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Chinese Yang sheng & Traditional Chinese Medicine

Newsletter nr. 3—4th Q 2016

In this edition: - Event Guest Performance CNYS - Interview Mirjam van Oeveren (Qidynamic) - Interview Xia You (Lingzhi)

Page 2: Foundation Chinese Yang sheng & Traditional Chinese Medicine€¦ · Foundation Chinese Yang sheng & Traditional Chinese Medicine Newsletter nr. 3—4th Q 2016 In this edition: -

Event Guest Performance

As promotor of Chinese Health culture we are a regular guest with other non-profit organisations. Not only to instruct classes as we described in our first newsletter but also to give an introduction in Chinese kinetics. We do this by means of a short introductory class or giving try-out chair massages within an event or happening. In this way we are promoting Chinese Yang sheng culture in which movement and massage play an important part. In the past year we have been a guest with several organisations. One of them was the Foundation MCNV (Medical Comite Nederland-Vietnam) where we helped the foundation to treat and thank their own benefactors by means of free chair massages and a short introduction into Qigong practice.

Besides that we were also a guest with the Foundation “Our Second Home” (for people with a handicap) where we were to accompany the inhabitants on their yearly barbecue. Every year on this special day a theme is chosen for the gathering of all the tenants that live in the Hoofddorp location. It is a social event where people can spent some quality time together and they get a little extra attention. This year the theme of the meeting was Chinese culture and of course the Foundation CNYS could not be absent from this.

This last quarter of the year we were also active in Amsterdam. This time on the Day of Informal Care. People who are contributing to society by taking care of the sick and elderly, free of charge, deserve to be thanked and get a special treatment from time to time. Of course the Foundation CNYS was very excited that we could contribute to this giving thanks to this special group of people. We did this by providing free health-supporting chair massages.

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In our first year of existence we were able to witness that there are incredibly many people who make an effort for other people without striving for self-gain. That there are companies and governments who support projects that open a lot of doors for all kind of initiatives. Despite all the sorrow in our society, the philantropic line of thought is far from extinct and we notice that every day there are a countless number op people who are contributing to make this world a better place for their fellow human being. Therefore every foundation knows all to well the importance of volunteers and every good governing body pays attention to expressing their gratitude for their effort. A sign of appreciation is often the only thing a volunteer needs from the organisation to keep their efforts going. Our guest performances is our way of contributing to the goals of the Foundation CNYS and combine them with encouraging these people to keep doing what they do, helping others. Just as any other non-profit organisation we are only able to provide these activities by the support of others. Getting projects financed is often a difficult issue within any organisation that wants to make a contribution to the well-being of others. We can be proud that within the Netherlands there are so many funds and institutions where non-profit organisations can hold up their hand for support. Although many of these projects would not be realizable without this form of financing, it remains mainly a push in the back. Subsidisement of projects always requires a capital brought in by the organisation itself. For this an organisation is often dependent on donations or charity events that are mostly also excecuted by the same volunteer we talked about earlier. Although people are always welcome to support the Foundation CNYS by means of donation, this is not a source of income we pay a lot of attention to. We like to let people decide for themselve whether they want to contribute in a financial manner, therefore we do not market our funding in this way. Rather we focus on creating coöperations between organisations and spreading Chinese Health Culture. For the financing of our projects we have established a partnership with the company “Yang sheng On Tour”. In our structural approach we are a Foundation with enterprise. This enterprise sells chair massages, sports classes, guest performances, etc… to other companies or organisations. In this way U as a company can also enjoy the services of a guest performances with massages for your customers or activating them by a try-out class. Think about a staff party, a sports-day, accompanying you on an exhibition to attract more visitors to your stand, etc... As part of the Foundation all the profit made by Yang Sheng On Tour directly goes to supporting health projects organised by the Foundation CNYS. In this way you do not only support the health and well-being of your own staff but your actions also have their effect to more wider layers within society. Socially responsible entrepreneurship it is called and in our opinion a subject that every company should have on their priority list.

Do you as a non-profit organisation or company have a nice event ahead of you and do you wish to have an aspect of Chinese health culture within that event? Or do you wish to help spreading Chinese health culture or just let visitors of the event treat them with a little extra, contact us now and lets talk about the possibilities of enriching your event.

More information about the foundation:

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Interview : Mirjam van Oeveren

Hey, my name is Mirjam van Oeveren, I was born and raised in Dordrecht. I come from a family with 6 children. When I was about 20 years I started to sport quite intensily. That was going to the gym, it was very popular back then. After 8 years I wanted to do something more with the mind. Pulling those machines and playing with dumbells wasn’t for me after all. I started doing Taiji with a Vietnamese man who was teaching here in Dordrecht in his attic. That was in 1988. So mainly it was the mental aspect of Taiji that attracted you in the first place? You could say that yes. You see, I came from a strict religious family, so I was very loyal and obedient. The world opened up for me when I was 21 and left my home. Then all of the sudden you come into a world where you can not just fall back on your family. That for me was the reason to start doing physical excercise. But it wasn’t enough. I wanted to be balanced. Chinese people do not see that seperately, body and mind. I think this is the path that was layed out for me and I took it with both hands. When did you start this school? Recently I was congratulated by some friends with my 10 year jubilee. Since then I am officially registered with the Chamber of Commerce. I started in 1988, when in 1990 the Vietnamese man left I was without a teacher for about a half year but my attention was already drawn to the Taiji vibe. It felt good. The beautiful thing about Qigong and Taiji is that everybody puts his/her problems beside them. That is what I think is so beautiful about teaching. After that I went to train with Fei You Li Yang from The Hague. With him I studies for 20 years. But after those 20 years I felt like I needed another master, so I went out looking for one and I ended up with Shifu Yuan Li Min. What was the difference between those two? Fei You Li Yang was Yang style Taiji while Li Min comes from Wudang. Fei taught Qigong coming from the Chinese Health Qigong Association. I received a lot of diploma’s from that style. When I look back, what is most obvious to me is that in Yang style it is mainly about the outer form. At least the way it is taught in the West. You do a lot of forms. I know some teachers who give 5 to 7 forms in one class of one and a half hour. That does seem so much to me. Through Lucia Ring-Watkins I arrived in Lembrun (France) where I followed a workshop of Li Min. The workshop there touched me. The training, the didactics from the classes. I was moved and completely confused. In my experience, Wudang is really about the interior of the body, about the development of Qi. So it goes deeper than merely the outer form? Yes. I will give you an example. I received the assignment of my Shifu to stand in a Zhan Zhuang posture (Standing meditation) for 49 days uniterrupted. This for a time period of at least 45 minutes every session. I have been doing this now for over 60 days and the results are remarkable.

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My teacher told me that transformation would come, but this transformation occurs in a different way for everybody. Now I know why. The transformation is on different kinds of levels. My whole life rhytme has changed, I am more disciplined, I eat differently, mentally I am much calmer and physically I am much stronger, on both levels I have become more resilient. It’s the best anti-depressive medicine you can imagine. You learn, you must learn, you can do nothing else but let go. The first thing me and my partner noticed was that our smell changed. Your senses start changing. You hear and see sharper, your smell becomes different, your back more straight and more effects like these. Also my internal awareness has changed a lot and because of this my Qigong and Taiji practice suddenly is excecuted on a whole new level. My heart is here (pointing at the Dantien). It is Gold, for everybody! You are teaching Taiji and Qigong, have you switched in teaching style also? I teach two evening classes Taiji and two times Qigong in the morning. Besides Taiji and Qigong we also teach Kung Fu. Next to that there is a monthly workshop in which the basic principles of the Wudang School are being taught. Occasionally I give workshops in companies or in a school setting. Switching to Wudang style didn’t come easy. You loose students by switching style. Some people like to do a lot of forms and that is their full right of course. But there came a certain moment in time when I had to make a decision and I started teaching in the style of the Wudang school. Occasionally we do the 24—form in class. Remarkable how it has become much more powerful now that I train Wudang. Li Min tells me that there most certainly are good Yang style masters but I suppose the teaching in the West mainly focusses on the outer form. That doesn’t mean that the inner aspects of the training are not there nor that it has no value without those aspects. Finally I made the full transition because I wanted to go deeper. About four years ago I became a student with one of the disciples of Li Min, Charles-Henri Belmonte. For this I travelled up and down to Albi (France) a couple of times every year. The training took three years. Sir Belmonte also visited Dordrecht two times to give a workshop here. What does this all mean when you put it in the light of health? Being healthy to me is in body and mind. You can have physical problems but if your are mentally strong this has a totally different impact on your life than when you are not. Those two are inextricably linked. Physical and mental have to go hand in hand in harmony. That is what I call health. One of the things I learn in Wudang is the importance of relaxing the chest, you remove pressure away from the hearth. Emotions, anger, sadness, rage, jealousy, … can make a person very sick. I can name you enough examples of people who had some serious trouble in this way, not just mental problems but also on the physical level. If you start moving, relaxation follows. You train yourself physically, you become more souple, the bloodflow improves, you nourish the kidney qi, etc… In my classes you find people with all kind of illnesses: parkinson, schizofrenia, depression but also healthy people. Every one of them gains something of value. I would almost say, somebody is healthy when he/she has a happy heart. That to me is the biggest added value of Taiji and Qigong, it deals with the mental and the physical aspect of your being. Could you give 3 recommendations to our reader for improving health and well-being? 1. Moderation 2. Perseverance 3. Move a lot

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Interview : Xia You

My name is Xia You. I come from China and have been living in the Netherlands for 20 years now. This clinic is part of our family company. We have 4 locations. I have been on this location for several years now—Pieter Calandlaan in Osdorp—Amsterdam. My brother started here 10 years ago, after his daughter took over the location in Rotterdam. We like to hand over the clinic to our children. Of course they have to graduate first. Myself, I studied and worked in China as well as in the Netherlands. Can you tell us a little bit about acupuncture and your clinic? When people come see us, they usually know a little what acupuncture is and what it is that we do here but a lot of people dont know what is Chinese Medicine. Often people think there are medicines inside the needles. That most certainly is not the case. You have different types of needles that you can put on different locations depending on what it is that the person needs. Explaining the basics in a simple manner: you have the meridians that run accross the entire body, 12 main meridians. Your heart, liver, spleen, etc… and then there are special points along these lines. Every line therefore connects with a certain organ but also there is a mutual cooperation which is very important. Spouse: Chinese medical practitioners say that illness is a type of blockade. With the needles you try to lift this blockade. Therefore it does resemble what a family doctor is trying to achieve, namely balance. Only we strive to bring balance in the flow of energy and the family doctor is looking for balance within chemical processes. In the present day there is a lot of groundbreaking work which shows the existence of meridians but an experienced CM practioner can also feel those meridians. In this manner one knows how deep, where, etc… you put the needle. That is our way of saying to the body: stop being so annoying now and start healing yourself. So you stimulate the self-healing power of the body? You improve qualities. By resolving the blockade you stimulate the functioning of the organ and therefore of the entire body. Every meridian has a special function. Next to that there are also collaborations, a synergistic effect so to say. Do people easily find their way into your clinic? That is not so easy no. Most people have already been to the family doctor and the hospital. Often they go around for years with a certain complained before they come to us. The problem often is unknown, next to that insurance plays an important role. When you go to a family doctor you dont have to pay in cash, here you do. Financially people are more concerned. Myself I would like to see more co-operation between the family doctor and acupuncture. How we can establish that is an important question to me. I will give you an example. As an acupuncturist we can not heal cancer, but what we can do is make the side-effects of chemo less heavy. Chemotherapy is very taxing on the body and softening those blows can be supported by acupuncture, leading to for example less nausea.

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What is important to be a good practitioner? Talking with the patient is a very important aspect. Not just for diagnosis but also as a part of therapy. You must learn to understand the situation of the patient to be able to give the best advice. A lot of people have mental problems, family problems, … so not just the body. Next to that it is very important that you yourself keep a healthy life-style, that you are healthy. If you have confidence in yourself and radiate health, then that gives confidence to the patient. Empathy, genuine interest and knowledge are important conditons for good health care. Spouse: Also you have to learn to distinguish the story behind the story of the patient. Sometimes somebody tells you a very strange story which sounds very unlogical to you, but it may be the way that the person is experiencing his/her complaint. That is more important than what you think about it. The patient is the center. If you can not have empathy and put the patient first then you dont want to be working in health care. Also you as a patient dont have to believe in acupuncture, it works! Sometimes people suggest that it is because of the placebo effect. But lets take this serious for a second, if you can not walk because you have so much pain in your back, doctor nor hospital can help you, but with a few needles it goes away for more than six months, then you dont care wether it is placebo or not. No, you just come back because then you can get on with your life again for at least a half year. In modern times we can demonstrate the special effect placebo has. Also in the hospitals in Netherland there are placebo operations, they fake operation room, anesthesia, etc… but no real operation. Still the patient experiences healing. With Parkinson—disease for example this happens because of medication, the body starts healing itself. Wonderful! We know that acupuncture activates the body to make the nescessary substances for improvement. Xia You: I grew up in a family of acupuncture practitioners, so from childhood on I was bathed in these things. Still I did a 5 year full-time university education after which I did many years of apprenticeship, looking over the shoulder of an experienced practitioner, etc… Besides that it is important that you keep studying, keep developing yourself as a doctor and as a person. What is health? First of all, eating properly, 3 times a day, on time and healthy food. Next to that sleeping is very important. I think a lot of people have very poor sleeping habbits. Too late they go to bed. You should be in bed by 11pm and rise at 6 or 7 am. Between 11pm and 1 am it is the time of the gallbladder, then you produce the nescessary substances to detoxify your body. If you dont sleep properly then this organs function is less good and so the body doesnt receive the cleansing it needs. In this way the bad fat in your body can not be excreted, with overweight and blockages as a result. Also a lot of people skip breakfast, this makes me really angry. In this way people create a lot of problems for themselves. People used to live a lot more with the rhytme of nature. Because of all our modern technology we have lost this contact. The rhytme by which you live is a crucial aspect to your health. Health is about the way you live your life. Could you give 3 tips for our readers to improve on health and well-being? 1. Moving is the base of health, next to that it is maintenance. 2. Good nutrition and a good nights sleep. 3. Dont wait too lang to see your acupuncturist. Those who react fast and seek support, those are the one’s who get rid of their problems fast.

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Support the Foundation CNYS Because Health is our most important asset

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KVK: 65138996 [email protected]

Yang sheng On Tour

Traditional Chinese chair massage

Interesting because:

Posture correcting & Vitalising effect

A whole body effect Supports health Relieves stress

Easy because:

Given with clothes on Minimum required space

Light portable chair

Important because:

A healthy company needs Healthy and motivated
