The Knoop hardness of both the enamel and dentinof normal teeth in 3-week-old and 9-week-old mice significantlyincreases in according to the postnatal period (Fig. 2). Thesevalues for enamel and dentin in the normal teeth of 9-week-oldadult mice were measured at 447.7 � 88.9 and 88.4 � 10.2 Knoophardness number (KHN), respectively (Fig. 2). The same mea-surements in the bioengineered tooth were 461.1 � 83.2 and81.4 � 7.53 KHN, respectively (Fig. 2). These findings indicatedthat the hardness of the bioengineered tooth is in the normalrange.

Bioengineered Tooth Response to Mechanical Stress. It has beenpostulated that regeneration of a fully functional tooth could beachieved by fulfilling critical functions in an adult oral environ-ment such as the cooperation of the bioengineered tooth with theoral and maxillofacial regions through the PDL (31, 33). Histo-chemical analysis of the PDL of our bioengineered tooth (Fig.1D) showed a positive connection between this tooth and the

alveolar bone, and suggesting that this tooth may be responsiveto mechanical stress. It has been demonstrated previously thatalveolar bone remodeling is induced via the response of the PDLto mechanical stress such as the treatment of orthodonticmovements (31, 33). These same studies have further demon-strated that the localization of osteoclasts for bone resorptionand osteoblasts for bone formation can be observed in the areaof compression and on the tension side, respectively (31, 33).Thus, we analyzed the movement of our bioengineered tooth andalso the osteoclast and osteoblast localization for remodeling inthe alveolar bone by inducing orthodontic movements experi-mentally.

When the bioengineered tooth was moved buccally for 17 dayswith a mechanical force in an experimental tooth movementmodel, it performed as well as a normal tooth (Fig. 3A and Fig.S3). Histochemical analysis additionally revealed morphologicalchanges in the PDL in both the sides containing lingual tensionand buccal compression following 6 days of treatment (Fig. 3Aand Fig. S3). Osteoblast-like cells, which have a cuboidalshape and rounded nuclei, and osteoclast-like cells, which aremultinucleated giant cells, were observed on the surface of thealveolar bone within the tension and compression sides, respec-tively (Fig. 3A and Fig. S3). During experimental tooth move-ment, tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP)-positive

Fig. 2. Assessment of the hardness of the bioengineered tooth. Knoopmicrohardness values of the enamel (Left) and dentin (Right) of the bioengi-neered tooth at 11-weeks post transplantation were compared with those ofnormal teeth from 3- and 9-week-old mice. Error bars show the standarddeviation (n � 3). P � 0.001 (*) and �0.0001 (**) was regarded as statisticallysignificant (t test).




Fig. 3. Experimental tooth movement. (A) Horizontal sections of the root ofa normal tooth (Upper) and a bioengineered tooth (Lower) were analyzed byhematoxylin-eosin staining (HE) at days 0 (Left), 6 (Center), and 17 (Right) ofexperimental orthodontic treatment. (Scale bar, 100 �m.) (B) Sections of anormal and bioengineered tooth were analyzed by TRAP staining and in situhybridization of Ocn at day 6 of the orthodontic treatment. TRAP-positive cells(arrow) and Ocn mRNA-positive cells (arrowhead) are indicated. (Scale bar,100 �m.) (C) The root of the bioengineered tooth was analyzed for boneformation. The image in the box in Left is shown at higher magnification inRight. Tetracycline (arrowhead) and calcein (arrow) labeling was detectableon the tension side. (Scale bar, 50 �m.)

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staining was observed in the multinucleated cells, indicating thatosteoclast-like giant cells were dominant on the compression side(Fig. 3B). In contrast, the localization of osteocalcin (Ocn)mRNA-positive cells was observed in the cells on the tensionside, indicating that osteoblast-like cells were dominant (Fig.3B). A fluorescent double-labeling experiment using calcein andtetracycline further showed that incorporation of these reagentsinto the alveolar bone on the tension side, but not the compres-sion side, was clearly observable in the double-labeled line within10 days of the orthodontic treatment (Fig. 3C). These findingssuggest that the PDL of the bioengineered tooth successfullymediates bone remodeling via the proper localization of oste-oclasts and osteoblasts in response to mechanical stress.

Perceptive Potential of Neurons Entering the Tissue of the Bioengi-neered Tooth. The perception of noxious stimulations such asmechanical stress and pain, are important for the protection andproper functions of teeth (34). Neurons in the trigeminal gan-glion, which innervate the pulp and PDL, can detect these stressevents and transduce the corresponding perceptions to thecentral nervous system (34). We have previously reported thatnerve fibers are detectable in the pulp of a developing bioengi-neered tooth in the oral cavity (29). In our current experiments,we evaluated the responsiveness of nerve fibers in the pulp andPDL of the bioengineered tooth to induced noxious stimulations.

Anti-neurofilament (NF)-immunoreactive nerve fibers weredetected in the pulp, dentinal tubules, and PDL of the bioengi-neered tooth as in a normal tooth (Fig. 4A and Fig. S4).Neuropeptide Y (NPY), which is synthesized in sympatheticnerves (34), was also detected in the pulp and PDL neurons (Fig.4A and Fig. S4 C and D). Calcitonin gene-related peptide(CGRP), which is synthesized in sensory nerves and is involvedin sensing tooth pain (34) was also observed in both pulp andPDL neurons (Fig. 4A and Fig. S4 E and F). NPY and CGRPwere detected in both the anti-NF positive and negative-immunoreactive neurons (Fig. 4A and Fig. S4 C–F).

We next evaluated the perceptive potential of these neuronsin the bioengineered tooth against noxious stimulations such asorthodontic treatment and pulp stimulation. The expression ofgalanin, which is a neuropeptide involved in pain transmission(35), increased in response to persistent painful stimulation ofthe nerve terminals within the PDL of the bioengineered toothto the same extent as in a normal tooth (Fig. 4B). Thus PDLnerve fibers in the bioengineered tooth appear to respond tonociceptive stimulation caused by our experimental tooth move-ments. Previous studies have reported that neurons expressingthe proto-oncogene c-Fos protein are detectable in the super-ficial layers of the medullary dorsal horn following noxiousstimulations such as electrical, mechanical and chemical stimu-lation of intraoral receptive fields involving the tooth pulp, PDL,and peripheral nerves innervating the intraoral structures (34,35). We found in our current analyses that the c-Fos-immunoreactive neurons present in both the normal tooth andthe bioengineered tooth drastically increased at 2 h after exper-imental tooth movement, and then gradually decreased within48 h (Fig. 4C). Following pulp stimulation, positive neurons inboth normal and bioengineered teeth also increased at 2 h afterstimulation, but could not be detected at 48 h (Fig. 4D). Thesedata indicate that the nerve fibers innervating both the pulp andPDL of the bioengineered tooth have perceptive potential fornociceptive stimulations and can transduce these events to thecentral nervous system (the medullary dorsal horn).

DiscussionWe successfully demonstrate herein that our bioengineered toothgerm develops into a fully functioning tooth with sufficient hardnessfor mastication and a functional responsiveness to mechanical stressin the maxillofacial region. We also show that the neural fibers that

have re-entered the pulp and PDL tissues of the bioengineeredtooth have proper perceptive potential in response to noxiousstimulations such as orthodontic treatment and pulp stimulation.





Fig. 4. Pain response to mechanical stress. (A) Nerve fibers in the pulp and PDL inthe normal (Upper) and bioengineered (Lower) tooth were analyzed immunohisto-chemicallyusingspecificantibodiesforthecombination(left2columns)ofNF(green)andNPY(red)andthecombination(right2columns)ofNFandCGRP(red).(Scalebar,25 �m.) (B) Analysis of galanin immunoreactivity in the PDL of a normal (Upper) andbioengineered (Lower) tooth for the assessment of orthodontic force. No galaninexpressionwasevidentintheuntreatedtooth(Left).Galaninexpression(arrowhead)was detected in the PDL of a normal and bioengineered tooth after 48 h of orth-odontic treatment (Right). (Scale bar, 25 �m.) (C) Analysis of c-Fos-immunoreactivityinthemedullarydorsalhornofmicewithanormaltooth(Upper)orabioengineeredtooth(Lower)after0h(Left),2h(Center),and48h(Right)oforthodontictreatment.c-Fos expression (arrowhead) was also detected. (Scale bar, 50 �m.) (D) Analysis ofc-Fos immunoreactivity in the medullary dorsal horn of mice with a normal tooth(Upper) or a bioengineered tooth (Lower) after 0 h (Left), 2 h (Center), and 48 h(Right)of stimulationbypulpexposure. c-Fosexpression (arrowhead)wasevident inthe medullary dorsal horn after 2 and 48 h of pulp exposure. (Scale bar, 50 �m.) D,dentin; P, pulp; B, bone; PDL, periodontal ligament; T, spinal trigeminal tract.

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These findings indicate that bioengineered tooth generation tech-niques can contribute to the rebuilding of a fully functional tooth.

Critical issues in tooth regenerative therapy are whether the bioengi-neered tooth can reconstitute functions such as mastication (32) andresponsive potential to mechanical stress (31, 33) and noxious stimu-lations (34), including cooperation of the regenerated tooth with boththe oral and maxillofacial regions. Eruption and occlusion are essentialfirst steps toward dental organ replacement therapy and successfulincorporation into the oral and maxillofacial region (21, 36). Ourlaboratory has demonstrated previously that a bioengineered toothgerm can develop into a tooth with the correct structure in an adultmouse(29). Ithasalsobeenreportedpreviously thatnormal toothgermisolated from murine embryos and a bioengineered tooth constructedfrom cultured tooth bud cells can develop and erupt in a toothless oralsoft tissue region (diastema) of adult mice and in the tooth extractionsockets of an adult rat (37–42). In our current study, we provideevidence that a bioengineered tooth with the same hardness as an adultnatural toothcaneruptwithnormalgeneexpression, includingCsf1andPthr1, which are thought to regulate osteoclastogenesis, and achievefunctional occlusion with the opposing natural teeth. Previous reportshave suggested that the eruption of tooth germ is generally induced atthe site of tooth development and by the gubernacular cord, which isderived from the epithelium of the dental lamina (43). Hence, ourfindings provide significant insights into tooth eruption mechanismsand strongly suggest that masticatory potential can be successfullyrestored by the transplantation of bioengineered tooth germ.

To establish cooperation between the bioengineered tooth andthe maxillofacial region, 1 critical issue to address is whether afunctional PDL is achieved and thereby the restoration of interac-tions between the bioengineered tooth and the alveolar bone (31,33). The PDL has essential roles in tooth support, homeostasis, andrepair, and is involved in the regulation of periodontal cellularactivities such as cell proliferation, apoptosis, the secretion ofextracellular matrices, the resorption and repair of the root cemen-tum, and remodeling of the alveolar bone proper (31, 33). Althoughimplant therapy has been established and is effective for replace-ment of a missing tooth, this therapy involves osseointegration intothe alveolar bone that does not reconstitute the PDL (44). Theregeneration of PDL has been studied previously using cell sheets(17) and stem cells (22), but has not yet been fully successful. It isthought that orthodontic tooth movement, a process involvingpathogenic and physiologic responses to extreme forces applied toa tooth through bone remodeling controlled by osteogenesis andosteoclastgenesis (31), is a good assay model for the evaluation ofPDL functions. In our present study, the PDL associated with thebioengineered tooth performed in complete cooperation with theoral and maxillofacial regions and bone remodeling successfullyoccurred following the application of orthodontic mechanical force.These findings indicate that it is possible to restore and re-establishcooperation between the bioengineered tooth and maxillofacialregions and thus regenerate critical dental functions.

The peripheral nervous system plays important roles in theregulation of organ functions and the perception of externalstimuli such as pain and mechanical stress (45). During devel-opment of the peripheral nervous system, growing axons navi-gate and establish connections to their developing target organs(46). The recovery of the nervous system, which is associatedwith the reentry of nerve fibers, is critical for organ replacement(47). Although the functions of several internal organs, includingthe liver, kidney, and pancreas, are also mediated by specifichumoral factors such as hormones and cytokines via bloodcirculation (45), perceptions of external stimuli are also essentialto the functions of several organs, such as the eye, limbs, andteeth (45). The tooth is well recognized as a peripheral target

organ for sensory trigeminal nerves, which are required for thefunction and protection of the teeth (46). It is known also thatthe perception of mechanical forces during mastication is limitedin implant patients (48). Thus, the restoration of nerve functionsis also critical for tooth regenerative therapy and future organreplacement therapy (13, 45). In our current study, we demon-strate that several species of nerve fibers, including NF, NPY,CGRP, and galanin-immunoreactive neurons, successfully re-entered both the pulp and/or PDL region of the bioengineeredtooth. These nerves could thereby transduce the signals fromnoxious stimulations such as mechanical stress by orthodontictreatment and the exposure of pulp. Previous studies have alsorevealed that trigeminal nerve fibers navigate and establish theiraxonal projections into the pulp and PDL during early toothdevelopment in a spatiotemporally controlled manner throughexpression of regulatory factors such as nerve growth factor, glialcell line-derived neurotrophic factor, and semaphorin 3a (46).Our present results suggest the possibility that the transplanta-tion of regenerated tooth germ can induce trigeminal axoninnervation and establishment in an adult jaw through thereplication of trigeminal axon pathfinding and nerve fiber pat-terning during early tooth development (46).

In conclusion, this study provides evidence of a successfulreplacement of an entire and fully functioning organ in an adultbody through the transplantation of bioengineered organ germ,reconstituted by single cell manipulation in vitro. Our studytherefore makes a substantial contribution to the developmentof bioengineering technology for future organ replacementtherapy. Further studies on the identification of available adulttissue stem cells for the reconstitution of a bioengineered toothgerm and the regulation of stem cell differentiation into odon-togenic cell lineage will help to achieve the realization of toothregenerative therapy for missing teeth.

MethodsTransplantation. The upper first molars of 5-week-old C57BL/6 (SLC) mice wereextracted under deep anesthesia. Mice were maintained for 3 weeks to allowfor natural repair of the tooth cavity and oral epithelium. Before transplan-tation, we confirmed using microCT analysis that the remaining tooth rootcomponents and/or the tooth that had developed from them could not beobserved in the bony holes (SI Methods). Following repair, an incision ofapproximately 1.5 mm in length was made through the oral mucosa at theextraction site with fine scissors to access the alveolar bone. A fine pin vice(Tamiya) was used to create a bony hole of about 0.5–1.0 mm in diameter inthe exposed alveolar bone surface. Just before transplantation, we removedthe collagen gel from the bioengineered tooth germ in the in vitro organculture and marked the top of the dental epithelium with vital staining dye,such as methylene blue, to ensure the correct direction of the explants. Theexplants were then transplanted into the bony hole according to the dye. Theincised oral mucosa was next sutured with 8–0 nylon (8–0 black nylon 4 mm1/2R, Bear Medic Corp.) and the surgical site was cleaned. The mice containingthe transplants were fed a powdered diet (Oriental Yeast) and skim milk untilthe regenerated tooth had erupted.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank Dr. Masaru Okabe (Osaka University) forkindly providing the C57BL/6-TgN (act-EGFP) OsbC14-Y01-FM131 mice. We arealso grateful to Dr. Toru Deguchi and Dr. Masahiro Seiryu (Tohoku University)for their analysis of the tooth perceptive potential; Dr. Nobuo Takeshita andDr. Yuichi Sakai (Tohoku University) for analysis of experimental tooth move-ment; Dr. Masahiro Saito for critical reading of this manuscript and valuablediscussions; and Mr K. Koga (Carl Zeiss) for providing technical support for ourmicroscopic observations. This work was partially supported by Health andLabour Sciences Research Grants from the Ministry of Health, Labour, andWelfare (No. 21040101) to S.K. and T.T., a Grant-in Aid for Scientific Researchin Priority Areas (No. 50339131) to T.T., a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(A) and by an ‘‘Academic Frontier’’ Project for Private Universities to T.T.(2003–2007) from Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Technology,Japan.

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13480 ��cgi�doi�10.1073�pnas.0902944106 Ikeda et al.