Download - FPA of Florida Monthly Newsletter - January 2020 · FPA of Florida Monthly Newsletter - January 2020 The FPA Primary Aim: To elevate the profession that transforms lives through the


FPA of Florida Monthly Newsletter - January 2020

The FPA Primary Aim:To elevate the profession that transforms lives through the power of financial planning

The Financial Planning Association of Florida is a state councilof the Financial Planning Association.

This newsletter provides our 1,100+ members with informationabout events across the state,

member benefits available to you, and chapter news.

January Happenings


The FPA of Florida officewill be closed Monday,January 20, 2020 inobservance of the MartinLuther King, Jr. holiday.

Martin Seay, Ph.D., CFP®

(pictured right), assumes role as FPA's 2020President.

Inside ETFs conference - January 26-29. Seearticle below for additional details.

FPA Member Benefits & News

The January 2020 issue of the Journal ofFinancial Planning is available now (log-inrequired). This month's focus: collegefunding, with a featured article on how toexpand your expertise to student loanplanning by Ryan S. Galiotto, CFP®.

Then on Wednesday, January 29, 2 pmEastern join us for a Journal in the Roundwebinar (free to FPA members).

Upcoming FPA webinars

Benefits of FPA membership

Pictured above: FPA of Florida outgoingpresident Tiffany Beard, CFP® is presentedwith a token of appreciation for her serviceto the state council by Tobias Henriksson,CFP®, CIMA® at the Board's StrategicPlanning Meeting December 10.

FPA Member Discount Guide

Legislative Corner:Working for You

Make plans to join theFPA of Florida inTallahassee for ourSpring Advocacy trip.

Join us for our 27th visit to the statecapitol to speak with our staterepresentatives and senators, as we buildgreater awareness of FPA and theprofession of financial planning overallwith our Florida state legislators.

Schedule of Events:

Monday, February 3, 2020: plan to arrive inTallahassee by 5 pm. We will gathertogether for dinner that evening to discussstrategy and our agenda for the next twodays.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020: Full day ofmeetings with legislators. We usuallybegin at 8:00 am and typically end our dayby 4:00 pm. We plan to meet withlegislators who are involved in issuessurrounding Education; Banking andInsurance; and Government Oversight andAccountability.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020: ourmeetings with legislators continue. Weanticipate starting at 8 am and willconclude by 1 pm for travels home.

Click here for additional information andto register for the FPA of Florida Spring2020 Advocacy Day. Registration closesWednesday, January 29, 2020.

** FPA and some local chapters havefunds available to FPA of Florida membersto offset your travel expenses. Contact JoeGrimes for more information. **

NEW professional developmentopportunities from FPA:

Raise the bar in college funding adviceand help end the student debt crisis onefamily at a time. Earn up to 11 CFP® CEcredits.

Help clients navigate the Medicare mazein this 10-part, self-study course. Earn upto 15 CFP® CE credits.

Inside ETFs 2020Date: January 26-29, 2020

Location: Diplomat Beach Resort,Hollywood, Florida


On December 17, 2019 FPA of theSuncoast members and guests gottogether for their holiday outreach event:Bridge a Life Stew Crew. This groupprepares meals for area foster andadoptive families in time of need.

Pictured above: Christine Brown, chapterexecutive for FPA of the Suncoast (left)helps prepare pot pies with Kimberly L.Chavers, Esq., president of the FPA of theSuncoast (right) while Kim's mom (center)helps too!

Pictured below: Alexandra Armstrong, CFP®and Erin Wells prepare cookies for themeal packages.


FPA offers members many opportunities tovolunteer - visit the FPA VolunteerEngagement Center for more details onhow you can volunteer for projects that fityour interests, expertise and schedule.(Log-in to FPA website required to showopportunities.)

The MoneyShow is returning to Orlandoand FPA of Florida members can attendfor Free!

There is a fantastic roster of renownedexperts to help you steer your clients to the

Exclusive 30% Discount for FPA of Floridamembers!

Use VIP code: FKF2325FPANL whenregistering. The ETF market is evolving. So is InsideETFs. Take part in a spectrum of learningand networking opportunities you won’tfind anywhere else. Join over 2,300financial advisors, institutional investors,asset managers, hedge funds andacademics at the world’s leading ETFsevent. Participate in top-level conversationwith 200+ expert speakers and receivefour full days of inspirational content tohelp understand and utilise the latesttrends in the ETF market. Visit the event website to view theagenda, full speaker line-up and registeryour place online. Alternatively, [email protected] or call (888) 670-8200.

Connect With Your PeersJoin the conversation on FPAConnect. (log-in required)

New to the Profession?

Welcome! Check out FPA'sinformation especiallytailored to you.

best investment opportunities in 2020 andbeyond. With a presidential election aheadof us and volatility an everyday occurrence,clients will be looking to you to grow andprotect their portfolios in a challengingenvironment and plan a rock-solidretirement strategy. Held at the 2020MoneyShow Orlando, this special track withworld-class investment experts will help youprofitably navigate the markets.

When and Where? Thursday, February 6 from9 am to 12 pm at the Omni Resort Orlando atChampionsGate.

Click here for full details and registrationinformation.

We want to hear from you! Send us yournews and we will feature it in next month's

newsletter. Send news to:[email protected].

According to an article inInvestmentNews, 3 in 10 millennialadvisers say that adding new technology isthe most important thing they will do inthe new year.

Click herefor the newwhitepaperfrom theFPACoachesCorner tolearn whatyou can doto kick-startyourbusiness in2020.

UPCOMING LOCAL CHAPTER EVENTSfor January and February 2020

Find yourself traveling in the state? Use this calendar to find an event at anearby chapter! Chapter events (registration usually required) are open toall FPA of Florida members. Click the links for additional details.

January 15, 2020 (W) - Southwest Florida: 2020 Economic Outlook

January 21, 2020 (T) - Suncoast: Creditor and Trust Planning Strategies with AlanGassman (in conjunction with the SW FL EPC)

January 23, 2020 (Th) - Northeast Florida - Candid Conversations about a Career inFinancial Services

January 24, 2020 (F) - Gulf States: Chapter Meeting

January 27-28, 2020 (M-T) - Central Florida: 30th Annual Symposium

January 29, 2020 (W) - Miami: Fundamentals of Private Equity and PrivateDebt/Chapter Dinner

February 6, 2020 (Th) - Central Florida: The Advisors MoneyShow

February 7, 2020 (F) - South Florida: February Educational Lunch

February 11, 2020 (T) - Miami: 8th Annual Estate Planning Symposium (in conjunctionwith the EPC of Greater Miami)

February 19, 2020 (W) - Miami: Federal Reserve Economic Update/Chapter Dinner

As we enter the new year, chapters are finalizing their 2020 programming. Updates areposted on the FPA of Florida website, or you can visit any of the chapter websites listedbelow.

Connect to our Florida chapters

There are eight (8) chapters in the state council. Click on the links below to learn moreabout each chapter:

Central FloridaGulf States (serving FL/AL/MS)MiamiNortheast FloridaSouth FloridaSouthwest FloridaSuncoastTampa Bay

In and Around the State

The number of Latino-owned businesses in Florida is increasing. FamilyFoundations: Building a Strong Financial Future is a comprehensive onlinefinancial literacy and education initiative to provide Hispanic Floridians and theirfamilies with important personal financial information. Studies show that the most importantfinancial priorities for Hispanic families are saving for retirement, reducing debt and building savings.

Available in both English and Spanish, the virtual city will help your clients learn about key conceptsin banking, credit and savings.

This newsletter is sponsoredin part by Charles Schwab,an FPA of FloridaPremier Partner.


Schwab Advisor Services serves independent investment advisors and includes the custody, trading, andsupport services of Schwab.

Financial Planning Association of Florida

To elevate the profession that transforms lives through the power of financial planning