Download - Four-Part Transition Assessment Model

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Four-Part Transition Assessment Model

Jim MartinUniversity of Oklahoma

Zarrow CenterWeb:

Email: [email protected]

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The Purpose of Special Education

What is the purpose of Special Education?

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The Purpose of SPED. . . a free appropriate public education that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet students’ unique needs and to prepare them for further education, employment, and independent living.

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The Reason Why - 1

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The Reason Why -2

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IDEA 2004 Post-Secondary Goals IEPs must include

appropriate measurable postsecondary goals based upon age-

appropriate transition assessment

related to training, education, employment, and when appropriate, independent living

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Student Transition Questions What are my interests, aptitudes, and

capabilities in school, work, and community living?

Where do I want to live, work, or go to school after leaving high school?

What courses do I want to take in high school to graduate and prepare for my future?

What do I need to learn to do what I want? What do I do after I leave school? What are my strengths? What do I need to improve to be successful?

Greene, G., & Kochhar-Bryant, C. A. (2003). Pathways to successful transition for youth with disabilities. New Jersey: Merrill Prentice Hall.

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Four-Part Transition

Assessment Model

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Transition Assessment Model Components1. Self-Determination

Assessment2. Adaptive Behavior Assessment3. Vocational Interest and Skills

Assessment4. Postschool Predictor

Assessment (in development)

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Transition Assessment Progression Chart Look at example in handout packet Build by grade and by skill level Identifies what, who, when, and how often Can establish school or district wide

implementation of a sequential transition assessment process

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Self-Determination Assessment

Part 1 of the 4-Part Transition Assessment Model

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Why SD Assessment? Improved postsecondary outcomes

Goal setting during early adolescence Awareness of disability Goal attainment

Improved academic performance Limited studies so far

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Self-Determination Constructs

• Self-awareness• Self-advocacy• Self-efficacy• Decision-making• Use of self-management

strategies to attain plan• Self-evaluation• Adjustment

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AIR Self-Determination Assessment Parent Version Teacher Version Student Version Available at Cost: free

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ARC Self-Determination Assessment Student version Must use the manual to score Cost: free Available at

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Field and Hoffman SD Assessments SD Student Scale SD Parent Scale SD Teacher Scale SD Observation Checklist User’s Guide Cost: free Available at

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Adaptive Behavior Assessment

Part 2 of the 4-Part Transition Assessment Model

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Our Belief The law states that an independent living goal

be addressed “when appropriate.” We believe that to determine if an

independent living goal needs to be written, an adaptive behavior assessment needs to be given. This provides evidence of needing an independent living goal or not. How else would a team determine if an independent living goal is needed?

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Adaptive Behavior Assessments

Transition Planning Inventory (TPI) ProEd, Austin Texas (

Informal Assessments for Transition Planning ProEd, Austin Texas (

Enderle-Severson Transition Rating Form Great tool for students with significant support


Casey Life Skills

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21Page 4 of OK IEP Examples – top box, page 5 top box

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Vocational Interest Assessment

Part 3 of the 4-Part Transition Assessment Process

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Vocational Interests for High Achieving Students With Mild

Disabilities Group Interest Inventories

ACT Plan ACT Explorer

U.S. Dept of Labor O*NET Interest profiler, ability profiler Look left under Products Select career exploration tools

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Self-Directed Search - Form E Students with limited reading skills Spanish version manual, assessment booklets,&

occupations finder Reports interests across occupations Available: Cost: $150

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On-Line Free Interest Inventories On-Line Individual Interest Inventories

My Future

I Oscar

Career Voyages

Career Clusters (download in pdf format)

Dept of Labor

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Exploration of Interest Results Occupational Outlook Handbook

Job videos (English or Spanish) Individuals & Job clusters


Uses the above videos in an interactive format

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Career Awareness & Exploration Watching

Video,&nodeid=27 Provides numerous videos for students to watch

English or Spanish Job cluster and skill categories Horse Training Coast Guard Assistant Construction Workers

Live in the Community Doing

Short exploration periods Long-term try-outs

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Designed for Students Involved in Work Study


Functional Vocational Assessment

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Vocational Interests via Career Exploration - For

Those Who Can Read

Choosing Employment GoalsSopris West Publishers(

Requires reading and writing skills

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Key: Determine Match Between What I Like and What’s at This Site

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Each time student chooses a characteristic one more cell on the graph is marked

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Choose and Take ActionVocational Assessment Software

Use of a software program and community experiences to identify entry-level job interests

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PublisherChoose and Take Action: Finding a Job for You

Sopris West4093 Specialty PlaceLongmont, CO

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Transition Success Assessment

Part 4 of the 4-Part Transition Assessment Model

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Missing Link In Transition Assessment

The field needs a transition assessment tool based on actual postschool success predictors

The field needs a tool to assess students’ current behavior and attitudes linked to identified transition success predictors

No tool like this exists (that we could find)

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Postschool Success Predictors

Reviewed the literature to identify student behaviors that predicted postschool success. 45 quantitative and qualitative

studies Several different search engines Journal reference lists Hand searched major journals Asked colleagues around the


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14 Concept Clusters

• Desires • Goals

• Strengths • Limits

• Disability Awareness • Persistence

• Use of Support Systems • Coping Skills

• Social Skills • Proactive Involvement

• Making Positive Choices • Job Experience

• Transition Education

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Transition Success Assessment Transition Success Assessment: A Transition

Behavior Profile 46 items Professional, Family, and Student TSA Versions TSA Graphic Profile TSA Goal Identification Matrix

Takes about 10 minutes to answer the items and score

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Wording of TSA Items Fine tuned wording internally at

ZC Conducted six social validity

groups 4 expert panels (27

participants) 1 parent panel (8 participants) 1 student panel (8 participants) 1 more student panel to go

First round produced changes to 36 of 50 Professional TSA items

Subsequent panels made fewer and fewer changes

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Issues Expressed by Social Validity Groups

Family group focused on wording associated with friends, asking for support, coping skills, and independent living.

Students did not like the word “used.” Professional group more sensitive regarding words such

as limitation and disability awareness. Very positive feedback from all the groups

Easy to understand and use Makes sense Beneficial to planning students’ future “Now I understand what to teach” Found the TSA practical

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IES Grant Submitted Submitted grant to IES to

conduct large scale studies Structural equation modeling to

build construct validation Test parallel versions (student,

professional, and family) Similar factor structure across tools Reliability studies across country Undertake predictor studies

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Transition Success Assessment – Draft 45

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Collaborative Effort

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Jim Martin

University of Oklahoma

Zarrow Center for Learning EnrichmentCarpenter Hall Room 111

Norman, OK 73019

Phone: 405-325-8951

E-mail: [email protected]


For More Information Contact: