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  • 8/3/2019 Francesco Miniati- Nonthermal Components in the Large Scale Structure


    Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society

    37: 465 470, 2004


    Francesco Miniati

    Dept. of Physics, ETH, CH-8093 Zurich, SwitzerlandE-mail: [email protected]


    I address the issue of nonthermal processes in the large scale structure of the universe. Afterreviewing the properties of cosmic shocks and their role as particle accelerators, I discuss the mainobservational results, from radio to -ray and describe the processes that are thought be responsiblefor the observed nonthermal emissions. Finally, I emphasize the important role of-ray astronomy forthe progress in the field. Non detections at these photon energies have already allowed us importantconclusions. Future observations will tell us more about the physics of the intracluster medium, shocksdissipation and CR acceleration.

    Key words : acceleration of particles cosmology: large-scale structure of universe clusters of

    galaxies gamma rays: theory radiation mechanism: non-thermal shock waves


    The existence of extended regions populated by cos-mic ray electrons (CRes) in at least some clusters ofgalaxies first became apparent with the discovery ofdiffuse, non-thermal radio emissions from the Perseusand Coma clusters more than thirty years ago (Leslie &Elsmore 1961; Willson 1970). Their importance as in-dicators of physical processes in the cluster media hasgrown in recent years as the number of detected dif-fuse radio emission clusters has increased, as reportshave appeared of possible diffuse non-thermal emis-sions in the hard X-ray (HXR) and extreme ultra-violet(EUV) bands (e.g., Lieu et al. 1996; Fusco-Femianoet al. 1999) and as the evidence has mounted for a richvariety of highly energetic phenomena in and aroundclusters that seem capable of energizing the electrons.Nevertheless, the origin of cluster CRes has not beenestablished yet.


    Early studies of cosmic shocks dates back to Sun-yaev & Zeldovich (1972) who considered the evolu-

    tion of individual perturbation modes till their non-linear breakup, and Bertschinger (1985) who workedout self similar solutions of infall flows in an Einstein-de Sitter universe. Miniati et al. (2000) have carriedout a detailed study of cosmic shocks based on numer-ical simulations of structure formation. Their analy-sis was aimed at establishing the statistical propertiesof cosmic shocks in view of their role as high energyparticle accelerators. In fact, astrophysical shocks arecollisionless and as part of the dissipation process gen-erate, a supra-thermal distribution of high energy par-ticles, namely cosmic-rays (CR). Miniati et al. (2000)

    Proceedings of The 3rd Korean Astrophysics Workshop on

    Cosmic Rays and Magnetic Fields in Large Scale Structure

    for the first time plotted the distribution of shocks as afunction of Mach number. This is important to knowfor assessing conversion of the shock ram pressure intocosmic-rays. In Fig. 1 we plot an example of such a dia-gram showing, as a function of pre-shock temperature,T1, and shock Mach number, M, the thermal energyper unit log M and T1 dissipated at cosmic shocksthroughout cosmic history (Miniati 2002). Further-more, the structure of the accretion shocks was foundhighly complex, irreducibly three dimensional and well

    beyond the capability of analytic description Miniatiet al. (2000). Another important result, relevant forshock acceleration (see below), was that a significantfraction of the shock energy is dissipated in relativelystrong, high Mach number shocks (Miniati et al. 2000;Miniati 2002). The recent resolution study of Ryu et al.(2003) confirms this main finding. They showed thatas higher resolution is employed, weaker shocks becomemore numerous, although the strong shocks remain un-affected. The highest resolution simulation, with thesame resolution as Miniati (2002) but twice as large abox, was characterised by a peak of the distributionplotted in Fig. 1 at slightly lower values than Miniati(2002). While this does not affect the shocks mainly re-

    sponsible for the high energy CRs, it is likely that mostof the extra weak shocks in Ryu et al. are most likelynot associated with virialized structures (Ryu et al.2003).


    Miniati et al. (2001b) employed a numerical simula-tion of structure formation that included directly shockacceleration (in the test-particle limit approximation),transport and energy losses of the CRs (Miniati 2001)to study the production of CR protons at cosmologi-cal shocks. CRs injection at shocks was modeled ac-cording to the thermal leakage prescription. As a re-

    sult, typically about 104


    of the thermal pro-


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    Fig. 1. Two dimensional diagram showing the differ-ential of the thermal energy per unit log interval in bothMach number and temperature produced at cosmic shocksthroughout cosmic history. It is shown in units of keV perparticle.

    tons passing through a shock were converted into CRprotons. Those results showed that cosmic ray ionsmay provide a significant fraction of the total pressurein the intra-cluster medium (Fig. 2). This is basi-cally because: (i) intergalactic shocks are character-ized by relatively large Mach numbers (Miniati et al.2000; Miniati 2002); (ii) relativistic protons in the dif-

    fuse ICM are only mildly affected by energy losses and(iii) up to energies 1015 eV are basically confinedwithin Mpc scales (Volk et al. 1996) by G turbulentmagnetic fields (Clarke et al. 2001). However, suchconclusion cannot be made strictly quantitative yet,primarily because it depends on the unknown CR in-jection/acceleration efficiency at shocks. A number ofindirect argument can be made in order to constrainthe CR content in the ICM, such as radio emission fromsecondaries (Blasi & Colafrancesco 1999; Miniati et al.2001a; Miniati 2003). Based on our current knowledge,CR pressure could account up to a few tens of percentsof the total intracluster medium (ICM) pressure. Thecosmological consequences of this result were discussedin Miniati et al. (2001a). In any case a more reliable ob-servational assessments of the CR content in the ICMwill have to wait the advent of the next generation of-ray facilities (see below).


    About 30% of massive galaxy clusters (GC) exhibitdiffuse radio synchrotron emission extending over Mpcscales (Feretti, these proceedings). Two broad classeshave been identified. Radio halos with a regular mor-phology resembling that of the thermal X-ray emissionand no sign of polarization, and radio relics which areelongated, located at the periphery of a cluster, and

    Fig. 2. Ratio of CR to thermal pressure averaged overthe group/cluster volume within 1.0 h1 Mpc plotted as afunction of group/cluster core temperature.

    exhibit polarized emission (Feretti, these proceedings).The short cooling time of the emitting CR electronsand the large extension of the observed radio sourcesseem to require ongoing acceleration mechanism in theICM.

    (a) Radio Halos

    Radio halos are usually found in rich clusters with

    high ICM temperature, T > 7keV, and high X-ray lu-minosity, Lx(0.1 2.4keV) > 5 10

    44erg s1 (Feretti,these proceedings). Since it usually extends over a lin-ear size of about 1 h1Mpc, the radio emission ap-pears to be a characteristic of the whole cluster, ratherthan being associated with any of the individual clus-ter galaxies (Willson 1970). Signatures of a mergingprocess in these clusters are often emphasized and theabsence of cooling flows cited as demonstrating the con-nection between radio halos and mergers (e.g. Buote2001). However, Liang et al. (2000) (also Bacchi et al.2003) found a tight and steep correlation between theradio power emitted at 1.4 GHz and the cluster temper-

    ature, and suggested that the apparent rarity of detec-tions should be attributed to observational insensitivityto any but the most massive clusters.

    A number of ideas have been proposed to explainthe origin of the relativistic electrons. It was soon re-alized that relativistic electrons ejected from clustergalaxies during a putative active phase would not beable to reproduce the observed radio emission profile(of Coma cluster; Jaffe 1977; Rephaeli 1977). Alterna-tive models commonly assume a continual energizationof the relativistic electrons by in situ first or secondorder Fermi processes.

    Direct numerical simulations, however, show thatshock accelerated electrons produce radio maps where

    the emission has an irregular morphology and is mostly

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    concentrated in the outer regions (see Fig. 3; Miniatiet al. 2001a). That is because in large virialized ob-jects strong shocks occur at the outskirts and the short

    cooling time of the radio emitting electrons limits theradio bright region to a thin layer around the accel-eration site. In any case this result rules out shockacceleration mechanism for the origin of radio halos.

    The radio electrons could also be produced as sec-ondary products of inelastic p-p collisions of CR ionsand the thermal intra-cluster nuclei (Dennison 1980;Vestrand 1982; Blasi & Colafrancesco 1999; Miniatiet al. 2001a; Pfrommer & Enlin 2004; Berrington &Dermer 2003). Miniati et al. (2001a) computed self-consistently the population of both shock acceleratedCR protons and the secondary e they produce in asimulation of structure formation and found that basi-cally all general properties of radio halos (morphology,polarization, Lradio vs Tx relation) where properly re-produced. However, they did not predict a spectralsteepening of the radio emission. Yet, this does not ex-clude additional processes, such as the interaction withweak and/or strong ICM turbulence, that would alterthe CR protons distribution so as to produce steepen-ing features in the radio spectrum of the secondary e.Additional arguments that disfavor secondary modelshave been put forth by Brunetti (2002) although thesehave been recently disputed by Pfrommer & Enlin(2004). In any case, the spectral steepening of Coma ra-dio emission led Schlickeiser et al. (1987); Reimer et al.(2004) to consider in detail second order Fermi mod-els where the particles are accelerated via their inter-actions with plasma waves generated by turbulence inthe medium. These models are in general more flexiblein that a number of free parameters in the transportequation of the CR electrons allows easier fit to the ob-servations. There are, certainly, other more complexphysical issues regarding the evolution of the turbulentspectrum, the generation of suitable waves for the ac-celeration process to properly work, the possible backreaction of the particles on the waves. The most seriousconcern for Fermi-II mechanisms is due to their ineffi-ciency at accelerating the particles directly from thethermal pool, a fact that was realized early on (Jaffe1977). It is usually assumed, often rather casually, that

    the seed particles are created at shock during mergerevents. Clearly modeling the CR particles in the ICMis more complex that initially anticipated and requiresa combination of several processes including shock ac-celeration and turbulent reacceleration at some level.It is not clear, though, what type of shock accelerationefficiencies are needed, both for of CR electrons andprotons; if those requirements would lead to an overallconsistent picture, that is if all other general propertiesof radio halos would be properly reproduced. These is-sues will need to be addressed in the future.

    Fig. 3. Diffuse synchrotron radio emission produced byshock accelerated electrons.

    (b) Radio Relics

    Clusters hosting radio relics are somewhat less mas-sive and cooler than those related to radio halos. Theyshow no apparent correlation with merger events, areobserved in clusters containing cooling flows (Bagchiet al. 1998) and are found both near the cores of clustersand at their outskirts. The spectra are typically steep,but explicit cutoffs are relatively rare even though thecooling time of the relativistic electrons is much shorter

    than the age of the cluster.The most likely mechanism for the origin of ra-

    dio relic emission is acceleration at accretion/mergershocks (Enlin et al. 1998; Miniati et al. 2001a). In thisrespect, Roettiger et al. (1999) carried out simulationof binary merger and showed that, as the main largescale shocks propagate out of the merging clusters, twopost-shock arcs form which closely resemble the fa-mous radio emission of A3667. Miniati et al. (2001a)computed the evolution of shock accelerated CR elec-trons in a simulation of structure formation reproduc-ing the main properties of radio emission, including ra-dio power, morphology, polarization and spectral index.

    Some of the peripheral radio emission, particularlythose highly filamentary and extending over a few hun-dred kpc, could be produced by an alternative mech-anism, whereby relic relativistic plasma previously in- jected by radio galaxies, is being reenergized by thepassage of an accretion/merger shock (Enlin & Gopal-Krisna 2001).


    In addition to radio emission, a number of clustersshow emission at extreme ultraviolet (e.g., Lieu et al.1996) and hard x-rays (e.g., Fusco-Femiano et al. 1999)in excess of what expected from the thermal emission

    of the ICM. Some of the physical implications associ-

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    Fig. 4. Left: Synthetic map, 15 h1 Mpc on a side, of the integrated photon flux ranging from several 109 to 1011

    in units ph cm2 s1 arcmin2. Right: synthetic spectra extracted from the inner region (top) and the outer region((bottom).

    ated with these measurements were addressed in e.g.Miniati et al. (2001a). In particular, recent improvedmeasurement of Bowyer et al. (2004) interpret the EUVexcess from Coma in term of emission from secondaries.In general, both measurements are extremely challeng-ing and at the limit of the instrumental capabilities. In

    fact, several observational results concerning the EUVemission are still debated. Recently HXR emissionfrom Coma cluster has been questioned by (Rossetti &Molendi 2004), although Fusco-Femiano et al. (2004)confirm it.


    -ray observations of galaxy clusters are relevant fora number of reasons. They may provide direct evidencefor the existence of CR protons in the ICM, which isimportant in order to determine the level of CR pres-sure there and whether or not secondary e are viablemodels for radio halos. In addition, inverse Compton

    emission from shock accelerated electrons is of greatinterest to determine the contribution of this processto the -ray background and also to image and possi-bly investigate accretion shock physics (Miniati 2003).An important point is that, with conservative assump-tions about the efficiency of acceleration of CR protonsand electrons at cosmic shocks, -ray fluxes due to ICand 0-decay for a Coma-like cluster are expected tobe comparable (see Fig. 5; Miniati 2003). In order forthe observational results to be properly interpreted, oneshould be able to discriminate between the two compo-nents. As shown below, this should be possible for anearby clusters, like Coma.

    In the following I examine spectral and spatial prop-

    erties of -ray radiation between 10 keV and 10 TeVdue to shock accelerated CRs in GCs. The relevantemission processes are: 0-decay and IC emission fromboth shock accelerated (primary) CR electrons andsecondary e (non-thermal bremsstrahlung turns outunimportant). The left panel in Fig. 4 shows a syn-

    thetic map of the integrated photon flux above 100MeV for a Coma like cluster of galaxies (Miniati 2003).

    Because of severe energy losses, -ray emitting pri-mary electrons are only found in the vicinity of strongshocks where they are accelerated. Thus, the ICemission they produce is extended and reveals a richmorphology reflecting the complex web of accretionshocks surrounding GCs (Miniati et al. 2000). On theother hand, the emission from 0-decay and e is con-fined to the cluster core where it creates a diffuse halowhich rapidly fades with distance from the center. Infact, e and 0 are produced at the highest rate inthe densest regions where both the parent CR ions andtarget nuclei are most numerous.

    These findings are further illustrated in the rightpanel of the same figure where synthetic spectra ex-tracted from a core (top; with a 0.5o radius) and anoutskirts region (bottom; a ring with inner and outerradii of 0.5o and 1.5o respectively) are shown. As illus-trated, the emitted radiation in the outskirts region isstrongly dominated by IC emission from primary e.Conversely, in the core region 0-decay (solid thin line)dominates at high photon energy (> 100 MeV) (toppanel). Notice that, given the observed radio flux forComa cluster, if the assumption is made that the radioemission is produced by secondary e, the total num-ber of protons and of e depends on the magnetic field

    strength, B. Thus, two cases for B, namely 0.15 and

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    Fig. 5. Left: -ray background: data (points with errorbars) and model predictions (see text for details). Right: predictedcluster -ray luminosity versus cluster virial temperature. EGRET upper limits are from Reimer et al. (2003).

    0.5 G, are presented in the left panel of fig. 4. Bothflux level from the inner and outskirts regions is abovethe sensitivity limit of upcoming -ray facilities, partic-ularly GLAST and also Cherenkov telescopes (MAGIC,HESS, VERITAS, 5@5; Miniati 2003). One delicateissue will concern the performance of these telescope

    in the observation of extended sources, particularly forCherenkov telescopes which have a relatively small fieldof view. Interestingly, the case for detection of -rayemission from GCs has already been made in a numberof cases (Scharf & Mukherjee 2002; Pfrommer & Enlin2003; Iyudin et al. 2004) although future experimentsare strongly needed (Reimer et al. 2003).


    CR in the large scale structure may contribute a rel-evant fraction of the cosmic -ray background (CBG;Sreekumar et al. 1998). Although recently reassessed tohalf it initial value (Strong et al. 2004)(see also Keshet

    et al. 2004), much of the CGB is still unaccountedfor (Chiang & Mukherjee 1998). Decay of neutral -mesons can realistically produce only a few percent ofthe measured CGB (Dar & Shaviv 1995; Colafrancesco& Blasi 1998); however, IC emission from electronsaccelerated at intergalactic shocks is potentially morepromising (Loeb & Waxman 2000; Miniati 2002; Keshetet al. 2003).

    Fig. 5 (left) shows the contribution to the CGBfrom CRs accelerated at cosmic shocks according toa simulation of structure formation that included theevolution of CR protons, electrons and secondary e.EGRET observational data (solid dots Sreekumar et al.1998) are also shown for comparison. Included are:

    IC emission of CR electrons scattering off cosmic mi-crowave background photons (dot line), decay of neu-tral pions produced in p-p inelastic collisions (dash line)and IC emission from secondary e (dot-dash line). InFig. 5, the total flux (solid line) corresponds roughly toa constant value at the level of 0.2 keV cm2 s1 sr1

    throughout the spectrum. It is dominated by IC emis-sion from primary electrons. Fractions of order 30%and 10 % are produced by 0-decay and IC emissionfrom secondary e, respectively. All three componentsproduce the same flat spectrum, a reflection of the factthat the CRs distributions were generated in strongshocks. The computed flux is only 15 % of the ob-served CGB by (Sreekumar et al. 1998). It is difficultto imagine a higher contribution from 0-decay and ICemission from e . In fact, if more CR protons wereproduced at shocks, CR-induced shock modificationswould actually reduce the population of-ray emittingprotons (and e ). On the other hand, the fraction,, of shock ram pressure converted into CR electrons,

    can be constrained by comparing the simulated clus-ters -ray photon luminosity above 100 MeV to theupper limits set by the EGRET (Sreekumar et al. 1996;Reimer et al. 2003) for nearby GCs. This is done in Fig.5 (right panel). The simulation data (open circles) arebest-fit by the curve (solid line):

    L(> 100 MeV) = 8.7 1043

    4 103



    2.6ph s1. (1)

    Thus, the EGRET upper limits require that 0.8%.This implies an upper limit on the computed -ray flux

    of about 0.35 keV cm2 s1 sr1 or a fraction of order

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    25 % of the CGB. In view of the newly revised level ofthe CGB (Strong et al. 2004), this contribution wouldfill the gap between the observed flux and that which

    is already accounted for.


    I am grateful to the organizers for the hospitalityand financial support. I acknowledge support froma Zwicky Fellowship at the Swiss Federal Institute ofTechnology in Zurich.


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