Download - Fuel Pump Manufacturers Council December 12 & 13, 2007.


Fuel Pump Manufacturers Council

December 12 & 13, 2007

Fuel Pump Manufacturers Council December 13, 2007

Wednesday’s Agenda

1:00 pm Welcome and Anti-trust Guidelines Overview

1:30 pm SAS Presentation - Tom Roehm

2:45 pm Break

3:00 pm Fuel Pump Testing and Service- Dave Gilbert, SIU Carbondale

4:00 pm Starndard Warranty Claim Form

Fuel Pump Manufacturers Council December 13, 2007

Thursday’s Agenda

9:00 am Open Meeting

9:15 am AASA Updates and Board Meeting

10:00 am Advanstar Interview

11:30 am Lunch (Westin)

12:30 pm Web Site RFP Review and Discussion

2:00 pm Review of Open Items, 2008 initiatives and meetings

3:00 pm Close meeting

Fuel Pump Manufacturers Council December 13, 2007

Mission Statement

Provide professional technicians and DIY installers with the resources,

tools and information to more effectively diagnose and service

automotive fuel systems.

Fuel Pump Manufacturers Council December 13, 2007

SAS Presentation

Tom Roehm

Fuel Pump Manufacturers Council December 13, 2007

Fuel Pump Testing and Service

Dave Gilbert, SIU Carbondale

Fuel Pump Manufacturers Council December 13, 2007

Standard Warranty Claim Form

Mike Wilinski

Fuel Pump Manufacturers Council December 13, 2007


SUBMIT COMPLETED CLAIM FORM, COPIES OF ORIGINAL AND REPLACEMENT FUELPUMP RECEIPTS AND ALLEDGED DEFECTIVE UNIT TO ORIGINAL INSTALLER ORPLACE OF PURCHASE. Refer to Manufacturer’s specific Warranty Policy andProcedure for detailed instructions.Date ____________ Cust Ref #__________ Mfr Ref #_________

To be assigned by Mfr

Vehicle Owner Name _________________________________________Address ___________________________________________________City/State/Zip code __________________________________________Phone No __________________________________________________Vehicle, Year, Make, Model, Engine ______________________________VIN ___________________________Date Original Installed _________ Date Replacement Installed_________Fuel Pump Mfr_____________________ Fuel Pump Part # ___________Installer Name ______________________________________________Address____________________________________________________City/State/Zip code____________________________________________Phone No __________________________________________________Installer Signature ____________________________________________Jobber/Supplier_____________________________________________Address ____________________________________________________City/State/Zip code____________________________________________Distributor Name _____________________________________________Address_____________________________________________________City/State/Zip code_____________________________________________REASON FOR RETURN ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Mfr Disposition Accepted Not Accepted __________________

Fuel Pump Manufacturers Council December 13, 2007

AASA Updates

• Brand Protection Council Risk of Importing initiative

• Government Affairs Energy and climate change Imported non-compliant parts Brand protection and IPR Currency fluctuations Raw materials, especially cost Health care Super warranties, state level

Fuel Pump Manufacturers Council December 13, 2007

AASA Updates

• Marketing Executives Council Supplier excellence initiative AAPEX Show Committee

• China Aftermarket Forum TecDoc electronic catalog for Chinese market Anti-fakery booths at Chinese trade shows

• MIS Council Customer E-commerce Matrix

• AAPEX Record number of attendees – 118,000 2,000 exhibitors & 4,000 booths

Fuel Pump Manufacturers Council December 13, 2007

AASA Updates

• Vision Conference First annual member-only event Feb. 28 – Mar. 1 Dolphin-Swan Resort Orlando, Fla. Workgroup sessions

Global Selling & Sourcing Education/Training Member collaboration

Executive conference Council meetings

Fuel Pump Manufacturers Council December 13, 2007

Council Interview

Dan Thornton, Advanstar

Fuel Pump Manufacturers Council December 13, 2007

FPMC Web Site Review

Fuel Pump Manufacturers Council December 13, 2007

FPMC Web Site Agenda Purpose RFP Review Target Audience Strategy Launch Date

Fuel Pump Manufacturers Council December 13, 2007

FPMC Web Site Purpose

Fuel Pump Manufacturers Council December 13, 2007

Web Site Information Outline Council needs to establish the following for the Web site:

Domain name ( is available!) Template design Design and host

Elements and subjects to be included in FPMC Web site Mission Statement Articles and press releases related to fuel industry Fuel categories Diagnostic procedures Installation procedures Tools Tech lines / manufacturer Web sites FAQs TSBs Links to Hazmat / Earth 911 information UPS / FedEx hazmat shipping regulations Links to manufacturer training information Disclaimer

Fuel Pump Manufacturers Council December 13, 2007

Doiron Catevo atlanticBT

Timing 10 weeks 6-8 weeks 41 days

Costs $5,000 $6,875 $6,736

Environment PHP / MySQL Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP


Environment Out of the box Moderate modifications to server

Prefers to host

CMS Yes Yes Yes

Training Yes Yes Yes

Tracking/reporting capabilities

No, but MEMA does Yes TBD

Design concepts provided

3 TBD 1

CMS allows addition of new pages

Yes Yes TBD

Sample sites

Previous work with MEMA

Yes Yes No

Fuel Pump Manufacturers Council December 13, 2007

FPMC Web Site Review

• Target Audience

• Strategy

• Timeline

Fuel Pump Manufacturers Council December 13, 2007

Review of Open Items

• Review dates for 2008 meetings

• Council Initiatives for 2008

• Other Items

Fuel Pump Manufacturers Council December 13, 2007

FPMC 2008 Initiatives

• Council Expansion Warranties and Returns AASA board member returns up 23% in ‘07 FPMC – model for other product categories FPMC would be working group Product categories – electric starters, air conditioning

units, compressors, etc. Share best practices OESA Warranties Council

Fuel Pump Manufacturers Council December 13, 2007

Mission Statement

Provide professional technicians and DIY installers with the resources,

tools and information to more effectively diagnose and service

automotive fuel systems.