Download - Fr. Alex’s Message: Unfriended OCTOBER Table of Contents · Unfriended (continued) Holy Chrismation… “Listen! Your watchmen lift up their voices; together they shout for joy.”

Page 1: Fr. Alex’s Message: Unfriended OCTOBER Table of Contents · Unfriended (continued) Holy Chrismation… “Listen! Your watchmen lift up their voices; together they shout for joy.”

Saint Philip Church

500 West Hollis St. Nashua, NH 03062

P: 603.889.4000



Table of Contents

Each year for my October piece, I try and write something a little bit on the “spooky” side for you, something that speaks of bare, shadowy trees and fall wind groaning through our chimneys—but with a twist that reveals something about our faith.

This year, as I’ve been thinking a lot about our teens and the many challenges they face, the movie Unfriended came to mind. It’s a 2014 supernatural horror “found-footage” film, which is shown almost entirely on a Skype screen (see the image be-low), giving you the sense that you are a participant. The early moments of the film feature a group of teenage friends visiting, teasing each other and catching up. The language and content are raw. As a parent, the things they are chatting about turn my stomach; I guess that’s the idea!

Simultaneously, we get a private look at what “Blaire” is up to, one of the main characters. While dialoguing with her friends—and I use the word “friends” in a special way—she is also moving through the Facebook memorial site of a de-ceased teen friend, “Laura,” who committed suicide one year to this very date. Moving to another site, she also begins to watch a disturbing video of Laura’s suicide.

Her viewing is interrupted by a private Facebook message from—guess who—Laura, or at least someone pretending to be her.

Blaire accuses the messenger of playing a terrible prank. Thinking the memorial site has been hacked, simply unnerved, and perhaps longing to break with her past on some level, she also “unfriends” Laura on Facebook. However, when she returns to her friends on the Skype session, there is an anonymous and quite unwelcome new “friend” involved in their chat—yes, Laura once again.

As the film continues, Laura leads the group of her former friends on a terrifying online journey of revelation and death (ultimately, all of theirs), exposing their collective treacheries against one another and, ultimately, her: just before Blaire is killed, it is re-vealed that Blaire and her now deceased friends filmed and posted a video of Laura, drunk and humiliated, for all to see and comment upon. The endless torment from fel-low students and anonymous cyberbullies that followed is ultimately what led Laura to suicide. Blaire begs for forgiveness; Laura’s vengeful ghost has none to offer.

In the end, the supernatural, murderous rampage of Laura’s ghost is a vivid metaphor for the true life horrors of cyberbullying and everything that comes with it, including (—Cont. Pg. 2)

Fr. Alex’s Message: Unfriended

@StPhilipNH StPhilipNashua

Liturgical Schedule 2

Stewardship 3

Youth 4, 5

Photos 6

Calendar 7


Outreach 8


News 9

Sponsors 10, 11


Page 2: Fr. Alex’s Message: Unfriended OCTOBER Table of Contents · Unfriended (continued) Holy Chrismation… “Listen! Your watchmen lift up their voices; together they shout for joy.”

Come and See 2

victims taking their lives in despair.

I only wish that cyberbullying was just a horror fantasy. But this theme shows up in this and other scary films because it is a reality. What can we do as parents? To start, we can remember that we have the right to monitor our children’s texts and all online activity. If we see they are hurt-ing others or being hurt, if they are “unfriending” or being “unfriended” in a dangerous way, we need to intervene—and bring God into the picture.

We also can simply sacrifice our time for their sake and talk—and then talk some more—with our children, showing genuine interest in what they face. This opens up channels for communication down the road, when their lives may be tumultuous and situations are critical.

In ongoing prayer for our children and young adults,

Fr. Alex

“Where are the songs of Spring? Ay, where are they? Think not of them, thou hast thy music too,— While barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day, And touch the stubble-plains with rosy hue….”

—John Keats

Is one of the 7 Sacraments of the Or-

thodox Christian Church.

Is the “seal of the gift” of the Holy

Spirit, offered following the Sacrament of Holy Baptism.

Is the most common way adult con-

verts are welcomed into the Orthodox Christian Church.

Is blessed and distributed to our

churches by the Ecumenical Patriarch about once every decade.

Honoring Our Choir on Oct. 1

Throughout the Archdiocese each year, the first Sunday of October is known as “Choir Appreciation Sunday.” We look forward to honoring our Choir on the 1st, celebrating their loving ministry of music.

“To Autumn”

Sundays Orthros, 9 am Divine Liturgy, 10 am 1: 2nd Sunday of Luke* 8: 3rd Sunday of Luke 15: Sunday of the 7th Ec. Council 22: 6th Sunday of Luke

29: 7th Sunday of Luke

Weekdays Orthros, 9 am Divine Liturgy, 10 am 26: St. Demetrios the Myrrh-streamer

*Because of the Nashua Fire Rescue Memorial, there will be no Orthros, and Divine Liturgy will begin at 10:30 am.

Unfriended (continued)

Holy Chrismation…

“Listen! Your watchmen lift up their voices; together they shout for joy.”

—Isaiah 52:8

Our parishioners (adults and children) are always invited to read the Epistle during Sunday Liturgy. Like the holy people of scripture, we too can “lift up” our voices in praise of God. Contact Fr. Alex to arrange a November date.

Oct. 1: Christina Juris Oct. 8: Lori Pitsas Oct. 15: Jeffrey Johnston Oct. 22: Matthew Matsis Oct. 29: Alexis Petron

Voices of Faith

GOYA Pledge —Sunday October 15

As last year, we have a sterling group of officers and chairs who will take their Leadership Pledge on the 15th. Before God, their families and all of us, they will promise to do their utmost to nurture our GOYA Ministry in worship, witness, fel-lowship and service, the four vital ten-ants of GOYA.

May God inspire our GOYAns and grant them a fruitful 2017 - 18!

October Schedule


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Come and See 3

For some time now, our “Faithful—Direct” online giving program has been up and run-ning, making it easier to fulfill our giving inten-tions at Saint Philip, from Stewardship to Every Member and beyond. We pray that this tool continues to be helpful to our parishioners and helps our parish efforts bear fruit. The respec-tive giving pages are as follows:


Every Member Capital Campaign

General Donations (memorial, festival, etc.)

I had the pleasure of attending the Egyptian festival at the Coptic Church in Nashua recently. It was their first festival and made me think back to when we were starting out and operat-ing out of our small kitchen. Their en-thusiasm was contagious and made me think about our dedicated Stewards here at Saint Philip. Our festival brings out the best in our parishioners; it is a rallying point and helps de-fine us as a Christian community each year.

Let’s carry that forward to our Stewardship Ministry for the re-mainder of 2017. As of this writing, we have received 92 commit-ment cards. (I believe we mailed commitment cards to 400 parishioners.) Our giving for both committed and non-committed Stewards is well below our annual target, although we always remain optimistic. We are a caring and giving community. Let's Finish Strong this year! We have a lot to be thankful for within our community … please give generously from the heart and do get involved. And we will continue to run this most im-portant race together. Keep the faith!

To learn more about our Stewardship Ministry and how vital your participation is to our parish’s mission, please visit our web page: You’ll also see an online giving option, which many of our parishioners find helpful, and downloadable 2017 Commitment Card.

St. Philip

Greek Orthodox Church

Finish Strong in 2017! —Doug Philipon

500 West Hollis St.

Nashua, NH 03062

P (603)889.4000; F (603)889.3763

Rev. Fr. Alex Chetsas: [email protected]

Office Staff

Cheryl Petren & Sophie Theoharis:

[email protected]

Office Hours: M - F, 10 am - 3 pm

Help Us Reach You Are you receiving weekly emails and other elec-tronic communications from St. Philip? If not, we may not have an updated email for you and/or your family. Please help us stay close to you by contacting the office with your email. Thanks!

Online Giving: “Faithful—Direct” —Stewardship, Every Member & More


500 West Hollis St.

Nashua, NH 03062

Phone: 603.889.4000; [email protected]

Rev. Fr. Alex Chetsas: [email protected]

Office Staff

Cheryl Petren, Office Manager

Maryanne Squeglia, Financial Administrator

Office Hours: M - F, 10 am - 3 pm

Sacraments at Saint Philip When planning Baptisms and Weddings, please make sure to check in with Fr. Alex before setting dates. The liturgical calendar of the Church and the spiritual nature of our Sacraments make this communication very important. Thanks!

Last month, work on the dome and two towers commenced and is expected to be completed this month! The dome and towers will once

again shine and serve as beacons of faith. As I mentioned in last month’s article, the Dome Committee (part of our greater Every Member Campaign) did an outstanding job of developing and executing this project. Please thank the committee mem-bers (Ed Marden, George Eftimiou, Bill Polychronopoulos, Greg Danas and Doug Philipon) when you see them. We’ll update the parish on the exact completion date soon.

Also, I kindly remind you that Every Member is still very much active—and is as important as it was when we first launched it back in 2013. We have many critical projects still to accomplish. Please consider donating.

Every Member —Jorge Panteli Dome Work Underway!

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Come and See 4

Sunday School —Tippy Johnston

We are excited to see everyone back in the swing of Sunday School. We hope you’ve no-ticed a few new faces on our team—if you haven’t, please stop by and introduce your-selves to them after classes or during Fellowship Hour. We

welcome new this year: Jeff Basile, Annie Juris, Joe Collet and Brandy Chetsas. We thank them for join-ing the Sunday School Ministry.

Please help Sunday School grow, and pass the word that this year’s theme is Sacrifice. We are hoping to see many returning and new faces. If you haven’t registered your children, there is still time to do so: We look forward to seeing all our students this fall at Saint Philip.

On behalf of Bette Gioffre, my co-chair, I wish all our students a wonderful Sunday School year!

Dates to Remember:

October 1: Divine Liturgy begins at 10:30 am

October 8: Family Worship Sunday/No Classes

October 22: Teaching Divine Liturgy w/Fr. Alex

Hello All!

The GOYA is looking forward to what the 2017 - 2018 year has in store for us! We will spend time together to help complete many tasks while ex-tending our faith beyond the Divine Liturgy. The four pillars used as a basis for the activities include Wor-

ship, Witness, Friendship, and Outreach.

Our first meeting on Sunday, Sep. 17 was a success, as we discussed and planned events for the fall season, such as our tentative plan for an Oct. 15 meeting after Sunday School and bonfire gathering (details to come soon!). We hope all GOYA members are excited for a fruitful year, and we thank our parents for their support.

In addition to Oct. 15, some special dates to save and keep in mind this fall/early winter:

Sunday, Nov. 12: Lunch Meeting & Shopping for the Thanksgiving Baskets. We look forward to shop-ping for those in need during the Thanksgiving sea-son—parent drivers are needed!

Sunday, Nov. 19: Assembly of Thanksgiving Bas-kets w/JOY Members. We’ll help the Outreach Com-mittee members, and our friends from JOY, assemble the Thanksgiving Baskets.

We welcome all 7 - 12 graders to join us in GOYA. Questions? Just contact our advisor, Marisa Donati: [email protected].

Reaching Our College Students

We would like the contact information of all our college stu-dents, so they can receive mailings and care packages from Saint Philip, reminding them of how much they are loved!

Parents, kindly help us by forwarding your child’s information to Fr. Alex at your earliest convenience.


“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young…”

GOYA —Alice Danas, Vice President

Greek School meets each Wednesday: Children, 4 pm;

Adults, 6 pm. Registration fee is $100. It’s not too late to join the learning and fun! Contact George Kitsis to learn more: 603.669.9041; [email protected].

Greek School Update

Following Sunday School, our JOY children and parents are invited to gather for a simple, fun fall picnic right here on the beautiful grounds of Saint Philip. Parents should pack all desired food, drinks, blankets to sit on and any other supplies; our JOY leaders will bring along balls, Frisbees, hula hoops and other toys.

Parents are welcome to stow their lunches in the walk-in refrigerator in the hall before the picnic. Don’t forget to bring play clothes and hope to see you then!

JOY Fall Picnic, Oct. 1

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Come and See 5

For Orthodox Christians, what matters most is our relationship with God—and how do we approach this relationship? It is through worship, with the belief that all oth-er good things flow from this great priority of “Worship First.” With this in mind, we lovingly ask our parents to help us by do-ing the following. Please...

Bring your children to Divine Liturgy

often and worship with them (don’t drop off).

Impress on them that

participating in any activity (JOY, Dance, etc.), means first at-tending Liturgy: “No pray, no play”!

Saint Luke is one of the Twelve Apostles and also one of the Evangelists, meaning he is the author of one of the Gospels that we read from in the Orthodox Church. He came from Antioch and was a physician by trade. One especially interesting thing is that he did not know Christ during his time on earth; instead, he was a disciple and companion of Saint Paul after his conver-sion. So he came to know our Lord through the friendship and leadership of another. His Gospel is often referred to as the “Gospel of Compassion,” as several of

its narratives (such as the Prodigal Son) reveal the kindness, love and compassion of the Lord for us all. In addition to the Gospel, he is traditionally known as the author of the Acts of the Apostles.

Getting Practical: Is it possible to be a friend of Jesus without actually having known Him while He was here on earth? The answer—absolutely. Look at Saint Luke. The Church considers him an Apostle of Christ, though he never met Him; he was able to write an inspired Gospel, though he never heard the Lord speak with his own ears. Saint Luke was a true friend of Jesus, and we can be too. We simply have to love Him and be-

lieve in His teaching and sacrificial mission. This month, read Saint Luke’s Gospel to your children (maybe before bed or an-ytime you can make time), and remind them that, like Saint Luke, they can be great friends with Jesus by sharing their hearts with Him every day of their lives.

Most of our parish-ioners are very fa-miliar with the good work of our

Outreach Committee, especially during the holidays. This year the Thanksgiving Basket Drive will run Oct. 29 - Nov. 19—and will offer us a hands-on way to reach out to those in need in context of our Or-thodox Faith. Our Outreach Commit-tee is counting on our entire parish to get behind these efforts, including our youth and families. What we can do:

***Donate items to the Thanksgiv-ing Drive (needs list on Pg. 7) ***Spread the word to family and friends so they can donate ***Pray for the hungry and poor

MBC GOYA Fall Camp! Oct. 27 - 29

The Metropolis’ ex-ceptional camping program expanded several years ago, with the Annual MBC GOYA Fall Camp. It allows our children to see friends from summer camp, make new friends and participate in fun, meaningful sessions. This year’s program will run from Oct. 27 - 29! Please consider blessing your children with this opportunity.

To register, and for more detailed infor-mation, please visit the MBC site today:

Saintly Lives: Saint Luke, Oct. 18

Putting Worship First —What Matters Most to Us?

Thanksgiving Basket Drive —What We Can All Do to Help

“...but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in faith and in purity.” —Timothy 4:12


All boys of our parish (10 - 18) are invited to serve

in the Altar. We are planning a late fall get-together—perhaps a sporting event or mov-ie night. Details to follow soon.

Thanks to all our boys for their service!

Altar Servers

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Come and See 6

Nashua Soup Kitchen & Shelter

Family Night

Ministry Fair


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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednes- Thursday Friday Saturday

Come and See 7

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

October 2017 Overview

11 12 10 9 8

7 6

18 19 17 16 15

14 13

25 24 23 22

21 20

26 28


Orthodox Life: “Finding Faith in Gran Torino,” 7 pm


3rd Sunday of Luke Orthros, 9 am Liturgy, 10 am - Sunday School Fami-ly Worship

Sunday of the 7th Ec. Council Orthros, 9 am Liturgy, 10 am - Sunday School - GOYA Officer/Chair Pledge & Activity

6th Sunday of Luke Orthros, 9 am Liturgy, 10 am - Sunday School

7th Sunday of Luke Orthros, 9 am Liturgy, 10 am - Sunday School - Pan-M. Artoklasia - General Assembly - Health/Wellness - Basket Drive begins

Nov. Come &

See submis-

sions due

Agape Art & Craft Fair, 10 am - 4 pm

Health/Wellness, 10 am

Greek School: Children, 4 pm Adults, 6 pm

Choir, 6:30 pm

Health/Wellness, 10 am

Greek School: Children, 4 pm Adults, 6 pm

Choir, 6:30 pm

Agape Nashua Soup Kitchen Service, 4 pm

MBC GOYA Camp begins, 5 pm

Columbus Day/Church Office Closed

Health/Wellness, 10 am Greek School: Children, 4 pm Adults, 6 pm

Choir, 6:30 pm

Women’s Prayer Group & Bible Study, 6:30 pm

Saint Demetrios Orthros, 9 am Liturgy, 10 am

Women’s Prayer Group & Bible Study, 6:30 pm

Compassionate Friends, 6:30 pm

Altar Flowers

Sponsoring Altar Flowers is a meaningful way to remember a loved one or mark a special occa-sion. Thanks to our recent sponsors:

Mikedis Family, Aug. 20 Stella Bloom, Sep. 14

Agape Nashua Soup Kitchen Service, 4 pm

Orthodox Life: “Finding Faith in Gran Torino,” 7 pm


Stewardship, 6:30 pm

1 2 3 4 5

2nd Sunday of Luke Liturgy, 10:30 am (Nashua Fire Memori-al, 10 am) - Choir Appreciation - Sunday School - JOY Family Picnic

Parish Council, 6:30 pm

Health/Wellness, 9:30 am

Greek School: Children, 4 pm Adults, 6 pm

Choir, 6:30 pm

Thanksgiving Basket Drive, Oct. 29 - Nov. 19

Please support this beautiful effort of our Outreach Ministry. Needs list: 25 frozen turkeys; 25 frozen pies; stuffing, mashed potato and gravy mixes; and canned cranberry sauce, corn and peas. Financial gifts are also welcome. Turkeys and pies can be dropped off in the kitchen and all other goods at the “Giving Box.”

The effort will support local families and veterans in need.


Fire Memorial, Oct. 1

We are all invited to this memo-rial at Manchester &

Concord Sts, at 10 am.

Divine Liturgy will start at 10:30 am.

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Come and See 8

Stay Connected


ADULT/GENERAL Chanting Theodore Persakis 978.256.4351

Choir George Karakantas 603.889.6484

Every Member Doug Philipon 603.893.3922

Food Festival Jamie Pappas 603.883.8770

Health/Wellness Katherine Richo 603.689.5044

Orthodox Life Frank Edelblut 603.661.7730

Parish Council Jorge Panteli 603.809.6301

Outreach Committee Stephanie Norris 603.882.8022

Stewardship Ministry Joe Pappo 603.860.4827

Welcome Committee Greg Danas 978.833.7255

Women’s Prayer/Bible Paula Kouletsis 617.548.6061


Altar Service Daniel Gioffre 617.429.9132

Family Night Brandy Chetsas 508.653.0561

GOYA Marisa Donati 603.672.1914

Greek School George Kitsis 603.669.9041

Hellenic Dance Troupe Maria Donati 603.672.1914

JOY Brandy Chetsas 508.653.0561

PC Mentoring Program Fr. Alex Chetsas 603.889.4000

Sunday School Heather Cloutier 603.889.5501


Agape Ladies’ Society Dorothy Pitarys 603.465.3763

AHEPA Nick Kallan 603.424.3925

Elpis Ladies’ Society Maria Donati 603.672.1914

Pan-Macedonians Charles Paskaley 603.889.1368

The Thanksgiving Basket Drive begins Sunday, Oct. 29—see Pg. 7 (the Calen-dar page) for details, and please support the effort.

The Nashua CROP Hunger Walk will take place Sunday, Oct. 29. This outreach event strives to raise awareness of

hunger and also functions as a fundraiser for relief efforts in Nashua. Our GOYAns will be participating, and we are all welcome to join them. The event will begin at Temple

Beth Abraham (4 Raymond Street, Nashua), at 1 pm. To learn about sponsoring our GOYA Team and/or join-ing us, see the flyer in the Narthex/classrooms area. Or contact Marisa Donati: [email protected].

Eye for Outreach —Thanksgiving

The Pan-Orthodox Charities Ministry will be highlighting International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) on Sunday, November 5, with a guest speaker and Fellow-ship Hour. IOCC Development Officer Lou Zagami will be speaking to us about how IOCC helps all people

around the world in times of disas-ter, including recent disaster relief efforts in Texas and Florida, and how we can support this vital Pan- Orthodox Charity.

Parishioners who attended the Len-ten Retreat at the Saint Methodios Faith & Heritage Center several years ago will remember Lou fondly;

we look forward to welcoming this true servant of Christ’s Church to Saint Philip.

Please save the date, and make plans to be with us!

Would you like to get involved in our Pan-Orthodox Charities Ministry? Contact me to learn more about these opportunities: [email protected]


Crop Hunger Walk

IOCC Sunday with Lou Zagami, Nov. 5 —Maryanne Squeglia, Pan-Orthodox Charities

Teaching Divine Liturgy on Sunday, Oct. 22

Our children, parents and all parishioners often come to Fr. Alex with questions about the Divine Liturgy concerning the vessels we use, vestments, prayers, hymns, symbolism and more. To help with our understanding, we will offer a “Teaching Divine Liturgy” on the 22nd. With the per-mission of His Eminence, Father will pause at key points of the Liturgy, explaining what his litur-gical actions mean and highlighting the theological significance of major prayers and hymns be-ing offered. The hope is that this exercise encourages a greater interest in our services and sparks discussion and further opportunities for learning and enrichment at Saint Philip. Please save the date, and make sure to join us on the 22nd. This will truly be a rare and valuable experience for all our parishioners, from the youngest to eldest. Also, spread the word to family and friends that something special is happening at Saint Philip—not to be missed!

Stay Connected


ADULT/GENERAL Chanting Theodore Persakis 978.256.4351

Choir George Karakantas 603.889.6484

Every Member Doug Philipon 603.893.3922

Food Festival Jamie Pappas 603.883.8770

Health/Wellness Katherine Richo 603.689.5044

OCMC Maryanne Squeglia 978.866.4150

Orthodox Life Frank Edelblut 603.661.7730

Outreach Committee Stephanie Norris 603.882.8022

Parish Council Malcolm Paradise 603.860.0239

Stewardship Joe Pappo 603.860.4827

Welcome Committee Greg Danas 978.833.7255 Women’s Prayer Group Maryanne Squeglia 978.866.4150


Youth Director Elena Barker 603.321.2931

Altar Service Daniel Gioffre 617.429.9132

GOYA Marisa Donati 603.801.9026

Greek School George Kitsis 603.669.9041

Hellenic Dance Troupe Maria Donati 603.801.1948

JOY/Family Night Brandy Chetsas 508.653.0561

Sunday School Heather Cloutier 603.889.5501


Agape Ladies’ Society Panagiota Mikedis 603.943.7503

AHEPA Nick Kallan 603.424.3925

Elpis Ladies’ Society Maria Donati 603.801.1948

Pan-Macedonian Society Charles Paskaley 603.889.1368

Stay Connected


ADULT/GENERAL Chanting Theodore Persakis 978.256.4351

Choir Fr. Alex Chetsas 603.889.4000

Every Member Doug Philipon 603.893.3922

Food Festival Jamie Pappas 603.883.8770

Health/Wellness Katherine Richo 603.689.5044

Library Fr. Alex 603.889.4000

Orthodox Life Fr. Alex 603.889.4000

Outreach Committee Stephanie Norris 603.882.8022

Pan-Orthodox Charities Maryanne Squeglia 603.866.4150

Parish Council Malcolm Paradise 603.860.0239

Stewardship Doug Philipon 603.893.3922

Welcome Committee Greg Danas 978.833.7255 Women’s Prayer Group Maryanne Squeglia 978.866.4150


Altar Service Daniel Gioffre 617.429.9132

GOYA Marisa Donati 603.801.9026

Greek School George Kitsis 603.669.9041

Hellenic Dance Troupe Maria Donati 603.801.1948

JOY & Family Night Brandy Chetsas 508.653.0561

Sunday School Bette Gioffre 508.380.2913


Agape Ladies’ Society Panayota Mikedis 603.943.7503

AHEPA Nick Kallan 603.424.3925

Elpis Ladies’ Society Maria Donati 603.801.1948

Pan-Macedonian Society Charles Paskaley 603.889.1368

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Come and See 9

Our October chair is Dorothy “Chickie” Pitarys. Contact her with questions: 603.465.3763. Coming events & reminders….

This year’s Art & Craft Fair is planned for Oct. 28, 10 am - 4 pm. Fine arts, crafts, collectibles, Greek pastries, prizes and more are on the agenda! Contact Monique Sakellari-os for further details or with ques-tions: 603.424.0544; [email protected].

Prosfora donations welcome! Your prayerful baking efforts, or willingness to purchase Prosfora, are greatly appreciated. Contact Elaine Vrouhas: 978.256.7009.

Agape Art & Craft Fair & More

Thanks to all for joining us for our Sep-tember sessions—we had strong at-tendance and excellent discussion. Join us this month for a relaxing time of prayer, study, friendship and more. All women of our parish and interested friends are welcome to join us.

Oct. 12: “A Visit to the Holy Mountain” Oct. 26: “Strong in Faith”

For further details, contact Paula K (617.548.6061; [email protected]) or Maryanne Squeglia (978.866.4150; [email protected]).


Women’s Prayer Group & Bible Study October 12 & 26, 6:30 pm

Coming Home to the Faith

Once again this past summer, the MBC First-Timer Campership was made possible

through the combined efforts of Agape, AHEPA, Elpis and the Pan-Macedonian As-sociation. The recipient was Jeffrey Johnston. In addition, AHEPA sponsored the MBC Any-Timer Campership. Abraham Chetsas & Denise Gioffre were the recipients. All three had a great time and are so grateful to all those who made these gifts possible.

To all of these organizations, our camper families and all of us offer our thanks. Your generosity has made a difference!

Campership Appreciation

Join us for our fall series based on Clint Eastwood’s Gran Torino. Led by Fr. Alex, we’re exploring themes like sacri-fice, vengeance, forgiveness and hope, as well as the possibility of en-gaging media and art for the benefit of our own faith.

Even if you missed our first meet-ing in September, come join us

and we’ll catch you up!

Orthodox Life Continues: Oct. 5 & 19 “Finding Faith in Gran Torino”

F.A.S.T. = FACE (Facial droop, uneven smile); Arm (Arm numbness or weakness); Speech (Slurred speech, diffi-culty speaking or understanding); Time (Call 911 and get to the hospital immediately). A recent report from the Cen-ters of Disease Control and Prevention reveals that after more than 4 decades of decline in stroke deaths, the rate has stalled or increased, especially among certain demographic groups, emphasizing the need for continued pre-vention efforts, healthy lifestyle choices, quick recognition and treatment. Every minute counts, so Act F.A.S.T.!

Contact Kathey Richo for further resources on stroke prevention & treatment: [email protected].

This resource offers Ortho-dox Christian program-ming, featuring stories of faith, interviews, and more:

F.A.S.T. The letters of this acronym could serve as apt reminders of an important aspect of our spiritual health and well-being. Likewise, in maintaining our physical health, the acronym, itself, can be a helpful and quick memory tool to recognize early onset of a stroke, prompting us to act fast and seek treatment.

Health & Wellness Ministry: To Your Health!

Want to learn about entering the Orthodox Church through Chrismation? Fr. Alex will gladly explain this approachable process. Contact him anytime.

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Come and See 10

Stellos Family

Investment Properties of

Nashua, New Hampshire

Proud Stewards of

St. Philip Greek Orthodox Church

We thank our sponsors for their support!

Page 11: Fr. Alex’s Message: Unfriended OCTOBER Table of Contents · Unfriended (continued) Holy Chrismation… “Listen! Your watchmen lift up their voices; together they shout for joy.”

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Page 12: Fr. Alex’s Message: Unfriended OCTOBER Table of Contents · Unfriended (continued) Holy Chrismation… “Listen! Your watchmen lift up their voices; together they shout for joy.”

Save the Date

Oct. 29: Outreach Committee’s 2017 Thanksgiving Basket Drive Begins

Nov. 12: GOYA Basket Shopping & Saint Philip Award Reception

Nov. 13: Great Vespers of Saint Philip & Agape Reception

Dec. 3: Stewardship Sunday Event & Parish Potluck Lunch

General Assembly Oct. 29

Join us for our fall assembly, immedi-ately following Divine Liturgy. Our as-semblies take place only twice a year; please make every effort to attend. Thank you for your support of this important parish event.


“Give rest, O Christ, give rest among the Saints….”

Nicholas Doulos Aug. 1

Katherine Kiratsos Aug. 10

Anastasia Sakellarios Aug. 14

Icon of the Holy Protection, Oct. 1

Memorials Agamemnon Poulios

Aug. 13, 40 days

Nicholas Doulos Sep. 10, 40 days

Katherine Kiratsos Sep. 10, 40 days