Download - From Linked Data to Linked Science - UB · 2012. 4. 26. · I Develop a methodology that supports scientists in

Page 1: From Linked Data to Linked Science - UB · 2012. 4. 26. · I Develop a methodology that supports scientists in

AG Semantic Computing

Philipp Cimiano & Cord Wiljes

10th International BielefeldConference

Philipp Cimiano, Semantic Computing, CITEC, Bielefeld Univ.

»From Linked Data to LinkedScience«

Page 2: From Linked Data to Linked Science - UB · 2012. 4. 26. · I Develop a methodology that supports scientists in

AG Semantic Computing

Philipp Cimiano & Cord Wiljes

Papers, papers, papers, ...

Page 3: From Linked Data to Linked Science - UB · 2012. 4. 26. · I Develop a methodology that supports scientists in

AG Semantic Computing

Philipp Cimiano & Cord Wiljes


I can not `work' with the paper

I can not get access to the full data (only views)

I can not check / validate data

I difficult to reproduce results

I No aggregation

How can these limitations be overcome?

Page 4: From Linked Data to Linked Science - UB · 2012. 4. 26. · I Develop a methodology that supports scientists in

AG Semantic Computing

Philipp Cimiano & Cord Wiljes


Page 5: From Linked Data to Linked Science - UB · 2012. 4. 26. · I Develop a methodology that supports scientists in

AG Semantic Computing

Philipp Cimiano & Cord Wiljes

Linked Data Principles

I Use URIs as names for things -- provide unique IDs

I Use HTTP URIs so that people can look up those names -- access to


I When someone looks up a URI, provide useful information, using

the standards (RDF*, SPARQL) -- fostering reuse

I Include links to other URIs -- fostering discovery

Page 6: From Linked Data to Linked Science - UB · 2012. 4. 26. · I Develop a methodology that supports scientists in

AG Semantic Computing

Philipp Cimiano & Cord Wiljes

Linked Data Cloud

Page 7: From Linked Data to Linked Science - UB · 2012. 4. 26. · I Develop a methodology that supports scientists in

AG Semantic Computing

Philipp Cimiano & Cord Wiljes

Scientific Data remains in silos

In Science, we often have the situation that valuable data is not

publicly available.

There are many reasons for this:

I high effort involved in publishing data (curation, manuals)

I lack of incentives (but this is changing, ...)

I competitive advantage (careers, ...)

I lack of technical expertise

BUT: openness requires to make raw scientific available (btw. it has

been payed by the tax payer)

Page 8: From Linked Data to Linked Science - UB · 2012. 4. 26. · I Develop a methodology that supports scientists in

AG Semantic Computing

Philipp Cimiano & Cord Wiljes

Science Organizations calling for makingdata publicly accessible

I DFG: strong commitment to open access and long-term archiving

I Wissenschaftsrat:I Empfehlungen zur Zukunft des bibliothekarischen

Verbundsystems in DeutschlandI Übergreifende Empfehlungen zu Informationsinfrastrukturen

I European Commission: Open Access Pilot (FP7)

Page 9: From Linked Data to Linked Science - UB · 2012. 4. 26. · I Develop a methodology that supports scientists in

AG Semantic Computing

Philipp Cimiano & Cord Wiljes

Applying Linked Data Principles toScientific Data

I Idea: create an ecosystem and infrastructure where Scientific Data

can be published using open formats so that the data can be

easily found and re-used.

I Infrastructure already there (WWW, HTTP), standards available

(RDF*, SPARQL), linked data search engines

I Missing: Incentives, Methodology.

Page 10: From Linked Data to Linked Science - UB · 2012. 4. 26. · I Develop a methodology that supports scientists in

AG Semantic Computing

Philipp Cimiano & Cord Wiljes

What would this support?

I find relevant data

I check / validate data

I reproduce experiment

I compare to own data

I ...

Provenance data is of course key.

Page 11: From Linked Data to Linked Science - UB · 2012. 4. 26. · I Develop a methodology that supports scientists in

AG Semantic Computing

Philipp Cimiano & Cord Wiljes

Our goal

I Develop a methodology that supports scientists in publishing

their research / experimental data as linked open data.

I So far: two use cases that guide us in the design of the

methodology and will provide a benchmarking.

I Fortunately: two scientists at Bielefeld University that are willing

to release their data as linked open data.

Page 12: From Linked Data to Linked Science - UB · 2012. 4. 26. · I Develop a methodology that supports scientists in

AG Semantic Computing

Philipp Cimiano & Cord Wiljes

Chemistry: Glass Transition of AtomsphericAerosols

Page 13: From Linked Data to Linked Science - UB · 2012. 4. 26. · I Develop a methodology that supports scientists in

AG Semantic Computing

Philipp Cimiano & Cord Wiljes

Page 14: From Linked Data to Linked Science - UB · 2012. 4. 26. · I Develop a methodology that supports scientists in

AG Semantic Computing

Philipp Cimiano & Cord Wiljes

Use Case in Chemistry

I A researcher in chemistry wants to collect all known glass

transition temperatures about aerosols.

I The researcher would use a semantic web search engine to look

for appropriate data, using a SPARQL query to aggregate the data

as needed.

I The collected data would contain provenance information so that

the scientist can assess how trustful the data actually is.

Page 15: From Linked Data to Linked Science - UB · 2012. 4. 26. · I Develop a methodology that supports scientists in

AG Semantic Computing

Philipp Cimiano & Cord Wiljes

Competency Questions

I Give me all glass transition temperatures of organic compounds.

I Give me all glass transition temperatures of amino acids

measured by differential scanning calorimetry.

I Which substances form glasses at temperature and pressure

conditions in the troposphere?

Technical challenges: vocabulary alignment, provenance data, data

indexing etc.

Page 16: From Linked Data to Linked Science - UB · 2012. 4. 26. · I Develop a methodology that supports scientists in

AG Semantic Computing

Philipp Cimiano & Cord Wiljes

Biology: Natural Movement of Stick Insects

Page 17: From Linked Data to Linked Science - UB · 2012. 4. 26. · I Develop a methodology that supports scientists in

AG Semantic Computing

Philipp Cimiano & Cord Wiljes

Biology: Natural Movement of Stick Insects

Page 18: From Linked Data to Linked Science - UB · 2012. 4. 26. · I Develop a methodology that supports scientists in

AG Semantic Computing

Philipp Cimiano & Cord Wiljes

Use Case

I A researcher interested in insect locomotion downloads this


I The researcher is able to recompute the course of joint angles

from the data given.

I As a result, the researcher is for example able to perform a

simulation of the organism or compare the data to own

measurements on the same or a similar organism.

Page 19: From Linked Data to Linked Science - UB · 2012. 4. 26. · I Develop a methodology that supports scientists in

AG Semantic Computing

Philipp Cimiano & Cord Wiljes

Competency Questions

I Give me all motion capture datasets about insects!

I Recompute the course of joint angles and compare them to own

motion capture data.

I ...

Page 20: From Linked Data to Linked Science - UB · 2012. 4. 26. · I Develop a methodology that supports scientists in

AG Semantic Computing

Philipp Cimiano & Cord Wiljes

Towards a Methodology

Page 21: From Linked Data to Linked Science - UB · 2012. 4. 26. · I Develop a methodology that supports scientists in

AG Semantic Computing

Philipp Cimiano & Cord Wiljes


I Provenance: Open Provenance Model, Provenir, PML, ...

I Bibliographic Data: BIBO, PRISM, ISBD, ...

I domain-specific vocabularies

Publication of Linked Data is an intellectual activity!

Page 22: From Linked Data to Linked Science - UB · 2012. 4. 26. · I Develop a methodology that supports scientists in

AG Semantic Computing

Philipp Cimiano & Cord Wiljes


I Open Science: making research products available to the public.

I Linked Open Science: apply Linked Data technology to accomplish


I Infrastructure and open standards exist (but we need dedicated

search engines that index and provide access to content).

I Proposal of a first methodology

I Important: decentralized approach!

I Central role: Data curators

I Discussion: what does it mean for the way libraries publish data?

How do we link paper and research results? Interactive papers?

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AG Semantic Computing

Philipp Cimiano & Cord Wiljes


Funding by Cognitive Interaction Technology Excellence Center (CITEC)

Joint work with Cord Wiljes