Download -! KE1TICKV. s% Retroxra.l« 'toi. »u. ni ContinualArrivai «»a I iiit.u Tramps-l'oB.tire

Page 1:! KE1TICKV. s% Retroxra.l« 'toi. »u. ni ContinualArrivai «»a I iiit.u Tramps-l'oB.tire


s% Retroxra.l« 'toi. »u. ni Continual Arrivai«»a I iiit.u Tramps- l'oB.tire Retreat mi

tilt Knein» P»ir»oit of »lie 9-oc- -A Prot-

at I« t annul t ii|»luir ol ggaysvilt» Tl"

Io.iilivoi K<ntu»U)-AIl Qiiit iu tUtorintauli.

S)»n ...-,. . -t

rsi * K,7 \Thntgb ihepnpennmj itiUinli ol toe

in.- I reeeon-

1.1,1e «Jos' i w»d

ton toe I ran edtMtened tb

«.: ;. e )¦"".

lt.. r »

i .1 i.'eii-'s ne praUMy aware «-f large re«

ecf, red, sud the Bttto \ a «

peet Ley WObN bat. . e event

attack «ja obi werke, and have wisely oonchutod to

pihc.te the bett»-)- pan of valor, sad rathswhibihtWO was yet time.

.M'lM ED IBBITAI Of IXION TKOOPS.«jj a ti mtry ea tone n> arriv« by

eon., nil I'Hrts of the S.i.te. T! ey r-.ri

ge«.. ead linewy fellow, who can andanbBBV rdehlpsof B «-¡in pai-it witheul «i ,!i« ".l'y.BadwWaraattontsdbythagnrasl bmíItm eaTpMri-etrsn.. T: y ta h Bad ON to esniect, an I carry theilri!!-p a« if ti ey lnew low, an.! WOnld o. Iy be ha; pyte bmUk m egan »: the it »ob 11 fi.-c.

'!! y aro Wand' by the citi/.et s. B1

everything BSna ton c;iu be for tiieir ciuiifor'abli-reception. >»V.\it! itanding i!-e gran I flux cdttone¦sarike itaangsrs, they ara aD tod ahasdanlly, andfnmiahed willi btonhetl and comfortable ahsltoff toit'incinna'.i boftSO bah over here to tal.--their glana ia er saw the foftiflcati «.

TI ey t« .; laMterial for .-..«Miers, Bad '1er,i iha»% lm**hg thia aBgpht taato <>f war

onory «' laen will sshratm ia Iba assaaroM r.

minta n. w fceaatag ia toe etty« Ail they i<« «

«ii*« iplme and drill, and they «¡11 be equa!hool haagowa basa ia the Bold« Tl.ey ate for themost purl intelV- ¡.t au.l energ .¦ whs tots«left tltir homes for the purpose of flghtlag, und ! a

cf -hem w.ll i>e willi h'to return without baringsome martial <¦.¦. enes, though thsy ara compelledu i«. ii« n the y lo gratify ita ir

in i OBAT m- nu: BÉSELO.Títere ann tadtoBtl an Bl I al t. a a late hour,

tit»' the R"l« is were fal!m_' lach; and tlia na laing,at a:i < ariy !n«ur, ( ¡on. ivt.i.Lo; a tod Bl a bri »uo.,« to

feel lha foe an-1 t««t uis appcüt- f>r flghtlag«Gen. Sianho]*e moved lu- forces someu *

\ ¦;, ntivi eolsans, one out eathsLsjand 'he oilier on the ladependesM turii¡«ike, drivingin the bastin pivets mid tagsurihg Biran Bevan«eight Bahada, hn wBhonl Indtogaaj toan of ti«loonrieatoa ia ham, waa rnu-i le moving lapi.llyBanhwsada li is believed at the headquarter« Ihntit ii, Kirby Sin.ti deaagM ntWBtfag ¡is a«. IjCX-iip'ti. aahto 'ton toe baa.provided heieailowidto do se.of i ¡s tañan operations.

C. n. Stan.¡ope found two or three tents at tiepiintto whtoh be bad aai-ched, and several boolnBla riaaghtoaod, witii various p:-ovieion», ihowfa gth..t ti e BaathOBBOn hal abandoned their pontiou intomethiug of a taken wiy thbt Kirby Smith had

le¡»ri of a movement of I' ¡ion troopa at Wanaw,Kys, stone tony had eraooad the rim. Bathe pur¬pose of rlaukini' him; and as the basin in wl eli Iii«meD were, would be s mort unfor!ur,ate place to bebemused in, he deemed it prudent tn ISBNM t»> set ure

b.t« adbty« The aneny ia wary, anti in this inst. .

y. t-.'.ur'.y M| for, bo far a« o ir knowledge cxi. n I*,no inch movement a t) i.' le I are«! had Leen it was wise em ngh iu him to aahe 1 is exotlus,for there ie no IsUtog w' at might huve happened lo

bun had he rema:red.PlR.«*llT of liri: rvr.MV.

Of enrfe. as I lave air« ady MObsd, UM Confei!«-:-BtoawBhepnranadhyew tro"*,*; bot I f«¡.rforce* vfl* be »o long in itoflBBJ ti at tl¡o Southern¬er! wi!l le Bajíos! reach baton wo BfOBdriy "ii

their tiiiil Tiiey have very Bttle baggage and a

very »mail Lain, and everyone -who lias Lad any ex-

antean to thio am baewi ben difficult it i» t«

(tilth a Kelti wh«« is deeinai of getting away.Tiat ti* nany wl 1 be driven out af Kestaehy le¬ft re a month Li,, pa-«-«,!, tl.eie is lillie reasuntodoutt,

A ntOBABLE <t NA fin.The rtory generally circulated said printed in the

daily j' ..ima'.., that Kirby Smith ltd rec»iie«l B IB«enforcement furn fien. Bragg«sf 10,(KX) of hübesttroops it not belie»ed in otu« ¡al circle«. If he has.snd iii«- »'.ill retreated, B wonld et, a, that Smith i»st anabal f. igbteaed at his own tem -rity :n "toyingaeloig as Lu liif t..« BOM ihe borden of tie Ohio«

« Alt! ni. or MAYi-ui.i JE*bane lepera ghi thoi Hoyarme had

l-tv-n iai»-.r-.! by tit fo.-, ti.;.'. 1,909SeboB Lu«) ' ii-

tere ¡-tid takt-i« pcaassatoa of tke town, of r-.urse

sriohsn natotaa e. The tonlBgaaaa lack, senflrnnvtiou but yet it ia »f no iMgefftoBM,M tleir i, no-

j.i..ce toKeatneby, extomi LenieviBo,thattfto«Cea«ftileratea could not 'ake without rntotanee. (U.g town« in aaBBtonby on tier part, ie very liletien orioni iBaioralhnef tie Dnteh takwg Hol»tond. Ii\t¡y o,«« knowi *Li»t a fn.rful time wl a-

in "lavity Kentaehy« in Mearing hn to theI'l.i.n, and ¡tt'i.t svsntl prove how firmly «Lena, ncared«

III). I«,Y-MTV Of KI VTI ( BY«Aim'.»*, aveiywhera in the " old Cenaran weal'h,"

tbe Le: » I- have Le«n tumultii'.linly weic«,med. Tlie«veta a lave w« ll-aigh i.c na ctbm l wit!) j- y oserti« advent if the- Kelt's, an«! hine enhlBnd in.«Ien,v.ii«:d with flowers ti«* ragged and aahempt ragbans who litive BBSMadOd iu " inva.liry 1er soil."Lit it iit'.tljvi J ii minar urn i,an tit HtpotOaioOt, lithe Maa like such lellow., well und g'«»d. TL<-;.«lo tleir <area,in>'at liie.r own e-»j»eiise¡ and noone

quarrels BMMtdeya iiilh Tiiaiiu«, or I' forti.i'ir |t« i.iiar tu.'e ni ¡le maller of tie h!!« itioii..

Poor Frtsulent I. ncoi'u OBBfl Bal d«-« p!y gtiOTOdover hi» favorite S;aU-. Ile MBghl mi BBBtoaelj«rver-7.eitis.uily, mtIly Ihasajbl.00 preserve Ken-tneky, tLat ht rous: «a-xp« non« o (»omeviLi.i "f mjOWBl seeing 1er to her id«,ls. His daily jui.yei,SB tie K« v. M. D. C'-nvtay of tint city called it," O Gol, I vioold lue to have you on my side, but Imun baie Kentucky appearsaftti ali lo have bei i.

Olleicd lil Vu Ii.

AIL Q! IKT XKAR CIS« INNATI.At present w11 tog, all ¡, aj^n in Cincn.iiati, ex-

n*a)ttanarehtog «f snwly.arrivsd traopstornngbtb»; ,tre« is, and at aad Brand the aataliaibmis Ho ahOBgO in hil).is. I'« ace »till reigM 111 IbistJaflaByj but n«"> do ibt ne si.aii w»u bavsatrife.aca^'li in ile Belgbborho« d <«f Kenaaiby. ji

t»re. Buril'« Army in Ntiuiirnrd t irtan».slnii.ts.

dCnhnanton at tetonbarhnd («ap write, tonii"t p. rtfea <-f «»en. BatdPi amy bm s eoaaMBal «>iGen. (;. W., ie stirrounde«!, ti... BBgglb IMloff, and onleaa a column of '«.' -,"¦" «ones lo Hi n re»hef tiiey «Mil \,t 9nt§M '1 to st.rrende.' or BtoffSBhide;.;1.. On theMb« . Margan bealto his nanand ti... tollositogBaapirittog ed

nsasejesavsas trn Uiruios A awi -. «<,,

< Ml.»Bli-... 1,1. . -, l-l-!t»isrr«Ai. Oanans. Na 73». Ojficen and Sol-

dur» uj iiir heoemik Dtmutaai The agfartaatoy vonbave so tong atoahad las at tacñth atriie.i, and youWili now prove to your fn.-ml», your co mt. v, an«itie wo: id. ton you s-il«;.»ra in fact and lu d« ed,]a* well an in ..,

Tiiefaniabed suetpy u¡ u» despair. »Oliven fro*

Chritfrin'W'gB. and Rtohaond neogiBaften hi« grasp,I, tees that he is forced to occupy Kentucky, IndMin, an 'bio, <.r gue up the routed.Two - o' i s ai. ,, t a .-,, ha ii gtonoadi

d.ned': bis stronghold, alt«benah his forrawM then grsator tonn ye '». tilt wMthsnatrong,¡t «sin.« i iit«-r , ow.aro« get n :

ii- i" Hf,,, » r in fit'.Lei .. ..m. .«-,¦ -, r

tonsi beerti aid arms arme which defendtin u.i in.(din fa*'i.-»s, tit btlnt-a Io btxou.e in " tal

ii «a lerioaadMda.' ' '« ».- '.. .. It. v.- nie,

.1.;-.!_» '..:,,! e in., great« lwenheeeo,i«-r '1 » Bora nmn be hsa the Bsonsi wiB toss atai ra.

".-' word to yon «< regard woruMflasdaifuc. v ,i pa bold ibis poulton auston aay «>«! 1«,

i bave bnt to determine to eon<|ner, and vic*t liCnaraoae, I graet end rain« v<

«. -.1 IV. MOBOAN,Itii,« « y ni t t < t!-e

11 -.r« «I i ...« lbs« B'd «Jip.

1 lie Lim uitrion n'ttt Of i .'«.union of .Tliij «-

vi..f, Kr.V. bara fron Caí»*. Bhisbli of tbe Cincinnati

¡uni Msysville Mail i "«t Line, iii ii a L. ¦'.] tone,estimated al 1,500cavalry and infantry, t".,k pee.»e-rioi, >.f Haysvtlto, Kentoehy, \<-ter,toy m<«rn-i i,;, geaa «500 I'ni'-d Stotn iranps, apea the ap>

.ii ti.e aasmy, aecoapsatod by a larg! pi.«portion of th. loyal Inhabitants, nravtoaaly oraaeedover to Aberdeen iii this »State« nora was gientexcitement prevailing upon betbaadn of thenver,alón« and alnWt [Ciuc Enq., 19th«

I. .,,oiii.l mt (he I'uhlir .Tir« line of theI it i i «i I î it ti .TI« li of t lii«n»,i>.

To hu li Money, Bastaas IilBtMiB. trttktmi of th,I'mttd Slatei.

V ,r m« t: nttottolS, of all ('lirii-tían denominn-Uaasto t!ie city of I i-«{O, a«»»-d in solemn nisetln, t"

Iha Metal a»|«»"a«f the warnow wann t woiill

BSporteean s ft to tbe preaet.t te.dtiinottad ti i «rS te the ,o»e- SB ei.t Bli J wsvMsmb

' liii.if i, I ! tr«,iilil less, nfiiliv ask ¦ li»«rln, f.r.!» n »J .', iidtiiieníal to« right J U

Aral to this »» e a-e 11« -oura^edby Hie fret,« en. y wi'h »io h. on vareos public «

j i tiav« -'e iii».«, ri« re ol tbe ooui.trylbs .-. '.m,ti«t Distes )»ttl!ritlon upon

i » ant e»p«rial y for ti,» rit » 4«i»i -i arbli Hu- Ji'i.uLtiBiioi.» of Olid'» wo.J

»J« «o Hill,.em.» a..d ,'fi. .li al »nu n. In tht» ita J'i.l,i.i-nt Bour. mnit ac-

>. it tbe ery of the » .»««. aahssesl h» B,an baa. d » «. n .i BwaS >n» i« «I In till» len 11,le »t»It»

.¦ » «. -li sea, of »Im h Jell.- «,-ii

Del bil a Be «J" l«'»d t! at ¡lie«.g a Bast, a,* «ne bour o'

»hird i» fi.» »ht with Ben ,,,-. rr than sar, <-f thst which.i IBs wir of IBS '¡.TaJi.ii i, »).,i a,'J.-,l, W lien

the nea» . » ¦' s - Bj I, » h- :i «he r teir« a).illlite i,.«., ei bastea Itself Isdell *.¦. it ibilssssOsd of,. ti s «111 saslea to t! ¦¦ . dlstnsa, by Ufaste, i ii«nt it>J

» a , tbstr » r at h B«jlh t«y bl« »Der» isst bli iitten'ion u Bti of this «stall

.i Itasttbej '" r.< t ¡< ft to tbe <Dii!a oe ot blind'aUlity..- «' , bas si .». ,1 ti - ii.,--! m.. Blutai per«

bdi..o a, Bul » -eh. .liio, a-, »«ii t,. linter». It ha»¦i 1 an Iii,|»|. mi, .,, (,, ,-»r, .ile

iTowed bvi« nf Blsvsry. aJn.i In f thai lias KedeiBl I'bIobaras <.».¦ »-r\e Bad [ion,, te Liberty. A banf,, t o' ti,. .«: as, .«-«a - ... ., ). ft n. -lie I*. I, i. a, ,1

.. --- i« 1th the ei.'»¡ «i n of llelawate. I). » bleb .«-la».-»»lilli) have lunn kepi In »« I «. i. <>n y by

fT^iwhe | .¦- fotr»- l'an »ad, ill thst lb.« Is iaDirts» ratall 'un foi i at) .) a! «in, ii wl... h cot «tim« Iib»jU'l J «l.-i i .-..». 1 t

'- sstnaa '.'v«) tbls bs »f.wbleh we.I etnttbeve mott B.'ii »I « r to I, Bas} » ,i I IBIS!»»Hall a«"» lb, ir «o n.n

.te. asia, etery I. n r fat t.'ieie r«n be no de.ive-..i re frrm 1)1» Bl tilt SI net j rmri n, the land.U'« caj.u< t ei( tt «' 1 t .«»«. « »ti« i. II.a! iii.-, lo Its sinIii. ia to« fra ful an k to ii « ill (», 1. r . *

a» Wes Nstioi. i. ena'»:.- e bii e¡.! us-, t si, lu lu r.

,- ht :. a ,,1 -i. .m»i ila ii ti » battle-Osld ihe esr

eroinra Jill» more 'eft n n e,I sid <le«ti ,n W lui, w««1 aal, lbs sasaay ihaalan «I th» ,st« ,! ibsesfttal I m

« - . . .y... r«»< sr. ». BS, iii.« I, r «»al!» IUtils or r.,i inn, i. the coi flit. At « nu.Can p.Hu I« we ran

Ml Ih, trill, l.'.a: tl.«*ae «idj'i-ei 1« ea-, »hat thei,neets n.ral t lo )'«>pt. i Ley »re «.O'« »Urn

1 L f i s > i ». i r.

1 li» work Í BBtiOBB] to] ,,.<»i r» ha« b»en Inaiir rated h»t. i,f B >». rj lb« t <-f i,.....» «i, ¡ ¡,«

pO'lllb.ti 1. ill ihsT« B HO bt t, BtB'.n e« t lo

e, am ,patton Ir, th» holder .-«late Hist- s otts.tJ hy I , as«

a« ti e »n.'.e.'i i, lb, FtssMa, t!. I ibas, aassseteeSs r«,i-.--el th« er1«i» it r»|arda «ither

« ,.: II ,.»'1 .1 ». | ., I li . nr'r ,.u.

IhswSeta. sa the h,«l sf IBU Cbftaaiss sstl s, frota» » -,

IkBol ,i." al i'.ri; » «. be M a n.-a« t of pisa»» rts,tbs l/ pt - I- «« National I- BMI j««.

« 1 of autbiuty lu ti « re«|e, t jon n I.« h.»e:n>» of peere ytt »le well a» re. as I MStSSSBBB,

t.«,.t lbs » i:»eii- la, .' »«.- are tb» < n y Ita ta of lia power.««pee til y ni wa»;, | ..,-»» .'. rsrj '» sf Um aatlsaAn.l tl'.e e«),.).. ,»» »,.. llOtlS be re»li t»d to »I.bIhsj. 'til«: ti.- a-«. ia»p prista it'l.ii«; J-ath m a-e lo he'.>i)er| retad t«> I'.ciu.l» a.l ine»«ur.« «bst n.s» most resdll» a» I

Iy tubdo« the liri, t Th, i.rf.e« Isa» lr..,|,!itIyeal «. r ..r.|»rs » »t'ara »r n ih«ir. iLar |,,T« rrtalrj» n M Is |.ulir«J.

it u .«si tally -..I li 1, wiir.l It ,1 e .1. ».I si ...»

UolSBsl B w»l'i-| demand ihst ibe i pt «itaniiy be'"«!. A lb.» hr te !e» » {< r ,r fSaera «)ii.-i,i «ti b,a a .,[, s«» Umb i« hssB ti.«- ir-..«»«i

a r.t. .Jai« .itiLt-.j lo ti.« sl (Btioa I «irike tbo.

la ibis view efa .- a .« f ¡ aww. lava]» i an » . ..

Ia rut» ». «a . '¦ -i«.-( -, i«. Uted .. .r

a i> ii . \ «. t ib« war »as ra|ai')a.| a« «in p.tBl. i.» :» t.»«,«..«e. li «¡. I'.,'»rsl Mil " . T » Ha aiMat. «.tu 11. st ibstslsrs, .*».»». »j arss la be U eb«de»ly to«.. i . Bl li li li » Ir». ......a.

tstsssHsia Hess ve asa r. ...-. i esped I .«.

at j » Al»«-» I« i; .. a Iba I ese«.» Has ".» f» t nu «,rai foi r

tbsl lbs ws. bat » j.-i I« plsesd «su .»if n,eI' « a dSnl ». M ». . u -sit I lh»-rri"t dau»»r »hu» we ar» wail, | lilli» li't» i. - . t

a , |«, I, ,1 lill .1. Jr It eni- it bj m i:f n« »i A ti.» a e»» :.«>-« lbs» «st » '»

Ipt, | »I ila« .li«.II We « Bill, ti,st

ju.ii e »... labor«,I« bsbiaBss»»,p«Hss«yAt ih, ti:,., m -i ¦-,.'. i., p.. ¡,.,,: u- .ira». .;,d»-i Abai !.¦

...... -a .."*,.-. .1... ,:-»,

t.t, i io t«»i. tur map t »cut la i ha ii 11» s» tai , Is ir...»». eu.B wi rd.: 'Tbiak ¦.( vltb thyselflba(li »a »ball e«r»peIti ,h» ko,,, bausa, Baaoa ibmai toe .).».. »o- if lionB.t(|. t.-.e; hStaSSl Iba I»«'» «« li,la lil .». liai. «I» ibStO «..i - t a« u l»M*etsae« »n.« i». ii.- I««t« Iroatsaataoa

I lar« bal tl.ou stid tbyfs'le.'s hou.e «IibII ' » A. . ai

I «bat, «t n s t, .i - t:

.sebs t.n.« a« ti is" A ;» .i n ". a ¦¦. »» that In

¡.hu.»- Co .., y rd la Iii« ¡i- »I:)» t.

¦I k the word « ' jastl ¦ ¦¦-.«l latbatBy »bl h thali froo «Um1.« iii, an a«,ii a..a» ihe i.» . ).¡r pray»»i-i. au art tbo i «n e .,( A'-nil »m ine« .n n.«y as At - .¦ ks

Sltbtbslsl l-i ti,e V» tbu «ion, aa ti,».. ,: «»

jr fii.i.tiy.«»

Ti,-, linn mt Iii«« I-'rt . ilnitn'e H,»,i«ly.'in Be ).' ia» a» . !,;¦ y tbs Che eh of )!,«¦ Pi » aa ! »,r.

Chnevei », lias !ll««l t«. otetlloiviii^ l»_, a ruo»!

r»»¡ acishto and BlliiBliia uii'li« n« .-, aonv« Bl 'I toe '.! e

af .¦: .. trag g and espporttog the " graed*m« 1.1 Bo« tot] A!'ii ile o- nal exam ian ef i« adtogprayer and to] ag, the Be?« Mr« Presch nadesramnrba respecting toa nilhnry again at the South.Ile Mid «¡eli. Hillier iiiim« lu tinB «ty 00 leave ol

tbeence, and, Bgea bk arrival, be tonad GmMin I.«-I had beaa aggeined to taba hie plan. Bewas)le!ir{Lted wBh the praegen Ihtt <««n. Um,t»rmi i.d nave a «liHioe to »eive L.e OOnntry ssdhumanity, in Wai tog'oa. II« na not enrpraeda>!:..,-. «. i,,:i ol i-ett,liu BSWspapsr writers [on«-of'when erassn hieway lo New*Torb m inn,»

the erny, becnuM their information was annand t ,'H ¡i porta fraa Booth i anilina »vere trida srti. trntha I' B '">t U M i! ¡.: tira groe, m.- todetoni <»«- Inproriatont. Bone <»i them <i¡«l tom <«i

Bai time«« it- BBSb M lb» 'a»k lilb'lled to Hiern, amimi ny «-i tii'-'u bsd mved Uren Ira t-« b!i> dolíais Iem h Irom tli« ir eui iii »'-. 'Unie tsa» a wuumii

di abo bad nved g-0, anal of which, b« au.-«n v le M], iii.d aea » len iron here 11er way letliin". n.

1 lo moral iaprosenent ti me rtegrnrawM re-

ni-.ik t' le. 'Iluir sfflit-tiuna wsrs eÀiod te .L.-ts,«. bnewhowto patnswith«alaeppc*B'Baeats

Al fir-' they tb «iu» bl ''". Yank» es were .niyelB, but

they h« «'i «Vi «-'.' n .1 toair mist-»».''. 11 y »wa a ak-ius adiantitiniiBl to nstten »ssrtaislnii i<« tasto,wbicb ii ri ivu bv wbitewMsfog tbeur abauib-s,ajdorning H«ir wafb sith pfetone. «v a. II- hale.. n i\. n,i n .ml ehUdran ealing their bontot w iiioyeter rlell., foi »p""n-, Lut t! >. i't" .lu.en » BO. ¡SlV!iad t irniabed man) "i 'L< ai «ahIi a few rim] la arti«

I, », 11 irnitnn, wl k h w»ws gratsfully ap| i« .. d.I ,. -, i ,.,| emhraci ti .¦ entire poi ulaimo. Obifolbfl of eifffaty wen tansbttoreed toe Testament.Al I'.-inaii'iii'iH. I I'.ii.ii«, In* board the atocha bum..John Brown ndy li ¦ a aiol h ring to the gm\.."i«. i ahem ti ey learned lb« woi Is.It bed l« en raid t ti iii« Mffi wonld ara* and slag,i.n-l lien BO loin-and si. al li t'.ey oil »«« lae)onlj rallied ibeexanpla nf their anatorai ito bvtor,however, »i"l«- bahna, ead tim foi a« eely itoto

( loth a. lood. l"'.'i..-."..,| '¦ ¦¦. . '. I,,v'-!,,-,, -, miehed lotbem b] '¡« reedmen'a ,-

lion. ii«, bopad the benevolent w "li na «andran loads id old theolu teal btinbeintoe ii'-i,!.»-.Sen«: iew primaran means .. buy thean la ¦"

Au Bite lieMw the geca-avb woesen wboMMM |:

«¦ '-i di w. te m li . Keb. I army, ami wlab id b. mlu n«/on I r, oi, r.ii-.i,», i :,lt «.« i. >«..»""« h lb.

Ila '¡« n. ISazi 11.,-» ijo-t witb ad toe Bceth tvomeo tn--ototbeii Bebe friends foi aoptort,and e» ier.1 li und r»il in at I b« M BSBl I" ih» in

«»n our gimtoato. The apeabsr gora a grapOh i¦<¦tur. of a »Lue asrrenden .1 bj Osn. Bhennan t«. u.eI».lil «liner, of rTanass acBortoty, 'Inns, «Abodi i^ucd Hie «ngjia boin.) mili u rope about bis nee,,(.omiiiod. re Dupont «ai I. ii «; thoogl Ins <¡oi.ii,-m« nt nunid give t.p ide aagraMwhahadaeMpedluit« then mMiara, be abouJd icel like lieokiug bia

¦word and leeking a home in Europe. The hlacbrigade wat in operation three or four months, am

they per'ormed for the am y of whites the hard 'at..botOBBi TI " Ivll n rrport publieheti in a

Ki !. Mer i bj r and eo| i. d, e iti, sditonrdlcoaraMBta,it. //,: jam i al. f Com a, " ', wa« taltaiaees lasiHi'Mi brigade »»at átabeaded hagaasssssaaef theF'llirt-, BDueed a Beeron who joined it. Theyridcatad than, saseiad .t ilniu, aad so Qeaeral! inter iliebiuu!«".! the brigade and psrnlttad iii» »oi-<llera to do ihr hard work in the hot ian ii.u_.nlvt i.

Berved then right.Altbaaghta was Bundey evealag the IB-hasaIra«

qaently »,. laittled iht Bpeehara'ihe Hob. «". ('. Ltigh nejat reail fui olfi. ia! ac-

o ¡,t. | ibg tafltarlagi '¦! s Itagilive tasas»Mr. Fu <h :tii."ii h ;.,,n li'ul »aid that tlie regr ,e»

weald Bel ii, that Gea» IIeater « he eealdwhi]ali the ivibelf i, llórala with two tagfaaaa-iM

,. i., m..Mr. líobert S,nails WM n«*-t introduced amia

earty epplaooo al Ihe sadtaaia UenJdlfeel1 ti i.d .i, »i: .1 bef< r» a congi« eati n of white folkI BOpi n I an ».lied to tall tie" IV it lu»" i Ka, i

!.r"tii (J i.r'.'tinii. 1 tin it »viihthe greatest plaSMUain lie word. A bun Iroai a sliipma'e led me toillina a' oui m H ling luv ( «r :[,«'; J In'tight ?,<> it ii, li 1dnaand aban it I t.,id n.» enan te my 'nen.ial s agreed with me. Wa had a anning al «ay

I boan and all agreed to be tad by ne. Ontfael.ui »ia» we .a another Bweiing and ;,_rred to atari

the next day. \\« imd foar heavy gase oe beard1 wiilied .»». had im re to make the bimi ». ii ea« , r.

Ihat night v»e anio on board Hie i'lsuter oue at ii

time so i.» not to create su»picioii. A, my!": le d, caí tad BO Iraak nu ti OOgh I e wae taking itto hi« boat. ile wa en ami ,'iiiliireii WtWS Bid

latray ia Itaeeoajbae-teanefoae*.aw boa». AVtatahanbaal vviii a iii.a night, aad tailed me atout 1-oilo.k, itaenooawae ebining ii,ht up and down.Almut ihres e taek the In a n Matted sa I the »v ¡.'Iblew the smoko over the ,.t». 1 wa* »cared. Ifeared tin- BOO, fa would iliin«. .her. wa*, a liro near

Itaawbaif, ImBotaodyeesse Wa nored es1 el i r

lu,ullin,, but n id to Hain a to take ihe women M!., arl. and ti a bOBl BMW ed lo ni. elv up fo her \ la,»»e did not have to throw it plank or tie a r, |e.»val euri v, »o we Mearned »I iwly down to I-oil Jo! .-

ion. I e_at'al want |e appear tai front al IBB lo.t¡the dark, for fear they n i-.'it nepeet me. Al tiaI right line I gave the regan two long bloweishort one. 1 put on the tu nim ti a uravv hut Bad MoodSB that UMI sinlliii'l io,ilil not ger my color. \\ ... I

beyond the range of the gum w,> put on

lot steam; I h",»led aw Lite el..-el liken from leabed, and rein',-! thu tim bulling vet.el« in

'and »ve »vere rnrivrd willi clin,». A BBHwfife who bad e».s| sd fiom d'lnirksteain ii, » bárralewere next tatredaeod. A barnie.iii« rolle-lion tor

MS FrtMMliuen'B So« fa ly coin'!,aird the fiiu ses.

Front 11 ilion Iii ml Arrival of the I nita ii

Binn-« Trnnaporl Bl. "Tun.

Tho I'liiiid Siatei »feain tiai.*-| oil ft, Mary, O Bts

na,nder Min II. 'lallatt, an,veil at tint [«,rt on

Nitur,! iy n k'ht, Iron) 11 i Iton HraU Si ¡ '. '.'. at 7 p. ir ,

arnvi d fit lortirrsa Munroe on the eveningollh« Ila,BSsj rai ed fi.-in thSBSS the follow ii.g da» at I p. ni.

She br.ugl loo ¡a-eeiigiri fuin llil'.on Hi ad and a

mail.Nothing of inttreit had t-..:ir| fared abm the drpar

turo sf the last MSBSBW Borth. The follow tagI'liitrd States war »i mel« wrre in t! e port when theSt, Mary left. Vermont, Wain li, I'awrfi-,iv »..,.. State, F au »eau, l'aie, d aiiaudaigna,BtaaB.i leland and IWwnh. Ihe following is a lietof her paie, ngen:M., H i I,.»i, Hr Initon I,!r,t I. H Bally, Me, I

Ii ,. ,'tie 1.1,1,1 A I* Í If*' » Lieu« M a,er Ir

Mitchell. Ol A. A. i'uti, »ton. Lit I Bl . la-.t tti ,»u.a

C**d i Krui, i.,.,., (.a m retry. M,« M, mr'n.dre,, ii.d .«,,«,.,. iliti I'k,. .. Mn li »B4 a, M let HeleBr it i.d:. y aal lall Id H I» li i II I. Aie I T in J Howe. U .-» M.i< u» !.«>. II Bama, A. P. Ke'1-f...n,II II »»»li»i ti geordie» (, M 'W . A H Oatt*lian W li Imam, Mr Qiaain .*.»> l*tna*y W Bata*

,-. I* .1. ».¡i A.aa»«, ..'.» Irriaa «*-.. -

I'.e.l. I (lark J.. A I'nke » ii Nettja. Aim -Le »,.Jof '.le jai Ne«. 11.1 »I l, a r, r 1.1 __, L»l|» d, and iteULc. :.

Btid ce.» or ti.» .la uni. atti e

VV* «re indebted tia Mr. I'-haa. V. Sattelite, Pur», r

of iteamiinp HL Mary, from II.¡ton Bead fir lav a g,

Birk and WeBa-ira inotnitn. al FortVii Iii or i

The following I« a lui 'f '.«,.; tadBBftgsbeeasf «S'tw-ïork tij!ü«r Kptiiu.ii low a'

Foit Mi lit uryJehn PIbM* I! S"h « >.. I I N Y Arti'.r hi. ». B, I. - .,.. aa ii '.««¦.\» .. ria ,.t ti, J 'ti. A. lu. |r p. e-tr, ...,!,.. ii, uti, Oat. ih aVaela, d:. ilatJqi.u ku..e .» I'«:», » J.1I' II aa ... i: ha» i M .» i ni, « ..W BUha»Ina, B. nth. JaeebB« ta » tatl«,» ii aa I. '"I, M .». »,...., Ill T. H- at* 1 *»(»» titi, a en.- jin V. ArtMi » ,;.... « .i M .-». t». » «

J li « ki, NVA.« HI , i, I,llama BthlimefeBob i í-r.-.-r,,,«, a, "nh

V« I. I.tera A i-Jt- J II V».,,_e,J.r «» ri¬lli ii..,-! i* NA Cary » i. V**.**, B,tah.

.. .., I, ."th, J lu, v. r, n lahla. i h-uiL. I im i v., ' ihm I' « ia.

« i. .. it l.i N. T. Art H »v.,ki, |, i-i,( !. Baa*» II. 4' h J .u .'. :.,,. A bath

ike, li 4'tli Ile, M »i r | || t,nkli, in, i .. T J Wl u 1.1 (I MB,

,-. kB.Uti 11 ly v\ .d i aid., : -..»».i«r, 11, Uti. Ar J '.,. W a K BM

'.v V.II ih.- t ¦'». h Wheel, « I! '..,..

, r ie,tb. li VV ,,t.r ( I,«-|»_J. La. g « Jua M mat, I» Mik..... -, r », ,, i v« i g lil,.

u «*.,..»«. na» art Bu .,. 1. «iii ( ita Wnl.l I MB.j.i,.. Sa i. (. « .t. K. 9. Wara**. G " «h.

W. I .. . KiL K »«... ,, ,., ;,| It.'ieryIii! ... i. Jan.. Va .1.1,11 f. »"lb.

a A.Bat I vv ,( g ¿,,,,kit Barfa Bat "-iti y Waa ata* I, IM.

t. "a. i,i.rt»_»t Bel* \Vn,»,i U.gSlkii Bli-,,' aigri, K, H li A Vu,, I,, K .'..,.,I .. J.I, ... ir k leur, O Y JJ.» U. 1,1, I «T.

¦ -, '.,. ( Co. ti, «.!..,., ...Ki)In.i -I. «er A nth. 1». Il H...« II I.« Art.

D »ti, .» M i». I,, t. Be ¦: 'O,I art- " ."""¦I"'. H «.'ih tera .» laratbai K.«4th»a a skull u !4th. ( i,.,, ra aa* Bail

a-, ( 4:«h. J. I,., J Be aatB K Ittk,« ,1. («u, A. H. i,.-,..-. i\ Aiiill.iy.

I."A Bl I. |. r- i. -. I i.t ( .«

ter. B. MB. T »!.».. -t. K Ml Cat.f Simeg. 1.1*1 Artillery li » leagi I a i»

M ,,.1'U I l»t Aril eiy. Beal IL A HA «. "- «.. I .a. M ( li, mariah, C, Mb Cet

,.. I I air,..-, »fiel,M M Y. »at N Mai L"« M ArtiMat».

'. Bil ,. I «in »i iga M .. r .rl A,, rry. *..«.!, I nth. (I,«« Mn.ei, laj A.I ... ty.

A heb«erit*i.b-eb, 0,-Mk Bee I --* .., A >A. HL.«.,. «. I || Ile, .j » la A.Uuery.Oma. »'...lier, Ii. Jin h. 1,. H.iaun II MN


lit- d .i»i a «r I.nur. John Biiiipetiu untl

*». I.. I'lirialii-, A .4 nilli».

The foi Inn» m|f onli r line bun aWBSd iroin hatMar I'e, urln ' ni, in the . BSM of «M I.ieut. Jon,S ii,(.«-n ol li,.- '.'HI. I'i niiey i»,ima Voluiil, ie, au.I S. Ii. là .neill-, Aid-tie l.'.iii.p:I Lanac |

Wah I lip» ure bt i. AlMI i* SI OlIBB_1L*I (Inn a, .

v» ata iBarrea, ¡se|,i ii n IIPBCIll LliHrtK. No .' S 1.» il.o ,'". o, lae 1'ie.l

Baal .¦. "..i ". mhb! I>«t»w Be I \ r*i t ... - i II,, m tin» .ii. ra, ». neat ham iga f It» "' lb* aarj te Li, ,i

, i. ...i»»i.i« V, luu;»»t», «..»I H l, .a

t.o, Ani Sa < «mui- i« ben li ra*eA*g

Hy cider of It,« S., .e'«rjt t,t »V.r.i. u. 'iiivv . ¦mo.

Aa.i keg (lee

Wtahrespeet to the nae of ]_h__C_rigt .., Brig.«(¡,-n. ( ox, in a b Her lo li «. Sa ,'lnry el Win, as)'i.e.m i, le Met ara«, thal I* aras d, ¦.,..., ,i la Waabtagln

¦I io. »iii ».i hpeeAtoei bMaaWww repon(«,,. B ..I liter ben i »ii.»I, rd »n ben lielilnil ki.

,:.Di*i,l. li«d no1 ftl.t «e», ie 4l«e«»e, »i,d ti.eo . »riiuu.«.

,idei,,, i,,.,l. lum In. «| a'.!, uf »all,, | or I,do.,'. Aatlera.

ha tee.| , .1 fur .li,ty l.ef. o- hp BM M M ml" »ni !. »nil wibiir.g fruii. a lama .eaa «li,, h lia mel in ti . terTI.e prririilnlli»Uka.| (laie t.. n, ¦ li. i. « j,u,i,| .I! at »»li') I... ii-

uvoij.ii aéutf m aiagM ha kttaeef ebnen Manahaneiem iiety lu n .lull,i «ul teal, lal a. I |.«i.ui. illy ha0**i

.'. | .eeediB.'!» M ti* file ,,l..l«lire» »Till,r!i ga Tiu 'ni I.I»

leiTiiig Ihe rity tail! 'I e tin-lulliu lly of the Kui

,. li lie,li, ia.,1 -u alt liliu keep Ina lull| imÄllll, e»»l,

¦al ie,-o»«'y

alen.Lae iki-iai.i.-H sjawa tfwaB iioing Bfettal he I;,, I--, ,,,/ /),',, Kept, h, »ay«:I h- I.u ttkimrg li ¦¦ " l*S Itali learn ti at

on i,h ,on i, in <i, t, (in.»-nil Uobert li.'. nlull» ii j.i ,-,| a b vv 'ia .« at' '. Ile wa« I ol«l-

Ittghtaliane, abe* ihe ,,,,,,...I he,am- digi tem-,I,aad, ¿erbio*1 »itdttenly, tbnw the Qeaeral la lbs

^rioii.itl, Ire iking one ol th« l.a.« i l« lift huml,aaa apeantes »se rtart»! >»rie,t. Hu Laiaitag an

( un,lal, iii,,ii|^h in,! nu,u» eaaagB to detain binfioui daly in the held in ihn- {jrtikt crini of out bu¬lo, r.

liri .fe i,H laie a» Weduesd iy evening, bring the

gratifyinn iatalligean thai 0anani BweB bl etfllalive in.i dedatg well, ile u at iiuckland, ia i'rinca\V itliaiu cvuniy.


An Illinois li. C1. I', in Fort InfarrfteThe North.Wet lo li«* Tiit'tidr-il Th»K« bri < oastitiii.nii to be I*. < < lain*«¦«.'*Ki»«-ra of nioori " to b«* Pour«*«! Oui.

fr m Tht Cl.irago im .-.. .'¦ ; Ig 1MBA short lime nure, Al. i. Jolt.»ou and Pavii

Bbshan. two aetorioM tnJton of GH'ena. weraan este.I hy ord. r of tie Secretary uf War at d teni

!'.¦[! I.iif'.yette. At tie lime IBM B.' re ' ikenthe Fort Ihna happened to be c nflned in toa rameI lace a gentleman from ti« City ef New-Terb,limmi Lewie Bollard, who had been aeal there to,a nie'e tt-hnial stainton of the of ti e Wi.rDei iir'.i'ient, in BNMiag to obten MhaitotM foipsneoo al .> atonto be drafted« Mr« Ballard na, a«,,,ioi ghly loyal tit.zei, mill u man ol go.«l chai<tc

; ki aid ut IBaatlOBOd vera« Itv.As BOtaM it -vu» us, eri.ii »«1 'Lat his error WM

ra milled to good iuiii, and witboat any intentionio ditci'tire^-e snltotnants, he was r*!«a»»«!. Ile w.»

,in the i'ii whaaJohoaoa und Bbshaa ann s-niti an, and Le happen, ti t«» *fe onda. «1 iu the BUMtooti, with 'hem. Johnson suppo» «I, as a rna"er fcou »e, Ihn every prisoner in tie fort ivs« a «¿ei alitetn m r. li.- aecamdtogly ¿.ave vent io avery! iii g be»lew. His con.,.,,utu'n viss so SXtraM -ii.nry BalMr. Baltord at onie addlMBed a n« ..- t lie «nu

ti «ti «Lint ot the fort, ii'lvising bim "t tie danger, ti»

ebanetor ««f iii« nanAOm Mr» li. «sas released, he bfuundSaperia

UM ¡'It Kel I,ely of the tSCtS, WbO de« l.«l«.-«l tin"):of I i:i .on iui| o-f a,, e tint bl NBBSetl d bim to (in!tosanttorta tie form of au Hfli'lavit, whicli wepru t batow. 'ile nomnsnitonl «.! rho lort fosad a

laper on gdbBBOn'l pSTBOn, ibowtog bun tole BK igbi of iii«- Qobtoa Circto, to full rommnntonwill toe tostoerhoed to Disto« Beth JofaasM and

nstosed totahatonostosfaltoganee.1 be bitosrtog is Mr. Balford s alliil.iiit:'¦ -.'., u. i \¡.,tt .f \,w Yoi'< ia.«toast. Billar!

» i», rn. out.i Jrp .. ,i.J sar, ih»« .1 li | a '. s¦I »ine-it at ttn LsCsysttS, lti-iiillng !:,",«: the 1st¦a» "f .'-ept cu-reot dr\ n«. i»s« pin ed i«. a

' hal »in, ethel Brisasen,* lha beleMad..«i.. «¦ .'. n.Bri y »-.Uli the ether BSSBSat SOBBSt-ltbersi ti it abtriag hi» Hay ht participais! m nostsisslliiii» » UM aanl petSSaS) ni thtt li» w«t a lm«i»r to

at . I al« > au dilL-tebt | tisotw ibeie, lu « hi«, h.... .iiu art putt. ip»te¡a- . i«. .,!.! S»!tmi -t M.dii-n Y lohnaon. of Ot

¡ene. Iii«, i«, »,,,1 BBStBai patBSB «. ,-i.ed «»ii. St aoioe-

thin, lue tia« bau.-, a »., !, n. >. ... » a,r»..l al tin-f> it s«

prlsossrs. ïbey it nure avowed lh»lr syiuia'hy wi» tbe»ess»iss prlsoasts«the«rsrsthst« ¡.»f.-ie Jobnaon

» »- » ¦. '.i, -»en ko '.« rtfs «««'i fresly se lbs«,-, .'h !..¦» d .... » »«.,1 a» f ,. ...

,,t tthmtmu f lAe AtmiAirn i tfettrotp mpeofeemii.. iu i i»r,.««in neftAe Vtttti tiout! nala« ass« asjs ,-d

,i ,. ttimmimm I IA. 0* *»n ,:, ,< «. ,« lb»t ll.e war oughttats hassalls i Isl » saptasrisf Mmaolf be essatnsdto r. and thor,ni,.', y ti.. «.I ft I« anl a ,.-.« of ,I.e .» .der«f lb* Kel. ion and ti Hie deai,i.a of ihsll «yi.,pst!iiie.a in

ib> .on: Stets«I!. !t:..t -be BSBVS-WseVBSB SraTstttHST hu

Wl»r-.a v ¦. . | um ,.

M »v,(s'i.,. ol' ih« Mi-siB.lpi 1 prr,«t,r««d. 1 oat aai ia tolsg leas» ths pi ia « I «¦ en sraaaaasd me petpmeoi I- . .'. »ui m mtK. Bad I a e lr< in the Ï ank»ea andm ¦ i la | ii »¦« s, i »« » no1 a Noa »

ra aivaaa ss atsea M/hUe bo gave etta»arre to ti, f '<-,« lo, «tords, l.e -», i ,,,i p».....l then, I y al ii

t. s «.,.«,» «»i ss bal«, io aatsSssMs» la sa»ty oat ths pisaII,- « . . a.-,i in.i. « boa !,e »ral aro ¦ i -i fane .

', i . ...i. .1 s .i.n» tallad, n bIm and utlere i » re«

c Bi but-.' : » , » ,.,| tbsta t-, !ea»e tb« who!« n.»Her loia' lbs -.. «n* bel Bot ya Billard .'or then, to act, but

lb »I it »r.nld asi r «a y «JSBMA. d ! Una dep Lrt.t «slid not.

f.r.U'IS RAU.AIU,.ïaoïn l '. a , tbl, loth of September IBB

Jl'li.N A. Kr.aNM.HY. Bp». 1.1 I'lotoat .V.rtba!.

nu: it tv», iu io i'i\\«.\iinn.

The I..>»¦ mar Ai«i>« al« for Further EOorl-A It«««!« In VI ¡«'«Heia«-, n Vullry.

Oysstsl i».«i «'ra i« T) » PhBaataajMa Pnaa[The foltoatog diapatah a totogiaghodlo Ihtol

riiy, at n .d..%lit, by (¡oiernor Catto, lo a pt.rioi.alfrtoadtl

lins ants». B»pt If 1K1.A battll ia ie¡or'ed t«, totVC ot urr« «I t««-d.iy i«i

Mi ¦. town N'ttlby, and " ir I.«I mil i, es are thali iiisr. t.. .i iviiii haditton« to meaforre

r< Bebelaray« PFe base an a« yntoarasd toe¡. -, ..

1 ii.i- bl «I the |nv pis id Pool sylvania to take uptraie foi btoBMof ihe Blata, altar caisdnl On«libsraüos. wbh all tie ka .¦ I eoold RBtber..i «1 w ltli lî e.( r.'.vnt and «li: «ft .tilliuil'y of theI'n »Klem of ;». Ciiiie.l Stales.

1 elavstoat dealtantiti tabla weald bass banIi.»,Is li, o'..- Male, but lol lie rlalsg of the p"| i

Bf I' l«Bi,l.<. ai««I the Mitunl |'.»»i,e of Iroossli i.r tti.l.-i. Ii «Mir .\>»l| krui;, le «I« leated, l¡««

i'ii ton l'r'i .» «nia i* m graal daagsr.llavn ». .1. n.- ta Lut it BS in«. .Inly, I it mt | ii «> >¦

«Stn--' .ii ii. y as [-»--« 1 tothSBSSBSB. I Le psBI '«re

laeasntBag to toa «all, indi waitoni i will provethe »."»t IlllaBl st. ii io toe latory "! toa loj tit«ard , at 11.11« tit-lotion . i PBnneylvnaaa in this rebeilion.

Ia hii.irion t<> lha onay ti ti"- Itato ana i laatogmt.» si in.« »«ni,««, B to to he band ton all llil 'or n.Hilary »ei n« e will . roll li « ii. lies, ti.

j. te »re.¡ fgay ratera calle to a naaj amergeacj lhathe <>f an n .«y bting n~. We aie | 'iforward traepi awi Qea« BMBaato goMtoChan«leiBj-ng iu me Uao.-iiiii»', io ia«eanaannrt m . ra a«


ÜF.WI I mi-i nu: mu iii.

It« k« I ,t« a I,for« rim ni». It. nu n ^n i ii andHurl, m i 4 anting.

lieiurre.l puaoi.fia, «be hnvsbsoBranatly aa»i bataBed, arriit«) ¡n ibia « .ty yesterday, and rep rtsdlast B ttslama <«f #,000 nebela, bbost conaBani ofItffture^anl «nd Hu« »tier, lett li,, SB I

litvnt, »ti unite fir toe l'otoiui«', to r. cu!, r. «. le e. 1:w .s totinaled thal »li« inner hadaratfor thanNoiLiiiir «a» l<ii"wn by lha i« "i !'. ¡it '! ii lim a*

raraisgths luitaioii m Marylands Uva are t.» j'iiii lien. Leal Qea. B«K*tolton nayl a ve sou.« hulk i» »hi in tin« amita r.

li »si.,1.|t, I. I bl, I

<¦» ... *»'«' I.

'1 l.i CuiriH'.itti ii.itllr p ili|i»!ie, tie foul »liliin lu Wsshtogtoararreepundesra;

li i. ¦:,... I |. e. ..o e that »..un, bis sllasr charas. I'« i"

be» h sspl t i.« ü " «t '¦).'-. «»i e«-»» snio .- Boob al ¦. :.

li... «..!.. s ,,,1. is'b, .li t. ai ol lb« ¦« . th «i .on e io»,ob.-IB o,p ... ,| asts «.,«¦-.).i <iy »io.»-, t io ti., n .. pislitt««I o.- ,, r BS ti i» ». .o. ». an,» t,, kia to.- i».tal DuehBid > know« wli.t lu »Hitit ol «urn a lisi». "

< -, n. I'.«11 itiloi n.i-,1 m nuin'ier of o n ntl.-.« m y« r-

ter.!.iy thal L« » lil« t-lt «d Hie bluli«»l r,M l!

ties. SigelM agaattosMM snd n t*»«dtor. Ile aaldatoethn li" b-iil nu i« -[ .«. .1 n«. m i««ii ad biscerviento the tola hallies, la hasBlcial raoort« rho dos--,,i,:,i psrnnltog t«» hs his report, whtoh we psb«11»'.e«! | Btardsy, he».ii » ie only an abai SI I, In mail V

resBi rta gertitoi ead BBgaafoa, and ton na did naBiiiliuiira lia piiblnMBM [Chic, lui, l.iii.

A pa« ni ,Vy ard ras« under toe draft, to that elB -. II.ile, a iinloiv linly r« akfiag ni l'iil-'n 11

Hartford. IBs bad three ana fthe cnannind thaiIwe <>i then aVeald aaBat, and tiny am sa iu lhaamy« 'Ile preeeine of ill« Other «on at boin«: Wlie

i»., e.iry 1er ile «apport ol the tnoth.T. Ile is now

Iraflsdl Doe, not auch a caes aa llie appeal willieil«, i lo ile pub! c »yiup.itliy.


A I» a i n M. in BBW«CbBB8.. The lieleUaiei ISSO-

tog "p j'lelly bl ,« to oui lu. s .li 'ite'i. \S ,

i.-.rii by a I«fir toiivi'ii han toen hal uu'Liin,ii i» day or t.v" ililli li ey m »de a .laen on our

j. ih si lUdg «.«ile .toi nptarad Ihres si linn.:m<i toot. Jsaan Braal ami toa nhen of I be 11 ii" 'i iil i,i< ti ii in ol lbs pin e | r .-.lier«. Captain I* t« 11

amlhen «I Mitre tu. li mid puisueil them an I look thieenaonara sad Iv« lisia»a At.g ton primara sn|.I, In« ex-l'oslmiisler «t Ni w ('nell, a lie!«mil i« .S«huilier to li«- < ¡nenin,cut. It ie« ,1 he linl he. n ii.olc«! nine, it..ii coiiltiuy toll's»1» .:.-,.- wa« iif..iii iii aims.

|V.l.-eil,,r Ii.lel. lithlott.

l-l oit BaBSBB'I Kl'tll. We l.'iiru tia' tli>« listnpplytrata iron Cnmhortond to Rarpor'a Kerryli.i» not I,« cn I.« ol »n,.e li urn ved ti.c1 ti anil liastb.irL'd us rjrfio. It i». hand Bnl «mr traoii*

ga»l.I liters and m ii arg, to all im "f1"

0, 0,(i*00, lave Leen Mt «li by lim Kel el«, and 'liti.uu ». nt ivnh etippii«s to laen ana tabea Th1. 1.0,1 ,| li who has been fill, lind tliero's no neive

in,in iii in ai .1 ot 1.»eil is raaeoaabla t<> apara*«toad Bn womi. [.» in«bag IntolBgoasar, l«rao«

Communication for freight to Wasbnu/ton via

HuirieLurf-, which was ,iispeu.le«l for a few days in

I BBMBMBM of the late Hebel raid, bus been re

<>p«nr<l. The Hope Coveriiment Dispatch forward

blight m usual without- change ot cam«

ID*. lüfDiArf TltOlBLE».

Oairinl lírpoi«.Warn »ar****. fiej.t. ii 1161.

Ihe Mewlag Itapatah baeb« gd at thehe_d.__itd ia « thaaj ,y:

Bates teven Four Rraotav, Mit., >«a , r. .. . Aug. .J, i»'a. jMalar Len. Hu. .a. a. Oat«ral _> CuiefShi: I ha»-e ihe honor to report thst this post was

iraaolted I»' a largs hrseeM b«eea ladtaasaa tho*. ile »n all ran m ,,i Conpaay B, ¦..

R*artau*nI btinanota Vehntoon, ntd t-wthmvillcBangen, aeonpaay |m orgawtasd ¡".r 0i.-of* Uniwginmts at thio Biala, tren ünsatyMaopel badm ,:. r u. y gani aad tor fas defeaee, ead aolely didliievdatieir dirty. Th« segsgemnl taoled un'illink, whee Um Indtaa Hading thal they a!', .t | tod* meat, Bblub vis prevented in a irreal

u eamue by ihe laperiar Bra of the artillery endetthe tananonta ebarga of Ordnaan Sergoaat J.J nea IT. Bi In v. 1 i- ri,", ii a ila ., to »va, n-

Bta the nvtam by Which Una pott it rirrouiidnl,they wit! li« «v their fane», and tin' gallant little.._ irria s neted on tabstr an n n «<iy for any attack.Daring the aigbl no.eral people, the manan]

ofonco thriving 1 ntltait, urrivrd at ti« ponta a'. '.«. B.nrabte condhioiia Some w,"e woeadedlml nverahr baraed, having Bnde their escupe iromleir tiwi Ihagi vii,n h had lu en tired by the latitane.The people111 the lia.,, .Ila.i »i.iiilly tltd to rhi«

I o»t. and were or,::inizc'! and BISMi ni far .ii practi-Bl It IO ¡.ni ta its iletet'-'i».

( 'ii Um .-'».i iti«!. the Indians returned with it machtarns bra aad att.,.bad us on nil riama, but ta¬in de't-iiiiiitil altaiIBS we,-« on the eua ami wen

ornen of the lirt, w',i»h aro in thu'.¡¦int» of ravinée, l'e w*st comer wa* ansovert d bv itabh *< and log baut.Bgt, winch BÉhrdsdlbs Ia.tam peal ptetaetwn, and ia entas to genteelthe garrison 1 onlertd tbSBB to bo de.|r,.yed. Somewirr tired by the artillery, the BBBBaSI hy theI'm.iI'o Bangere, Basar the command of First,Lieutenant J. (ionnan, to whom and the men underbta command great credit is du* for their gallantondutt.ile tallis fell thick all over and through the

woodlea boildingg erected for* quartets.Bli!I the na n inar:»:iii.ed their «round. The Indiansthoa prepared to curry Iba pen by storm, bur the1kiilliiiii oii'lm t of the men it«, the guns paralyzed;

a ii'-.I mi el!, d then to wittnlraw, after one ofthe BM «t tie!":._aai attacks mudo by Indiana ona,n l.lary (»oft.

lie nu, B.CrB_*fSSÍSS BandC, bah Kegiment ofBlBnneta Voliiiiiiete. BhawJ by citizen*, did, mid .e-wii» the highest praise lor tln-i;heroic oadw t.

1 beg leave, nlrto, to hnni. to your notice Dr. Mnl-11er, tbr actirg Aseiilunt Snrgeim of tins port, who,ib-iiied by lu mojí, exceil«iel lady, attended to theWounded ¡ roinptly, and 1 am happy that under hilcareful »re«KBMat moat of Ila ¦ are Beoopertarg fa¬vorably.Mr. Wykoff of the Indian Uepariment, with

may on,er ittacas, rendered efli» tant «orri. BaOur rmall-arni ammunition Marly __UBg, on

wnealuslea wnb OidnaiMgi finn»an J. Jones Iarssrad the balls to be nno*nd hen nome of the«; hen. al care shot, whirl),|w iib nifciiy of the ball«lire,! t y the Indian», were coil»;, ted ami rei_-"t. Ain-waalltOB rriie \ re] me,I hy a puny of men ami lu liesTii'tni/ed for the parpan, who wet-ad night aadtiny unul a go«a| nop: ly WWJ , l.u.i.i ti.

1 fie bailt-aWS toinjo-iiig the garr «on proper are»till np, bat they aie ve.y much wrecked. Allotthe ou,iiini,iii,«s except tba gaard-taoan and __a_*e*|glan are entirely dgfltroyoa. Moi-t of tde mulea andOXea beloBgiag to Uta <.jj,iartrru,a-'ir> DoBBItanatwere taken by ,),e liuiiam. und we ure Isn willi am ai.ty »,i( j. ly of tra.apertatta.t,

tasoptad every penibta amas in my pr wer foraraSnaS by aneUag barricades, covering the store-hnn-ei with eartu to guard Bgtaa.I bra arrow»,w bl» n were ia.own willi a de'ermmaiion to make a

net Bee of everything;, bel the bmb's aaartsnmdlthe Morabeaee, which were iton* b_u_in_s, werara»» ¦!.

I ataehnawfab enrióte a list of the killed andwounded.tim .. killed mnl IhhftSgfl wounced.

Vi¡y BBBB**tfa] y,Your obedient lerTiot.

1. J ölifHAM..' Llealeaan' Co C Mb Itegimei t M li.: e»oi* Volant**!»,

( n. Ti.eliding i'o-l.

LAW IMll.llt-liMi:.

INI.FD sTATF.8 DtBTKId T eofRT-Sarr. IS-BeforeJ . :.e Bfti».

I.. l-l ». i«. pi:: '_ CASSAThe Jad«-..' de. ia'.rd the follown g prir.e cûsea to-

d«Tai -if.t'i tgl li lio-inri M»:t S.uart «nJCi.o . Ueciee

»te ode, at.lea f ». na, und «reab1«ed .-t.'.. at« L.'.'J tieaeel Kin. .¦ ¦! United lt*t*l e_t.

l"il 1'aakt f III .' I»-. ... k1 i-oi dr.. n»'.i ,'. lina IfWtJ¦ .. a, 'i r. d ¦'. ".ewf-iB and teni io till» p- it is -galera.

¦U'IUMK. ( «ii liT-iiiMHii. Tr-H*-S«rT UU-MSBnJ nMta I Mi 1.1,1 «H, H »la MI.U a t: ! I.IOSiHI).

BOtlBI M 01 i ii »" rn:M.

The ror-eniitnerniril cabneal waa called to-day.- v> r». », i ... «ti a be_. ii »Oe lo tunk duwn .aaBBJ

¦ i,-..iai'..| j i-n e (lagiahaatj Bat** bVai.,». « Iaethi aa.nea I *n ¦.,,¦:,a M) ttoBaoBBteeeaa,hm Batt g* ".' t*r Um ten» if tat tauig, a >w ,.:.. :, bial the ri', ula' were iii e ¦ml i, e ru i. ei.uti.e «Ted eilenu.r,-..! e.| in. the |itfeire,l, ai.- j«. B*ttI - ,-a.ied. an.I

i I .r-d.i '.... Bell *f lb« nutt. C*k_dir Will b* re.j_.ed.

lOrKEMI ( Ot'll"'-r:iti-.-,T-Üli'T. l5.-refa>te Jo.tic.(.HiiVlh.

Jl I oi ». trtl . Ill» Bl vv aoowa.The Rea. Martin (¡rover praeUed M l*a,t II. of,. i ,t .',.!«» li, "De new roon«, B., "J Duane meet.

, «bel.lie.:...,.... :. .- el -e.l». : i ,. » A u.i a» wa» in I. .in ed ti y iba CuBlI _MI lb*

i toa,.:.|j au re Li,n lol«. An aher gratia «n

tth* law »¦. ¦..'.... pt a ar. The- -.ii» »«. »ne« e eut I lire to Im- me .«.-

a» ;.. ia» .alni d. Cneal |l II. a . Ililli.¦ re ,.. ar Ce* i .¦ i« re

atarle** .. .. asteibn M lb* .;. 'lhere I- te,

lilli* r*oi ii. a" <»!... h ab)a*.I be meemi «. l... n<.let* ILe Bar. li..« would leive

1 enly ol t«'«ia ¡air a ye», lal«, raa»-

siiiu:-E rfjMTBT faiBBen Barr i:.-Befoiej.i.': e La aaa i

DBCIalOSt,VVin. 1'uvv« rsugt. Mulgan !.. Curtis.Certificate

....BOTICB T" TH» Btn.

Döring the preeeni Qsanal tant, Cbanban trillI le '! u. Il t" I 1 ¦.'. io, 1, . Ill UZ-MI

jui.e .n.«..! in lb*B.ual reeat IB ia *i,aa4l*th aMate*I . . ... s lal le,ni

Ita »...I 't «all ,, ...»¦-. and :li» _eitrr«l Celeudirbj Jogg« « .'tie. :i, llii lone i»l T.r:,i ii... ui.


BUN I »li: , 1,1 IIT-« iimum« . Skit li C«for« Ju.lioeIm.K.I, I«

ina l - «, K ».

C. s. Baehdtaafl sai. l'i iltp I l>clttvoodj A. V.At» a «<t. J«, leWetl i ,«:,i i.t lunn» It II Ai

.,.1 V ..n .I auk a«ii Ana n

II. J, «lah M. »lal«, '. *»."¦¦ .«

, lleale,,, J.i.e. 11. ¿ii, aat IL l'lal.1..- MallaUa..anted

IIIff-UOK ian in .-4.»:. mTaaa aasi. is.-iie:...«In-,,.-«. »\ ,,., K.

l I « I l, N S.Win II. Aspinall, die.,agi.TtwasM I. Pbsita»*--

JaSgeseat'lei ret eio sl>... ni lli.iioi i.l. 1'ivid Ca I'ytr.-Moiion di.ini-^d. wita-

i ni gean?

I lil'!! I' ( BlaMBD IB.TBB Pit

Si him. I'u. iii li» -vi I', i. I'refcn-id,N... I lo U I U, ef K. Jl 39

Si a 1,1 «I, Com:! I". I.' 11 ¡'lil I I. N"« '-".'..-.. mi, , -i:. ,413 -a : -«. M1 ..' -.',¦-

i, i; i.". Í4. I

.¦ :..,, .: .; , timI. li» - '. B 4 -«.. 4

Itni'Ueda («n»»ini B-IBBIBB**« 1 iif N. 1. I :iiBt MBM « .».. Ü4 'J

ASII»'S 'Iii» u a-ket ii -ten.!,. Wi'.b a fair d.i. i.J, «1

tCUVl'ON.I he UI t« i.

..,,.r ,, , ,, o,.I. ile,inne Ni ni.iimi ia laud« andnil. .,,,.-.- o i-... .a I «I.. if y ','., li,, ni "Setiit

,. obi f foreign aattt baa I «.I na at, eptib.aelle.-i ...i .. la na» in-1 i.i.i_¦* eiii'.lon .jauiao. na

.li.ia». ..o'!i oh: Kiaki .-. .> !*¦aaa. aaa yemmeeieeiaulji

?»no1 »al«) lag'al .'!'¦. l'"'«:« ue»»,i|itloiii ure .jtail hut

V:, It AND K1 lU-Tbt ir»ilet fur We.»«rti an "-'t«'e!.,.,i . »Bl la t ailu-i li u . t :.,r u e t,,nu mli. tei pad**, «rl than ta i ataal do Biaih liairb.nail

n, u ula Hie uri» > . »¦.-.'¦ » .. ui- i» a. analt ... .-. ¦... k«l..,| at«. the ...¦.« ar« ii um hi .a «t 4-. .. ,..... i... .-.,.,.. .-

m ne iaS vv ,..:¦ m, oi .. SO -. in, -u'*, t-... i «i i t.. ... I". 4-5 ."..'. f.,r li e low ,r..!r. o:VV -I e ,, I' «' .a f ; oí +. J u I " .1, piag b»u I. al lound-i. g1 ilia UM« .a I ...«.:¦! r ti ni* h I«. « «n»

dm, » uiir I. lu lathi .i;.|,.T pain ali It B**S, Hld li «le.ali.n i m : iii iei|,.e-i, ...i., at 1 , t .-.'.. fur tbaluw «ra.le« ol »»tra« Bud g1 "'a H M f->. li nie brand.

!' .uri» a. «i.e. al,J. ililli a fair BtteW me

m, -. atol 41 nil »: +.' .".. at '"i n lit ii te ge, J gaper-ga* ii .'ni...i. ha, »nd at Hell fur I« ii) «ud tradei,r«..i. itae»! ar la Healy aad la .tetdatati ragtariAi «aat..i a ia,i» «i * io* »i«» m na Baeai «'-a Bawa, Orne Me«iI. »eiy aat*t )»t -ie..!» tile« 01 1,10 bull. U,«BdY»,ue «IT MUliAlN-TliH Wheat mallet U1S3c. d)> bulli lower owing

lo more liberal »rriial«, « dei line in Bil)**aga tal iiiifirotahle«.l»u-e» from »'.ulule, hut a good riport aeuiaud li uon. r.l.le

it Hie redtirtlou. »\ hite li oioie uieuly, and ongoe, .«. "','°_'iviwu, butl-il ia b.i tun Ona. Ih* trim Ulla** M.iVi

i,,1,V.\irs?-'2"rf£nfK'**''l»o.b. -Cblrt-oSprlBíaOl «wBl IJ¡ J3,««edo. Mila.»*.« Chiba» Bl 07*01 U| «»MOiLfbT.í*",'uÍe¿.M .* "».» '.. "»"O0 de. Asjbsr%aH%tU^>JM»h*-n r.'« h » »ery ha.W,

.... .»..,,..., ¡ a-,te K A»1.*

I i, »',: 1 ,. Y rWs^ifflíWtr-^Íartó.-»tate. ( orn is '.,. re ».lenty and I» lower, Mil le.. snheBBBBa,¦». l.ïinui/l uewilrooi i.j,o.»H;sâi», Cf 77 o«¡o l)u,h t»

1 }«,- .- for li »id » uni«, .«a57c.f.., Ea tern icliid indy',s e.-. ,M| ;. Ma

llAï .Tbs 1 «1» t I« finn, bnt the lui t'rv 1« moderet»s La« ol' «J L«¡, . »l ooOnif. for new, uni ', ¡aloe (ot . a m

<- .^^

MULAJORB.TVra I» » fair Inquiry for th!» «rtH« a»tead» ptñssi ¦taasfnhbda Oabe Baatovels st ¡c». ¡ u

» at t.»-.! I.) d.j. Porta it i-o at «to.: 'A' do.. on- I erle l.ii o »t Um,, mi it do. Uri M »co«ado for re'io-

a .-

NA. AL gl'ORES.»Spirit! Turpentitis it fi.m b-it Iel«activo. Ro- 1.a generally era firm but tim Arn and la les« tal-mated a<ue» of i;'«) hi Is. Is* N ». I «t 4-11 a*» .*> Lu BJ

li .«¦» ses ttssdy sod ta assis t r, -t OB as l«ajM>' it v : 'ri t.,r «Id m ..- »

l'Üuv.Sill'.S. l.'.o Port u.trot ia du end 'osar, tbsarris**, m .,, ,,,H ., ;-». ->hl». »t »sli 100)011 »>'|foiMaa», »rd *,../,« *,u 12 lot Piiino. be» f I« » «o duli sodbe«»« though tbs ia »ipt» st. .,ult« 'i.-ht. aslsssfl '¦ bMs.a- *l «i'l»..,if,, piaf, y,... ,.j ¡.¡«jj + l- j.. |. r txtrs.Keel li iSBSSfS vety .jillet, tul Iles « »re lu 11/Ü1 »upply, andtra htm and in fai. n M»tl -, lesof HI hi «I», and tea »J. I«;«a»

-iiOulde... »oti ttYilo. for üaria. l....-o.i ia Hill«tsrcssi.l wanted ,.i». ,,| :. . gal -:.o t-ibbsd 1 ity at 7c,an ¦-' !,, .1.. r. .»ht.,, »ed H des n h'.», lard li «teady sodl--«a UvoiMlsaol «7,1 us... ¿i,d tea. st »oAç. iJuttor sudLlm-.y sis aieady and la,.«.d 1» -,. ««,HU K--i.. ' India ta in modèrent d inand ; taie» of I» 0 bas»

"ilrîs'iA* " 'i" h"U U;<"»"» ..'«""SlUAIl.-» A re I, r t-o« i»r d» mand piev.n'a for Raw, aalpnce» are tirm « t,i»-.a,i,e«J ti,. .|4 ,r(. , 4,sj [,bda. Nets«(Moana at '. i-ijc u 1 US« .lo. C .bs«t ,.!,;, 1BAL r.Tl a n arts» ka <»u!-t h .' Ornai at f-.mer rate«.ti t.ti -. »Star s naiiisd deoiBBd for Clover Seed st H'(*¿lc

Tu.iothj Pe-ü It q,iet«t fclbaliXifl d7. Rcugb S 1.1 Seed ISquiet m #».'

i'Ai. 11 \'.A q-.i-l but «t«ady market¡ «si«« of li 000 ¦( n» »t eW HlbhaV 1« In bettsr requeat, «rd I» firmer, though tbs . « i e.-.l the iii n.s.d aalrs 0! V.0 hbis. at ila l,r totBlata ai.d oiaXie fut \V««iern, «:¡« inatde rito for Info-nur übs.

Pasaenaera ArrivedIm BBBaSaOn Min* Vu»*. Jrom ll'imrm.Mrt. BipMe Ote*

ret »«id son .1. II. r>. hi«>» der, John »1 1 Kdwaid M-l-r, H. C.Voa 1*0.1 e, 1 mito, ir Bom Ki H-iu i-. I'm. ..pi,«. If

by, ..ol.ii Jtynty, W. Roden ana L. Ileluke si a furn.«ily, Joiiu 0. hiek. Mr«. Sophie MstSS, e.u.d and servant, O.A Bebarsts sad arlfo afra June Kb'».«, child sod »ervaat»Mr». Y. Me.lii.erandehild M I!. HidIls aod trife, Mr. Helenei.i'.ull »¦,'. t'liiid. Mine. Atna |.«.-e|i. child at -I aeivanl,duo Jone« II. Kliibes Mr Bases ti 11. Aneel, ll.Sci.wsrta,R He»!», ft. A. Meda»,, M Oltio,«r«ud family, 1 C. Stir-¡ uj, Mi. .,¦ «l-l »ibu,I ter, Mt». X. L Abbott end son, Mad.Nu'.rrle. Koueit Hod^e, Mt« C. Etpsaace, J. A. 0 ijr«ya-4fsmi!}, Mi« V «u ¡-jtntvootd, Y S U nunn sud Itmlly, MíasM ,r»e, Misa Faul Ua .tier, M. Becbtei, Mr» La Otin,,«, Mr.»SmisioL.

» »,111m ,iii«r«a-un-Rite«....5:11 ¿m.6 f» Moon-Ri.B» 11 H

BU.M WiTSR THI« MIknag leah» tittl «io«. ¡. ». ¡.. S:uy ilaU-dats.3tM


port or neiv-vork.Ssrr. ii.

gneana-LShip.flen Mci'lel'in, Watta» Literpool. Nearulth It Bonali ni.Jsn.-Ii«t,,ett. I.BUibe.t, (J.»now, Îbos. Mid ileloa.: ;.- .., i-Ai.:.i «»..-J.»:, KiaOtalion, asisia, C k £. J.


»tsasengaSstn.abp New-York (Hreiu.), Wens«, Bremen Au,. 31,

«... jupio« I pt. 3,7 p u. ¡....s.«, amaw9 won t». «j«i»ri lui lo. U, mat., off tbe «Ja. o rae. psiaed Hreoi barB1.a... :.. m brii.i'u. S»pt. », lu lal. «I 50, loo..,;, ps».«!llr uark Ssnnon, «:t. rin«, B. "j'.Ii. if. «'. ion. SI, BSStod Sr.bu, Asgan«, Stead ; Y l«th, «tit m, Ut. et, io». tj7 io,SS) Bsa,«d »;gi..i. with Brein. inip " Eunsiturn," wnu pas¬ten, rt. 4') lay, out

ir,¿Bte ij'jernere tKr.), T., Paronte, oommandar, Sydoay,c h »Isya

hiilp I'!) mouth Rock Itammot d. London and I»l«of ***MabIii du«, lu-:« .1 d J j««- lo I,ni i.-.I M.mum It Co Au«.ii l«t. th, Ion. IB, SBeaaaasd ai,« witb «bip Ellwood Vt/sJ.tar. 1 iii.iaii'i i.ei .-.. i,,...ud B.

..»hip t lisiiof,» A. Micltr, Tbeobeîd. Llt-erpool, 3d day»,«alt tu H burner i Ki own. {Jad «I-f li, »a,«at, «ly wu.,1. tolo«- ila a., ». MS tneii Bah! *«..' wit-d«, ¡jen.« li daya Lotnctto port.

.-hi;, lillies L. R geit. Comony. Literpooi A'i|. 16, tuda«.Ispt 11 I r-il« ll.alaU, «poke «bip

«¦ 1-loiia h»ed. ¡1 oin London for New-«tor«,bl.ip Char.ottf I onali « Lisarpool lal| J" coil to Ntsoiitb

b B SS. Ita.l ¡»ti «\. »it-ds the tatos p«j.ta,ebhip J. U Ityeison. Lstt.BJi, Liverpool Au, 7. coal to J. B

N au.iib k Lo. Ubi .i«i.l W. winds and » 1... tb« »..Urepaass,e. (Ja ihe outwaid poaBBJBi A.fred \\ i.liann, ««anitair. ¡oird), ,'.ie.: in a tit.

M.ip II. ¡.ay (Meek ). Ohleri-b .1 te- i»x. Al dija, mds«,«nd lu past, to vascb, Mein« ke k »«¦ et ni.

Ship 1 ..t-lt lol Ousl, i.| Meaena, Au, 12, mda«. teC « l>u. can k Co.Ship lianaeaek't (of NewHaTsn'/, Wait London. 30 day,,

Is BsUsa le Nssaobb ti Osaa Au, J", uo Lal. »aw mi« sa-

«a.« t .a)po.e ú W 2d lust. 01. :Le «Li. k«. . 1-t-iiki, i «.«»

Bbip M». cheater, Trsak, Literpool Au, til. n.dae and 134pas» to lii-t it Dasrborti. Sopc 13, l»t te, ¡on ss J«) paaaaOl.,ip K11 I«ta. h«L« for Lit et pool. Al,. Id, 1st. 0 IS,los. I, I ir I iu w. a basrh Oeeejtasa ««f Coik. waieno^gadand ahsiidousjti. lound ali« h.d hea»,, Doo. led same uiurulufh) sl.p Lihei.v («mi« arrlTed It ti.l» Patt), «kip Hot«. I-am«l.y of .11. John«. r l.lT.r|.'j|, a. J ara N--va ."»t-.-ti n forCork, Bud band« r-jin liiese v.»»el« were 00 huaid, to tai« bo,

» .: p,B«tbia («sports! «bo«wbssdsi «ftsssaalaara)i «Beii--.- w«i»r in bar at the nine: wa» muter «nd «tare

..j.:, li.« auove Teasels were a»i lu cou pan)It (ka »wasa I o .. i.,»«»rluttas abl, .-.J.-:.:1*, < hiar?«-'! <«la«,«>w 35 day«, md,»

to s Br«ci»tiib, b»d tory hatavy wei-ter.titi ..»:,«. (ltS'J 01.-t," e,, Soul: unptor., 36 de»«, la

bsllsa, ta nrlsi a.,.:). 1.1 »¡lu, lea.M II apoa«t|'ruabii¿ ra liaaath huemaeu, baal caiuid fur Bew-x a, II dsjtvin

Kari. I.-. ¡11.: n W nken». ( adU, 3» daya salt lo Dollnar,» . .«..« all, spate Bi .¡.la

v fa» '.it. ( ou S daVS OS«. Au, ¡S,lal 130J .. -:. '. eici.»i..eii ei« bIb «sith bait Maaaata u. aaai .»».-pt..,, is', li .11. lou tim, tp If- bax» 'Aru«:.'' itemfrost Uubiia tor N«w»Yo«t, I7alsy»s

I lib «.'. a tir ter, lijtte dun. »3 dsj, uidM.latta liad w.,-«ii» wi-.,:» witb bi,h

»sa us oat -i»« - Aaa> LI a« , a. los i» so. pas»«dt ... 1 s »bark appa |.i«h. -.ii.«, lode >»«t«i*

s««e«l «til »)'. .J «ied. lad ue.-n j long tuna iBn ner ...aiun a«, »r.. .one i,v lbs dot«. lor«.i.««l

,.. '.,.,. Ml » «n-.-n «1. »tots»a ; ie. «na ihe bail n.«.-a tno u.-b j »t ipped of

n.-r liwlofc 1 rta u 1 -eon. di .ii. fr -n. urti» U 'Us-, andva' .- o. U>. t. st ..1.1 BS IStSa. A' t IS, 1st.

«c /1, Iel -, « ..-j «uiu S «stbara i,«|ie. bou« d ci.Is a Diotsiiaa »li » I, > staass, Lunuou, 7b Ueys, in bal.ast

to oiu-irUbi» I1» .-'lit.ilie (I'.u» ), »Jail:.,. L t.i»:i. 3d day», OldlS»

to II )W| n.i f» \ pim» al..Bd, i'e: «ii.» Ai«-.. Medsiiich, Cardiff, St dayl, usai te

r .. Ml . *e i. Ue. I".-. 1; ill.:. Mort n. AutCiyes, 23 dir» Ont*» mi

Uti «ood I » U b an, « H ve. O I hsse lies lud .\ K. ,lle« foilbs pottJllsy ,¡ spirt ssllt bratsfsrsgal J «pr .11, 1 Bato

f-rhr. I.SSBBIS J«»ue», SlbsBy. lumber for bo«loo.«ra '» coi, tirar, Foti kana sosl (st lalss»

S hr. Ass S «.s.i.-r. I km, >\ »rchtui. -' Ja¿«Mi I Csaipaay.lebl ¡ti» am.!. Ila Veil, Ellrsbstbpstt co«l, Tor B»aton.0, r. Boiasat, 11 is -I. I«.,¡ran tspsd co., fir ii. «lu..«- .n. Au. .« «, ¡. -..¦¦,,..o luit , '«ii, coal, fat

. ..,1 I'bom-ta Sparta (O. S. iranipcit), fierce, U'asB-,11.. ) II 1. UlpSIU»

1 Mi.iu.1««. a. 1 «J«, lb.¡mell bia, nidao. to J h If.!'. a

.-..aii.r M*.-», .Niibo:». 1 ¡uiiaatia-l[-Llv md««. to Lopai h

.-¦t.-,in, 1«; t'l'v li S. tra .port',, Pi.B.-e. IVaablDgtoa,.1 a « -. IU 1. « t t > D D T «UipklllS.

.« »1IV1110 ii S. tri .«p..rt l.oarsr, Al. ibu J a. tahoui« io H I). 1.". ¡in».

Ht« m 1 allen I ferry (U.O ti.ntpjrt), Cluptu, FerttoMa I« U. Li. 'louipliua.

Bl LOB1VTJHT Oaatti. 9, Of«

TssOatrl n«",i« «rr.».t leaterday, S'lndtv, irportti,....» ¦.-. u.- B i»a. atth Lbtbl \\'. meda

.: d y «». win, ii. «ii lea« 1st, tt« !«». «s», »um ti

SdW, -J ..u. «-It il.l'haj Jtol,. tele,

ImkMii. tin < ir. m Card !T, airtted onSanday. »eportil-i-, -.; (I, ». . u I li.r.e« Allstiuiii. of 1'ioTali. clot

in», iii... bill ÜABUSS lii'in Havana, baa rou.« to lbs1 -pa 1.

.ti «a gone donn lo tb* as«.¡...ia .-, ». o..«-»'»

¦-...., 1'arkaS

»'.«lint. Ac.Or. Ti)-)»*«». ABB» B !:i«*!'.r 1 Ir .»my r.*s. «f Ktn,l-

toa J»., ¡«,». u ye.i. ida» iiom st. Bills, bound le torVO.» s 1 lil b.»i t touched oa

«li- »e.t i«. I of St.« .. i«. As 1» 11,»«..n« 1' iuo/.es per hour,»nd v» ill hue lo (»o 011 the «lip lot re|'*iia. The Hr ship Jolis

Day, of I..«.»,)«, I,oin lum».. I. b1 to (.re. 1, ... al

sa lbsMtb tnat, 1,b».i, loaeaed 00 ihe ba. oS lilss, .1 uiol.sses win he dl«_ ¦¦«'<"..Jal, !..

IBylsUsi is I .»«oti B'sBsr, e»i o'«:- 94 0 «JarW»

CBAVBsB, Maa. .--pt. IS.-'lb« Br bri« «ii tua llei

Ir, 11 » . I- «: ,1 foi ».««'on. esasi »«hoi* *«stei».»y »

CMtehssosi VV-J o . «lo««abor* '»»»y «m-«lt««ha-

1¡¡» t.le, to»S. M Oi ,111» Ke«dlU|-llo«

ÍJoit-lüarotita' ^« ..» Bl 0 Von»

psns-Wsassss- unira Be lu« w

N'OTIOI B booabf ftooa, ni aceordanmotin I of the * I P«««««.! A| ill H. 1US7 e

,-t lol'-ot»»'!" ti.« Wai le, »'H' ,' Ih,« Pot\o«k to ni ptiii'.. tntrreitsJ In. 01 n»»iu< .-i.r

,, e. t uiBttei ot suth luxury, evsni' islico. 01 «

|hOfolio» ll>* vessels Ble UUW uni., t«I ». mut-Um

Maiden« and I »I Hi» ««id suite)-» or i-l liuiual

c.iuiplrted within --o d«>« td. «ui'c-aedii., said ve.seis.

Shi,- «Sardinia.TieI.ii. S-.ralt Klltsbelb.PIbebooner Adeline luwiiaeud.,.Pi

>»MMl. UL'llLtlüJ. Acs'! ttuauua Oeaman»

No, «.«i p _

» 'No 1J M 5*