Download - Frequency Vow Break


Heres the Frequency Vow Break that RA~Quel shared in her interview and now we are sharing it with you. Frequency Vow BreakI now declare null and void any and all agreements, contracts, vows and belief systems I have taken, known and unknown, regarding (fill in the blank) _____________.I declare this null and void in this incarnation and all incarnations across space and time, throughout all parallel realities and parallel universes, all alternate realities and alternate universes, all planetary systems, all source systems and all dimensions.***********************This vow break works within the laws of frequency harmonics. Each word used has a unique frequency signature. Remember that there may be several words that describe a particular vow or emotion you are working with.This is not effective if you stack several in one, i.e. put multiple words or frequencies in the same vow break. Each frequency signature (placed in the blank) must be spoken out loud and in its entirety. Meaning for every word frequency you put into the blank you must say out loud the entire vow break. Then you start again with the next frequency (word). For example working with releasing guilt may also include releasing regret, remorse, shame, etc. Use a thesaurus to assist with finding the appropriate words to use. You can do several vow breaks per day. Please keep a journey of what frequencies or words you have worked with to assist you. Once you have completed a vow break on a particular word frequency, it is complete, however, you may need to search for a similar word holding a similar frequency to actually release the vow. You will know when you have found the right frequency, as it will feel complete. Until then, keep working with a theme or emotion. Keeping a journal speeds up the process. Remember to say the entire vow break with pure intention to clear your matrix.Stay In Your Heart and Know You Are Light!- RA~Quel