Download - From web 2.0 to wave 5


How consumers from 53 different markets across the world tend to behave, influence, motivate.

Consumers don’t just use the social media, but even more, it has become a new lifestyle, a new consumer behaviour coming out as a normal, daily behaviour

The first two waves gave an image of social media as an opportunity of active users to create content ant share it with others.

People had the power to produce while consumption; they became prosumers.

In Wave 3 social networks have evolved significantly. They’ve turned out to be platforms that support all our internet needs.They give consumers the opportunity to show off their influence over their peers.Advertisers who want to cut through , they need to be relevant and work inside the network , by bringing users to branded pages, applications or connecting them with content. As a conclusion Wave 3 advises advertisers to “use social media to create a dialogue with consumers.”“Think global; Consumers are”

Social networks are becoming the dominant platform for content creation and sharing. Consumers are not cutting back on blogging; instead, they prefer to do it via their social network pages.Use of mobile internet has reached nearly a fifth of all active internet users. The excitement doesn’t fade out after a few weeks. Consumers spend time keeping their network profile up to date.Finally wave 4 gives a 10-step programme for successful social media suggesting new ways to engage a target audience.

In Wave 5 social networks have become hot spots of interconnected communities, but there’s also a huge demand for a more social and interactive relationship with brands.Brands have a great benefit from such communities driving brand loyalty , endorsement and sales.Advertisers seem to understand usage behavior, influence and motivation, getting insight of how their brands can create successful social media programmes. Using smartphones has led consumers to visit their social network profile on average 3.5 times a day. Advertisers are no longer on top. They have to behave like consumers and become their ‘friend’ to engage them in an interactive relationship.