Download - Friday 01/06

Page 1: Friday 01/06

19/04/2023 LHC Morning Meeting - G. Arduini 1

Friday 01/06• 08:30 Access for power converter RQTF.A81B2 replacement

(radiation effect on auxiliary power supply) finished and power converter tested

• 08:30-09:30 RF control (phase error) adjustments

• 10:18 Continuous tune measurement stopped working in the middle of the ramp for B2 and later for B1. Tune feedback stopped for B2 and then B1. Rebooted front-end. Restarted tune feedback.

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19/04/2023 LHC Morning Meeting - G. Arduini 2

Emittances at flat-top (#2690)

Horizontal Vertical

F. Roncarolo

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Fill#2690• Warning levels on BLMs:• At the end of the ramp:

– BLMEI.06R7.B2I10_TCSG.A6R7.B2, 83.8 s, 31%– BLMQI.04L6.B2I10_MQY, 5.2 s, 31%

• During the squeeze:– BLMQI.04L6.B2I10_MQY, 5.2 s, up to 48%– BLMQI.05R7.B1E30_MQWA.E5R7, 5.2 s, 40%

• 11:00 Beam dump when going in collision (BLMQI.04L6.B2I10_MQY, 5.2 s)

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Fill #2690• Dump occurred ~10 s before the end of the collision process• ATLAS at ~50% of peak lumi, CMS at ~6% of peak lumi in spite

of the incorporation of trims found with 36 on 36. Some ideas on how to improve further….

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Fill #2690No sign of instability Losses distributed

among all bunches

G. Papotti

1-5-8 1-5

Suspected tune settings following stop of tune feedback and collision offset in IP5 particularly

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Fill #2691

• No losses above warning during ramp and squeeze• Losses on some bunches when going in collision. • Ended up with beam separated in IP5 28 mm (~1.5

sigmas full separation V) and In IP1 by 14 mm (full separation H)

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Fill #2691

• Instability developing in collision (B1 H). Managed to optimize point 5 and 1 and to go in stable beams. Results of optimization incorporated.





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Fill 2691 - emittances

• Emittances in collision after loss

Horizontal VerticalF.


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19/04/2023 LHC Morning Meeting - G. Arduini 10

• 03:39 Trip of ROF.A56B1 (QPS) followed by ROD.A56B1 and RSD2.A56.B1 Beam dump

• End of fill #2691. ~170 pb-1 in 14 h• 07:10 STABLE BEAMS #2692. Initial

luminosity ~6.3-6.4x1033 cm-2s-1. No problems there.

• We will try to continue like that……

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• TCSG check still to do (quickly done)

• RQTL11.R7B2 temp DFBAN spikes affecting cryo start but not CM (~3 to 5 hours – not urgent)

• ALICE access (~1.5 h – tracker cooling – needs CV piquet)

• MAD PM15: motors of inner doors not working

• Verification of impact of TETRA and GSM transmission on the tunnel (30 mins with pilot beam at injection)

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Fills of the week

Fill Day Nb L (h) Int L (pb-


2671 Mon 1380 7.3 121.3 BPM LSS6 (SW Intlk.)

2673 Mon 1380 2.8 53.2 Trip of RCBXV2.R1 (QPS)

2675 Tue 1380 4.1 77.4 RQ7.R1 (QPS – SEU)

2683 Wed 1380 1.6 33.0 ALICE BCM

2684 Wed 1380

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19/04/2023 LHC Morning Meeting - G. Arduini 13

Main faults

• Cryo Pt8 Hours Faults

Mon 28.5

2.5 ATLAS access

Tue 29.5 10.5 Recovery from Sector 12 trip, Octupoles PC in S67 and S81, QH PS in Sector 67, RF controls

Wed 30.5

6 PS Controls+RF longitudinal blow-up+OFSU

Thu 31.5

Fri 1.6

Sat 2.6

Sun 3.56