Download - Friday 22nd May, 2015. Term Two Week Five What’s … · Camp Rock The Musical. Camp Rock The Musical. is a Disney success story. ... The Final Jam . launched the careers of the


Battle of the Bands On Thursday 8th May two Port Campus Bands entered the Battle of the Bands competition going up against other school bands in the Port Macquarie area.

The ‘Shonas’ performed second in the competitions set and lead singer Billy Axford led Ethan Dennis, Lachlan Byron, Aran Dennis and Liam Clark in a fast moving and dynamic performance that got the crowd swaggering with the beat.

Friday 22nd May, 2015.

Term Two Week Five

What’s happening in Week Six Monday: Yr 7 & 9 Maths Exam, Yr8 Contact Sport Excursion Thursday: Regional Surfing Titles- Forster Tuesday: Yr 8 & 10 Maths Exam Friday: Wednesday:

School Website:

School Email Address: [email protected]

Phone: 65831844 Fax: 65841632

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Jaxon Pollard, lead singer of the band ‘With an X’, didn’t disappoint with band members Ryan Johnson, Christian Familar and Liam Eastwell. The drummer of ‘With an X’ Christian Familar let loose on the rhythm of songs ‘Australia Street’ and ‘I Can’t Hear You’ bringing the band to take out third place in the whole competition. Battle of the Bands was supported by many Port Campus students who created a wonderful atmosphere in this friendly competition organised collaboratively by school leaders in what has now become an annual event. A huge thanks goes to Ms Moylan and Mr Huens who are the Student Representative Council teachers who supported our students to be involved in this opportunity. Additional thanks goes to our fabulous music teachers Mr Heddles and Ms Farmer for providing ongoing advice and gruelling tuition sessions prior to the big performance. Ms Farmer also provided her expertise as an adjudicator for the competition on the night never letting her students forget that pulse and balance are essential components of a great stage performance. Cassie Holland

Camp Rock The Musical Camp Rock The Musical is a Disney success story. The two movies, Camp Rock and Camp Rock 2-The Final Jam launched the careers of the Jonas Brothers and pop artist Demi Lovato. This Musical is based on the second movie and has a new orchestration of music and storyline. Putting on a large scale production in a professional manner takes a great deal of work. I would not be able to do this unless I had a solid production team. I have teamed up again with the fantastic choreographer Claire Michell and our Musical Director Simone Berry. I have the graduate Production Designer Sam Wylie and my wife Kirsten as Assistant Director.

The Port Macquarie Campus – Camp Rockers are: (l-r) Chris Phillips, Sam Smith, Jaxon Pollard, Shannon Beck, Miriam Woof, Tanisha Palmer, Drew Miante, Nikita Heuer, Mr. Keddie Insets Ashley Carrick, Billy Axford.

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From the Principal It has been an exciting week this week with the Year 6 into Year 7 night and the In Concert performance in Sydney. College News This week we have had combined faculty meetings at Westport Campus. The two schools set a combined agenda for each group. The hot topic was the assessment booklet for Year 12. Year 12 will start at the beginning of Term 4 and we want to make sure that the policies and schedules are aligned as much as is possible and practical. The across campus subjects have assessment schedules from their base schools. Some of the faculty groups went on to look at combined excursions and guest speakers as well as shared texts and across campus marking to ensure that markers have the same standard. In Concert On Monday I was privileged to see In Concert. Twenty two of our students formed part of the Combined Secondary Choir. There were 750 students in the choir. Also performing was the NSW Public Schools West African Drumming Ensemble who opened the show with the help of the choir who added clapping to the drumming. This combination of a large number of drummers and 750 pairs of hands was magnificent. The musical groups performing included the NSW Public Schools Symphonic Wind Ensemble, the NSW Public Schools Jazz Orchestra and the NSW Public Schools Symphony Orchestra. A particularly moving part of the concert were the excerpts from “Meeting the Sun” a work especially commissioned for the 100th anniversary of Gallipoli. The excerpts included ” I Wish I Were Young” based on a World War One poem and “Wipe Away Your Tears” based on Kamal Ataturk’s poem to the mothers. The full choir and the NSW Public Schools Symphonic Wind Ensemble took part. The composer was there to give an insight into the piece. The guest artist was Loir who performed solo and with the choir and musicians. The students really enjoyed working with him. The finale of the night was a rousing rendition of Polovtsian Dances from Prince Igor performed by the choir and the symphony orchestra. The concert was held in the Sydney Town Hall, a magnificent setting for the performance. I would like to congratulate our students for the effort they put into learning difficult and complex pieces. I would like to thank Clare Farmer for all the effort she put into teaching them. I would also like to thank Stewart Heddles for accompanying the excursion and helping with the final rehearsals in Sydney. Year 6 into 7 night Wednesday we held our Year 6 into 7 night. The evening started with a wonderful performance by the Hastings Secondary College Band conducted by Stewart Heddles. After some light refreshments the parents and students heard some short speeches by myself, Dr. Ible the College Principal, Leanne Burbidge the P&C president, the two Year Advisers Clare Farmer and Helen Cox and Darryl Mason who will be the year Deputy Principal. Darryl introduced the many Head Teachers and staff who were there including those who will play an important role in student’s life such as the Girls Supervisor Sharon Combey. Over one hundred and eighty parents and students attended. They were divided into four groups to experience four taster lessons. Mr Littlefair presented a fascinating History lesson featuring swords. Mr Heddles gave an introduction to Music featuring our saxophone quartet and members of two of the school’s bands. Students and parents had to participate in a vocal warm up activity. Miss Cowan and some of Year 12 Hospitality students showed parents around the Commercial Kitchen giving out sausage rolls they had made. Miss Bourke demonstrated how you make elephant toothpaste winning many converts to Science. Next we had a barbeque where people got the chance to talk to individual staff members. Mr O’Brien and Mr Fitzpatrick made excellent chefs. I would like to thank the many staff involved for a night which was very highly evaluated by the parents. P&C Meeting Our P&C Meeting was held on Tuesday. We had a visit from Port Macquarie Lions around volunteering and Lions Youth of the Year and Mr Fitzpatrick, who we explaining his faculty request for an interactive white board. We had a lively night with discussion around fund raising in general and the Modelling Workshop to be held in August in particular. The next P&C meeting is on Tuesday June 16th. Next week is another busy week. Year 11 exams continue at the beginning of the week and the Athletics Carnival is postponed and is now on June 3rd. Brainstorm Productions are performing for Year 8 on Thursday. Lorraine Haddon Principal

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Year 9 Photography Year 9 Photography elective students put their skills to the test on Saturday the 16th at the Port Macquarie Volunteer Festival, documenting the vast array of stalls and volunteers. It was a great morning with plenty of information about how to contribute to our local community. Photography by Flynn Broughton, Danielle Keating and Caitlin Rake. Karen Noble

Year 7 Science Half Yearly Exam

Please note that this assessment task is now on Monday 25 May, Period 5. Topics to be examined include:

• Starting Science • Mixtures • Energy (first part only)

Amanda Leach Science Faculty

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Careers News Year 11 Senior Success Night The next session for the Hastings Secondary College Senior Support Program for Year 11 students will be held:

Tuesday 2nd June 2015 at Charles Sturt University, Grant St. Port Macquarie 6:00 – 7:30pm This session will cover:

• Year 11 Half Yearly Exam Review • Review of Learning Styles and associated study tools • Laying the foundations in Term 3 for the HSC year ahead

We anticipate that you will all come along and attend this session which has been arranged to enhance your HSC success at Hastings Secondary College. Position(s) Vacant – Newspaper Deliverer Newspaper delivery is a great first job for young people, introducing them to the working world. The job involves not more than a few a few hours, to be completed on a Monday / Tuesday evening and/or Wednesday before or after school, at the convenience of the family. Mansfield Distribution Company is currently recruiting for delivery of the Port Macquarie Express. For further enquiries, or to place an expression of interest, please contact Julie Vairy on 0427030584 or see the School Careers Adviser. Position Vacant – Roofing Apprenticeship There is a possible opportunity for a student in Year 11 or 12 seeking an Apprenticeship as a Metal Roofer in the local area. If you have an interest in this position please see the Careers Adviser. Institution Information Sessions Sydney University Scholarships Information Evening Tuesday 16 June, 6-7.45pm To maximise your chances of receiving a scholarship, we are hosting a Scholarships Information Evening for Year 12 students.The evening is hosted by the Scholarships Office and will share insider hints and tips on completing the Sydney Scholars application. Register at Engineering and Science Student Parent Info Night The UNSW Faculties of Engineering and Science invite Year 11 and 12 students and their parents to attend an information evening on 11 June 2015. 5:30pm for 6:00pm Start Thursday 11 June 2015 John Niland Scientia Building (Building G19) UNSW Kensington Campus To register, visit Mr White – Careers Adviser

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Australian Futsal Association Competition The 13 and 14 boys and girls futsal teams played on Monday the 18th of May. It was a big day of competition with each team playing at least four games. The thirteen girls team played exceptionally well throughout the whole day with no substitutes and made it all the way to the finals, but lost zero to one. The thirteen boys played very well with only one substitute throughout the day and made the semi-finals. Unfortunately though, one of the players got injured and just like the thirteen girls team they were left with no substitutes and lost. The fourteen girls’ team played well, but a lack of experience kept them from making it to the semis. The fourteen boys’ team showed brilliant skills and team work and won all seven of their matches, beating St Columba Anglican School in the finals two to zero. Congratulations to all the students who participated and we look forward to more futsal competitions in the future.

Back row: Jack Agland, Matt Covetz, Lewis Kranitis, Jack Terley, Ben Harris, Front row: Zac Terley, Hamish McKie, Gabe Low, Wilson Harries and Mr Huens

Kingslee Marks, Rory Ballard, Hayley Goodridge, Joni Ransley Mr Huens

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NSW All Schools Swimming Sam Harris recently competed at the NSW All Schools Swimming Championships. This event also served as a selection trial for the Pacific School Games in Adelaide in November. Sam finished 2nd in the 1500 F/S, 3rd in the 800 F/S And 4th in the 100 and 200 F/S. This has qualified for the PSG in two events, and may actually be able to swim in more. The levy for the PSG is over $1000 and Sam has raffle tickets to sell to help him raise money. Please support Sam by buying some tickets off him.

Jack Higgins, Sebastien Heuer, Mr Huens, Nicholas Johnson, Andrew Walton Felix Williams

Tina Nguyen, Skye Vaughan, Hayley Walsh, Kearyn Eastwell, Faith Elliott, Tayla Dures Mr Huens

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Well done to Year 10 student Kaysie Fancett - NATIONAL RECORD! "We were fishing off Port Macquarie just before Christmas on our boat ‘Chicka’. We were so far out to sea that we could not see land. After a few hours of waiting we finally got a bite from a blue marlin that stayed hooked. I was fighting the fish for about an hour and a half and I finally got it to the boat. As soon as dad saw how big it was he graded it from its bill and dragged it in to the boat. The blue marlin weighed in at 112.8kg on 24kg line - a NSW and Australian record!" - by Kaysie Fancett

Tutoring and MENTORING for students School life is a complex mix of personal, social and academic growth.

Expectations are ever increasing and time is scarce. Are you dedicated to your child’s success?

Do you want your child to be the best they can be? HELP IS HERE!

Tutoring and Mentoring Packages for 12-20 year olds are now available at: Port Macquarie Youth Hub

Maths, English, Personal Development & Peak Performance Coaching

For more information contact: Andrew 0410 02 6060

PLEASE NOTE: School athletics carnival is postponed until the 3rd June.

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