Download - FRUITS AND and vegetables at every meal! •Using the MyPlate icon as an example for meal planning and food

Page 1: FRUITS AND and vegetables at every meal! •Using the MyPlate icon as an example for meal planning and food


Food and Nutrition Collaborative

Page 2: FRUITS AND and vegetables at every meal! •Using the MyPlate icon as an example for meal planning and food

• The new MyPlate icon from the USDA recommends filling HALF your plate with colorful fruits and vegetables at every meal!

• Using the MyPlate icon as an example for meal planning and food portion sizes helps increase produce consumption

• Fruits and veggies are low in calories, high in vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and fiber

• Experts suggest that we eat 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables daily

Experts Recommend 5-9 Servings Of Fruits & Veggies Daily

Page 3: FRUITS AND and vegetables at every meal! •Using the MyPlate icon as an example for meal planning and food

Why eat MORE fruits and veggies?

1. Color & Texture. Fruits and veggies add color, texture … and appeal … to your plate.

2. Fruits and veggies are nutritious in any form – fresh, frozen, canned, dried and 100% juice, so they’re ready when you are!

3. Fruits and veggies provide fiber that helps fill you up and keeps your digestive system happy.

4. Low in Calories. Fruits and veggies are naturally low in calories.

5. Reduce Disease Risk. Eating plenty of fruits and veggies may help reduce the risk of many diseases, including heart disease, high blood pressure, and some cancers.

6. Vitamins & Minerals. Fruits and veggies are rich in vitamins and minerals that help you feel healthy and energized.

7. Variety. Fruits and veggies are available in an almost infinite variety…there’s always something new to try!

8. Fruits and veggies are nature’s treat and easy to grab for a snack.

9. Fun to Eat! Some crunch, some squirt, some you peel … some you don’t, and some grow right in your own backyard!

10. Fruits & Veggies are Nutritious AND Delicious!

Page 4: FRUITS AND and vegetables at every meal! •Using the MyPlate icon as an example for meal planning and food

• Lemons are known for their high Vitamin C content which helps your body’s immune system

• Lemons like other citrus fruits contain a variety of phytochemicals

• Lemons are a good source of B-Complex vitamins such as pantothenic acid, pyridoxine and folates

• Lemons carry a healthy amount of minerals such as iron, copper, potassium, and calcium


Page 5: FRUITS AND and vegetables at every meal! •Using the MyPlate icon as an example for meal planning and food

• Its leaves are a rich source of antioxidants, such as lutein and beta carotene which are cancer protective and immune boosting

• Its leaves are a good source of Vitamin A. The stems are high in folic acid, riboflavin, niacin, Vitamin C and Vitamin K

• It is a good source of minerals, such as potassium, sodium, calcium, manganese and magnesium

• When buying, choose fresh leaves and stem with bright green color and crispy appearance. Stems can stay fresh for up to a week in the refrigerator

• Wash its leaves and stems in cold water to remove dirt, fungicide and pesticide; remove tough stem ends prior to cooking


Page 6: FRUITS AND and vegetables at every meal! •Using the MyPlate icon as an example for meal planning and food

• Snap peas are a cross between a snow pea and a garden pea

• The whole pod of the snap pea is eaten and has a crunchy texture and sweet flavor

• Snap peas are an excellent source of vitamin C!

Snap Peas

Page 7: FRUITS AND and vegetables at every meal! •Using the MyPlate icon as an example for meal planning and food

• Choose grapefruit with a thin smooth firm blemish free skin that are heavy for their size.

• Grapefruit is an excellent source of vitamin A and vitamin C.


Page 8: FRUITS AND and vegetables at every meal! •Using the MyPlate icon as an example for meal planning and food

• The vegetable is actually the buds of a purple flower

• Packed with antioxidants and fiber, both keynutrients in a healthy diet

• They can be baked, boiled or steamed

• Enjoy the soft, pulpy portion of the petal and bottom portion called the artichoke heart

• Delicious served with dipping sauce!


Page 9: FRUITS AND and vegetables at every meal! •Using the MyPlate icon as an example for meal planning and food

• Termed “golden eggs of the sun” by ancient Greeks; Carotenoids provide this color

• Excellent source of daily Vitamins A (50%) and C (25%)

• Store at room temperature until ripe, then in a plastic bag in fridge for up to 5 days

• Enjoy this fruit as a snack, add to a salad, or use dried apricots in trail mix


Page 10: FRUITS AND and vegetables at every meal! •Using the MyPlate icon as an example for meal planning and food

• Bananas are classified into cooking or dessert bananas

• In the US, the most common type of banana is a dessert banana

• When a dessert banana ripens, it turns from a light green color to a dark yellow color with black spotted dots

• Bananas are a good source of antioxidants, potassium, vitamin B6 and vitamin C

• A ripened banana provides a water soluble fiber called pectin


Page 11: FRUITS AND and vegetables at every meal! •Using the MyPlate icon as an example for meal planning and food

• Swiss Chard is the second most nutrient dense and phytonutrient dense vegetable behind spinach

• Swiss Chard belongs to the same family as beets and spinach

• Swiss Chard provides an excellent source of fiber, vitamin A, C, E, K, magnesium, coper, manganese, potassium and iron

Swiss Chard

Page 12: FRUITS AND and vegetables at every meal! •Using the MyPlate icon as an example for meal planning and food

• Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable that is part of the same plant family as broccoli, kale, cabbage and collards

• Cauliflower contains powerful antioxidants that protect against bladder, breast, colon, prostate and ovarian cancer

• Cauliflower is an excellent source of fiber, vitamin B1, B2, B6, C, K, folate, omega-3 fatty acids, manganese, phosphorus and biotin


Page 13: FRUITS AND and vegetables at every meal! •Using the MyPlate icon as an example for meal planning and food

• Cranberries are known as “bounceberries” because once a cranberry is ripe it can be bounced on a hard surface

• The modern cranberry is a native fruit to America and was cultivated in 1840

• Cranberries are one of the most nutrient dense berries and are a great source of dietary fiber, manganese, copper, vitamin C, E, and K

• Cranberries lower LDL cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol levels


Page 14: FRUITS AND and vegetables at every meal! •Using the MyPlate icon as an example for meal planning and food

• Cucumbers are classified as a fruit but often referred to as a vegetable

• Cucumbers can be green, white, yellow or orange

• They vary in shape from long and tubular to short or round

• The antioxidants found in cucumbers may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer

• Cucumbers are a good source of vitamin K, potassium, manganese, vitamin B1, vitamin C, phosphorus and magnesium


Page 15: FRUITS AND and vegetables at every meal! •Using the MyPlate icon as an example for meal planning and food

• Squash originated in Mexico and Central America

• Scientists have found preserved squash seeds that date from more than 10,000 years ago

• Squash is an excellent source of fiber, vitamins B6, C, K, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and folate

• Squash also provides a small amount of omega-3 fatty acids within its seeds
