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Page 1: Front cover experimenting with different fonts

Front cover experimenting with different fonts :

Lauren Fitzsimons

Page 2: Front cover experimenting with different fonts
Page 3: Front cover experimenting with different fonts

This is the text I decided to use :

• This text varies with all different sizes and fonts these are the ones I used on my front cover. All of these fonts I chose because they are clear and easy to read. When arranged all together they will look in sync. I decided I wanted to put these fonts in either pink, black or green because they match with my master head.

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Page 5: Front cover experimenting with different fonts

Text I didn’t use :

• I didn’t use these fonts when creating my remake of my front cover because either the colours didn’t go well where they were placed or the font didn’t tie in with my genre of my magazine.

Page 6: Front cover experimenting with different fonts
Page 7: Front cover experimenting with different fonts

Process one

• In this stage I am clearing the page ready for all my new text I have tried the ‘win’ text here and I think this looks like it clashes against the yellow – I think this is horrible. I also don’t like how the ‘exclusive Cheyenne reveals all’ this is another one of my experiments and I don’t think this works here so this is one I don’t think I will use.

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Page 9: Front cover experimenting with different fonts

Process two

• In this photo of my front page I have got the cover lines how I want them as I have based them on a magazine of the same genre looking at the commonly used conventions. But I have decided from this draft that I don’t like the ‘music collapses’ text as I don’t think it looks professional I will change this to a more block font so it stands out. The structure of the cover lines I think are quite successful though I like these rather than before as they look less de cluttered and organised. Fonts such as ‘dangers of ear phones’ actually mirror the message that they are saying and this I have learnt creates a good outcome. I think that the important parts of the text should have boxes around them to make them stand out.

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Page 11: Front cover experimenting with different fonts

Process three

• This is my final stage of experimenting with text I have added boxes around the cover lines in which I think are important. This effect has made the text stand out and make it look like it belongs there now. I think the colours I have chosen also look good placed where they are because the running colour scheme of pink and green is followed throughout. Looking at magazines that were already published really helped with experimenting with text.

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This is the magazine in which I based my cover lines on here you can see the things I have used for example like the same kind of text on the cover line about the 8 biggest lies. I have also used some of the same language such as ‘shock report’ within my front page as I liked the drama that this created. Although a fashion /gossip magazine this is also aimed at the same target audience as mine so I thought this could provide some help. I also used the circle as I liked this convention so I carried it on to my own. I also used the convention of the quotes as well as this is what they normally do if it contains a interview.