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Renovationproject 2010

InleidingStichting Young Professionals (SYP) worked together with the municipalities of

Eindhoven and Emfuleni and the Vaal University of Technology in the renovation

of two Roman Catholic Churches. Both churches are situated in Emfuleni, ap-

proximately 60 kilometers south of Johannesburg (South-Africa).

In the Small Farms district, the churches are of high historical value. Commu-

nity leader, activist and icon Rev (Dr) Lord Eldorado McCamel has meant a lot

to the community, with the McCamel Church which was founded by his father.

Title???At present, the churches are in a state of decay and various

rooms used by an NCO (foundation) that works on homebase

care, a feeding program and a bakery. Homebase care is a

concept for home care for the elderly villagers. With the feed-

ing program, 250 children are provided with cooked meals

every day. The bakery (which sells door to door) raises some

money that is necessary to maintain SYP (besides gifts and


The municipality of Eindhoven, that has a partnership with

the municipality of Emfuleni, gives SYP the possibility to ex-

ecute this project. Without both municipalities, the local high

school (VUT) and the local (South-African) and Dutch spon-

sors, this project could have never succeeded and the paint-

ing cultures would have never met.

The Dutch volunteers form a varied group, with an age between 23 and 35 years old and different backgrounds in the building section. The group consists of painters, plasterers, electricians, carpenters, calculators, work planners, sign workers, students and some entrepreneurs.

They cooperated with twenty students of the Vaal University of Technology and twenty local volunteers from the Small Farms district in the renovation of the two churches. The project goal is renovation of the churches, so that the local foundations can broaden their activities. Besides that, the sharing of knowledge between different specialisms is stimulated, by the use of a buddy system.

Painting-, glass-, plastering- and light building activities are executed during a 10 day race against the

clock by a group of 60 volunteers. The two churches are situated on a great piece of land that is almost

as large as two soccer fields. One of the churches originates from 1931, the other from 1958. Besides

the renovation activities, the municipality of Emfuleni will take care of the surrounding terrain during

the project week by, for instance, mowing the lawn and removing a collapsed outbuilding.

Thousend little windowsA working plan for the THOUSEND little windows was essential in get-ting everything done in the short time available. The (glass-)cutting group and the- installers worked together very well. Occasionally a wrong bunch of glass was taken, but in the end everything worked out without a single finger getting cut.

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Mixed up Some activities got mixed up, for instance because insufficiënt debranching tools were available or because enthusiastic volun-teers couldn’t wait to see the first layer of paint on the walls to get a glimpse of the final result.

Prominent Paints (link naar de website?) sponsored all the paint for this SYP renovation project. The organization departed already the 28th of December, to arrange some things on loca-tion. Because of the turn of the year… (zin niet af) > TEKST ONTBREEKT

Just an ordinary working day Just an ordinary working day. Everybody is working on his part of the big project. The stock of materials has almost halved and a safe storage for the scaffolding is built.

The scaffolding had to be kept safe during het night, because although there was security watching over nights during the 10 days, there were still some criminals clever enough to break in and steal some (lousy) roll of plastic cover foil, which was nec-essary for the inside doors.

Heavy rain In spite of the summer, heavy rain occasionally delayed the work. Fortunately there was plenty of painting and plastering work to be done within the churches so nobody had to be bored.

In the townships there is often insufficient drain for the rain, causing streets to flood during heavy rain. The bright side of the rain is that leaks in the roof were easily found.

A wink to the renovation projectAmongst the Dutch volunteers was a comedian who presented a small show for his fellow workers, with a wink to the renovation project.

De Roman Chatolic Churches zijn officieel heropend door de burgemeester van

Emfuleni. Op de openingsdag is er nog volop gewerkt om alle puntjes op de i te

zetten. Naarmate de dag vorderde kwam er steeds meer en meer publiek af op de

opening. Voor de opening ws veel belangstelling uit de lokale gemeenschap, ook

kwam de pers...