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Front Cover Magazine Analysis

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The Masthead on this particular magazine is a single letter, ‘Q’ this is because this is the publisher of this magazine. The ‘Q’ which is at the top left is very big in comparison to all the other lettering that is included on this front cover. The reason why I think the publisher has made the ‘Q’ like that is because they want the audience to see what publisher it is immediately.

There are multiple cover lines on this particular magazine, the majority cover lines are on the right side of the front cover, when looking at the colours used on this front cover, the colours mainly used are black, red and white, the white and red stand out against the black background making them a lot more obvious and more effective.

The barcode on magazines are usually situated on either the bottom right hand corner or left hand corner, but as you can see with this magazine front cover, the barcode is located beneath the large ‘Q’ logo. Barcodes must be included on a magazine front cover as it is illegal to not include one.

The main image on this front cover is a medium close up of a female singer, as previously mentioned, the colour scheme is also used replicated in the image, the female model stands out against the dark background. The model is also looking at the camera lens that has taken the image of her, this makes it look like the model is looking at us, this makes the magazine cover even more effective.

The cover lines included on this magazine are also included to give the audience an extra insight on what this particular magazine includes inside, this is another technique used to attract consumers into buying a particular magazine.

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The masthead on this magazine is ‘XXL’, with the ‘L’ slightly hidden behind Drakes head. The logo of the publisher stands out and the audience can quickly and clearly identify the publisher of this magazine.

The next convention I will talk about on this magazine is the main image, the main image is a medium close up shot of the rapper/singer Drake. The effects used on this image is black and white, this makes the image look very simple but classy at the same time. The image also takes up most of the space on the front cover which again has the effect of attracting the audience.

The layout of this front cover is a very structured and smart looking front cover, it isn’t messy which is what I have found with some other magazines. There are numerous cover lines on this front cover which give plenty of information to the audience about what this magazine includes and a slight insight on what the articles are about.

The colours used on this front cover are again simple, it uses black, white, red and gold. The main attraction is the logo/ publisher of this magazine, the reason for this is because this is in red and white where in comparison, the rest of the magazine is white, black and gold. The reason why the publishers have done this is because they want their logo to get the most attention.

The barcode on this magazine is positioned in the bottom left but not in the corner, this isn’t a problem because it doesn’t get in the way of any other text. The barcode is a must as it’s a legal requirement.

The issue number of this magazine has also been included, this is to give the audience further information about the magazine.‘Drake watch the throne’ is the second most attractive point on this magazine. The publisher has done this to again attract the audience because it shows that there will is a big story about Drake inside the magazine.

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The masthead on this particular front cover is NME, the colour of the logo is orange, this is because a magazine has a colour scheme that it must follow. Also the use of the colour orange means that the logo stands out against the grey background

The main image features the artist Kane Miles, the name of the artist as well as the masthead is in the same colour, this could signify that the artist is just as important as the masthead.

The layout of this cover is a very stylish and modern look, it’s not too complicated neither is it boring. The text is organised very neatly.

The colour scheme used on this page is orange, white and grey. The orange text as previously mentioned stands out against the grey background. The white text also stands out again the grey background. Also the left third makes the ‘WIN! VIP tickets..’ a lot more eye catching. The reason why NME have done this is because they do not want this to be missed.

A barcode is also included on this magazine, this time it is indeed in the bottom right hand corner of the magazine, the barcode is a legal requirement.