Download - Front cover slideshow

  1. 1. Research
    Front pages
    This slide show will present my research into existing front pages from local newspapers. By researching these it will trigger ideas for my newspaper and show me how to make mine look realistic and professional.
  2. 2. Wigan Observer
    I researched covers of the Wigan Observer which is an existing local newspaper. The cover seems to include one story,one or two adverts and a banner above the story detailing parts of whats inside, both include a competition. The cover storys seem to be negative, usually a local tragedy or a death. The images on the front of the first cover seem to be unprofessional and more like family photos. The second covers image seems to be a more professional location shot. The most prominent colours on both covers are blue black and red. Newspapers keep colour to a minimum , this is a feature which I will apply to my newspaper. On both posters and advert is placed in the top and bottom right hand corner the larger advert at the bottom.
  3. 3. Wigan Evening Post
    I researched covers of the Wigan Evening Post as this is an existing local newspaper, I really like the layout of this coverwith the advert banner at the bottom and a large image and headline. I much prefer this layout and the colours used to the ones in the previous (the Wigan Observer) because I feel that the block writing with the red back ground on the logo makes it stand out and more eye-catching. I will take this layout into account when creating my newspaper cover.
  4. 4. Wigan Reporter
    The final local newspaper cover I chose to research is the Wigan Reporter. Iwould say that this is my least favourite layout of the three for a number of reasons; firstly the fact that the images are much smaller so don't really give much of a stand out eye-catching effect so wouldn't really attract an audience as good. Another reason is I dont like the amount of adverts on the cover Ithink that it distracts the audience from the cover story as many of the adverts are larger than the photos for the story. On the other hand I do like the red and black colour scheme of the logo and banner underneath it as the bright colour will attract people to look.