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The Touch for Health Kinesiology Association

Annual Journal

for Year 2002

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association of AmericaPO Box 392, New Carlisle, Ohio 45344

1-800-466-8342, ph-937 -845-3404fax-937 -845-3909

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Although persons and companies mentioned herein are believed to be reputable, neither the Touchfor Health Kinesiology Association nor any of its officers or employees accepts any responsibilityfor conditions or circumstances resulting from use of this information. Any reader using thisinformation does so at his or her own risk. The Touch For Health Kinesiology Association is not aclinic and does not give treatment.

The papers presented in this Journal reflect the opinions of the authors. Some articles may notconform to the policies set forth by the Touch for Health Kinesiology Association.

This Journal is intended to provide educational and research information on vital energy balancingtechniques that have been successfully used to reduce stress and pain. This Journal is not intendedto provide medical diagnostic information, and the exercises presented herein are not intended toreplace medical treatment where such is indicated.

All materials contained herein are copyright © 2002 by the authors and the Touch for HealthKinesiology Association of America. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced orutilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recordingor by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the authors orthe Touch for Health Kinesiology Association of America.

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© Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (yr 2002)

Table of Contents

Jan Cole Message from the President 5John F. Thie The Importance of History in Touch for Health Kinesiology 7Jan Cole Keeping High Blood Pressure/Hypertension in Balance Naturally 11

Arlene Green The Importance of Prayer and Intention in the Healing Process 23Larry Green Energy Psychology 29Warren Jacobs Communication Modes and Conflict Resolution 35Carola Koenig Applied Lymphology, The Balance between Metabolism & 37

AutointoxicationAdam Lehman Powers of Stress - Improving Your Balances with Setups 45Evelyn Mulders Vibrational Healing With Chakra Sound Essences 56Stephanie Relfe The Wernicke's Connection, How You Can Remove Sabotaging 59

Commands From The BrainDiane Smith Balancing the Frequency of Our Bodies 63Wayne Topping Overcoming Procrastination 64Joe Bassett !! STRESS !! 67

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© Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (yr 2002)

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Touch for Health Kinesiology is a non-invasive method, usingmuscle bio-feedback and body awareness that can help you toreduce stress and pain, improve performance at school, workand home, in sports, in relationships and promote health andwell being.

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© Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (yr 2002)

Message from the PresidentDear TFH Members and Guests,

On behalf of the TFHKA board, we are pleased to welcome you to the 29th annual USA TFHconference, Keeping YOllr Life in Balance. We hope you will enjoy the conference, new andrenewed friendships, laughter, love and the wonderful and unusual sites of Naples, FL. Theconference is a unique opportunity to invest in your future, to rejuvenate your energy and spendmeaningful, purposeful time with like-minded friends.

Our organization began in 1973 with the Dr. John Thie's publication and training program Touchfor Health and his dream to share a most unique preventative self-care program with the families ofthe United States and the world. It is alive and well; now taught in 50 countries by more than5,000 certified instructors and has helped more than 10 million people around the world. Be sureto check the back of our directory for the international TFH associations.

Warm appreciations to Anita More-Butts and Judy Williamson for planning our days together, toHap and Elizabeth Barhydt for compiling and formatting the conference journal, to Debbie Betheland Judy Levin for the "auctions", to Valerie Biggs for support from the office, to Carola Koenigin Naples and to anyone else who has helped "put it together".

Special recognition to our wonderful speakers who graciously give of their time, energy; talent andfinances and to whose commitment to excellence is reflected in their presentation papers for theconference and the journal. As Richard Harnack, annual meeting chairperson 1992, said, "Youwill find yourself coming back to these articles again and again using the techniques andinformation they impart."

Refreshed, Renewed, and Inspired from what you've learned and shared, we hope you continueusing the new information and this powerful self-care and awareness program for yourself andfamily, friends, students, and clients. Thank you for helping to make this a successful conference.

Jan Cole, Touch For Health Kinesiolog Association (TFHKA) President

Directors: Eliu Diaz Gladys Diaz Penny Hilburn Yvonne Bowman ..

Board of Directtors

Jan Cole, President Debbie Bethel, Vice-President.

Anita More-Butts, Treasurer & Conference Coordinator Janet Gentle, Secretary .

Penny Hilburn, Conference Co-chairman

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© Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (yr 2002)

The Touch for Health Foundation (Association) is dedicatedto bettering our conditions here on planet Earth throughsupporting the health of individuals by natural means. We areof the belief that within each human being are the answersand solutions necessary for their optimum wellness,physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and as a society.We believe that the innate intelligence foundation with everyliving organism is interacting with the universal intelligencethat is governing our biosphere. This helps us learn from ourbody, mind and spirit, just how to heal ourselves and ourcommunity. We believe that family health is necessary for theindividual and societal wellness.

Robert A. Aboulache, President Emeritus

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (year 2002)

The Importance of Historyin Touch for Health Kinesiology

by John F. Thie, D.C

TOUCH FOR HEALTIl EDUCATION6162 La Gloria Drive, Malibu CA 90265. USA.

Phone: 310-589-5269 Email: thie@touch4healthWeb Site:

Touch for Health continues to growthroughout the world as a system that laypeople can easily learn to be more aware oftheir health and vitality and to balance theirChi, their life energy, to live fully and havemore meaningful lives. But ever since thebeginning of the Instructor TrainingWorkshops, there have been those who havebecome TFH "practitioners" either by makingTFH central to their practice of massage,physical therapy, chiropractic, acupuncture,etc, OR by expertly practicing the simpleprocedures of TFH alone as a modality forhealing. Many natural. "gifted" healers havefound in TFH a structure to focus andreinforce their abilities, as well as a context inwhich to allow others to see and feel in aconcrete way what they see in an intuitiveway.

For many years, we advocated that TFHinstructors only be "practitioners" underalready recognized and licensed modalitiessuch as massage therapy, etc. Today. withthe growth of many Kinesiology trainingfacilities which offer 2 and 3 year programsin the TFH Kinesiology model of energybalancing, the TFH practitioner is becoming aprofessional health care modality in its ownright. Many governments have formallyrecognized this fact, as have insurancecompanies and other third party payers insome countries.

As we develop standards for a professionalTFH Kinesiology practitioner, it's importantto consider what has kept TFH on the cuttingedge of health care for all of the 30 years ofits existence, and a few ways things we canadapt from mainstream health care to fit theTouch for Health model, and also make usmore effective practitioners.

Let's consider an article from the June 25,200 I issue of Newsweek, by MelvinKonner, M.D. of Atlanta's EmoryUniversity, author of The Tangled Wing:Biological Constraints on the HumanSpirit. Konner, a medical anthropologist,suggests that the health care professions aregoing in a direction that may be irreversible ifmore attention isn't paid to listening topatients as opposed to studying their testresults. He is talking about the modern"scientific" premise that information gatheredby machines and laboratory analysis is moresignificant than the holistic assessment of theindividual person.

Konner asserts that 85% of the informationneeded in an exchange with a health careprovider comes from the history, the physicalexamination and a few simple, low-tech tests.He suggests that the attention to technology,the time and cost demands they place onphysicians, may serve to side track some ofthe less glitzy but more productive skills suchas listening and watching and touching. Hesees that as doctors have not learned to listenor touch, they will become mere technicians,the servants of the machines, rather thanhaving the machines serve them.

He concludes as follows, "But astechnological diagnosis replaces physicalexamination, there is less and less excuse fortouching. However scientific they are,doctors are always shamans, too. When weare in their hands, they are magical to us.Pre-scientific shamans claimed to recruitspiritual powers; scientific ones invoke hightechnology. And we want them to, becausethis is our wizardry. Yes, it works a lot of thetime, but our faith in it goes far beyond itseffectiveness. Unless we find a balance

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (year 2002)

between the old arts of healing, and the newtechnology, we may lose as much as wegain. And the loss may be irreversible."

From the beginning, TFH has often served to"make up" for what has systematically beeneliminated from a lot of "scientific" healthcare. Even within the ranks of technologydriven bio-medicine, there are those whorecognize diminishing returns in machine-based diagnosis, particularly of conditionswhich have no symptoms. You may behearing more and more advertising slogansadvocating full body MRI scans. The hopeand claim is that this kind of scanningprovides early detection of disease, andallows for early treatment which can onlybeneficial. But this approach may result inunnecessary and sometimes dangeroussurgery or medication of "pseudo-disease",diseases which left undetected and untreatedwill NEVER result in any symptomsaffecting the health or function of the person.The treatment may be worse than the"disease". The FDA is investigating theclaims of benefit related to this kind oftesting.

So how can we be more effective as TFHKinesiology Practitioners? We will need tointegrate to some extent with the existing,mainstream health care community, but wemust be sure to adopt only those aspects thatare in keeping with our holistic model.Although we put more emphasis onunderstanding individual people than onknowing their "disease", we can benefit fromadopting the SOAP notes approach whichmany health care practitioners use todocument the way in which they manageclients and provide reports for otherpractitioners or third party payers. SOAPstands for Subjective ObjectiveAssessment/Analysis Plan.

The Subjective part refers to what the persontells you that they want to change. In thediagnostic model, it is the complaint, and thesymptoms that they want to get rid of. In theTFHK model, we look at any symptoms, andany life issues the person is working on, andalso the POSITIVE OUTCOME goals that theperson wants in their life. This can includetheir personal, subjective measurements, onan analog (0-10) scale, of pain, symptoms,

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as well as function/attitude related to apositive goal.

The Objective part refers to the objectiveobservations that are made by the health carepractitioner. These would be any findingsthat are objective, including any testing that isdone that gives objective evidence thatpertains to the complaints. This wouldinclude any physical examinations,observations of posture, muscle tightness,spasms, range of motion diagnostic studies,etc. In the TFHK model we would record allof the various muscle testing/monitoringoutcomes and changes, as well asmeasurements of range of motion, changes inattitude, mood, etc.

The A stands for Assessment or analysis ofthe client/student/patient's status in thebiomedical model as well as in the TFHKmodel. This is the part where we decide howto proceed further with the person seekinghelp, or whether we should make a referral toanother kind of practitioner. In our model wemake clear the kinds of outcomes we expectin an energy balancing, and the kinds ofgoals that are better dealt with by anotherkind of practitioner. (Treatment of a specificnamed disease is not done in the holisticTFHK model, for example. Instead we workto balance the energy of the whole person tosupport the natural healing system and theeffectiveness of medical disease-focusedtreatment). The TFHK assessment andanalysis is a cooperative process in which theindividual (or their advocate in the case of achild or someone who is very sick) is theauthority in their own health awareness. Wework with the person to bring their energyinto an appropriate balance, considering whatthings in their life might be blocking thewholeness that they seek.

The P stands for the Plan for care that istailored to the person seeking help. Whatkinds of things will be done on any givenvisit, and what specific progression oftreatment will be appropriate for a particularperson. This plan may include prescriptionsor referrals or other recommendations. In theTFHK model, it will usually involve anongoing process of education, learningto be aware of what affects us, and utilizingthe energy balancing tools as we learn them.

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (year_ ~002)

It may include an emphasis on particularbalancing techniques as appropriate fordifferent kinds of energy issues.

If you do not keep SOAP records of yoursessions with clients, you will find it a lotmore difficult to integrate with other kinds ofhealth care practitioners who use "medicalspeak" (the commercial language of themedical profession). As the trend towardsintegrating the "alternative" therapies with theorthodox bio-medical practice of medicineand other "standard" modalities, it isimportant to be able to understand some"medical speak" and to describe the work thatyou do in a context of "medical speak",which is the common language of health carejust as English has become the commonlanguage of the Western world.

Part of being a professional and taking agood history often requires interpreting therecords made by other health care providers.With the increased mobility of individuals,there needs to be a corresponding portabilityof records, and an awareness thatmedical records may have beenrecorded by someone other than theprimary care provider who knows thepatient. So it can be difficult to accuratelyinterpret a person's records without checkingwith the person. In emergency situations, andin cases of serious illness, you may not becared for by anyone who knows you, or evenby the same person twice. So it can be verybeneficial to keep your own records andcompare notes with any professional youwork with and make sure you're both on thesame page.

For the past 10 years I've been emphasizingways to improve the effectiveness of TFHthrough taking a good history, and puttingthe history to good use. Although I have notbeen able to complete the TFH InteractiveProgram to my satisfaction, even in itspresent rough form, it contains a very usefuldatabase for keeping records on the computerand for compiling the data centrally andanonymously. So, using the computer, wecan keep a kind of SOAP notes that arespecifically designed for the holistic TFHapproach and techniques. At the same timewe can gather data through the Internet andbegin the kind of research that is demanded

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of any health profession. The program isprovided on a CD to anyone who joins myResearch Club. Part of the database includesa questionnaire that follows the goal settingprocess that I have been emphasizing. Thebasic outline of my goal setting protocol isalso provided as an appendix in the back ofthe latest additions of the TFH manual. In mynew book which I wrote with my son,Matthew Thie, M.Ed., TFH Pocketbookwith Chinese 5 Element Metaphors.We include 21 pages on goal-setting, buteven more useful for developing effectivehistory and present awareness are the 5Element metaphors themselves which canenhance our memory access through sensoryand associative reflection.

This brings us to a crucial role of memory intaking a history and keeping records. Oftenthere are clues in our history that can helpwith our present health if we can rememberthem. Keeping a record of our experiencesover time can be helpful in identifyingpatterns, but sometimes there are aspects ofour experiences that aren't recalled in an oralor even written narrative. Yet these'memories' of past events can have an effecton our functioning without our beingconsciously aware of them, withoutremembering them. Forgetting and letting goof past events is very important for oureffective functioning in the present. Butforgetting and letting go are not always thesame thing.

We cannot be aware of everything at once, sosometimes we need to forget, or not thinkabout things from the past in order to bepresent in the present. Yet, we may haveconsciously "forgotten" and still retainpostures, attitudes and energetic andbehavioral patterns formed in relation to apast event or experience. Often, we canrelease these patterns through energybalancing without knowing how they cameabout, but accessing themental/emotional/sensory associations relatedto the energy patterns of our current goals.

To better understand and implement thisprocess, we need to consider a coupledifferent aspects of memory. What we mostoften think of as memory is the verballyaccessible aspect of memory. Another aspect

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (year 2002)

is the situationally accessible memory, whichis more holistic, sensory and associative.When we recount a narrative of a memory,we are not always able to access all of thesensory aspects of the past experience.Sometimes we only recall an abstracted"story", and not the event itself. Yet a greatdeal of sensory data from vision, hearing,smell, taste, and touch, as well as mental andemotional feelings and meanings areautomatically recorded and can be "triggered"to replay. Sometimes this occurs at theconscious level, as when a certain aromatakes us back to a vivid Technicolor memory,complete with the unique voices and exactwords, and all of the emotions of a momentfrom the past, however distant. More often, itoccurs at a subconscious level as when asimilar situation in the present brings backpostures, emotions, and reactions related to aprevious event. The similarity between thememory and present events can be obvious,as in a conflict with a co-worker, or moresubtle, as in a certain perfume, a mannerism,or a phrase.

One of the reasons that so much of thisoccurs without our being fully aware of it isthat it is tied in with automatic survivalfunctions. If you step on a snake, it is veryvaluable for survival to react automatically.But automatic reactions can be a problemwhen we respond based on past danger ortrauma rather than choose to do what'sappropriate light now. We have automaticsurvival reactions that may be based ongenetic instincts, such as the fight or flightresponse, or on early life experiences, familypatterns or childhood trauma or success.They may even be related to accidents of fatewhere a kind word or thoughtless insult at theright moment happens to "stick", or catalyzea chain of events.

I use the TFH goal setting protocol tomaximize our access of the verbal/narrati veaspects of memory, and I have found that the

sensory/associative symbols of the 5 Elementmetaphors can be very effective in activatingthe sensory associative memory. I find thatthere can be an amazing amount of reliefthrough an open-ended consideration of theMetaphors in relation to the narrative/verbalmemory and the current goal. After a balancewith the 5-Elements, we can rememberstressful events without reacting to them as ifthey were happening in the present.Releasing the stress associated with thegoal/meridian imbalance and the 5 ElementMetaphors allows us to be aware of moreaspects of our experience, and to choose apositive response to current situations, ratherthan simply unconsciously reacting. Finally,our energy balancing is reinforced by re-testing the muscles and establishing balancedpostures and positive attitudes, sometimesproviding that ever so subtle catalyst that willallow personal growth, blossoming and lifetransformation.

I hope that each of you will expand your self-awareness and see yourself as a Soul, not abody which has a soul, or a soul that isseparate from a physical body, but a Soul thatis a completely integrated whole, and that isconnected with everything else in theuniverse. Check out or review the goal-setting, coaching, dialogue, interviewprocess which will help develop yournarrative history and vision of the future, andthe 5 Element Metaphors to develop yourawareness of the sensory/associative aspectsof your energy balance. And keep records ofyour balances. Your records can be as simpleas a goal statement with a subjective rating ona scale of 0-10 before and after the balance.Or if you use the TFH interactive program,you can rather painlessly record each muscleimbalance, energy pattern, reflex/technique,and outcome and create an excellent, holistic,TFHlKinesiology oriented system of SOAPnotes.

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (year 2002)

Keeping High Blood Pressure/Hypertensionin Balance Naturally

Dedicated to my dad, Earl Newhouse

by Jan Cole, M.Ed.

24 Evergreen St, Broomfield, CO, 80020Phone: 303-469-0433 Fax: 303 -469-0433

e-mail: <[email protected]>

My dad has hypertension! Has had for manyyears, supposedly "controlled" by drugs -four at a time. Over the years he has gatheredinformation on dealing with high bloodpressure naturally, books, numerous articles,advertisements suggesting ways other thandrugs to control it. Perhaps, because it'seasier than implementing new changes, hecontinued to take the drugs his doctorprescribed. Numerous side effects are listed inPDR's, as you know. Based on the researchfor these drugs, I believe taking the drugsover the years has created other problems forhim, besides having done little to help hisblood pressure. As you will read, lifestylehabits are a major factor in controllinghypertension.

One evening while staying with him inMinnesota last August, he asked me if Ithought he should keep one of the manybooks he'd ordered through the mail,Acupuncture Without Needles by J.V.Cerney, D.C., A.B., D.M. Opening the bookto page 126, I tried the "Acupressure, U.S.A.Technique for Controlling High BloodPressure" on myself after taking my ownblood pressure reading. It wasn't high, butdecided to try the technique anyway. With-inminutes of massaging the suggested points, Itook another reading. It had dropped signifi-cantly! Dad's turn. We took before and afterreadings with his blood pressure cuff; alsosignificant changes. That night began afascinating journey and search into theinformation on high blood pressure and whatspecifically would cause my dad's to rise orlower.

Reading an article by the American HeartAssociation intrigued me more. They reported

estimates that as many as 50 mi1lionAmericans (one in five) have high bloodpressure and that a third don't know they haveit. "A new study estimates that middle-ageAmericans have a 90 percent chance ofeventually developing high blood pressure,But experts say many can still beat the oddswith diet and exercise." The study,published in the Journal of the AmericanMedical Association, prompted warnings fromthe nation's top health authorities, includingHealth and Human Services Secretary TommyThompson and Dr. Claude Lenfant, directorof the National Heart, Lung and BloodInstitute. The study, among the first tocalculate the lifetime risk of developing thecondition, involved mostly whites. Lifetimerisks may be even higher for blacks, who aredisproportionately affected by high bloodpressure. Study co-author Dr. RamachandranVasan of Boston University noted thatmaintaining ideal body weight and gettingadequate exercise and nutrition -- includingavoiding too much alcohol and salt -- can helpprevent high blood pressure.

You can be a calm and relaxed person and stillhave hypertension. High blood pressure, apotentially life-threatening disease, is knownas the "silent killer" because it has no visiblesymptoms (usually). Without regular medicalscreening, this condition can go undetecteduntil vital organs are damaged. Infants andchildren generally have lower blood pressure;adults higher. The vast majority ofhypertension cases runs in families and maybe related to heredity. Harvard and BostonCity Hospital found that a familial influenceon blood pressure can be detected inyoungsters, contending that whatever is

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (yr 2002)

responsible for essential hyper-tension isacquired in childhood. The researchers furtherstated that in addition to genetic factors,environmental elements in the home andcommunity are conceivable contributingfactors.

Monitoring the Condition:Best Measured:

The best means of controlling hypertension isby monitoring your own blood pressure on aregular basis and with periodic visits to yourdoctor for evaluation of your progress and anyadjustments to your program and byimplementing or practicing any of thesuggestions to follow later in this article.

Blood pressure (BP), not a constant figure,varies naturally with the activity, weight, ageand time of day. After monitoring my 85 yearold father for the past nine months, I willemphatically add that "what you are thinkingand what your sub-conscious is doing" can beMAJOR factors. Because BP actually changesfrom moment to moment, diagnosis ofhypertension should never be made on thebasis of a single reading; it's best to averagethree or more readings at different times anddays of the week. Your readings probably willbe highest in the morning and lowest whenyou sleep. Hypertension comes into thepicture when the pressure in your arteriesincreases to unsafe levels. Stress, activity.excitement, food, salt, coffee and sugar can all

increase BP temporarily. For some, as it didfor my dad, the blood pressure goes upsignificantly at the sight of a white coat (in thepresence of a doctor) researched and knownas White Coat Hypertension.

Blood pressure is the result of two forces:

• A force created by the heart as it pushesblood into the arteries and through thecirculatory system.

• A force of the arteries as they resist theblood flow

Determined by two readings, the pressure ismeasured in the weight of a column ofmercury (mm Hg):

• The first value, systolic, measuresmaximum pressure, when the heart is atwork (beating)

• The second value, diastolic, measuresminimum pressure, when the heart is atrest (between beats)

For an adult, a normal systolic reading is inthe 100 to 135 mm Hg range. Normaldiastolic pressure should be from 60 to 80 mmHg. When checked, the systolic reading willbe given over the diastolic. A commonnormal reading is 100175 or 110/80 and so on.The greater these readings -- especially thelower (diastolic) value -- the greater thethreat to your health.

r--'--'-~- -~---.. .-~- -------- ---------~Blood Optimal Normal High Hypertension i


Pressure Normal

Systolic Less than Less than 130-139 140 or higher

(top no) 120 130f----- -.------ . - . --.--- _ .. _-_ f------ -------- ..---

Diastolic Less than Less than 85-89 90 or above

(bottom no) 80 85-- -- - --- - -- - -- -

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (yr ~P02)

Hypertension is classified into two categories:

• Primary hypertension: the mostcommon type accounts for 90% to 95% ofcases. The underlying cause isindeterminable. Incurable, but can becontrolled.

• Secondary hypertension: can bedirectly linked to an underlying disease(especially kidney disease), hormonaldisorders, and certain drugs (such as oralcontraceptives. alcohol. andcorticosteriods). The specific medicalreason for the increased blood pressurecan be identified and possibly corrected,sometimes with surgery.

Related SymptomsHypertension has no visible symptoms. Signsand symptoms that do show up are usuallyassociated with the secondary conditionscaused or worsened by high blood pressure.If you have any of these symptoms, see yourdoctor:

• Frequent headaches

• Recurring dizzy spells

• Any unusual changes in your vision

• Chest pains, with or without exertion

• Cramps in your legs when walking

• Swelling in your ankles or feet

• Difficulty thinking or loss of concentration

Possible Complications andOther Considerations

• Unchecked, sustained hypertension causesdamage to your blood vessels, whichleads to a reduction in blood flow. This, inturn, can lead to widespread organdamage, especially to your heart, brain,kidney, and eyes. Untreated high BP mayeventually cause the formation ofaneurysms in various parts of the body,especially the brain (which can cause brainhemorrhage), eyes (which can causeblindness), and aorta (a large blood vesselemanating from the heart, the rupture ofwhich could result in death). Cardiacdamage results in heart attack, heart

failure, strokes and thickening of themuscles of the heart (hypertrophy), whichmay be fatal.

• Hypertension causes kidney damage andeventually kidney failure.

• Hypertension is the number one cause ofstrokes. Strokes themselves can be causedby the plugging of the arteries to the braindue to increased fatty deposits, blood clotformation, and blood clots coming fromdistal arteries supplying the brain.

• A number of experiments suggestcadmium as having a role in hypertension.Found in many foods and beverages ittends to accumulate in the kidneys.Autopsies have shown that the kidneys ofthose dying from hypertension and itscomplications usually contain highercadmium concentrations than those withnormal blood pressure.

• Abruptly discontinuing your medicationwithout your doctor's approval can resultin rebound high BP that could possiblyprecipitate a condition called hypertensivecrisis. This is a rare but life-threateningcomplication where blood pressure canrise sharply to 200/120 and beyond.)

• Hypertension affects more women aspeople age. Oral contraceptives are themost frequent reversible cause ofsecondary high BP. Women on birthcontrol pills, are two to six times morelikely to suffer from high blood pressure.If oral contraception are discontinued,blood pressure will probably return tonormal within three months. Hypertensioncan also occur in postmenopausal womentaking estrogen replacement therapy.

• Older people with hypertension need to beespecially careful when taking any drugsfor their conditions. As with anymedications, the doctor and pharmacistshould know which additional drugsalready be taken to prevent any adversereactions from inappropriately combineddrugs. Isolated systolic hypertension(above 160/85 to 160/90) is usually foundin older people.

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (yr 2002)

Hypertensive Personality

While anyone can have high blood pressure,there is a suggested profile presented by twopsychiatrists, Dr. Robert E. Harris and Dr.Ralph P. Forsythe of the CardiovascularResearch Institute at the University ofCalifornia San Francisco. Their studies foundthat people with high BP "seem to experiencemany kinds of their personal interactions asstressful and as occasions for emotionalarousal." Their emotional upsets are moreintense, more frequent and longer lasting thanthose of others and are accompanied byepisodes of increased pressure on bloodvessels. They were inclined to be irritable,anxious, restless and tense."

Studies of US Air Force officers found similartraits; described as assertive, dominant anddecisive with "narrow ranges of interest,rigid, over-controlling and obtuse in theirsocial relationships." In yet another study,with insurance company employees, thosewith high blood pressure were rated as"apprehensive, guarded, emotionally moreresponsive and unwilling to talk aboutthemselves."

No one condition will explain all the causes.When we're angry or fearful our BP naturallygoes up; one theory with hypertension fromthe American Heart Association is that peoplewho are "hyper-reactors" or "pre-hypertensives" simply get accustomed toresponding to events in daily life as if theywere emergencies. Disturbed emotionalbalance, when a person is no longer able toachieve a meaningful relationship with theirenvironment or when their life is filled withpent-up anger and tension, when one can nolonger master their goals and tasks, when set-backs and disappointments are suffered andconstantly repeated, then high blood pressurecan become fixed at an abnormally high level.

Drug Therapy

There is an arsenal of medications available.Antihypertensive medicines generally fall intothree categories: a) those that relax bloodvessels directly, b.) those that block thenerves to blood vessels and c) those thateliminate extra fluids from the body. All drugsprescribed can cause adverse side effects,

some dangerous A few common symptomsmay include skin rashes, dry mouth, nasalcongestion, potassium loss, sedation,impotence, dizziness, fatigue, night-mares,depression, delusions, hallucinations. CheckPDR's and websites. Dr. Earl Mindell's viewis that drugs, toxic and often ineffectual, donot even attempt to address the causes of"dis-ease". Instead they block normal bodyfunctions so the heart won't have to or be ableto work harder in a natural reaction to stressfulcircumstances. But in so doing, they disruptfundamental biological functions essential forsurvival and good health.

Reducing High Blood Pressure:Activity & Diet Recommendations

Although there is no (supposed) cure forhypertension, there are many proven wayswithin your control: diet, exercise, and stressreduction are a few to help reduce the risks ofHP.

• Obesity - loose weight. Extra weightmeans your heart has to pump harder tocirculate blood through that extra tissue,thereby raising your blood pressure.Weight loss is a cornerstone of BPtreatment, with many studies showing thata loss of 10 to 20 pounds can lower BPsignificantly.

• Alcohol consumption - reduce intake;two or more ounces a day can raise BP

• Excess sodium - reduce to less than 2grams of sodium per day equivalent of1 tsp. Best 500mg - 114 tsp. As saltconsumption rises, the body retains excesswater, which raises BP. The Trials ofHypertension Prevention (TOHP) atTulane University have shown that saltrestrictions consistently reduce bloodpressure.

-- General information: Table salt, themain culprit, is about 40% sodium.Americans consume 20 times more saltthan their bodies need - 1- 2,000 mg isthe average daily-recommended amount.About 75% of your salt needs are alreadyin the foods you eat and drink, easilyreached without adding more salt to yourfood.

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (yr 2002)

For some people who are especiallysensitive to the sodium, even a moderateamount of salt can raise their BP. Somepeople need less than 200 mg a day.

-- Avoid salty foods and snacks such asbacon, sausage, hot dogs, pretzels, potatochips, mustard, olives, pickles, and somecheeses. Buy fresh meats, fruits, andvegetables instead of canned, frozen, orprocessed ones. A void fast foods orconvenience foods.

-- Beware of hidden sod i u m infoods/beverages: baking soda/powder,carbonated drinks, beer, soy sauce,nondairy creamers, cookies, and cakes.Read labels. Many over-the-countermedicines contain high levels: alkalizers,antacids, aspirin, cough medicine,mouthwash, toothpaste. Beware ofsodium benzoate and sodium propionateand MSG.

• Avoid sugar - Several studies haveshown that white table sugar (sucrose)raises blood pressure. Instead, satisfyyour sweet tooth with fruit, whichcontains a different type of sugar calledfructose.

• Excess animal protein - reduce.Become a vegetarian -- or close to it.Studies show that vegetarianism lowersblood pressure. Excess intake of protein inthe form of protein-rich foods severelyburdens the kidneys and can produce anelevation in BP. Quote from a study donein Bresdan with 2500 butchers, "thecompelling conclusion is that bloodpressure rises in proportion to the intakeof animal protein." Another impressivestudy, the Dietary Approaches to StopHypertension (DASH), conducted byHarvard researchers, placed 459 peoplewith moderately high pressure on one ofthree diets:

• A typical American meat-centered,high-fat diet with little fiber and fewfruits or vegetables

• A meat-based, high-fat diet with morefiber, fruits, and vegetables

• A near-vegetarian, low-fat diet loadedwith fruits, vegetables, and wholegrains, including fish and somechicken

Participants on the meaty, high-fat dietsrecorded no drop in BP. But in just eightweeks, participants on the n ear-vegetarian, low-fat diet reduced BPsignificantly - about as much as peopletaking prescription blood pressuremedications. Fruits. vegetables, andwhole grains are all high in fiber. Have a tleast eight daily servings.

• Eat more salmon. In addition tocalcium, salmon contains a generoushelping of omega-3 fatty acids, whichreduce blood pressure, according to areview of more than 20 studies by aresearcher at Vanderbilt University inNashville, who suggests eating salmononce or twice a week.

• Food: others that help lower bloodpressure - artichokes, greens, dairy,mushrooms, quinoa, potatoes,asparagus, cauliflower, broccoli,celery, peppers, carrots, lentils,string beans, apples, apricots,grapefruit, grapes, oranges, figs,melons, plantains.

• Switch to decaf. Caffeine is a powerfulstimulant that can raise blood pressure.Tea, cocoa, chocolate, and many over-the-counter drugs contain caffeine.

• Stress - lower your stress level.Relaxation exercises can be helpful inreducing hypertension. Some of theseactivities include mediation, reading,painting, gardening and biofeedbackprograms.

• Laugh: switch on your favorite comedyshow or video. A good laugh can decreaseour level of stress hormones.

• Rest as well as enough sleep isimportant, as BP is lowest during sleep.

• Regular time with mate, more thanwith other family members or friends, ofcourse, depending on how healthy the

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (yr 2002)

relationship is, can lower your bloodpressure.

• Physical inactivity - exerciseregularly. Any exercise that is aerobic canbe helpful in lowering your bloodpressure: walking, swimming, bicycling.Several studies show that a daily briskwalk for 30 minutes helps reduce BP.Avoid isometric exercises such as bodybuilding, weight lifting, or push-ups, asthey have a tendency to raise BP.

• Smoking - stop .. Nicotine constrictsarteries and raises your blood pressure.

• Over-the-counter medications - sometypes including laxatives, diet pills,antacids, and nonprescription cold, sinusand allergy remedies that containingredients such as ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and sodium - Look fornatural solutions to problems.

• Care for a pet. Studies show that caringfor a pet is relaxing enough to offer amodest reduction in blood pressure.

Supplements• Vito B: Suggested: 400 micrograms

of folic acid, 1,000 mcg of 8 12,100 -250 mg of 86. These three B'sare important because the help "chew up"homocysteine, an amino acid by-productthat can damage arteries. Helps preservesmooth-walled arteries.

• Vito C: Italian researchers found that Chelped blood vessels dilate normally andhelps reduce the formation of fattydeposits and clots inside blood vessels.1,000 - 2,000 daily

• Calcium: Helps ability of blood vesselsto relax, BP tends to go down; has lesseffect than magnesium or potassium. Morethan 50 studies show that as dietarycalcium rises, blood pressure falls.Researchers at McMaster University inHamilton, Ontario, analyzed 33 studies inwhich supplemental calcium helped lowerblood pressure. High-calcium foodsinclude dairy items, salmon, leafyvegetables, and tofu. Most expertsrecommend 1,000 to 1,500 mg/day.

(Note: Too much calcium can interferewith magnesium's muscle-relaxingability.)

• COQI0: made naturally in the body, butin short supply, helps heart pump moreefficiently, which helps to reduce bloodpressure. In one study, over half the 109people with high blood pressure were ableto stop or reduce their medication afterfour months of treatment. Dr. DeckerWeiss, N.M.D recommends 30 mgthree times a day. Best to take withfish or flaxseed oil.

• VitoE: Neutralizes free radicals; a majorfat-soluble antioxidant. Helps reduceformation of fatty deposits and clots insideblood vessels. Recommended 400 - 800IV mixed tocopherols.

• Fiber: There is evidence that fiber canhelp lower high blood pressure. A 4 yrstudy of 40,000 nurses found those whohad the highest amounts of fiber were leastlikely to develop high BP. Of the twokinds, soluble and insoluble, the solublefound in fruits, beans and oats, is the mostimportant for lowering BP. For additionalfiber look for a supplement that containsmixed soluble fibers such as psyllium,gums and pectin.

Fish oil or Flaxseed oil: (Omega-3fatty acid) Fish-oil supplements providethe same benefits as salmon. Borage oilsupplies Omega-6' s. Fatty acids changebody chemistry so that you produce fewerharmful prostaglandins, hormone likesubstances that can increase BP. Mostexperts recommend 1,000 to 3,000mg/day.

• Potassium: is depleted by diuretic blood-pressure medication. Affects bloodvolume because it helps you excretesodium, also excreting water, whichreduces blood volume and in turn reducesBP. Foods low in sodium and high inpotassium include: chicken and turkey,veal, many types of fish (halibut,fresh sardines, scallops), fruits(pears, bananas, apples, apricots,cherries, grapes, plums, peaches,raisins, nectarines, oranges,

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (yr 2002)

tangelos, grapefruit), fresh vegetables(turnips, asparagus, carrots,cauliflower, eggplant, peas,chickpeas, celery, lentils, kidney,broad, pinto, lima and stringbeans, peppers, potatoes, romaineand spinach), unsalted peanuts andpeanut butter, dry milk. Expertsadvise supplementation up to 3500 -7000 mg a day.

• Magnesium: helps to relax smoothmuscles in blood vessels, allowing themto dilate. Preferred forms are magnesiumorotate or magnesium glycinate. Upto 350 mg daily.


• Dandelion: acts as a natural potassium-sparing diuretic for excess fluid.

• European mistletoe: can reduceheadaches and dizziness associate wi thhigh blood pressure. Blood pressure-lowering effects are small and may takeweeks to become evident. Should be takenonly under careful supervision ofphysician trained in it's use.

• Garlic: based on a large number ofclinical studies, reduces cardiovascularrisk factors. British and Australianresearchers analyzed eight studies of garlicas a treatment for high blood pressure. Ata dose of 600 to 900 mg/day - theequivalent of one to two cloves - garlicreduced BP significantly. Garlic liquidextract, aged at least 1 yr. Seems toproduce more significant and sustaineddrops in BP.

• Hawthorn: dilates coronary arteries thatfeed the heart, has a mild blood pressurelowering effect in early stages ofcongestive heart failure. Recommended100 to 240 mg of standardized extract3x's a day

• Hibiscus tea: in a controlled trial,people with hypertension received eitherHibiscus tea or ordinary tea (2 Tbs. in onecup of water) consumed daily for 12 days.By the final day, BP was 11% lower inthe treatment group, compared to 4% inthe control group.

• Indian Snakeroot: contains powerfulalkaloids, including reserpine, that affectblood pressure and heart function. Usedtraditionally to treat hypertension,especially when associated with stress andanxiety. Possible serious side effects,should be taken only under carefulsupervision with physician trained in it'suse.

• Reishi mushrooms: in a double blindtrial, reishi mushrooms significantlylowered blood pressure in humans/ Aconcentrate extract of reishi (25: 1) 55mg3x's a day for four weeks was used.

Current Alternative TherapiesAvailable

Alternative therapies can reduce or in somecases eliminate your dependence onmedication. The following altemativelblendedtherapies may be useful:• Acupuncture• Auricular (ear) acupressure• Ayurvedic medicine• Behavioral education• Biofeedback• Chinese medicine• Chiropractic therapy• Exercise conditioning• Herbal medicine

(Dandelion, Garlic, Hawthorn, Hibiscus)• Homeopathy• Hypnotherapy• ImageryNisualization• Meditation• Music therapy• Nutritional therapy/Diet• Qi Gong and Tai Chi• Social Support• Yoga and Meditation

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (yr 2002)

Our ProtocolThe following are the acupressure points weused to lower my dad's blood pressure, asdirected in the book, Acupuncture WithoutNeedles. In the beginning we used a rotarymotion with the thumb or middle finger andthen applied a steady pressure on each point.Soon we used the Natural Energy Stimulatoror an Acuspark ... much quicker and just aseffective, if not more so.

1.) Carotid sinus. Found at thebifurcation of the common carotidartery on either side of the neck.(Locate the top of our Adam's apple andslide your finger back until you feel apulsation.) This important glandregulates the blood pressure; attached tospecial nerve-end-organs that have theability to raise and lower BP by way of areflex arc over the carotid branch of theglossopharyngeal nerve. Hold fingertippressure for a slow five count. Breathedeeply. Press once more, letting thebreath out. Repeat the process at least3x's on both sides of the neck. It maybe done simultaneously.

Bony skull ridge,Medulla Oblongta(Bllse or skul)

Carotid sinus

2.) Skull base. Run your fingertipsacross the bony ridge that runs from earto ear at the base of the skull. Note anypainful areas in the overlying scalp asyou apply pressure on each. Repeat atleast 3x's, with increasing amounts ofpressure, but never to rough)

3. ) Solar plexus Place fingertips of bothhands into your solar plexus area,expelling all air from your lungs. Apply

pressure holding for a slow five countand release. Repeat at least 3x's.

4. ) Excite Pericardial meridian Graspthe tip of the third finger, squeeze andpull. Repeat alternately 5x's on eachhand.

5.) Medulla Oblongata area. Applypressure on the medulla oblongata at thebase of the skill. rubbing until thetenderness is gone in the scalp andunderlying tissues. The tendernessshould dissipate. (See head diagramabove.)

6. ) LI 15 Large intestine is just behind theshoulder. Apply rotating pressure,repeat at least 3x's. (See head diagramabove.)

For additional beneficial influence in curbinghigh blood pressure, you can "activate" thefollowing schedule of action in the followingorder:

A.) 8-54 (in crease behind the knee)

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (yr 2002)

B.) K-l (bottom of the foot)

C.) TW-5 (top of the wrist - centrally)

D.) Liv-13 (on the side at the end ofthe l lth lib)

E.) P-9 (the 3rd fingertip (thumb side»

One day Dad's blood pressure was 197/78 at2:43 pm - too high. He was out of the bloodpressure medicine. Tested him for vitamins,he took a nap, retested blood pressure. To ourdisappointment, it was even higher (213/96 at3: 15 pm) even after taking the vitamins andthe nap. I happened to notice that it wenthigher after working on his checkbook andbills, so silently surrogated and repatterned hisBP to be less than 140/90, as isrecommended. Repatterned statements withhim not to worry about money, about wantingto be healthy and well, about handling stress,etc. By 4:00 pm, 45 minutes later, it dropped23 points to ]90178 - still too high. Thought it

would be high after supper - but it wasn't-( 172171 at 6:46 another 18 points lower) Wetook a reading again at 10:23 pm and itdropped another 15 points to 157/78, evenafter he had been working on balancing hischeckbook. This was very exciting to me!What if we could continue to show a changewithout medication and using only diet, TFH.points and the repatterning technique? Thisbegan the search for what specifically stressedhim enough to raise the BP and as to whatevents/thoughts lowered it.

Dad has taken high quality vitamins, "juiced"vegetables and fruits and had made somedietary changes over the past many years. Wegradually refined more dietary changes,muscle monitoring much of what he ate,discovering foods/beverages he was sensitiveto and eliminating or reducing them. We didperiodic Touch for Health balances, as well asmuscle checked and repatternedkinesiologically for the following "areas"whenever the blood pressure was too high:

Fears (doctor, clinic, stress test, bloodtest, knee surgery)

FoodsRelationships (Self / Others)Money/CheckbookBeing at peace with himselfLife Changes /movingVitamin/mineral deficiency (Not enough,

too much)Too much salt

We learned that his BP was consistentlylower:

-after dancing on Friday nights for 3-4hours (Ex. Before 186174 After129/61)

-after his Kiwani's meeting (Ex. After129/62)

-after bowling (usually) (Ex. After132152)

-after socializing/dinner with relatives orfriends. (Ex. Before 154/61 After129/74)

-after church and lunch with relatives (Ex.Before ]83/85 After 141155)

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (yr 2002)

His BP has consistently increased:

-in doctor's office (Ex. 142/80 nurse tookreading 190/80 doctor took 15 minlater)

-before going to clinic or hospital forblood tests, stress test, the unknown,etc,

(Ex. 204/84 before clinic appointment142159 afte r appointment 2.5 hourslater)

(Ex. 9 am 162/65 11:30 am at Bloodbank 234/112 3:05 pm after lunch253/107

3:23 pm after walk to emergencyroom 224/89 4:00 220/95 talk withdoctor

12:30 am after 3 hrs of dancing146/60)

-around conflict situations

-after working on taxes, checkbook orother papers involving money (Ex.186/69 before Repatteming work)

-interaction with or about my brother ashe was dying from cancer last year

Examples of intervention:

a.) Before a TFH goal balance and ashower 178/97 After 132/44

b.) Before 162176 at 8:40 pm Afterrunning ONLY the Heart meridianand rubbing K27's 132.174 at 8:43pm, three minutes later

c.) Before a TFH goal balance 97/50(too low for him) After 135/66

d.) Before Deep breathing andstimulating acupressure points167177After 116/564 min. later

Sometimes we did only some of theacupressure points to see if they allmattered or if just several needed to beused. Each time we were able tomonitor with the results with the bloodpressure cuff. In my dad's case, K-I

and the deep breathing were crucialnearly always. One time this pastMarch the blood pressure rose afterstimulating the points. It wasdetermined through muscle checking,that the kidney energy needed to be de-energized and the heart energized.After this experience, the alarm pointswere used to determine over energybefore stimulating the acupressurepoints we were originally using. Iused corresponding points from theTFH book to de-energize whereneeded ..

e.) Recently, after dancing for the firsttime Dad's BP was actually too highrather than lowered, as it always hadbeen in the past eight months of Fridaynight dancing.Checking for possibilities as to why.led to his sodium levels being toohigh. Again muscle checking forsomething to counteract the sodiumeffects, he tested for, not a banana. buta tangelo we had just bought. Withinminutes of eating it, retook his BP; itdropped significantly, but not enough.Amazi ngly, holding t h r e epotassium under his tongue whilewe took a third reading with the BPcuff within 3 minutes of the lastreading. It dropped 18 more points;running the heart meridian andstimulating NL for the heartdecreased it another 11 points to anacceptable level.

f.) Another: Before dancing at 6:45 pm182/103 After dancing 158173 at12:35 pmOnly pitched and pulled the 3rd fingeraltemately 5 x's Reading: 138/63 at12:38 pm

CAUTION: This information was compiledover a 9 month period always with the goal inmind of stabilizing Dad's blood pressure to140/80. Much to my dismay, as I was typingthis paper, I read yet other chapter on bloodpressure from Inner Cleansing Curewhich states, from lAMA (262 7:920)"Researchers say many more peopleeventually had severe or fatal heart attacks

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (yr 2002)

following blood pressure treatments thatresulted in drops of less than six points ormore than 18 points. People whose diastolic(bottom number) dropped from seven to 17points had the least amount of heart attacks.People with very large and very small drops inblood pressure face three to four times the riskof heart attack compared with people withmoderate declines. the study says.

"Big blood pressure drops are hard onheart. Seen another way, the risks of fatalheart attack were about the same for thosewhose high blood pressure remained virtuallyunchanged as for those with a large fall inblood pressure. Why those with big drops inblood pressure should face the same risks asthose whose blood pressure remained high isunknown.

"The research indicates that an "ideal" bloodpressure figure may be an unrealistic goal andmay even be dangerous for many people. Onespeculation was that a big blood pressure dropmay result in poor blood flow through heartarteries, starving the heart muscle and leadingto a heart attack ... Doctors involved in theresearch made two suggestions:

1.) Your doctor shou ld seek a veryspecific treatment tailored to eachpatient that will protect the heart whiletrying to lower blood pressure and

2.) Until this goal is attainable, thecautious physician should seek modest(in the range of seven to 17 mm Hg ofdiastolic blood pressure) reduction forthose with mild to moderatehypertension. "

Treating hypertension with drugs, believed bymany doctors to cause symptoms of aging,such as fatigue, forgetfulness and impotence,reduces the quality of your life with theirunpleasant side effects. A healthy lifestyle canlead to lower blood pressure. When BP iscontrolled, symptoms of heart failure oftenimprove or vanish; kidney deterioration isarrested and the threat of strokes is greatlyminimized. Keeping your BP reading 120/80and below is best, enough to add 25 years ofgood health to your life, according to MichaelRoien, M.D. author of RealAge: Are YouAs Young As You Can Be?

The real beauty of our work with Touch forHealth and the other Kinesiologies is beingable to discover from the person what thebody needs/wants light now. Combined withaccessible "medical measuring tools" such asthe blood pressure cuff, adds a tremendousdimension for monitoring results not easilyrecognized by symptoms and feelings inhelping our family, loved ones and client".


Appel. L.J. et at. "A Clinical Trial of theEffects of Dietary Patterns on BloodPressure," NEJM, 336: 1117, 1997..Alternative Medicine, "Highlslood PressureDrugs: Making Patients Sick and Tired,,Boone, JL. "Stress and Hypertension."Prim Care. 18(3):623-49. Sep 1991.Bucher, HC et al. "Effects of DietaryCalcium Supplementation on BloodPressure," JAMA, 275: 1016, 1996.Dossey, L. "The Healing Power of Pets,"Alt. Therapies, 3:8, July 1997.Dustan, HP. "Obesity and Hypertension."Diabetes Care. 14(6):488-504. Jun 1991.Horan. MJ, Lenfant, C. "Epidemiology ofBlood Pressure and Predictors ofHypertension." Hypertension. 15(2Suppl):I20-4. Feb 1990.Knapp, H.R. "Omega-3 Fatty Acids,Endogenous Prostaglandins, and BloodPressure Regulation in Humans,"Nutrition Reviews, 47:30 I, 1989.Melby, C. et at. "Blood Pressure and BloodLipids Among Vegetarian, Semivegetarianand Nonvegetarian African Americans,"Am. J. Clin. Nutrition, 59: 103, 1994.Morgenstern. N, Byyny, RL. "Epidemiologyof Hypertension in the Elderly." DrugsAging. 2(3):222-42. May-Jun 1992 Silaby,C. and A. Neil. "A Meta-Analysis of theEffect of Garlic on Blood Pressure," J. ofHypertension, 12:463, 1994.Superko, HR. et al. "Effects of Cessation ofCaffe inated Coffee Consumption onAmbulatory and Resting Blood Pressure inMen," Am. J. Cardiology, 73:780, 1994.

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TOPS-I Research Group. "Effects ofNonpharmacologic Interventions on BloodPressure of Persons with High-NormalLevels," JAMA, 267:1213,1992.Wenneberg, S.R. et aJ. "Controlled Study ofTM on Cardiovascular Reactivity and BloodPressure ," Int. J. Neuroscience, 89: 15,1997.Whelton, P. et al. "Sodium Reduction andWeight Loss in the Treatment ofHypertension in Older Persons," JA MA,279:839, 1998.


Beircher-Benner, nutrition plan for Highblood-Pressure Problems; PyramidPublications, 1973, 1977Castleman, Michael, Nature's Cures, St.Martin's Press, 1996Cerney, J. V., D.C., A.B., D.M.,Acupuncture Without Needles, PrenticeHall, 1999Fortmann, Stephen R., MD., BloodPressure Book, How to get it downand keep it down; Bull Publishing CO,2001Irwin, Theodore, Watch your Bloodpressure!; Public Affairs Committee,1972,1979

Kirban, Salem, Heart Disease, TheMedical Approach versus TheNutritional Approach, Salem Kirban, Inc.1982Malekey, Gale and the Editors of PreventionHealth Books, Nature 's Medicines,Rodale Press, Inc. 1999Moore, Richard D., M.D., PhD.; The HighBlood Pressure Solution, AScientifically Proven Program forPreventing Strokes and Heart Disease,Healing Arts Press, 2001Murray, Michael T. Encvclopedia ofNatural Medicine, Prima, 1998.Nature Cure for Hig Blood Pressure;Thorsons Publishers Limited, 1955, 1979Pelletier, Kenneth, M.D., The BestAlternative Medicine, Simon & Schuster,2000 Snoeddon, J.Russell, N.D.;Rowan, Robert, M.D. Control HighBlood Pressure Without DrugsPhysicians' Desk Reference. Montvale,NJ: Medical Economics Co., 1998.Yeager, Selene and the Editors of PreventionHealth Books, The Doctors Book ofFood Remedies, Rodale, Inc. 1998

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (year 2002)

The Importance of Prayer and Intentionin the Healing Process

by ArJene Green

u.s. KINESIOLOGY TRAINING INSTITUTE7121 New Light TR, Chapel Hill, N.C 27516.


There has been a growing interest in thescientific community over the last few years inexploring the role of spirituality in the healingprocess. There have been over 1500 studies ofthe effect of spirituality to health. At least halfof the 80 medical schools in the U.S. areoffering courses on spirituality, and somespecifically on "spirituality and medicalpractice". Conferences on spirituality, prayerand healing are being held at some of the mostprestigious medical schools in the country.Psychic and spiritual healing are gaining newcredibility in contemporary medical circles aswell as governmental agencies. The NationalInstitute of Health (NIH) is funding studies onspirituality and healing. Many physicians andhospitals are participating in double-blindclinical trials of spiritual healing.

Given the research over the past thirty yearsthere is much evidence to suggest that healinginvolves more than just techniques andtreatment regimens. We have been aware foryears now of the phenomenon of the 'placeboeffect' whereby the expectation and belief ofthe patient or subject can affect the healingoutcome. Dr. Herbert Benson of HarvardUniversity, back in the 1970s and 1980s,showed that people who prayed could reducetheir stress and lower their blood pressure andheart rate by inducing what he called theRelaxation Response. There is also a growingbody of research showing that the belief,intention, prayer and attitude of the doctor canalso affect healing outcomes. Research onprayer and intention offer exciting implications

for those of us in the healing arts field. Whatdoes the data on prayer suggest and howmight we use that knowledge to enhance theeffectiveness of what we do in Touch forHea1th?

What is Prayer?

The word 'prayer' comes from the Latin,precarius "obtained by begging," and precari"to entreat, to ask earnestly, beseech,implore." Larry Dossey, a leading medicalauthority on the subject of prayer, definesprayer as "communication with the Absolute."In its simplest form "prayer is an attitude ofthe heart; a matter of being not doing."Prayerfulness is that attitude or state of mindin which we feel a sacred connection with theAbsolute. Prayer involves a focused state ofmind usually characterized by feelings ofquiet, serenity, and stillness.

What is Intention?The word intention comes from the Latin,intentitus "a stretching toward." AmericanHeritage dictionary defines it as "an aim thatguides action." Leonard Laskow, physicianand researcher, refers to it as "a holdingattention on a desired outcome, and holdingattention requires will, which is a persistent,focused desire." In Chinese and indigenoushealing traditions, intent is what directs thehealing energy.

Non-Locality in Quantum Physics andHealing

The term "distant healing" or "distant mentalinfluence on biologic systems" (adopted byNIH) is an attempt to find a way to objectivelydescribe the outcome of what others might callpsychic healing, energy healing or prayer.

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (yr 2002)

Intercessory prayer, unlike hands-on healing,does not involve some conventional form ofenergy (i.e.electromagnetic) that is sent orreceived, but relies on a mind-to-mindconnection which is not dependent ondistance. Whether intercessory prayer ordistant healing is done from the next room orfrom the other side of the globe, its effects areeffective and immediate. Distant healing hasstrong correlations to what is referred to inquantum physics as non-local events.

Quantum physics experiments have revealedthe existence of what are called "non-local"events. Experiments have shown that if twosubatomic particles that have been in contactare separated, a change in one is correlatedwith a change in the other, instantly and to thesame degree, no matter how far apart theymay be. Non-local events have three commoncharacteristics. They are urunediated, meaningdistant changes do not depend on thetransmission of energy. They are unmitigated,which means the strength of the change doesnot become weaker with increasing distance.Thirdly, the effects are immediate, takingplace simultaneously.

Research on Distant Healing andPrayer

In 1998, forty scientists from universities andresearch laboratories around the U.S. gatheredat Harvard University to examine and evaluatethe data on distant healing. Preliminary datapresented at this conference suggested that weare on the verge of an explosion of evidence tosUpp011 the efficacy of distant healing. Formore than thirty years there have been scoresof studies conducted and documented inexcellent peer reviewed publications that showhigh quality, well replicated laboratoryevidence of the existence of a mind-to-mindconnection. These studies demonstrate thatfocused mental attention and intention caninfluence both the physical and mentalprocesses of another person from a distance.

In 1993, psychiatrist, Dr. Daniel Benor,brought together a compilation of over 150controlled studies of psychic, mental andspiritual healing in his book He al in gResearch. In it, studies on organisms asdiverse as enzymes, cell cultures, bacteria,yeasts, plants, animals and humans show that

at least 1/2 to 2/3 of them demonstratestatistically significant results.

One of the most famous studies on prayer at adistant was conducted in 1988 by Dr.Randolph Byrd. This was a double-blindstudy involving 393 patients in the coronarycare unit of San Francisco General Hospital.In a double-blind study, neither the patient northe researcher knows who are in whichexperimental group. The results of this studyshowed that the prayed-for patients didsignificantly better on several outcomes. Italso showed the efficacy of prayer was thesame from great distances as it was close tothe hospital. While the prayed-for patientsshowed some improvement over the controlgroup, many see the Byrd experiment assuggestive but inconclusive and ambiguousbecause of a variety of variables that cannot becontrolled: variables such as the controlpatients praying for themselves or beingprayed for by their family or friends.

In view of the potential for the attitude of thesubject interfering with the tests results, it hasbeen found easier for researchers to study theeffects of intention and prayer in plants,animals and cells of blood, bacteria and yeast.With these subjects, one can rule out theplacebo effect as they presumably are nothealing due to their belief in the healer or theeffectiveness of the treatment; nor are theylikely praying for themselves to get better.Several studies have been conducted showingthat prayer can affect the germination andgrowth rate of seeds. Experiments withrenowned healer Olga Worrall showed thatshe could stimulate the growth rate of ryeseedlings by 840% from a distance of 600miles away. She said that she did this duringher prayer time, by visualizing the plants filledwith light and energy. In another experimentwith seeds, Reverend Goodfellow ofGuttenberg, Iowa found that when hiscongregation started praying for seeds,farmers reported higher yields in areas wherethe seeds and crops had been blessed.Researcher William Braud of the MindScience Foundation in San Antonio, Texas,found that subjects could influence the rate ofhemolysis (bursting of red blood cells) at adistance to a degree unexplainable by chance.Other researchers like Leonard Laskow have

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (yr 2002)

successfully used intention to influence thegrowth rate of bacteria cells. In oneexperiment, he was able to reduce growth rateof bacteria cultures 50% over controls.Another researcher, Dr. Bernard Grad, has"demonstrated that the absorption spectrum,surface tension, conductivity and acidity ofwater can be altered by focused thought orintent."

While studies of distant healing involvinghuman beings are challenging to designbecause of uncontrollable factors such ashope, expectation, and the healer/patientrelationship, there have been several well-designed studies that confirm such an effect.In 1994 California Pacific Medical Centerdesigned a methodologically sound researchproject with the purpose of determiningwhether healing intentions over distance iseffective. Two double-blind studies werecompleted using Aids patients as subjects withfindings that showed a 40% mortality in thecontrol group but no death in the prayed-forgroup. Researchers Braud and Schlitzsuccessfully demonstrated in thirteenexperiments the ability of 62 people toinfluence the physiology of 271 distantsubjects, who were unaware of the time thatthe attempt would be made. The effectsproved to be consistent and replicable.

Surprise Findings from IntentionStudies

Several research studies have yielded somesurprising findings that indicate just howpowerful one's belief and intention can be. Inthree double-blind studies of the use ofVitamin E in treating angina pectoris, anenthusiastic doctor who believed in theefficacy of Vitamin E found it significantlymore effective than a placebo, while twostudies conducted by skeptics showed noeffect. In another study using a minortranquilizing drug, three of four studiessuggested strongly that the effectiveness of thedrug over the placebo was correlated with thephysician's attitudes and beliefs toward it. Itsconclusion was that the beliefs of theprescribing physician can somehow penetratedouble-blind conditions of the experiment andshape the action of the drug. In yet anotherscientifically sound double-blind experimentusing human subjects, one researcher who

believed in distant healing. showed that hersubjects had statistically significant increasesin autonomic nervous system response, whileanother skeptical researcher following thesame procedures did not obtain any significantresults. Again, these inconsistent results havelead researchers to postulate the influence ofan "experimenter effect," or researcher's biaswhich can penetrate double-blind studies.

Even more amazing have been studies onintention involving mechanical devices, suchas a random event generator (REG). In over50 million trials over more than 15 years theresults overwhelmingly showed thatindividuals can influence the REG, steering itsoutput from sheer randomness toward aparticular pattern. The odds against being achance happening were a trillion to one.Operators described an emotional bondingwith the machines, "becoming one" with thedevice while they are trying to influence it.These experiments conducted at PEAR lab atPrinceton University show clearly that theeffects of emphatic bonding transcend spaceand even time. Operators were asked toinfluence the machines output 'after' it hadrun. and the results were identical to effortsmade in the present. Helmut Schmidt, aphysicist, found similar results showing thatsubjects can influence the output of a REGafter the machine had run. Esteemedstatisticians estimate the likelihood ofSchmidt's results being due to chance at sevenmillion to one. Schmidt's experiments appearto indicate that past subatomic events aremalleable, capable of being influencedmentally, even though they have alreadyoccurred and been recorded in some way, solong as they have not been consciouslyobserved. In quantum physics, too, looking,or the 'observer effect,' converts possibilitiesand potentialities into actual events and fixesthem. Could this concept not apply to a personreceiving a medical diagnosis?

Distinctions between Energyl PsychiclSpiritual Healing

Energy and psychic healers, whether incontact or at a distance from the client, hold aspecific intent of replenishing or manipulatingthe 'energy flows' or symptoms of the client.Psychic and energy healing modalities (ingeneral) involve training. conscious effort,

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (yr_ 2002)

directing one's attention to a particular part ofthe body or body functions, and logicaldecision making on the mental level of thepractitioner. An inherent aspect of all threehealing modalities involves 'informationaccess and sharing' through a mind-to-mindconnection. With many schools of energyhealing, the healer acts as a channel to transfervarious frequencies of energy to another withthe intent of rebalancing the energy field. Innon-contact Therapeutic Touch, researcherJanet Quinn considers it possible that througha shift in consciousness, TT practitioners insome way facilitate a "repatterning of therecipient'S energy field through a process ofresonance, rather than an energy exchange ortransfer" .

In spiritual healing, the intention of the healeris to allow their "consciousness to be used asan expression of the non-local Infinite Mind,which some know as God." Spiritual healingis not a type of mental force exerted willfullyand selectively. Healers hold a peaceful state,surrendering their ego to a source of active,organizing intelligence. Their intention is to behelpful, to be used as an instrument or conduitof information that enables and activates theperson's self healing ability. An important partof spiritual healing involves not justmaintaining an attitude of openness but also aconscious choice of staying nonattached to theoutcome.

Key Elements to Effective Prayer andIntention

What have we learned so far from thelaboratory studies and from the experience andwisdom of healers? First of all, research hasshown there is no correlation between one'sprivate religious belief and the outcome oreffectiveness of prayer. A key factor in theeffectiveness of prayer seems to be love, notthe religion that accompanies it. The effect ofprayer can be strengthened by faith and belief,though prayer does not require belief on thepart of the recipient in order to work. Therecipient does, however, need to be open andreceptive to the possibility of healing. Healersreport that the primary precursors to healingeffects are a mind-to-mind connection withloving and caring intentions by the healer.

Empathy, compassion and love seem to forma literal bond, a resonance, between livingthings.

Researcher William Braud feels the "mosteffective form of intentionality appears to beone that is goal-oriented and thorough, yet notexcessively effortful or egocentric." Heidentifies five techniques that have directapplication to the way we pray: "relaxationand quietude, attention training, imagery andvisualization, intentionality, and strongpositive emotions."

In the Isaiah Effect, Gregg Braden offersinsight on the lost science of prayer based onthe ancient Essene traditions and modernscience. The effect of prayer, he says, comesfrom something other than the words of theprayers themselves. Thoughts are what guideus and give us direction. Emotion is theenergy that fuels our thoughts to make themreal and is closely aligned with desire. Feelingrepresents the union of thought and emotionand is what Braden refers to as the key toprayer. Alignment of those three elements ofthought, emotion and feeling is what givespower to our prayers. Gregg Braden also saysthat the secret of the lost mode of prayer is toshift our perspective of life by feeling that ourprayers have already been answered. Prayingfrom an attitude of love and gratitude ratherthan out of need or fear would certainly seemto have more positive effects, on a lot oflevels, particularly for the person doing thepraying.

Implications for Touch for HealthWhen we look at the original intention ofTouch for Health, Dr. Thie's desire to providea simple format of skills from AppliedKinesiology for the average person to use forthemselves, their family and their friends, wecan all appreciate the loving intent behind hiscreation of TFH. Over the years the teachingof TFH has been modified slightly toencourage even greater self-responsibility onthe part of the person being balanced. Moreinvolvement in their own healing process addsto a person's sense of self-control in theirhealth and that belief can be helpful inmobilizing an even stronger immuneresponse.

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (yr 2002)

As the research indicates, and as many of usin TFH have discovered over the years, abelief in the effectiveness of the process is notnecessary on the part of the recipient. Aperson being balanced who is open to theprocess, though perhaps skeptical, will oftenbe surprised by its positive results. As healersfind too, what seems more important inhealing is the degree of need. The more out ofbalance a person is the more of a differencethey will feel afterwards.

A more significant influence for the personbeing balanced may be their belief andconfidence in the person doing the balancing.Their expectation and belief of the expertise ofthe practitioner coupled with their opennesstowards the process may set the stage formore optimal healing results.

Perhaps even more important to the success ofthe process is the role of the practitioner.Muscle testing is an art, and as such, a certainamount of physical skill is, of course,important. However, could it not be true thatthe attitude of the person doing the balancingis influencing its effectiveness as well? Whilenew practitioners get good results, there aremany times their results are inconsistent. Newpeople often miss the subtle muscleimbalances when muscle testing, and thoughthat is partly due to lack of experience with thephysical technique, confidence seems to playarole too. A practitioner's confidence inthemselves and the process comes across insubtle ways that can consciously andunconsciously affect the attitude of the client.The more confident the practitioner, the morelikely they are to stay focused on 'allowing'for the process to happen; and less distractedby their self doubts. Keeping in mind theadage "energy follows intention" one can seehow a person who is having self doubts orconfusion on an inner level might find theirmuscle testing results less than optimal. Ifscience has shown that a researcher's intentioncan influence the results, it follows that thethoughts and intention of the practitionerwould then likely affect the subtle energiesthat are being tested and balanced. The moreconfident and clear the practitioner can remainduring the process, the more likely they are toget clear, consistent and accurate results withmuscle testing.

The TFH balancing process enables thepractitioner and client to align their intention,based on their knowledge and desire, bycreating a goal, an outcome toward which tohave as their focus. A goal articulates ourdesire of how we want to change. 'When weask people to show or tell us how that wouldbe different, to some degree they are accessingthat 'feeling' state. For the practitioner, themore they can bring their 'feeling' ofconfidence, combined with their 'desire' tohelp, aligned with the 'goal' in mind, the morelikely they are to empower the process. AsGregg Braden found with prayer, aspractitioner and client merge theirthought/knowledge/belief, withemotion/desire/willingness to change, andtheir feeling/intention/goal of how they wantto be different, they engage the formula ofhaving successful results. Also, setting ourgoals in positive terms in present time, iscongruent with Braden's findings of theimportance of feeling our prayers, or in thiscase our goals, as if they were already trueand answered.

Setting a goal gives direction to our work as itorganizes the energy field into a particularpattern. Richard Gerber (VibrationalMedicine) refers to the meridian system asthe interface between the subtle energies andphysical body. Muscle testing enables us toidentify the specific meridian pattern that is inrelation to that goal. If we didn't set a goal,then the balance would be in relation towhatever meridian pattern is showing in themoment for that person. By focusing on agoal. the person's energetic pattern can reflectin the present a pattern of energy of anothertime. Balancing releases the energetic patternin relation to that issue. The ramifications arethat goal balancing are more thorough andlonger lasting as they can work beyond thepresent time to release specific reactivepatterns. The changes that occur when theenergetic pattern is released can manifest onthe physical, mental, emotional, biochemicaland spiritual levels.

When we muscle test, we are tapping into thatmind-to-mind connection. While the TFHbalancing process does not consciously focuson accessing the Universal Mind, or mind-to-mind connection, it appears that the process of

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (yr 2002)

muscle testing is doing just that. The more thatthe testor can 'get out of the way,' the easier itis for them to access that body/mind wisdom.We have seen that an important part of qualitymuscle testing for the practitioner involvesmaintaining confidence but also staying 'clear'to have best results. Staying clear whenmuscle testing means not having anypreconceived ideas about muscle responses.Another important aspect of staying clear forthe practitioner is also letting go of any ideasof how we think the results of the balanceshould look. Staying unattached to theoutcome allows for the possibility of 'ThyWill be Done' to intercede when necessary.The practitioner and client may align theirintentions in the goal setting, but keepingalways as the greater goal that openness to'divine intention or will' is important to keepin mind.

As practitioners, I think the best that we canoffer, aside from our expertise, is anunconditionally loving and compassionatepresence, that is open to the highest good ofthe client. In doing so, we elevate a physicallybased process to another dimension. Thisattitude and consciousness that we can bringto our sessions, like prayer in action, canbring a depth of healing beyond simply thephysical mechanics involved in the process.What we can offer is a true integration ofbody, mind and spirit with our work.

The following prayer I often use to help mecenter and clear my intention when I work withclients.

"0 God. Make me as a hollow reedfrom which the pith of self hath beenblown, so that I may become a clearchannel through which Thy love mayflow to others"

- Baha'i Prayer


Braden, Gregg The Isaiah Effect: Decodingthe Lost Science of Prayer and Prophecy.New York, NY: Three Rivers Press, 2000.

Dossey, LaITY Healing Beyond the Bod .v.Medicine and the Infinite Reach of theMind. Boston, Ma: Shambala Publications.2001.

Dossey, LaITYHealing Words: The Power ofPrayer and the Practice of Medicine. NewYork, NY: HarperCollins Publishers, 1993.

Dossey, LaITY Prayer is Good Medicine:How to Reap the Healing Benefits ofPrayer. New York, NY: HaperCollinsPublishers, 1996.

Gerber, Richard Vibrational Medicine: NewChoices for Healing Ourselves. Santa Fe,NM: Bear & Company, 1988.

Green, Arlene 'The Power of Intention inMaking a Difference'. Touch For HealthAssociation Annual Journal, 1995 (48-51).

Laskow, Leonard Healer Intentions. BridgesQuarterly Magazine ISSSEEM vol.lO (3) Fall1999, (13).

Targ, Elizabeth 'Distant Healing'. NoeticSciences Review vol 49 Aug-Nov 1999 (24).

Targ, Russell and Katra, Jane Miracles ofMind: Exploring Nonlocal Consciousnessand Healing. Novato, Ca: New WorldLibrary, 1998.

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (year 2002)

Energy Psychologyby Larry Green

u.s. KINESIOLOGY TRAINING INSTITUTE7121 New Light TR. Chapel Hill, N.C 27516.


There is a new field in psychology calledEnergy Psychology. Energy Psychologyworks with meridians, chakras and auras toaddress many of the issues of traditionalpsychology. The practitioners in EnergyPsychology claim to produce very fast andremarkable results for people dealing withphobias, Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome,anxiety, addictions, allergies and otherproblems.

HistoryDr. Roger Callahan, a psychologist, had apatient in 1980 with a phobia about water. Hetreated her in the traditional manner, but oneday tried something different. He had beenstudying the meridian system and he tappedthe end point of her stomach meridian. Herphobia immediately and permanentlydisappeared.

Dr. Callahan began exploring this connectionbetween meridian tapping and phobiaelimination. He created a series of tappingsequences for many problems and called hissystem Thought Field Therapy (TFT). Heeventually began training others in using hisdiscovery. Just like TFH some of his creativestudents took the technique in new directions.Modified versions of the 'Callahan technique'(as it is sometimes called) sprang up.Alternatives forms that are simpler, addressmore issues and take the field of 'meridiantapping' in new directions are now spreading.

Some of the better known offshoots ofCallahan's Thought Field Therapy (TFT)work are: Emotional Freedom Technique(EFT), Be Set Free Fast (BSFF) and TapasAcupuncture Technique (TAT). Anothersystem that is used in Energy Psychology isEye Movement Desensitization andReprocessing (EMDR). The practitioners of

these techniques often refer to them by theirinitials.

Association for ComprehensiveEnergy Psychology

The Association for Comprehensive EnergyPsychology - ACEP was founded in 1998. Itwas started by three psychotherapists whowanted to create a place for emerging systemsto be acknowledge, studied and disseminated.

The ACEP website says it's purpose is to'promotes a comprehensive, integratedunderstanding of Energy Psychology, inorder to establish the field's credibilityamong health professionals, particularlypsychotherapists. ACEP also creates acollegial atmosphere in which innovators,clinicians and researchers of va rio us EnergyPsychology approaches might collaboratewitn and enrich one another in order toproduce the highest quality of EnergyPsychology treatments for the public.Membership is open to professionals inpsychotherapeutic practice, allied healthprofessionals, researchers, organizations,students, and interested lay persons, whowish to develop, support and promote thediscipline of Energy Psychology'

OverviewEnergy Psychology recognizes three distinctenergy phenomenon that impact us and can beused to enhance our psychological health.These are the meridian system, the chakrasand the aural energy field(s). Energypsychology is holistic and transpersonal. Itacknowledges that our physical, emotional,mental and spiritual needs are all importantand deserve integration.

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (yr 2002)

The ACEP website has a 'Brief Summary ofthe Lineage That Feeds Into ComprehensiveEnergy Psychology' It lists: CHINA fordeveloping meridian theory and Fling Shui.INDIA for developing Chakra traditions,yoga and pranic healing THE WEST fordeveloping Kinesiology; Therapeutic Touchand other Complimentary Medicinemodalities; Aura traditions;HeartMath®;Empirical Research fromNorth America, Europe, and the former IronCurtain Countries; Theoretical Physics;Psvchologv; Dowsing; Radionics; andothers. HYBRIDS: George Goodheart's (andhis proteges'), innovations in MeridianInterventions, Touch for Health, Total Bod)'Modification and its derivatives (e.g.,NAET, TAT), Neuro-Emotional Technique,Educational Kinesiology (and Brain Gym),and Thought Field Therapy and itsderivatives.

As you can see the work that we do and teachin TFH is already at the heart of this newfield. Trained psychologists who have beenusing this for 3 years are consider 'oldhands.' We in TFH have a lot to offer them.And they have a lot to offer us!

Emotional Freedom Technique

One of Dr. Callahan's students is an engineernamed Gary Craig. Fascinated by the resultsof Thought Field Therapy (TFT) he studiedeverything he could with Dr. Callahan. GaryCraig then modified TFT and created his ownsystem called Emotional Freedom Technique(EFT). This system is presented in a verysimple way that anyone can follow and use.On his website Gary Craig gives a lot oftestimonials, background and 'free stuff'.Included in the 'free stuff is downloadablemanual which explains EFT. Gary Craig alsohas video tapes of him teaching how to workwith his system. He states that anyone usingthe free manual can do a lot of good forthemselves, families and friends. (Sounds alot like Dr. Thie.) Gary also recommendsanyone wanting to use this workprofessionally to buy his tapes for training andfor modeling the 'art of delivery'. The tapesare modestly priced for the large amount ofinformation in them. Gary Craig also teaches

workshops on EFT. His website is listed atthe end of this article

A synopsis and explanation of EFT techniqueis presented here.

The procedure consists of 4 steps which EFTcalls 'The Basic Recipe'. 1. The Setup 2. TheSequence 3. The 9 Gamut Procedure 4. TheSequence Steps # 2 & #4 use the sameprocedure and will be explained.

Before getting into 'The Basic Recipe' youneed to set a goal or have an issue each timeyou use this technique. Gary Craig says "Thecause of all negative emotions is a disruptionin the body's energy system." To counteractthis disruption we need to have a specificissue we are addressing. Unlike TFH goals, itneed not be stated as a positive outcome.

Emotional Freedom Technique is a form ofbalancing, just like TFH. When we do abalance with a goal in TFH we are interveningin an energetic pattern held by the meridiansaround a specific stress or issue. With TFHwe re-configure the energetic pattern. Thesame with EFT. We are going to repattern theenergetic system held around a stress or anissue. The nice thing about EFT is that it isquick and you can do it many times in a day.And you can do it on yourself. You can use itfor headaches, anxiety, fears, anger and manyother inner disturbance.

As the EFT websites says- 'Tuning in to aproblem can be done by simply thinkingabout it.... Thinking about the problem willbring about the energy disruptions involvedwhich then .... and only then .... can bebalanced by applying the technique.Without tuning in to the problem .... therebycreating those energy disruptions .... Thebasic Emotional Freedom Technique doesnothing. '

Once we choose an issue, we need a'Reminder Phrase' to use throughout thebalance to keep our focus on the issue. TheReminder Phrase should be short and sum upthe issue. It can even be one word if thatconveys the issue for you. In STEP I we willlearn to use a short affirmation around thegoal. You can use that short affirmation as theReminder Phrase.

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (yr 2002)

Besides setting a goal we also need to ratehow we feel about the issue on a scale of I-10, with 10 being a very difficult event orproblem and zero being no problem at all.This pre-balance assessment will be used laterto determine when we are complete. Theassessment is done in the present, huw wefeel and relate to it NOW. Each time we checkin on this issue we notice how it is NOW.

STEP # 1. The Setup is about clearing theenergy system to gel good, reliable results. InTFH we check for things like switching andhydration. EFT does not check for what is outof balance but just assumes it is useful toaddress it regardless. EFT explains that thisfirst step is to clear up any psychologicalreversals. According to the EFT manual

Psychological Reversal is caused bv selfdefeating, negative thinking which oftenoccurs subconsciously and thus outside ofvour awareness. On average, it will bepresent ... and thus hinder EFT ... about 40%of the time.

The set-up requires doing two things at thesame time 1. You repeat an afftrmation 3 timeswhile you ... 2. Rub the "Sore Spot" or,alternatively, tap the "Karate Chop" point

l). The correction for Psychological Reversalsis to use a neutralizing affu·mation. Thestandard affirmation is:

Even though I have this_________ , I deeply andcompletely accept myself.The blank is filled in with a concise statementof the issue you wish to address. Someexamples from the EFT manual:*Even though I have this fear of publicspeaking, I deeply and completely acceptmyself.*Even though I have this headache, I deeplyand completely accept myself.*Even though I have this anger towards myfather, I deeply and completely accept myself.*Even though I have this war memory, Ideeply and completely accept myself.*Even though I have this stiffness in my neck,I deeply and completely accept myself.

*Even though I have these nightmares, Ideeply and completely accept myself.*Even though I have this craving for alcohol,I deeply and completely accept myself.*Even though I have this fear of snakes, Ideeply and completely accept myself.*Even though I have this depression, I deeplyand completely accept myself.

Some points to know about the affirmation. Itdoes not matter if you believe it or not. It isbetter to say it out loud with feeling. And ifyou cannot muster enthusiasm, say itanyway.

2). Rubbing the 'sore spot' or tapping the'karate chop point'. Either one of these spotswill do. EFT says the sore spots are slightlymore reliable, but both do the job.

Sore Spots are described as 3 inches belowK-27 ( they don't use the termK-27 but describe it in lay anatomy) and 3inches out to either side from the sternum. Theinstructions also say to press vigorouslywithin a 2 inch radius of this spot searchingfor the 'sore spot'. According to EFT youonly need to rub one side, and it does notmatter which one.

The Karate Chop Point (KC) is located atthe center of the fleshy part of the outside ofyour hand (either hand) between the top of thewrist and the base of the baby fingeror .... stated differently ....the part of your handyou would use to deliver a karate chop.

If you use this point it does not matter whichhand you do it on. Either side will work. Itcorresponds to Small Intestine 3.3 - 3.5 on theacupuncture chart, To use this point instead ofthe 'sore spot' simply have the person karatechop with one hand into the palm of the otherhand.

To perform the set-up find the right concisephrase to use with the affumation and have theperson say it 3 times while rubbing the 'sorespot' or karate chopping one hand into theother palm.

STEP # 2 The Sequence.

The sequence involves tapping specific pointson the meridians. It is done by using the index

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and middle fingers held together and tappingwith these two finger tips. Tap firmly but nottoo hard. Tap each point about 7 times, but thenumber of taps is not fixed. You only need totap on one side of the body. It does not matterwhich side and it is OK to switch sides as yougo along. Either hand is OK to use.

The tapping is done in this sequence:(BP= beginning point of meridian & EP = endpoint of meridian.) BP Bladder, BP GallBladder, BP Stomach, EP Governing,EP Central, EP Kidney, EP Spleen,EP Lung, BP Large Intestine, EPCirculation Sex, EP Heart, and lastlythe karate chop point.

With each point you tap repeat the ReminderPhrase (preferably out loud.)

STEP # 3 The 9 Gamut Procedure

First locate the Gamut point. This pointcorresponds to Triple Warmer-3. To locateTW-3 look on the back of the hand, at thebase of the fingers and find the space betweenthe big knuckle of the ring finger and of thelittle finger. Now go 1/2 inch down towardsthe wrist. this is TW -3. This will be thetapping point for the 9 gamut procedure. Youwill tap the Gamut point continuously whiledoing the following 9 actions in this order:

The 9 Gamut actions are:

1. Close your eyes2. Open your eyes

3. Keeping the head steady, look with theeyes down far to the right4. Keeping the head steady, look with theeyes down far to the left5. Roll eyes in a circle clockwise, lookingfully in each direction. Move the eyessmoothly without skipping.6. Same as #5 counter clockwise.7. Hum a song for two seconds (happybirthday will do).8. Count rapidly from 1 to 5 (preferably outloud).9. Hum 2 seconds of a song again.

It does not take long to do all 9 steps.15- 20 seconds is satisfactory.

STEP #4 The sequence repeated

Sometimes the steps up to this point will havecleared the issue. In many cases there is stillmore to do. The way we know this is bychecking back on the pre-balance assessmentand notice where it is now between l-IO. If itis not at zero, then continue.

We continue by going back to the sequence oftapping points and doing them again. But wealter The Set-up affirmation slightly. The EFfmanual says:

Those subsequent rounds need to beadjusted slightly for best results. Here'swhy: One of the main reasons why the firstround doesn't always completely eliminatea problem is because of the re-emergence ofPsychological Reversal.. .. that interferingblockage that The Setup is designed tocorrect.

This time, Psychological Reversal shows upin a somewhat different form. Instead ofblocking your progress altogether it nowblocks any remaining progress. You havealready made some headway but becomestopped part way toward complete reliefbecause Psychological Reversal enters in amanner that keeps you from getting anybetter still.

Since the subconscious mind tends to bevery literal, the subsequent rounds of TheBasic Recipe need to address the fact thatyou are working on the remaining problem.Accordingly, the affirmation containedwithin The Setup needs to be adjusted asdoes the Reminder Phrase.

The adjusted affirmation would look like this:

Even though I still have some ofthis , I deeply and completelyaccept myself.

The difference is the addition of the words'still' and' some'.

An example of the new adjusted affirmationwould be:

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (yr 2002)

Even though I still have some fear aboutheights, I deeply and completely acceptmyself.

The Reminder Phrase also needs anadjustment. the word Remaining is added toit. So when we tap and use the phrase it willbe 'the remaining fear of heights" or "theremaining fear'.

We now go back to the sequence and repeatsteps #2 and #3 over a number of times untilthe issue has resolved itself and the pre-balance assessment is down to zero. Thismight take one repetition, a dozen. or manymore. Just stick with it.


Many issues have multiple aspects. You mayclear your fear of heights when thinking aboutstanding on a ladder. But later if you thinkabout a moving ferris wheel, the movementmay have an aspect connected with the issue.In this case you would re-do the EFTprocedure and include the movement in yourgoal.

As a newcomer to EFT, you may lack theexperience to be able to identify specificaspects and address them individually withThe Basic Recipe. That's okay. You needonly go with whatever feeling _'I.'OIl arehaving and address that feeling witn TheBasic Recipe. Your subconscious mindknows what you are working on. You mightaddress this "feeling" with a Setupaffirmation that goes ... "Even though I havethis feeling, I deeply and completely acceptmyself" and a Reminder Phrase thatsays ... "this feeling." Please understand thatthe majority of the problems The BasicRecipe addresses are not laden withnumerous aspects.

If you do have an aspect laden issue EFTrecommends doing The Basic Recipe 3 times aday on it for a month. Your subconsciousmind has a way of bringing up what isnecessary and you should have relief longbefore the 30 days are up.

Conversely EFT practitioners sometimes findthat people who have had many negativelycharged experiences around the same event

(like being hit as a child by their parent). findafter a few sessions all the events lose theircharge.

EFT claims that about 5% of people have'energy toxins' that impede or slow down theresults of this technique. The EFf websitetalks about the 'energy toxins' and givegeneral suggestions on what to look for(foods, environmental insults, etc.). But itdoes not teach you how to specifically find orclear them. It recommends training to learnthis skill but does not say what kind oftraining. The TFH skills you already havehold the knowledge to identify and help clearthese 'energy toxins.'

Gary Craig writes

EFT in a nutshellMemorize The Basic Recipe. Aim it at anyemotional or physical problem by customizingit with an appropriate Setup affirmation andReminder Phrase. Where necessary .... bepersistent until all aspects of the problem havevanished.

Try it on everything]!

AppendixNote about the meridian points used in EFf.-Looking this over you may notice that everymeridian has a point that is tapped except livermeridian. (Small Intestine has the karate choppoint and Triple Warmer has the gamut point.)Yang meridians are tapped at the beginning ofthe meridian and yin meridians are tapped ontheir end points.

Emotional Freedom Technique grew out ofRoger Callahan's Thought Field TherapyTechnique (TFT). In TFT you first have toclassify the issue as phobia, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, obsession, etc. Then onceyou have categorized the issue, each categoryhas a specific set of points that are tapped.Sometimes as few as three points are tapped.To simplify things Gary Craig took all thecategory's in TFT and developed a system thatwould work for everything. In EFf you aredoing all of Callahan's techniques withouthaving to figure out which one to do. You aretapping ALL the points along all of Callahan'sspecific categories, and by going over themagain and again you are covering all of his

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (yr 2002)

sequences. Any extra points that are tappedthe body ignores. Knowing this you maywant to experiment by adding the livermeridian endpoint. Gary Craig has simplifiedEFT so that practitioners do not have to learnanything about meridians or anatomy. All thepoints in the EFT manual are described inbasic anatomy that any schoolchild could use.

I went to a regional conference for EnergyPsychology in spring of 200 I. I took anintroductory workshop on EFT lead by 3licensed psycho- therapists. They had adrawing showing these tapping points on theface and body. Someone asked what thepoints were about. The three workshopleaders admitted having no idea, other than thepoints had something to do with acupuncture.There were about 20 people in the workshopand I was the only one who had a clue. Ibecame the resident expert for the class andexplained a little about which point went withwhich meridian. This work is so simple thatpeople with far less background than TFHersare learning it and using it with great success.

Web Resources

Association for Comprehensive EnergyPsychology

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) - GaryCraig's site.

Callahan Techniques

Be Set Free Fast - A system that extends someof EFT's work

Eye Movement Desensitazation andReprocessing

Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT)

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Joufnal (year 2002)

Communication Modes and Conflict Resolutionby Warren Jacobs, M.D.

2769 Las Pacinas Ave. Escondido CA 92025

Conflict: In growing lip I recall conflict withmy parents ..."Warren, stop playing! It's timeto come in and wash up for supper!", with mybrother ... "Don't touch that radio! We arelistening to Jack Armstrong and not The LoneRanger!", in school ... "Stand up now andrecite the poem." All of these memories have anegative flavor for me.

I suggest that we can also look at conflict in apositive way. It can provide an opportunityfor increased understanding, both of ourselvesand the other, when one mode of reacting inconflict is examined in the way I present toyou now.

Sight, hearing, feeling (touch), etc. are senseswe each are endowed with. I observe thatunder stress I find myself markedly sensitiveto what I hear, such as the tone of the other'svoice, or if I am on the telephone in a stressful

conversation, I have difficulty concentrating ifthe TV is on in the room, or if there is anotherconversation nearby. I have learned that I am aTonal type. When stressed, my usual facilitywith directions, numbers, facts, seems toleave me. I am so focused on what I hear thatI have trouble seeing my car keys even thoughthey are right on the desk. Am I getting old?Actually, when I think back, I have alwayshad such problems ... even more so in thepast.

What I am suggesting is that under stress eachof us experiences a shut- down of all but asingle sense and we, in such situations,perceive our world through this channel andare somewhat blind, deaf, or unaware as thecase may be to what the world is offering us atthat time. No wonder such misunderstandingis commonly encountered.

To Illustrate:Visual Phyllis

Digital David

Kinesthetic Nancy

Tonal Warren

"The yellow tablecloth is in the wash."

"Didn't I stand right here this morningand say 7:30 P.M. at the NE corner ofNordstrom's in University Town Center?"

Head is down, sobbing

"If you didn't take Mrs. Schafer's eraser,why didn't you look her in the eye?"

Communication only occurs when the information sent by the sender is received by the receiver.One would say this is obvious. In our examples, the all too common negative outcomes are likely.

With kinesiology as a tool we can provide a path to positive outcomes ... understanding,acceptance, and as a consequence, improved relationships.

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (yr 2002)

How to do this:First muscle test in the clear. .. pre-tests. I use name, test for water, central and governing.

Next, with a finger over the thymus and the subject thinking of a stress, muscle test. If subjectholds, have subject think of another stress.

Subject does NOT hold, proceed:

Eye to eye contact_muscle test

Nose in the air, left ear to tester_muscle test

Head down_muscle test

Right ear to tester_muscle test

Visuals do NOT hold

Digitals do NOT hold

Kinesthetics do NOT hold

Tonals do NOT hold

Discuss with subject or better, discuss with those close to the subject.

Ask testee if this "fits"?

Most individuals have one mode for lightstress and one for deep stress. Some are thesame for all levels of stress.

Of what value is this information to you andthe other you often conflict with or havedifficulty in communication?

Refer to reprint of Donna Eden's paper "TheEnergies of Love" with the "Do's" and"Don't's" for the various communications.She offers strategies for dealing with eachtype.

The paper was delivered by Donna in 200 I atthe Kinesiology Conference in Lincolnshire,United Kingdom.

Reference"The Energies of Love" by Donna Eden

Donna's system of muscle check differs frommine. I suggest you adopt the system thatseems right for you.

I ask you to consider conflict as a normal,natural consequence of interaction betweenindividuals. Persons being different willnaturally have differences.

We can deal with each other respecting thateach has one's own truth. Further, with anunderstanding of the communication modes,we can view behavior under stress as anexpression of the other's personality ratherthan as an unfeeling, uncaring, unaccepting,unloving response to ourselves.

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (year 2002)

The Patterns of Chinese Command Points and theirRelationship to Touch for Health Acupressure Holding Points

by Adam Lehman, NO


Email <[email protected]>Website:

Abstract: In my early days of Touch for Health, of all the balancing techniques I learned,I found that the one I was both most intrigued with and the one I used the least was theAcupressure Holding Points (AHP) technique. When I ask other TFH practitioners, eventhe most experienced ones usually say the same. I believe the reason for this is a lack ofunderstanding of the points themselves, and difficulty using the technique due to notknowing where the points are. In this paper, I will attempt to better define the points usedin the AHP technique, and offer a way of learning these points so that they become easierto use.

What is the Acupressure HoldingPoints Technique?Touch for Health uses combinations ofacupressure points in a specific sequence as ameans of balancing the body. This techniqueis one of the five main balances taught in theTFH synthesis, along with NeuroLymphatics,NeuroVasculars, Meridian Tracing, andOrigin/Insertion technique.

Admittedly my training in TFH was someyears ago (longer than I care to admit), so myremembrance of how and what I learned maybe a little suspect. As I recall, however, whenI learned the AHP technique, very littlebackground was given other than the basicconcept of moving energy through the 5elements. There was a little about theMother/Grandmother relationship in theelements, "closing the gate", and, of course,how to hold the points. But that was about it.It wasn't until PHP (as PKP was know then)that I learned that the points involved werespecial point'> known as Command Points.

A year after finishing my Touch for Healthtraining, I went to Bali to take the PHP series,and then spent severa) months having fun inthe South Pacific. During a 2 month stint inThailand, with several weeks in a row on oneisland or another drenching in sun, I decidedto figure out a way to learn these points.

Having already memorized theNeuroLymphatics and NeuroVasculars, themeridian pathways and origin/insertions, Inow wanted a way to better remember theAHPs. Surely there must be a pattern of somesort to make this easier to use!

I proceeded to chart out these points with mynew understanding of Command Points, andthen stared at the paper looking for anythingthat would make it easier to remember and usethese points. Sure enough, it was all there.This "discovery" has made it easier for me touse not only the AHPs, but have a betterunderstanding of 5 Element theory and easieruse of many other techniques found inSpecialized Kinesiology. And while thesepatterns have existed for thousands of years,and are no doubt familiar to doctors ofChinese Medicine and Acupuncturists, theydon't seem to be common knowledge in ourcircles.

My hope is that by sharing this with you, youwill be able to more effectively and more oftenutilize the AHPs of Touch for Health, as wellas other similar techniques you might comeacross (or already have come across). Aswell, for those of you that are instructors, bydeepening your understanding of these points,you will improve your ability to teach theAHPs.

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (yr 2002)

Command Points

Because the Acupressure Holding Points use aspecial type of point known as a CommandPoint, the best place to start is with adefinition.

Command Points: Points on each meridianthat relate that meridian to each of theelements. Remember that within the 5 Elementstructure, we are only speaking of the 12bilateral meridians and do not include Centraland Governing.

In other words, on each meridian, there arefive points that act as junctions between themeridian and each of the elements. The pointis named after the element it relates to. So oneach meridian, there is a Fire Command Point,an Earth Command Point, a Metal CommandPoint, a Water Command Point, and a WoodCommand Point. The Wood Command Pointon the Spleen meridian connects the SpleenMeridian to the whole Wood Element - whichcontains the Liver and Gall BladderMeridians.If you think of the body as a house, and eachmeridian as a room, the Command Points actas windows between all the different rooms ofthe house.

The Acupressure Holding PointTheory

Before we get into the location of the pointsand the patterns involved, let's revisit theAHP technique to provide the context of whywe are using these points to begin with.

There are two effects of working with AHPsrelative to a specific meridian: either to tonifyit or sedate it. We first hold a pair of pointsthat accomplishes one of these effects. Indoing so, we are "opening the gate" of energyto allow the flow between two elementsbalance the energy of our target meridian. Wethen hold a second pair of points to "close thegate", so we don't drain to much energy in orout. While the first pair of points differsdepending on desired outcome, the secondpair of points is the same for that particularmeridian. Therefore, each meridian has threepairs of points that can be used for balancing.

When we wish to tonify, the object is to drawenergy into the meridian. To do that, we use

points that bring the energy from the "mother"element into the meridian. The mother elementis the element one position counterclockwisefrom the element of the meridian we areworking with. For example, to tonify theLung Meridian, which is in the Metal Element,we want to draw energy from the EarthElement - the mother element to Metal.

When we wish to sedate a meridian, the objectis to release energy from the meridian. In thiscase, the target meridian becomes the mother,and we pass the energy to the "child" element,which is the element clockwise from ourmeridian. For example, to sedate the LungMeridian, we want to pass the energy out tothe Water Element. Now Metal is the mother,and Water is the child.

To close the gate, we always look to thegrandmother. The grandmother is the elementtwo positions counterclockwise from thetarget meridian's element. Using our LungMeridian example, the grandmother would bethe Fire Element.

So which points do we actually use toaccomplish all this balancing? Well, theCommand Points!

The Rules

As just mentioned, when we holdcombinations of command points to moveenergy around, we are either drawing energyfrom one element to our target meridian, ordraining energy from the target meridian toanother element. We use the command pointsof the element that we are either drawingenergy from or draining to. In other words,sticking with the Lung Meridian as ourexample, to tonify, we would use the EarthCommand points, because the Lung Meridianis in the Metal Element and we are drawingenergy from the mother, Earth. However,when sedating the Lung Meridian, we use theWater Element Command Points, becausenow we are draining the energy from Lungtowards Water.

Each element has two meridians. So how dowe decide which meridian to use within theelement we are either drawing from ordraining to? The rule is to use the meridianwith the same yin/yang orientation as themeridian you are balancing. Therefore, to

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tonify the Lung Meridian, you would use theEarth Command Point on the Spleen Meridianalong with the EaJ1h Command point on theLung Meridian. (Tonify Lung by drawingenergy from Earth to Metal. Lung is yin, sowe would use the Spleen Meridian - the yinaspect of EaJ1h - to tonify. We are drawingenergy from Earth, so we use the EarthElement Command Point on the SpleenMeridian and the Lung Meridian).

Following these rules to sedate the LungMeridian, you would use the Water CommandPoints on the Lung Meridian and the KidneyMeridian, because Kidney is yin in the WaterElement.

To close the gate, you always use theCommand Point of the element of thegrandmother. So with Lung, you would usethe Fire Element Command Point for Lungand Heart (Heart being yin in the FireElement).

To actually accomplish the balance,simultaneously hold the tonify or sedate pointson one side of the body. Then repeat on theother side of the body. Once complete, repeatthis with the second set of points for closingthe gate. Voila!

Close Up and Personal with theCommand PointsAs you can see, this is not a difficult techniqueto apply. And yet, it is overlooked much ofthe time. Where are these points anyway?What if I'm not on the right spot? In myexperience, this was often answered with,"put your hand over the general area andyou'll be sure to get it."

While being general may accomplish desiredresults, it is my experience that the more youknow about what it is you are trying toaccomplish and the means of doing so, thebetter results you will get. If you know wherean acupuncture point is located, and you knowwhat that point is and does, your own energyand intent will be more focused in applyingthe technique. This will lead to better results,and you will probably find the techniqueshowing up more often as a balancing choicefor your clients.

So let's spend a little time getting to know theCommand Points of Chinese Acupuncture.

There are two patterns we will look at to helpus get to know these points. One is theElement Numbering Pattern - seeing how tothink about which point on each meridianconnects to which element. The other is aLocation Pattern - how to get to know wherethese points are actually located on the body.We will start with the Element NumberingPattern.

The Element Numbering PatternPlease refer to the 5 Element Chart in theappendix. If you have one that is in color, itwill make it easier to use. However, even inglorious black and white, you will still be ableto understand.

On the chart, each element is represented by alarge circle. Within that circle are two mediumsized circles - one for each meridian in theelement. The "inside" circle is the yinmeridian, the "outside" circle is the yangmeridian.

Inside each meridian circle are five morecircles - one for each of the elements. Noticethat the location of the 5 circles inside eachmeridian circle are arranged in the same orderas the 5 large element circles - Fire at the top,followed by (clockwise) Earth, Metal, Water,and Wood.

Within each of the small circles of theMeridian circles are numbers. These numbersrepresent the point on that meridian that arerelated to the element of the small circle. Forexample, look at the Spleen Meridian circlelocated in the Earth Element circle. Thenumber in the Fire Element position circlewithin the Spleen Meridian circle has thenumber "2" in it. That means that the secondpoint on the Spleen Meridian, known as"Spleen 2", is the Fire Command Point on theSpleen Meridian. The "9" in the WaterElement position means that Spleen 9 is theWater Element Command Point.

So let's look for a pattern. First we will lookonly at the yin meridians. Notice the numbersfor the Wood Command Points in the six yinmeridians. You' 11see that three of them are thenumber 1. Those three happen to be the yin

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meridians of the leg - Kidney, Spleen andLiver - which all begin on the feet. The otherthree yin meridians - Lung, Circulation/Sex(also known and Pericardium) and Heart -end at the hand. If we know that the LungMeridian has II points, the Circ/Sex meridianhas 9 points, and the Heart Meridian has 9points, then we see that either the beginning orend of each yin meridian respectively is theWood Element Command Point.

(Note: Because the Command Points are alllocated between either the elbow and the handor the knee and the foot, I wi11refer to thepoints located furthest away from the trunk ofthe body as "extremity points", also known inAcupuncture as "Tsing Points". Depending onwhether a meridian begins or ends at theextremity determines whether it is the first orlast point on the meridian.)

Next, look at the Fire Element CommandPoints for each of the yin meridians. You'llnotice that the Kidney, Spleen and LiverMeridians all now move up one to Ki 2, Sp 2and Lv 2. Meanwhile, the Lung, Circ/Sex andHeart meridians all move back one to Lu 10,ex 8 and Ht 8 respectively. A pattern beginsto emerge.

Now, you guessed it, we are going to look atthe Earth Element Command Points. You'llsee that we simply move another point in fromthe extremity. So for the Earth CommandPoints, we have Ki 3, Sp 3 and Lv 3 on thefeet, Lu 9, Cx 7 and Ht 7 on the hands. Thisbrings us to our first rule of the ElementNumbering Pattern.

Rule #1: For the yin meridians, the extremitypoint is the Wood Element Command Point.Continuing around the 5 Element wheel in aclockwise direction, the Fire ElementCommand Point is the next point on themeridian in towards the trunk of the bodyfrom the extremity point, and the EarthElement Command Point is the third point onthe meridian in from the extremity. There areno exceptions.

If you know these point locations (and don'tworry if you don't, we'll get there), you'vejust learned 18 Command Points.

Let's jump over to the yangs for a momentand see what we see there.

This time, we're going to look at the numbersin the Metal Element circle positions within theyang meridian circles. And what do we see?

Again, there are three "F's. These are for theLarge Intestine (L1), Triple Heater (TH) andSmall Intestine (SI) meridians - the yangmeridians of the arms and hands. However,for the yang meridians of the legs and feet, wefind Bladder (BL) 67, Gall Bladder (GB) 44and Stomach (St) 45. Well, if you happen toknow that this is how many points are on eachof those meridians respectively, then you nowsee that the extremity point for each of theyang meridians is the Metal ElementCommand Point.

Moving clockwise to the Water Element, eachmeridian changes by one number. This is thesecond point in from the extremity for each ofthese meridians. And clockwise once more tothe Wood Element shows a similar pattern.Except.. .the Gall Bladder meridian skips anumber! Therefore, the Gall Bladder meridianbecomes our one exception for the 3 in a rowpattern that we've noticed in both the yins andthe yangs. If you can remember that oneexception, you've now learned 36 CommandPoints! This brings us to ...

Rule #2: For the yang meridians, theextremity point is the Metal ElementCommand Point. Continuing around the 5Element wheel in a clockwise direction, theWater Element Command Point is the nextpoint on the meridian in towards the trunk ofthe body from the extremity point, and theWood Element Command Point is the thirdpoint on the meridian in from the extremity -with one exception; the Gall Bladder meridianWood Command Point skips one and is thefourth point in from the extremity - GallBladder 41.

This brings us to the end of the numberingpatterns of the 5 Element Command Points.After the first three points in from theextremity, there is no other specific numberingpattern to help with the identification of thepoints. However, there are two meridians thatdo have four points in a row - the Lung andLiver meridians. For each of them, the nextelement in the sequence (Metal, since they areeach yin meridians and their pattern sequence

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starts with Wood) is the next point in from theextremity - Lung 8 and Liver 4 respectively.

Location, Location, LocationThe above rules have told us about thenumbering pattern of the Command Points,but not very much about the location of thepoints. Let's examine the locations in a littlemore detail.

The first thing to know is that all theCommand Points are located between eitherthe elbows and the hands or the knees and thefeet, depending on where the meridian islocated. Because we've looked at the sequenceof the elements starting at the extremity, thereis a pattern that evolves as a necessary resultof what we've seen so far.

Because the yin meridians start with the WoodElement at the extremity, and we know thatthe points go no higher than the elbows andthe knees, we can safely say that the WaterElement Command Points for all the yinmeridians are located either around the elbowsor the knees, depending on which meridianwe're looking at.For example, the Spleen Meridian begins onthe foot. Spleen I is the Wood ElementCommand Point. The fifth Command Point inthe 5 Element sequence stalling from Woodand moving clockwise around the wheel is theWater Element Command Point. Because theCommand Points can go no higher than theknee, the Water Command Point for Spleenmust be located around the knee. In a similarfashion, because the Wood ElementCommand Point for the Heart meridian is onthe hand, the Water Command Point for theHeart meridian is located around the elbow.This brings us to ...

Rule #3: The Water Element CommandPoints for the yin meridians are located ateither the elbows or the knees.

For the yang meridians, we use the samecomparison, but we start at the Metal Elementbecause of Rule #2. Therefore, what we findis that the Earth Element Command Points forthe yang meridians are located at either theelbow or the knees. While this doesn't help uswith the numbering of the points, it is the

pattern of the numbers that we looked atearlier that set up this pattern for location.

Rule #4: The Earth Element CommandPoints for the yang meridians are located ateither the elbow or the knees.

Now we're going to look at locations patternsthat are based on a metaphor from ChineseMedicine. This should appeal to you rightbrainers out there!

From Well to SeaThe Chinese have a beautiful way of lookingat the world from a different perspective thanmost western cultures. By applying theirobservations of the environment to the bodyand health, a model is presented that offers usa new way of seeing things. Using one aspectof this model for looking at the energy flow ofthe meridians from the extremities in towardsthe center of the body as a flow of water, anEarth based water analogy comes to light.This flow is a meridian flow that relates to the5 Elements.

Stalling with the source of water, a well,water collects and flows into ever enlargingbodies. Hence, the well becomes a spring, thespring becomes a stream. From there, thestream enters a liver, where it is eventuallycarried into the largest body, the sea. The"sea" points are those points located at theelbows and knees. The well points, or sourcepoints, are the extremity tsing points locatedat the tips of the fingers and toes (with theKidney I point on the bottom of the foot asthe exception). We will now look at wherethese "water zones" are located, and what kindof location patterns exist for this progressionof points on the body.

The well/source points are the extremitypoints, or Tsing points, and are located nearthe nails of the fingers and toes - with oneexception (Kidney, as mentioned above).These "nail" points are usually described asbeing one tenth of a body inch from the cornerof the nail beds of the specific toe or finger.

There are six meridians that either begin orend on the fingers. The thumb side of thehand is also called the "radial" side. The pinkyside of the hand is the "ulnar" side. Thesenames come from the bones of the forearm,

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and provide a useful means of referring to aposition on the finger. The Lung, LargeIntestine, Circulation Sex and Heart meridianTsing points are all located on the radial sideof their respective fingers, starting on thethumb itself and going across the hand to thepinky, skipping the ring finger. The TripleHeater and Small Intestine Tsing points arelocated on the ulnar side of the ring finger andpinky respectively.

Remembering that in Chinese anatomicalposition, the thumbs are medial (closer to themidline of the body) compared to the pinkies,we see that the yin meridians have tsing pointson the medial, protected side of thefingernails, while the yangs - with theexception of the Large Intestine - have tsingpoints on the lateral sides of the fingernails.

Moving to the feet, we find the other sixmeridians. The three yin meridians all travelalong the medial side of the leg, the yangs onthe lateral. The Spleen and Liver meridiansstart on either side of the big toe, while our"exception" meridian, Kidney, starts on thebottom of the foot. On the yang side, theStomach meridian begins on the lateral side ofthe second toe, while Gall Bladder andBladder have their extremity points on thelateral side of the fourth and fifth toesrespectively.

All of these extremity points define the WellPoints in our flow of water analogy. If youthink of the fingers and toes as antennas, theyare like the entry points of energy, in the sameway as the rain is the entry point of water intothe wells that eventually find their way to thesea.

Looking at our diagram of the foot and hand(front and back), there are zones that definethe progression of the flow of water towardsthe sea. If you visualize these zones, you getan idea of where the Command Points arelocated as you move from the extremity pointof each meridian in towards the trunk of thebody.

Let's look at the foot first. We've alreadyidentified the well points (Wood ElementCommand Points for the yin meridians, MetalElement Command Points for the yangmeridians - as defined in Rules # I and 2above) as the nail points across the distal ends

of the toes. (Anatomical definitions:Distal means further away from the trunk ofthe body. Proximal means closer to the trunkof the body.) Sp I, Ki I and Lv I are the yinwell points, St 45, GB 44 and BI 67 are theyang well points.

The spring points (Fire Element CommandPoints for the yins, Water Element CommandPoints for the yangs) are located at the distalend of the webs between the toes, just wherethe toes join the foot. For the Spleen meridian,this is distal to the big bump on the medialside of the foot where the big toe joins thefoot. Liver is between the big toe and thesecond toe, Stomach between the second andthird toes, Gall Bladder between the fourthand fifth toes, and Bladder distal to the bumpon the lateral side of the foot where the smalltoe joins the foot. Our exception continues tobe the Kidney, which has its spring pointcloser to the center of the middle of the medialside of the foot, at the lower, distal edge of thenavicular bone of the foot.

The stream points (Earth Element CommandPoints for the yins, Wood Element CommandPoints for the yangs) on the foot are justproximal to the spring points. For Spleen (Sp3), just move to the proximal side of the bumpon the medial side of the foot. Movinglaterally across the top of the foot, the pointsare located at the proximal edge of the webwhere the bones of the foot, the metatarsals,come together. So Liver (Lv 3) is in the webbetween the big toe and second toe, Stomach(St 43) between the second and third toes,Gall Bladder (GB 41 - remember ournumbering exception") between the fourth andfifth toes, and Bladder (BI 65) on the proximalside of the bump on the lateral side of the foot.Kidney continues to be our exceptions, withKi 3 between the ankle and the Achillestendon on the medial side of the leg.

The river points (Metal Element CommandPoints for the yins, Fire Element CommandPoints for the yangs) of the foot are locatedaround the ankle. The Spleen river point (Sp5), is located at the medial, distal corner of themedial ankle bone. Moving laterally over thebig tendon there, you find the Liver liver point(Lv 4 - remember Liver has 4 points in arow?). One more tendon over brings you tothe Stomach point CSt41), right in the middle

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of the crease of the foot. Skipping GallBladder for a moment, the Bladder point (Bl60), is located between the ankle and theAchilles tendon on the lateral side of the foot(opposite from Ki 3),

Again. Kidney is an exception, along withGall Bladder. The Kidney river point (Ki 7),is located 3 body inches above Ki 3 on themedial side of the leg. You can measure 3body inches by lining up the fingers of thehand tightly together and placing themperpendicularly across the side of the leg.Remember that this is relative to the personyou are working with, so use their hand tomeasure their leg.

Gall Bladder's river point (GB 37), is located3 body inches up the lateral side of the legfrom the ankle, on the front edge of the bone(the fibula).

The sea points are all located around the knee.Spleen (Sp 9), Liver (Lv 8) and Kidney (Ki10) are all located around the medial side ofthe knee. Stomach (St 36) and Gall Bladder(OB 34) are on the lateral aspect of the knee,and Bladder (BI54) is in the center of the backof the knee. Refer to the drawing for thespecific locations.

If you now combine the numbering patternsdiscussed earlier with the location patternsdiscussed here, the 18 Command Points fromRules #1 and 2 become quite easy toremember. As well, by applying the wateranalogy to the river and sea points, you'llknow where to go to use the appropriateCommand Points when necessary. evenwithout remembering the numbers.

Let's move on to the hands. Here we haveenough exceptions that in order to make iteasier, I've split the hand in two - the frontand the back. Because the back of the hand issimilar to the foot, let's begin there.

The well points of the hand (Wood ElementCommand Points for the yin meridians, MetalElement Command Points for the yangs) arethe nail points found on the fingers. There areno exceptions. Starting with the radial side ofthe thumb, we have Lung (Lu II). Then,moving across the hand towards the pinky,we find Large Intestine (LI 1) on the radialside of the index finger, Circulation Sex (Cx

9) on the radial side of the middle finger,Triple Heater (TH I) on the ulnar side of thering finger, Heart (Ht 9) on the radial side ofthe pinky, and Small Intestine (SI I) on theulnar side of the pinky.

From there, the yang meridians move up theback of the hand. The zone for the yangspring points (Water Element CommandPoints) is on the distal side of the knuckleswhere the fingers join the hand, and in thesame line as where the meridians extremitypoint is located. Large Intestine (LI 2) is onthe radial side of the index finger, TripleHeater (TH 2) between the ring finger and thepinky, and Small Intestine (SI 2) on the ulnarside of the hand.

The yang stream points (Wood ElementCommand Points) are found on the proximalside of the knuckles where the fingers join thehand. Just move to that "other side" of theknuckle from where the brook points are, andyou'll find LI 3, TH 3, and SI 3 respectively.

The yang river points (Fire Element CommandPoints) are found across the wrist (whereas onthe foot, they were found around the ankle).However, here we run into one exception -Triple Heater. Large Intestine (LI 5) is foundon the radial side of the back of the wrist,between the tendons that you can see veryclearly if you bend your thumb backwards.This forms a little pocket, sometimes referredto as the "snuff box". Small Intestine (SI 5) isfound directly on the side of the ulnar aspectof the wrist. Triple Heater (TH 6). is found 3body inches up from the wrist in the center ofthe back of the ann. These three points form atriangle, with the wrist as the base.

Finally, the yang sea points (Earth ElementCommand Points) bring us to the back of theelbow. A little harder to describe, the LargeIntestine sea point (LI II) is found betweenthe inside crease of the elbow and the bonethat forms the radial side of the elbow. SmallIntestine (SI 8) is on the ulnar side, betweenthe bones where the upper arm joins the lowerarm (the not so funny "funny bone"). TripleHeater (TH 10) is in the depression justproximal to the big bone of the elbow itself, inthe center of the back of the arm.

Moving to the front of the hand. we will lookat the yin meridians of the arm. The yin well

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points (Wood Element Command Points) areas already stated earlier - Lu ll, Cx 9 and Ht9 on their respective fingers.

The yin spring points (Fire Element CommandPoints) go across the palm of the hand. Lung10 is in the mound below the thumb, pointinginto the bone that joins the thumb with thewrist. Circulation Sex (Cx 8) is locateddirectly in the center of the palm of the hand inline with the middle finger. Heart (Ht 8) isfound on the "line", at the base of the knuckleof the pinky between the pinky and ringfingers.

The yin stream points (Earth ElementCommand Points) go across the crease of thewrist. Lung (Lu 9) is on the radial side of thecrease, Circulation Sex (Cx 7) is in themiddle, and Heart (Ht 7) is on the ulnar sideof the crease, but on the radial edge of thetendon there.

Because the stream points go across the wrist,the river points are located proximally to thewrist, differing from where the river pointsare located on the back of the hand and thefoot. They're still pretty close though.

The yin liver points (Metal Element CommandPoints) form a triangle, similar to the back ofthe hand. Moving I body inch (the width ofthe thumb at the knuckle) proximal to thestream point, we find the Lung liver point (Lu8 - remember 4 in a row for this one?) on theradial side. One and a half body inches (thewidth across the knuckles of the index andmiddle fingers held together and straight)proximal from the Heart stream point is theHeart river point (Ht 4). In between them isthe Circulation Sex river point (Cx 5). This islocated 3 body inches proximally from thecenter of the crease of the wrist in the middleof the forearm, directly opposite to our TripleHeater river point on the back of the arm.

Finally, our yin sea points (Water ElementCommand Points) go across the crease of theelbow. Lung (Lu 5) is between the edge of thevisible crease and the bone on the radial sideof the elbow. Circulation Sex (Cx 3) is in themiddle of the crease. Heart (Ht 3) is on theulnar edge of the visible crease.

While I've attempted to write descriptions ofthe locations of these points in easy language,

it is recommended that you have at yourdisposal a good acupuncture point chart and/orbook to refer to for more specific and accuratelocation. However, between thesedescriptions and the pictures included, I hopethis provides a good quick reference forlocating the Command Points of the 5Elements.

How to Think Command PointsHaving the concepts explained above relativeto numbering and location of CommandPoints is useful only when finally put intopractical application! So let's look at anexample of how to "think" Command Pointsin a way that can be applied to the Touch forHealth Acupressure Holding Points.

Suppose you are working on the HeartMeridian, and you wish to use the AHPs totonify the meridian. We know that to tonify,we must draw energy from the "mother"element. Heart is in the Fire Element, so theenergy must come from the Wood element.Because the Heart meridian is yin, we willalso use the yin meridian in the Wood element- Liver. And because we are drawing energyfrom the Wood Element, we will use theWood Element Command Points on the Heartand Liver meridians.

Rule #1 applies here. Because these are yinmeridians, we know that the Wood ElementCommand Points are the extremity pointsfound on these meridians. The Heart meridianends on the hand, so the extremity point is thelast point on the meridian - Ht 9. The Livermeridian begins on the foot, so the WoodElement Command Point is the first point onthe meridian, Lv 1.

To close the gate, we use the command pointsfor the element of the grandmother - in thiscase, Water. Again, because we are workingwith yin meridians and therefore the sequencebegins with the Wood Element, goingclockwise from Wood, Water is the 5thElement of the 5. This is outside of ournumbering rules, but from a location point ofview, we will be using the sea points. On thearm, the Heart sea point in located at theelbow - Ht 3. Following the meridian line upthe ulnar side of the arm, we find this point onthat side of the crease of the elbow.

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The Kidney meridian is the yin meridianfound in the grandmother Water element. Sonow we're on the leg. Remembering that thesea points are at the knee, the Kidney seapoint is between the hamstting tendons on theback aspect of the medial side of the knee.This is Ki 10.

Sure enough, we hold Ht 9 and Lv I to torrify.then Ht 3 and Ki 10 to close the gate. Voila!

Summary and ConclusionAt the risk of using a lot of paper todescriptively explain the patterns of 5 ElementCommand Points, if you learn these rules andapply them thoughtfully, you will find that ina short period of time you'lI know what pointson each meridian are the respective CommandPoints and where they are located. In doingso, the Acupressure Holding Points techniquefrom Touch for Health, as well as many othertechniques found in Specialized Kinesiology,will be much more at your disposal.

The purpose of learning these patterns is twofold. One is that, if so inclined, it will helpyou memorize the 60 Command Points ofChinese Acupuncture. More importantly,though, is that it gives you a way to thinkabout the points. By simply memorizing the 4rules of numbering patterns, and the locationzones of the water analogy, you have a way offiguring out which point and it's likelylocation for using to balance, even when youdon't have your book handy.

Ultimately, the overall purpose of this paper isto bring your attention to the power andusefulness of the Command Points so that youmay more effectively use them. By seeing inyour mind's eye where these points are, andunderstanding their relationships as windowsbetween the rooms of the meridians, you willbe more effective in applying the AcupressureHolding Technique from Touch for Health.

For those of you who are Touch for Healthinstructors, with a better understanding of thebackground of the Acupressure HoldingPoints, you will be able to share this techniquemore effectively with your students. Whileyou may not go into the detail here in yourTouch for Health class, your understandingwill allow you to offer ways of making thistechnique more accessible to your students.

Then, this underutilized balancing techniquewill begin to be recognized for the powerfulhealing tool that it is.

AppendixWhat follows is a summary of the 4 rules ofElement Numbering, a 5 Element chart, and achart of the numbering sequences of theCommand Points of the meridians. I havefound it useful to learn the numbers of theCommand Points as 12 different sequences.For instance, Spleen is 1,2, 3, 5 and 9. Heartis 9, 8, 7, 4 and 3. By learning these, it iseasy to overlay the numbers on the elementchart knowing that the yins begin with theWood Element and the yangs begin with theMetal Element. It's not as hard as it sounds!You've probably memorized at least as manyphone numbers, and they have seven numberseach!Rule #1: For the yin meridians, the extremitypoint is the Wood Element Command Point.Continuing around the 5 Element wheel in aclockwise direction, the Fire ElementCommand Point is the next point on themeridian in towards the trunk of the bodyfrom the extremity point, and the EarthElement Command Point is the third point onthe meridian in from the extremity. There areno exceptions.Rule #2: For the yang meridians, theextremity point is the Metal ElementCommand Point. Continuing around the 5Element wheel in a clockwise direction, theWater Element Command Point is the nextpoint on the meridian in towards the trunk ofthe body from the extremity point, and theWood Element Command Point is the thirdpoint on the meridian in from the extremity -with one exception; the Gall Bladder meridianWood Command Point skips one and is thefourth point in from the extremity - GallBladder 41.Rule #3: The Water Element CommandPoints for the yin meridians are located ateither the elbows or the knees.Rule #4: The Earth Element CommandPoints for the yang meridians are located ateither the elbow or the knees.

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C01nrnand Point Pattern ChartYIN COMMAND POINTS

FJement -> Wood Fire Earth Metal Water


Well Spring Stream River .SeaOing) (Ying) (Shu) Oing) (Ht)N

KIDNEY 1 2 3 7 10

SPLEEN 1 2 3 5 9I

LIVER 1 2 3 4 8

LUNG 11 10 9 8 5


HEART 9 8 7 4 3I


IIElement -> Metal Water Wood Fue Earth




Wltll Spring Stream River Sea I

Oing) (Ying) (Shu) Oing) (Ht) IN

ISTOMACH 45 44 43 41 36

GALL BLADDER 44 43 41 38 34

BLADDER 67 66 65 60 54/40


TRIPLE HEATER 1 2 3 6 10


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Vibrational Healing With Chakra Sound Essencesby Evelyn Mulders

#126-3121 Hill Rd.. Wintield, s.c. V4V-IGI, CanadaPhone 250-766-2005 e-mail: [email protected]


Vibrational Healing is based on the principlethat all matter vibrates to a precise frequency.By introducing healing vibrations to the body,balance of matter is restored. We as humansall vibrate and what makes us unique is thatwe all vibrate at different frequencies. Thesame is true for sickness and disease. It istherefore important for health reasons that wekeep our vibrations higher than that ofsickness and disease. To raise our vibrationsand to maintain health we need to keep ourenergy centers vibrating and balanced. Theenergy centers referred to here are the aura,charkas and meridians. We need to nourishour energy centers with healing vibrations.Healing vibrations consist of the vibrationresonances that arouse the five senses. Theseinclude light, color, sound, aroma, crystalsand gems, symbols and touch. Thesevibrations are as vital to our energy systems asair, water, and food are to our physical body.

Essences and Essence therapy are part of thenewly emerging field of Energetic Medicine inthe western world. This field incorporatesinformation about the mind, the emotions, andthe spirit as well as the physical body whenaddressing illness and health. (Sabina Pettitt,Energy Medicine)

Essences are structured water based on theprinciple of homeopathy. Essences andessence therapy was introduced by Dr. Bachin England in the early 1900s. The value offlower, gem, shell and now sound essences isbeing readily recognized in the healing arts.Used as an emotional tool, the essenceschange a person's point of view and allowthem to correct the imbalanced thoughtpatterns, which in turn alter the physicalmanifestation of thought. It is believed that weare what we think and so by changing ourperception we can improve our health.Essences nourish the energy centers by

positively affecting the mind, the emotionsand the spirit.

Chakra Sound Essences fully nourish theenergy centers by offering vibration of color,sound. aroma, crystal and gem, symbologyand word affirmations (vibration of positivethought).

The use of various frequencies of sound withcrystals for healing is just the beginning of anentirely new approach to healing. Thevibrational patterns of sound hold the key tounderstanding the patterns of manifestationand organization of matter in the physicaluniverse. Remember the universe was createdby sound. (Richard Gerber, VibrationalMedicine)

The sound essences capture the purewaveform of the singing crystal bowls. Thewater is then structured with the vibration ofthe note associated with the singing crystalbowl. Once the vibration of the soundstructures the water, inherently the frequencyof color has also imprinted the water. Thestructured water is then made into an elixir thatcarries the vibration of the quartz crystal andthe chakra specific gemstone.

These elixirs are then used to produce thechakra mist and oil, which have the chakraspecific colorant and aroma added. Thepackaging of the essences also brings thesignificance of healing vibration; the ancientchakra symbol has deep healing capacity inour subconscious and the three positive wordson the label give us the thought vibration:positive affirmations.

Each whole note from each of the sevencrystal bowls correlates to one of the sevenchakras. As each of the seven Chakra SoundEssences relates to the seven crystal bowlsand the seven energy centers, it is natural tocorrespond the physical, emotional, and

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spiritual imbalances and corrections. Whilewith other essences one must research thehealing attributes of each essence. The ChakraSound essences you only need to familiarizeyourself with the attributes of the sevenChakras. The healing attributes of the color,sound, aromas and gemstones related to eachof the Chakras are introduced in the manual.Vibrational Healing with Chakra SoundEssences.

When to Use Vibrational Therapy

Nourishing our energy centers is as importantas feeding our physical body. We eat threemeals a day plus supplement our diet withherbs and vitamins. Exposing them tovibration therapy several times a day cannourish our energy centers. Exposure tovibrational therapy on our energy networksfour times a day is like having a meal threetimes a day that provides strength and staminato our physical body.

We can assist our bodies in healing andmaintaining health using Vibrational Therapyin ways such as:

• When we are not feeling well and this canjust be low energy, stress or feelingirritable. The fact that you are stressed tellsyou that your electrical circuitry has beenoverloaded. The Chakra Sound Essenceshelp to reconnect and stabilize theweakened electrical area while the bodygoes through the necessary healingprocess. The essences support the body'sinnate intelligence in repairing itself.

• When you are injured or hurt as withbruises, sprains and swelling. An injury isan insult on every level of our being andour electrical circuits are then overloaded,and the essence promotes the recovery andrecuperation process.

• When you have a headache or heavy feelingin the head. A headache is an indication anda message from the body that something isnot balanced. The essences bring energyback into the system to allow the body toregenerate balance.

• When there is a change in your life.Changes such as a job change or change inrelationships. Changes like a newborn

coming home or a teenager leaving home.Good changes or bad changes can chargeour emotional field and overload the circuitsemotionally. The sound essences helpstabilize the circuitry and hence stabilizeemotions through times of transition.

• When faced with challenges such as a jobinterview, court case, important meeting,big exam or presentation, a contest orsporting competition. Vibrational Therapysuch as the Chakra Sound Essences willsupport and stabilize the body physically,emotionally, mentally and spiritually,

• When going through therapeutic sessionswhere you are working on yourself for thepurpose of making positive change, gainingunderstanding or improving your life onsome level. Therapeutic sessions, bydesign stir the body physically andemotionally to effect change. VibrationalTherapy supports us as we move throughand integrate the process. The ChakraSound Essences continue to support theprocess after the therapy session when usedas homework. Use of vibrational therapy ashomework benefits both the practitionerand the client. The client can continue toeffect the benefits of the balance at homethrough the support of the Chakra SoundEssences so the following therapeuticsessions are progressive

Chakra Sound Essence Balance

Emotional 8c

The Chakra Sound Essences are used as such.Stock elixir is dispensed as:

Drops under the tongueOil applied directly on the skinMist-atomized into the auric field

EvaluationFind the emotionFind the priority chakraFind Balance A

Balance BBalance CBalance D

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The BalanceBalance A:

Find priority stock elixirPlace four drops under the tongue

Balance B:Find priority sound essence oilApply directly on the skin on prioritychakra location

BalanceC:Find priority sound essence mistMist the auric field

Balance 0:Use the chart to:Find priority sound essence remedyFind priority balance procedure

Challenge:Retest priority chakraRetest priority emotionRetest mode

How the Chakra Sound EssencesEnhance your Kinesiology Business

The Chakra Sound Essences are very effectivein stimulating business because they are fun

and simple to use, and their effects can readilybe felt. These essences can be used during atherapy session or used as homework for theclient.

Using the sound remedies during a sessionaffects the body on a multi-dimensional level.They clear blockages quickly and easilycutting down working time and producingdeep and effective results.

Offering the Chakra Sound Essences to yourclient for homework adds to the ongoinghealing benefits of your session. By using thesound remedies daily, it will further assistyour client's ability to accept responsibility fortheir own healing. Once this begins, it is onlynatural that your clients will want to sharetheir experience and knowledge with familyand friends. Misting a room with the ChakraSound Essence mist for shared enjoyment ishighly effective as family members often sharesimilar health issues.

No matter what your specialty is, the soundremedies are easy to use and fun to integrateinto your practice.

Go Ahead and Sing a New Tune

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (year 2002)

The Wernicke's ConnectionHow You Can Remove Sabotaging Commands From The Brain

by Stephanie Relfe B.Sc. (Sidney)

White Mountains. ArizonaE-mail: [email protected]

Web-sites: Health, Wealth & Happiness: http://www.relfe.comThe Mars Records:


As most kinesiologists know, we are not ourbody. We are a spirit. The brain is not themind. The mind is an energy field whichcommunicates between you (a spirit) and thebrain. The brain is a physical 'switchboard'between the mind and the body.

Research has shown that words are stored in aspecific area on the left side of the brain. Whatis not so well known is that there is anequivalent area in the right half of the brainwhich is also involved with language. Boththese areas are called the Wernicke's area.

According to Professor Julian Jaynes, lecturerin Psychology at Princeton University, upuntil around 3,000 years ago, mankind wasbasically not conscious as he is today. He didnot think in terms of concepts, and he was notintrospective (i.e. he did not tum inwards andthink about himself).

Instead he operated with what is called a"bicameral mind". The bicameral mind wasman's mind before he developed selfconsciousness. Early man did not make anydecisions on his own. The concept of "self',of being independent and self-reliant, did notexist.

Whenever a decision had to be made, earlyman looked for a "sign" from an outsideauthority, such as a king or a god, to tell himwhat to do. For example, if he went along aroad which divided into two roads, he mightthrow some stones into the air to see whichway they fell, to tell him which road to take.

Other signs that early man used to determinewhat action he should take when he was faced

with a decision were often "voices" which heheard in his head and which broughtimmediate obedience.

Experiments have shown that if theWernicke's area in the left half of the brain iselectrically stimulated during speech, it willinterfere with the ability to talk properly,almost halting speech.

The same type of stimulation to theWernicke's area in the right brain, however,causes a person to hear "voices" or"commands". These are usually of anauthoritarian or dictatorial nature, and can beidentified as the voice of one who was feared,admired or "looked up to" by the person beingstimulated. We call these commands"Wernicke's commands", because they arecommands stored in the Wernicke's area ofthe brain.

The two Wernicke's areas are connected toeach other by a thin bridge of tissue. This iswhere the term "bicameral mind" comes from.It seems that the "voices of the gods" were infact internal dialogue coming from the righthalf of the brain.

If mankind was to become civilized, thissimple mind had to greatly improve andconsciousness had to develop. However, thebicameral tendency is still present today! It isthe bicameral mind, the right side of theWernicke's area, which we "hear" when wehear those little words of self-invalidation andsabotage.

The 'authorities' who might have putcommands into this mind are no longer "gods"

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- they are anyone that we might have lookedup to at some time. These can include parents,teachers. peers, politicians, and doctors.

Have you have ever been told to "grow up"."shut up". "eat up", "forget that" or "giveup"? Have you ever been told "you're mad","you're bad", "you're stupid" or "you'll nevermake it"?

If somebody you thought was powerful said"you're too fat", "you'll never change","you'll forget", "you're a slow learner", "eatALL your food", "you're not good enough"."strong enough", "pretty enough", "cleverenough" "you'll go to hell" etc., etc., thenthey may have made an 'entry' in your rightWernicke's area, an implanted command,which is still influencing you to this day!

When people do any work or therapy to getrid of negative beliefs, the beliefs they try toget rid of things are usually worded as "I ... ",ego "I'm not good enough" or "I'm too fat".But "find the truth, and it will set you free".These beliefs are not filed in the brain (whichis like a super powerful computer) under an"I" point of view. The commands are enteredas said by another person, as if the person isright there, talking to you! For example, thebelief may be "I'm no good" but the originalcommand (which is stored in the brain) was"You' re no good".

In 1996 Australian kinesiologist DavidBridgman made an astounding discovery. Hecombined (1) the theories of the mind andhow to remove negative beliefs from it as putforward by L. Ron Hubbard with (2) theexplanation of the "Bicameral Mind" andauthoritarian commands and with (3)Neurological Organization Technique, akinesiology system involving eye movementswhich was developed by Carl Ferreri of NewYork.

The key to removing these beliefs is that theyare stored in the brain as though anotherperson said them, e.g. "You won'tremember". The brain then Hied to make senseof the command and translated it, for "I won't remember". This command theninterferes with the person. To get rid of thecommand you must find the EXACT wording

of the command, which in this case is "Youwon't remember".

This specific kinesiology procedure enables aperson to REMOVE the sabotaging commandsfrom the brain. Instant improvement isgenerally noted in the person who has donethis.

These commands are hidden in the brain a bitlike the way that 'drop down menus' arehidden on the computer screen. Sometimesyou can't see the menus, but they are stillthere. When you do the correct kinesiologyprocedure, the sabotaging commands "dropdown" and then you can delete them. But theydo not all appear at once. It can take a numberof sessions to get rid of them.

I can still remember the evening when a groupof about 30 kinesiologists learned theWernicke's correction for the first time fromDavid Bridgman. After being taught by David,we paired up to work on another person andto be worked on. I was surprised how easilythe man who was working on me was able tohelp me to work out what the sabotagingcommands in my brain were. He didn't lookall that psychic, but after I told him what areasin my life I was having trouble with, he askedme a few questions and within a few attemptshe had the sentence we were looking for.When it was my turn to work on him, I sawthat it was almost as if the sentence waswritten on his forehead!

The next day I had a very powerfulexperience. I was feeling VERY happy, afterhaving a number of Wernicke's commandsremoved from me. I was sitting on a bus inthe early morning, traveling with a lot ofpeople who were going to work. I was seatedat the front of the bus facing the rest of thepeople. I was observing how very sad anddepressed they looked, and that they almosthad a 'grey' color to their faces. Suddenly, itwas almost as though again I could "see" theWernicke's commands written on theirforeheads - and there were hundreds ofthem!!! Some of them were VERY negative.My heart went out to them.

Now I almost cringe sometimes when I hearthe things that people say to their children, forexample, in the supermarket. I wish I could

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (yr 2002)

explain to them that they need to find a moresupportive way to say what they need to say. Iwas told once at a seminar that a studyshowed that the average child hears over 300negative things a day, and about 30 positiveones. (If anyone can advise me of thereference for this study, I would be verygrateful).

This is a simple, revolutionary and verypowerful procedure.

The key to doing these correctionssuccessfully is to get the EXACT wording.

How To Test For Wernicke'sCommands

I. As for a normal kinesiology session, firstdo the pretests. Test both Anterior Deltoid andSupraspinatus muscles. Then test fordehydration, switching and blocking. Onceeverything is in order, proceed to step 2.

2. Find an area in life that the client is stillhaving trouble with.

3. Work out a phrase that could createdifficulty in this area, as it is said BYANOTHER. For example, the sentence wouldbe "You are not good enough" (Not "I am notgood enough").

4. HQ\'e the client say the phrase out loud,while:

a) You test one Anterior Deltoid ANDb) The client touches the right side of the

Wernicke's area of the brain, which isabout 3 fingers posterior ofNeurovascular 9 (just above and justbehind the ear).

If the arm goes weak when they say thissentence (while they touch the rightWernicke's area), you have the correctwording.If the arm stays strong, you have not got thecorrect wording.

5. Once you have found the phrase whichcauses the arm to test weak, ask the client whosaid that to them. When they name the COITectperson, the arm will go weak again when youtest.Ask the client to turn their eyes UP and to theRIGHT, while they continue to touch the right

Wernicke's area of the brain. Have them saythe phrase out loud again. It should now testSTRONG. If it tests strong now, you have thecorrect wording. (If it tests weak it is likelythat a part of the person's mind does not wantto face what happened to the person. Trydoing Emotional Stress Release. That is, put ahand on their forehead, covering both sides oftheir forehead, for a few minutes or more).

How To Correct for Wernicke'sCommandsa) DANGER !!! Be careful not to damage theeyes. The touching must be as GENTLE andLIGHT as possible. TRIM ALL NAILSSHORT !!!!! During the breathing do not gotoo fast. Allow the client to breathe at theirown speed so as not to cause hyperventilation.

While doing all corrections, have the clientthink of the phrase.

Do the "Test for Wernicke's Commands"as outlined above.

I. Ask the client to Look UP to the RIGHTwhile they Breathe IN and think of the phrase.At the same time you GENTLY touch the leftside of their LOWER eyelid and LIGHTLYpush in the direction they are looking duringthe breathing IN cycle, then release. (This isto lightly stretch the fascia (envelope) of theeye muscles).

Allow the client to Breathe OUT

2. Ask the client to Look UP to the LEFfwhile they Breathe IN. At the same time youGENTL Y touch the right side of theirLOWER eyelid and LIGHTLY push in thedirection they are looking during the breathingIN cycle, then release.

Allow the client to Breathe OUT.

3. Ask the client to Look UP to the RIGHTwhile they Breathe IN. At the same time youGENTL Y touch the left side of their LOWEReyelid and LIGHTLY push in the directionthey are looking during the breathing INcycle, then release.

Allow the client to Breathe OUT.

4. Ask the client to Look DOWN to the LEFTwhile they Breathe IN. At the same time you

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (yr 2002)

GENTLY touch the light side of their UPPEReyelid and LIGHTLY push in the directionthey are looking during the breathing INcycle, then release.

Allow the client to Breathe OUT.

5. Ask the client to Look UP to the LEFTwhile they Breathe IN. At the same time youGENTL Y touch the right side of theirLOWER eyelid and LIGHTLY push in thedirection they are looking during the breathingIN cycle, then release.

Allow the client to Breathe OUT.

6. Ask the client to Look DOWN to theRIGHT while they Breathe IN. At the sametime you GENTL Y touch the left side of theirUPPER eyelid and LIGHTLY push in thedirection they are looking during the breathingIN cycle, then release.

Allow the client to Breathe OUT.

b) Re-test with the person repeating the phraseand eyes to the front, while they touch thelight Wernicke's area of the brain. The muscleshould now test strong, indicating that thecommand has been removed.

c) Say "thank you". That is, acknowledge theclient.

d) Say "What's the next one?". Thisencourages the next command to come to themind of the client, so that you can find thenext phrase to work on. Repeat the test andthe correction as above

Helpful HintsMany clients when asked for commands thatsabotage them will say phrases from an "I"point of view. This isn't it. Whatever they saystarting with "I " , get them to repeatstarting with "You ''.

When they name phrases or people which arenot the ones you are looking for, don'tinvalidate their answer. Merely ask "Whatelse?" or "Who else?"

The phrase is usually associated withwhatever the client is talking about. Forexample, if they say "I can't think ofanything" ask them what someone may have

said to stop them thinking. It may be thatsomeone said "you're stupid". If they starttalking about an incident from their past, thephrase was probably said during that incident.

If they have a problem with rememberingwho said the phrase to them I also ask themwho may have THOUGHT this at them. Ihave found that sometimes people pick up athought from a person if they just THINK it.After all, sometimes it's pretty clear whatsomeone is thinking. They don't really need tosay it out loud.

The phrase can sometimes be just a one wordinsult, such as "fatty".

The key is to get the EXACT wording. Youmay need to add words such as "very". Forexample, it may not be "You're hopeless". Itmay be "You're very hopeless" or "You'rebloody hopeless".

If the phrase was said in a language other thanEnglish, get them to say the sentence in thelanguage in which it was said, after translatingto you what they are saying.

For information and video, send an E-mail [email protected] with "Wernicke'svideo" in the title.


Bridgman, David, Balancing theBicameral Mind In Touch, Australia,Autumn 1997, #41 p. 18

Ferreri, Dr Carl. Neuro OrganizationTechnique.

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (year 2002)

Balancing the Frequency of Our Bodies

by Diane Smith

EMPOWER LIFE CHOICES712 Chelsea Dr. Bountiful. UT, 841010

e-mail: [email protected]

Frequency is a measure of electrical energy.Every living thing has an electrical frequency,from the food we eat to the diseases that wehave. Our bodies have an electrical frequency.This frequency has been measured inmegahertz by Bruce Tainio of TainioTechnology in Cheney, Washington. Whenthe body is in balance this frequency is 62MHz to 78 MHz. When this frequencybecomes lower than 58 MHz then diseasebegins. Helping our body to maintain itsfrequency is important to our physical,spiritual and emotional health. Food and herbshelp with this process, it is interesting to notethough that canned/processed food has a zeroMHz frequency; fresh produce measured up to15MHz; dry herbs register from 12-22 MHz;fresh herbs are from 20-27 MHz.

In one test two males, age 26 and 24 bothregistered at 66 MHz. The first male wasgiven a cup of coffee to hold for 3 secondsthen registered his frequency at 58MHz. Thesecond male took a sip of coffee and hisfrequency dropped to 52MHz in the same 3seconds. It took 3 days for the frequency ofhis body to return to 66MHz. Through the useof essential oils we can help maintain andrestore the body to its natural frequency.Essential oils register from 52 to 320M Hz.

When the frequency of the body is out ofbalance the physical body reflects this. Oftenthe imbalance shows in the body with one legbeing shorter than the other. Before doing aTouch for Health balance, or any other type ofbalance, it is beneficial to put the electricalfrequency of the body in balance first. Byhaving the electrical frequency of the body inbalance it creates a place for a more effectiveTouch for Health balance.

Begin by having the client lie down; amassage table works really well. Ask theclient for permission to check for a

misalignment in the legs. The easiest way to dothis is take your hands. place your thumbs onthe inside of the clicnts legs. a few inchesabove the ankles. Have your thumbs touchingeach other. Move the thu mbs down the insideon the client's legs until one touches theanklebone. Stop and see where the other thumbis in relation to the anklebone. More than likelythe other anklebone will be lower than wherethe other thumb is. After determining which legis shorter. take Valor Essential Oil (obtainedfrom Young Living) place 6 drops in one hand,stir the oil with a finger from the other hand 3times in a clockwise direction. (By stirring theoil it is increases the oxygen effect of the oil.)Then place the oil on the bottom of one of theclient's feet. Repeat this procedure and placeoil on the other foot.

Now that the oil is on the bottom of the feet,place the right hand on the bottom of the rightfoot. take the left hand and hold the bottom ofthe left foot. Continue to hold the feet in thismanner until the shorter leg elongates andbecomes the same length as the longer leg.(This should take about 5 minutes.)

Recheck the alignment of the legs by runningyour hands with the thumbs on the inside of theclient's legs again. If the legs are in alignmentthen proceed with Touch for Health balance orwhatever type of balance is the priority for theperson.

Valor Essential Oil has a frequency of 47Hz;by using this oil prior to any other type ofbalance, we assist the body in raising its ownfrequency. By doing this gradually the bodyaccepts the change easier and the client feelsbetter and the balance is more effective.

Another simple thing to do to help keep ourbody's frequency in balance is to be aware ofour thoughts. Research has shown that negativethoughts lower a person's measured frequencyby 12 MHz whi Ie positi ve thoughts raise thefrequency by 10M Hz. Also prayer andmeditation are beneficial as these increase thebody's electrical frequency by 15MHz.

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (year 2002)

Overcoming Procrastinationby Wayne Topping

TOPPING INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE INC2505 Cedarwood Ave. Suite 3. Bellingham. W A 98225. USA.

Phone: 360-647-2703, Fax: 360-647-0164E-mail: [email protected]. Websight:

Procrastination creates unnecessary stress for the individual and those with whomthey interact. We will explore the major benefits and reasons why peopleprocrastinate. Then we use kinesiological techniques to begin changing the patterns.

Overcoming procrastination is one ofthe most useful things we can do to regaincontrol of our time. First, however. we needawareness of the problem, and then we needunderstanding of what we can do about it.

A Why is Procrastination Harmful?I) It creates much unnecessary stress.

Crisis' are created that would notoccur had action been taken earlier.

2) It creates anxiety for theprocrastinator.

3) It creates stress for those close tothe procrastinator,

4) It can lead to alcoholism anddepression.

B Why do People Procrastinate?

I) Fear of the project - e.g. we putoff making an unpleasant phonecall.

2) Boredom - we put off themundane. less exciting tasks.

3) Dislike of the task - if we forget it.maybe it will get lost. or maybesomeone else will step in andcomplete the task.

4) Rebelliousness - maybe we areangry at having to do something,so procrastinating gives us apassive aggressive way to get backat someone.

William Knaus, Ed.D., author of Do ItNow: How to Stop Procrastination believesthere are two major reasons forprocrastination:

1. Self doubtSuch procrastinators are "stewers"rather than "doers." They areindecisive - "should lor shouldn'tIT. They have shaky self-confidence,tend to be very critical of themselves.and have a high fear of failure. Theyare often perfectionists :procrastinating is better than tryingbut falling short.

2. Discomfort dodgersThese people have a low tolerance fortension and frustration. Theyprocrastinate because they are afraidof the anxious or uncomfortablefeelings they associate with beginninga task. They procrastinate to avoidanticipated pain.

Dr. Linda Sapadin (1996) identifies six stylesof procrastination : the Perfectionist, theDreamer, the Worrier, the Defier, the Crisis-Maker, and the Overdoer. Completing aquestionnaire in her book allows you toidentify your major and minor procrastinationstyles.

Working with Procrastination

When I am working with a client who wantsto eliminate their procrastination behavior, Iwill have them complete the questionnairereferred to above. That then provides us withthe raw data from which to create statementsthat can be used in our stress release work.

For example, let's say the client circles F (forfrequently) with regard to the question: "Am Ireluctant to delegate tasks or work withothers unless they do things my way?" If theclient were to state out loud, "I feel

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (year 2002)

comfortable allowing others to do things theirway," their indicator muscles (lMs) wouldalmost certainly unlock denoting that stress istriggered. Why? Because the statement is notcongruent with the client's beliefs, behaviorpatterns, or experiences, Having the client doeye rotations in clockwise and counter-clockwise directions while holding the tip ofthe thumb to the tip of the ring finger(bilaterally) and with the pads of the indexand middle fingers on the frontal eminences(2 to 2.5 inches above the eyes) whilerepeating the statement out loud, defuses thestress triggered by saying the statement.Have the client repeat the statement, and theIMs should stay switched on showing thatthe stressful reaction is no longer beingtriggered. This doesn't mean necessarily thatthe client will automatically feel comfortable,allowing others to do things their way.However, eliminating the negative emotion,fear, anxiety, discomfort, etc., from this areathen allows the client to more easily shift hisor her behaviors and to make new choices. Itbecomes easier to allow people who havebeen delegated tasks to do things their way.In time the client could even become verycomfortable in that role.Statements can be used to probe an area, toidentify where the distress is. They can bestated positively, as in the example above.Or, they can be stated in a double negativeformat, e.g. "I no longer feel uncomfortableallowing others to do things their way." Theclient may also be asked to visualize orimagine themselves feeling comfortable,surrounded by people who are accomplishingthings - their way - while they do the stressrelease procedures to defuse stress.Decreasing the stress clears away obstaclesthat would normally keep one stuck in certainpatterns.Procrastination ExerciseI. Think of a task that you recognize you

have been putting off. What task are youavoiding?

2. Why are you avoiding this task?(read earlier portions of this paper forideas; fear of failure, fear of rejection,

anxiety, etc.).

3. Imagine yourself doing the task.What body sensations or head chatterare you experiencing that indicates aproblem?

If you had to rate this discomfort on ascale of 0 - 10, where 0 is no discomfortand lOis extremely uncomfortable, howwould you rate yourself?Circle the number.

o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 104. What is the worst thing that could


Could you handle it?

Do ESR while imagining that scenario.Do ESR while imagining other possible

scenarios.Do ESR while imagining everything

working out beautifully.5. Design and muscle test statements that

have a beating on the issue. Dorelevantbrain integration or eye rotationcorrections and list those statements here.You may want to continue using them asdailyaffumations.

ReferencesKnaus, William J. Do It Now: How to StopProcrastination. Englewood Cliffs, NewJersey: Prentice-Hall, 1979.Sapadin, Linda with Jack Maguire. It'sAbout Time! The Six Styles of Pro-crastination and How 10 Overcome Them.New York, NY : Viking Penguin, 1996.Topping, Wayne W. Stress Release.Bellingham, Washington: ToppingInternational Institute, 1985.Topping, Wayne W. Success Over Distress.Bellingham, Washington: ToppingInternational Institute, 1990.

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!! STRESS!! by Joe Bassett

Bassett's Health Foods, 3301 West Central Ave, Toledo, OH 43606, phone 1-800-783-7817

Where did it come from?

• Emotional~ Nutritional<; Physical'-Chemical~ Environmental


..$ What is it?~ Where did it come from?

<I What makes it better?

~ What makes it worse?

"" How did I get this way?

What is it?

~ A negative response to internal or externalstimuli.• It is generally believed that a certain amount ot

stress is necessary tor biologicat organisms tomain1ain their well-being.

• However. when to much stress occurs inquantities that the system cannot handle, rtproduces pathological changes.

• This biological concept ot stress was developedby Hans Selye. who intended originally tor stressto indicate cause ratller than effect.

Stress.Where did it come from?

• Emotional• Our family• Our world

• Economics• Abuse• Job

Stress ••Where did it come from?

• Nutritional• Inadequate diet• Poor digestive abilities• Insufficient bowel flora• Prescription drugs• Weakened immune response

(Original work by courtesy Dr. Greg Saunders)


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Food allergies

~ The body's immune system generallyignores food proteins but reacts toforeign proteins (e.g.. viruses andbacteria). Occasionally. in a processcalled mimicry. harmless proteins are sosimilar to harmful ones that the bodyreacts to them.

StressllliWhere did it come from?

~Chemical• Cosmetic• Environmental

• Food• Industries• Pharmaceuticals

.. This accounts for many food allergies.and immune responses to the casein inmilk and gluten in wheat and othergrains have been well documented inother diseases. A similar processoccurs in some cases of MS.

Cosmetic Stressl

~ There are potentially HarmfulIngredients Even In "Ali-Natural"Personal care products.• Sodium lauryisulfate (SLS).• Sodium laureth sulfate (SLES).:' Propylene glycol (PO).• Diethanolamlne (DEA).

StresslllWhere did It come from?

~Physical• Accidents• Genetics• Lax or poor exercise programs

Environmental Stress.

.Athome;• Detergents• Soaps• Cleaning solvents.Waler• Lawn care pro<fucts



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Food Stressl

~ Food additives.• Nitrites, sulfates, monosodium glutamate.

hydrogenated oil. artificial colors & flavors.• Genetically Modified Food (GMO).• Hormone latent meats, eggs and dairy.• Variable unknowns about soil conditions.

(use of herbicides. pesticides, syntheticfertilizers and contaminated ground


Pharmaceutical Stress!

Furthermore most children receive individualdoses of between 12 and 25 micrograms oftoxic mercury that with each injection exceedU.S. Federal Government safety guidelinesthat no person should be exposed to morethan 0.4 --0.8 micrograms per kilograms ofweight. And most children receive 238micrograms by the age of 24 months.

Pharmaceutical Stressl

" vaccines.• At present a lawsUit seek study on the effects of

mercury in vaccines Thimerosal contains mercuryand is made from a combination of ethyl mercuricchloride, thiosalicylic acid, sodium hydroxide andethanol. It is used as a preservative m manyrecombinant vaccines. such as the Hepatitis B.diphtheria. pertussis. acellular oertussis, tetanusand Hib vaccines and is found in many childhoodvaccines.

Pharmaceutical Stressl

.i) Most drugs used will create vitamin andmineral deficiencies.

Pharmaceutical Stress!

The July 8, 1999 press release from theNational Vaccine Information Center,points out that, "The cumulative effectsof ingesting mercury can cause braindamage."And that "Most infants have received atotal of 15 doses of these mercurycontaining vaccines by age 6.


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What is a symptom?

-ii A biochemical expression of cellulardepletion or deficiency.

~ Did you know that in 1988 the SurgeonGeneral's report on Nutrition and healthconcluded that 15 out of every 21 death(more than two-thirds) in the U.S.involve nutrition.

What is Disease?

.. Disease is a name given to a group ofcharacterized symptoms.


.~Based upon most information. mydefinition of Disease is; Disease Isadvanced malnutrition of the ImmunesYStem.



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What is Food?

,f# And you wonder aboutAllergies

What are they, and how do wedeal with them?

What is Food?

~ Food is defined as that which nourishesan organism.

What is an allergy

• An abnormal immune response to asubstance (allergen) that dose notnormally cause a reaction.

• There are four types of allergenicresponse.

After asking players toname the four basicfood gr.oups: They didn'thesitate: Wendy's,McDonald's, Pizza Hut,and Burger King.

• Jackie BerningDenver Bronco team


Type I

• Type I (immediate) (hives, allergicrhinitis, urticaria, asthma) (Systemicanaphylaxis is life threatening).



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Type II

.,j (cytotoxic) reactions are antigen-antibody reactions mediated by IgG andIgM that cause transfusion reactionsand many drug reactions. Thesereactions cause lysis of the blood cells(erthrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets)due to the release of complement, q.v ..

Our best friends and our worst enemiesare our thoughts. A thought can do usmore good than a doctor or a banker ora trusted friend. It can also do us moreharm than a BRICK.

Dr. Frank Crane

Type III

.JI (immune complex) reactions occur when IgGor IgM antibodies attach to antigens, creatingcomplexes that circulate in the blood. Thecomplexes cause damage when they adhereto the walls of the blood vessels, thusinitiating an inflammatory response. Serumsickness, demenstrated by fever, joint andmuscle pain. Iymphhadenopathy. andurticaria.

How to begin.

.,j Determine what it is that your client isconcerned with.• Food sensitivities.• Environmental sensitivities

• Chemical•Pe_• Helblddo• Cosmofjc

Type IV

.. (cell mediated) reactions are mediatedby sensitized T lymphocytes, notantibodies. Contact dermatitis. andmany common allergens, includingrubber used in elastic materials, poisonivy, chromium in leather. and nickelused in costume jewelry.

Set up your Scan.

.,jCreate a program.• Go to (Custom List).• Click (New List).• Name list (allergy 1).• Insert categories .



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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (year 2002)

Applied LymphologyThe Balance between Metabolism & Autointoxication

by Carola Koenig LMT, MLDT,ICMT

CENTER FOR APPLIED LYMPHOLOGY1400 Gulf Shore Blvd, N #106, Naples, FL 34102

PhonelFax 941-435-9921e-mail <[email protected]>

Applied Lymphology is focusing on theLymphatic System including Lymphedema ofall classifications. Harmonizing withindividual health requirements and the goal tostimulate the body's natural recuperativeabilities. Selecting eclectic techniques from thefield of Physiotherapy including specializedKinesiology, Balneology, Hydro- andElectrotherapy.

Throughout the years people asked me aboutmy connection to Kinesiology. Back inGermany at the "institut fuer angewandteKinesiology" in Freiburg. I ran into JimmyScott PHD who was teaching "SET" at thattime. I was fascinated and wanted to learnmore to integrate into my traditionalphysiotherapeutic techniques. And for someodd reason whatever I did seemed to have aconnection to the Lymphatic System!

It is not totally avoidable to get intobiochemistry when you talk aboutmetabolism, but I will try to keep it to thebare necessities.

To Get StartedWe have to differentiate the terminology.Because most people equate metabolism withcalorie burning. Basically, metabolism is"ALL" the chemical reactions that occur inyour body. Metabolism consists ofabsorption of nutrients and the elimination ofwastes (toxins). Medical students spend anentire semester studying Carbohydratemetabolism followed by fat metabolism,protein metabolism, liver metabolism, and soon, to realize that it occurs everywhere: brain,liver, digestive tract, muscle, heart. lungs -every tissue or organ. Thousands of metabolicprocesses are happening every single minute

of every day. Metabolism consists out ofmany little metabolisms, anyone of which canchange without indication of specific change.Blood tests for example, are not very reliable,because the change that took place might be sominute that it did not show in common tests,but yet it is important enough to overburdenthe entire system. Often people show the samesymptoms for totally different reasons. Properinvestigation of cause is extremely crucial forproper corrections.

My main goal is to explain the unity of thebody, the dependence of differentlyrecognized systems to each other. We cannotseparate them. Disease does not occurovernight, you don't get fat overnight either,you don't develop rd stage Lymphedema withfibrotic changes overnight. Even though, Ideal with mostly cancer patients developingLymphedema after physical obstruction ofLymphatics caused by surgery, radiation, orchemotherapy. I like to stress here thatLymphedema can also happen to anybodyelse, unrelated to cancer. Quite often we don'trecognize it as Lymphedema.

Mostly those people are told, "You are justfatl!" Stop eating, and then they run out andbuy FAT FREE CHEMISTRY and SUGARFREE POISON!!

The stagnation of Lymph (Lymphostasis) isalways an accumulation of toxic metabolicwaste (without matter of cause). In order toa void toxemia == toxicosis ==autointoxication, Lymph has to be able to flowfreely.

We're born with a fabulous system that is ableto repair it self like magic. As long as youkeep it active (exercise), you maintain health.

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (yr 2002)

Any doctor can tell you, that patients recovermore quickly from injury on their feet thanpatients laying in bed.

FatThe human body can make fat out of almostanything. The carbohydrates in bread, pasta,and potatoes can be turned in to fat as well asexcess protein will be converted into fat by theliver. Fat is primary fuel for everything.running, dancing, playing tennis ....... ! Themuscle bums both fat and sugar. Sugar burnsinstantly (quick energy) but the fat continuesto burn for a long, long time. You get much.much more energy (calories) from a fatmolecule than from a sugar molecule. Allathletes will agree: you may run out of sugarplaying active sports, but you never run out offat. Even people who are starving never useup all their body fat. Surprisingly, evenanorexic people, looking like skeletonsbecause they lost so much muscle, but stillhave approximately ten to fifteen pounds ofhidden fat. These people do not starve todeath, as a matter of fact nobody has everactually starved to death.

During starvation at some point the body willrun out of glucose and it will start usingprotein for fuel. In the process of burningprotein, at some point the body will start tobum the immune system's anti bodies, whichare proteins which will leave the body highlysusceptible to bacteria and viruses. Death willbe caused by infection precipitated by lack ofprotein in the body.

All the proteins we eat end up in the blood assimple amino acids and the carbohydrates allturn into blood glucose. The fats we eat,which go through the exact same digestiveprocesses. saliva, hydrochloric acid andpancreatic enzymes, don't break up to asimple "one-word" end product.

We get:: Fatty AcidsMonoglyceridesTriglyceridesHigh density cholesterolLow density cholesteroland some more tongue twisters.

The fatty acids are extremely small, it is easyfor them to pass through semipermeablemembranes. They move out of the

bloodstream into a muscle cell to be burnedfor energy. If they are not used by the musclecell, they move back into the blood and travelto a fat cell for storage. These highly mobilefat molecules make up less than I% of the fatcontents in blood. They are not associatedwith heart attacks or other cardiovasculardisease, but they can make us fat if they arenot used for energy since free fatty acids arethe basic fuel for energy.

When fatty acids hang out in fat cells for tolong, they tend to form Triglycerides (storedform of fatty acids). Triglycerides do twothings. they sit with fat deposits, and they aredissembled back into fatty acids when themuscles need fuel. Once your body starts tometabolize fatty acids, the Triglycerides willdiminish.

70% of energy (calories) muscles need,comes from fat,30% from sugar.

Typically, muscles burn fatty acids andglucose at the same time. but it requiresOXYGEN!! Without oxygen. there is onlyanaerobic, sugar burning.

There are three classes of Enzymes

1. Metabolic Enzymes

Enzymes are protein chemicals that areinvolved in trillions of chemical activities. Alllife. plant or animal, requires enzymes.Enzymes are involved in building, repairing,or maintaining. Therefore it is no surprise thatthe activity of the Lymphatic System entirelydepends on metabolic enzymes.

Metabolic enzymes are the body's"construction workers" without them nothingwould happen.

2. Digestive Enzymes:

Required to digest food

3. Food Enzymes:

Naturally grown food would contain all thenecessary enzymes to break it down in thebody for digestion.

Unfortunately we destroy those by cooking.Since food inside the stomach needs to bedealt with immediately, even though all the

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (yr 2002)

digestive enzymes have been "cooked out"(destroyed). the body will force the metabolicenzymes mechanism to produce digestiveenzymes. This will drastically lessen theeffectiveness of your labor force to and maintain!

Here we are again!!The Lymphatic System becomesoverburdened! Stagnated accumulatedamounts of metabolic waste can ultimatelymake you sick.

LymphologyDescribes the science about the function of theLymphatic System. The Lymphatic Systembuilds the major part of the body's immunedefenses, it fights against infectiouspathogens, like bacteria and viruses, it collectsinterstitial fluids and filters out impurities.Lymph is formed when high arterial pressureforces fluid out of the capillaries into the tissue

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spaces. From there it is taken up intothe lymphatic vessels.

Anatomy/PhysiologyLike the Venous System, theLymphatic System builds aSuperficial System and a deepersystem consisting of larger vessels.The Superficial System builds anetwork of valveless lymphcapillaries covering the entire body;(60.000 miles of capillaries) thedeeper the lymph vessel are formedby little segments calledLymphangions, which are separatedby one-way valves allowing thelymph to flow in one directiontowards the nearest filter stationmade of lymph nodes. Valvesprevent back flow of lymph.

As the number of lymph vesselsdecreases towards the center of thebody, their size in diameter increases(thoracic duct).

On its way thorough the body, thelymph fluid is cleansed andconcentrated by passing throughregional lymph nodes arranged ingroups or chains. There are

approximately 600 lymph nodes throughoutthe body. Form and size of lymph nodes varybetween 2mm and 25mm. Lymphocytes areable to migrate throughout the lymphoidtissues and circulate between different organsvia lymphatic channels.

The Lymphatic System interacts with theCirculatory System acting as a Filter andDrainage Network. Arteries transportoxygenated blood, plasma and nutrientstowards every single cell.

The Venous System reabsorbs 90% of thedeoxygenated, carbon dioxide rich fluid andmetabolic waste, 10% remain as lymphobligatory load.

The heart pumps blood under pressurethrough the arterial and venous system.Lymph is only circulated by musclecontraction.

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (yr 2002)

The human body consists out of approx. 70%water.

We distinguish between:• Intracellular fluid (inside the cell)• Extracellular fluid (surrounding the cells)• Interstitium or interstitial spaces• Interstitial fluid

The interstitial fluid serves as FoodSupplier and Garbage Dump at thesame time. Minerals and Vitamins aresupplied and cell residue and metabolicwaste is reabsorbed.


The correct function of lymphangions can behindered or stopped due to fatigue, stress,emotional shock, severe colds, infections,lack of mobility, chemicals and food additivescausing Lymphostasis. Which means lymphcirculation stagnates, fluids, proteins,hormones, fatty acids, immune cells as well astoxins accumulate and cellular functioning iscomprised. Long term Lymphostasis can alsoaffect the liver, lungs and intestines, whichwill lead to dysfunction or even damage of thespecific organs.

Cyst formationOther lymphatic tissue

Thymus glandTonsilsAdenoidsAppendixSpleenPeyer's patches in the small intestine

Lymph Edema

Ignored lymphostasis will lead to LymphEdema. Untreated Lymph Edema isprogressing! Protein rich interstitial fluid willbe replaced by fibrotic tissue causing lowoxygen tension and severe secondaryinfections (erysipelas/cellulite).

Lymph Edema is a malfunction orinsufficiency of the lymphatic transportcapacity for several reasons: cancerous andnon cancerous tumors, surgical or nonsurgical scar formation due to normal woundhealing, radiation, or chemotherapy. Evenminor disturbances in the micro circulation ofthe connective tissue can result in congestionand edema. It is essential to differentiate thecause of swelling, location, leading lymphvessels and lymph nodes (Troubleshooting).

• Lymph nodes may swell to block accessfor bacteria or virus towards vital organs

• Lymphatics may swell to protect the trunkfrom invasions of allergens (sinus,tonsils, neck)

• Lymphostasis of the face e.g. may be aresult of adhesion formed by scaning afteraccidents, injuries, surgeries and radiationof sublingual lymph nodes. Relievingcongestion and lymph Edema throughManual Lymph Drainage has beenscientifically proven to prevent pathology.


Immunologists have proven that lymphocytesare responsible for the production ofantibodies, which combat viral or bacterialinfections. The ability to survive in anenvironment filled with micro-organismshighly depends on the strength of ourfunctioning lymphatic system.

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itial protein concentration Increased Jt

chronic inflammation J~

{ cell ... _1fIrItIan!t

l tIbroua ..... J l .... J .,...........t t -~ • ,

tIInbIIItI Idlpocytle tpIdennII IIIIIInozytII ..,.,.,...t t Gllil l lftbraIia filly ....... t I•

1PIChYdarmII mellnln cpts, ..... I.... ~ ++++


I! PlPUIomataIIa ! Itftbrourcoma liposarcoma ...... cell- melanoma? tymphanglo IIrC.Cll'Clnoma ·Stnrart-,.,...·

LDn, lema effects of Q chronically increased interstitia! pror~i" concemrasio«

Two types of lymphocytes, T and Blymphocytes, are known. These cells do notoriginate in the spleen or in the lymph nodes.They originate inside the red bone marrow,but they migrate into these organs oflymphatic tissue during an early stage of theirdevelopment.

T-Iymphocytes can kill directly. They areresponsible for cellular defense and usuallyassist the B-Iymphocytes in recognizingantigens. A successful defense againstinfection by microorganism depends on thepresence and resistance of immunity.

Specificity of Immunity

Under immunity we understand the protectionthe body builds against a second attack of aninfectious disease. But immunity againstmeasles does not protect us against otherinfectious diseases.

Resistance is the entire defense complex thebody is able to mobilize. Resistance is notantigen specific. It is determined by geneticand environmental factors (nutrition,exhaustion, disease). Manual lymph Drainage

is able to strengthen the resistance of the bodyin fact that pathogenic substances (if present inthe body fluids) are transported rapidly bymanual manipulation towards the lymph nodeswhere those are inactivated or destroyed.

Manual Lymph DrainageManual Lymph Drainage is a gentle, noninvasive, rhythmical massage techniqueredeveloped and refined in the 1930' s by Dr.Emil Vodder in Europe. Having its roots in atechnique first introduced by Alexander vonWinniwarter in the late 1800. Manual LymphDrainage relaxes the sympathetic nervoussystem, reduces pain and appears to enhancethe body's immune defense. It is effective inthe treatment of acute and chronic lymphedema, acne, headache, sinus congestion,neuromuscular disorders and fascialdysfunction. It is indicated to removecongestion and minimize scar formation aspre- and post surgical procedure. ManualLymph Drainage facilitates removal ofmetabolic waste, excess water, toxins,bacteria and large proteins from the tissue viainitial lymph vessels and capillaries. ManualLymph Drainage enhances the action of lymph

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (yr 2002)

angions applying a specific, directionalpumping force over them.

Most of the techniques involve a rotary motionthat torques the lymph vessels in a way tostretch receptors inside the angion walls.Manual Lymph Drainage applies longitudinaland lateral stretch to the lymph vessel.

Lymph flow is affected through direct actionon the lymph vessel which stimulates drainageof the connective tissue by increasing theresorption into the venous capillaries.

Main Effects of Manual LymphDrainage to Improve Lymph FlowI. Increasing lymphatic vasomotor activity2. Mobilization of stagnated fluid3. Softening of fibrous connective tissue> Decongestion

Reflectoric application of sports tape afterManual Lymph Drainage (if allowed by skincondition) can improve lymph circulation byapplying stretch force over lymph capillary. Itincreases range of motion as well.

Lymph Edema Classifications

We differentiate between:• Lymph Edema congenital (present at birth)

• Lymph Edema praecox (starts to developfrom puberty to age 35)

• Lymph Edema tarda (develops after age35)

Classification by Cause:Primary Lymph Edema (ca. I0%) due to acongenital absence of Lymphatics orcongenital obliteration of the thoracic duct.

Praecox Lymph Edema occurs whensome functioning Lymphatics are present butnot in adequate numbers to return flow as thechild grows.

Secondary Lymph Edema or acquiredLymph Edema occurs due to the disruption ofLymphatics after surgery, trauma or radiation.

Neuro-Lymphatic Reflexes(Chapman's reflexes!

The Neurolymphatic Reflex correlates to theSympathetic Nervous System. Whenever theneurolymphatic reflexes are blocked, theSympathetic Nervous System is overloaded.Extreme or continuos stress causes"sympathetic dominance", or adrenalexhaustion, which weakens the body'simmune defenses. The lymphatic systembecomes impaired, lymphatic drainage blocksand metabolic waste accumulates.• Painful lumps• Neurolymphatic points become palpableTouch for Health Kinesiology recognizesneurolymphatic reflexes as switches, whichpromote lymph flow changes via thesympathetic and spinal nerves. Neuro-lymphatic reflex points of the liver are mostlyfound anterior and posterior to the intercostalspaces. "These I mostly integrate into mytreatments". The NL's are reflex points orswitches, which effect changes in the lymphflow. The stimulation of the Neurolymphaticreflexes help the body to "turn on" themechanism to aid the lymph flow, but not theflow of the lymph brings about the change,the stimulation of a specific communicationsystem activates a whole series of impulseswhich "unblock" (remove static) and allow thebody to communicate more effectively. Duringdetoxification therapy it is most important toassure that the excretion of toxins from thesuperficial, the deep and the intermediatetissue layers is balanced. The removal oftoxins from the tissues should never be fasterthan the possible elimination, to avoidunpleasant reactions select carefully.

Chronic Disease and Detoxification

Most chronic diseases are caused byintoxication which over the years triggeredacute reactions suppressed with allopathicdrugs.

• Minor intoxication of the liver, afterrepeated suppressive therapy can developinto malignant diseases of liver or otherorgans.

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (yr 2002)

Fibrocystic Breast

May be a sign of hyperestrogenism or poorhormonal metabolism.

Polycystic Kidneys

Appendicitis. often caused by bowel toxemia.liver burden and constipation.

Chronic Pain:Can involve the vascular, lymphatic. neuraland humoral systems singly or incombination. An old muscle injury maygradually turn fibrotic. This in turn constrictsthe neighboring blood and lymphatic vesselsand may compress both afferent and efferentnerves. Without the blood and lymphaticsystem to bring in the necessary tissuescavengers and collagen lysing agents thefibrosis becomes more and more pronounced.In the meantime the affected nerves transmitand receive with impaired efficiency. and theblood supply to and from the area distal to theobstruction is diminished. As the lymphaticsystem gradually backs up, the tissuesproximal to the obstruction are not properlydrained. and muscles may begin to exhibitsome of the side effects of local lacticacidosis. and the condition gradually spreads.There is no single definition of pain. with other medical disease entities. pain isusually a symptom of some other physical oreven mental abnormality. The roles ofnociceptive impulse neurotransmitters such asacetylcholine, substance p, serotonin,bradykinin, dopamine and some of theprostaglandins are gradually being clarified.The complexity of the receptors, and how theyinitiate the electrochemical neural impulses,which the brain translates as 'pain' , is a studyof its own.

Chronic Tonsillitis and EnlargedTonsils:Indicates lymphatic insufficiency (tonsilsguard against ingested or inhaled intruders).

• Requires long term support of liver.kidneys and immune system. ManualLymph Drainage often improves situation.

Substances that directly enter systematiccirculation through the skin in a dissolvedsolution, diffuses into extracellular fluids and

then through the lymphatics. Substancesreadily absorbed include oxygen. carbondioxide. fat-soluble vitamins, steroids, plantresins like poison oak and poison ivy. paintthinners. & heavy metal salts.

Specific Industrial Toxins:ChromiumNickelAcidsRadioactive SubstancesArsenicAluminum

Special Environmental Toxins:InsecticidesPesticidesFungicidesHerbicidesDyesPreservativesPetrochemicals

VaccinesTetanusDiphteriaSmall Pox

Iatrogenic Toxins:AntibioticsCorticosteroidsGoldHormonesPsychotherapeuticsNeuroleptics

Improving Lymph-Flow bySupporting the Liver

Lipotropic Nutrients:B-vitamins: choline, inositol and

methionineMilk ThistleTurmeric (curcuma)Red RootDandelionBurdock

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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (yr 2002)

The liver has to metabolize hormones and fatsin circulation as well as removing wastes fromthe bloodstream, which explains why liverdisease may lead to hyperestrogenism andfibrocystic breast.

Improving Lymph-Flow by IncreasingCirculation

Therapeutic Massage, Myofascial and DeepTissue Massage assist to remove accumulatedlactic acid and waste products from the muscleby increasing the arterial blood flow, whichmight be contraindicated in cases of lymphEdema of all classifications due to increasedrelease of fluid into the interstitial spaces.Massage is well indicated in cases ofIymphostasis due to stress, lack of physicalactivity or general adhesions.


Use of hot or cold wet packs of differentsizes.

Fango or Clay:

The drying action of the wet clay draws toxinsout of the tissue foe absorption into the clay.

Hot Towels, Wet Towels or LavenderTowels:Promote oxygenation, detoxification whichincreases the body's immune defense.

Hydrotherapy describes the strategic use ofwater for therapeutic use. Temperature is mostimportant ranging from hot to ice application.Hydrostatic pressure plays an important roleas well.

Mud Bath:

Extracts from clay and earth samples havepowerful antibacterial properties by bindingtoxins with function of heart and kidneys aswell as heat regulating centers remainundisturbed. A 39 degree Celsius mud bathhas stimulating effect on metabolism,absorption of inflammatory masses andregeneration of tissue.


The Eclectic Materia Medica, Cincinnati,OH, 1922, pp 535-538

Erkrankungen des Lymphgefass -Systems. Bonn, Kagerer Kommunications

Medicines from the Earth,Phytomedicine. 1998 Official Proceedings,Gaia Herbal Research Institute

The New Webster's MedicalDictionary. Lexicon Publications. Inc.New York, NY, ISBN 0-7172- 4503-9Jensen, Dr. Bernard

Doktor Natur, Lexikon Der SanftenMedizin Ariston Verlag, Genf, ISBN37205-1365-3

Consilium Cedip, NaturheilweiseDiagnose/ Therapie Cedip, Muenchen

Physio-therapeutisches RezepturbuchSteinkopf Verlag, Darmstadt Gilbert

Hydrotherapies und Balneotherapiein'Iheorie und Praxis, Muenchen, Oshiro,T

Stress, Stress Hormones and theImmune System. Buckingham, J.D.,Gillies, G.E. and Cowell, A.M. (Eds.)(1994). London: John Wiley & Sons.

Anatomy of an Illness. Cousins, N.(1979). New York: W.W. Norton

The Psychoimmunology oj HumanCancer: Mind and body in the Fightfor Survival. Lewis, C.E., O'Sullivan, C.and Barraclough, G. (Eds.) (1994). NewYork: Oxford University Press

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Basic List

...Amino Acids

.. Bacteria• Enzymes.. Molds & fungi"Phenolics

Review Data

.. Compare the greatest Falls to theMPRS and Duration.

.. Highlight the common relationships.• Load to single channel all substances

that you wish to address..GO TO SINGLE-CHANNEL.

Basic List

• Hormones"'Vitamins.. Flower essences• Matrix

Single Channel.

.. Go to Work Set.• Click to active (do not highlight).

• Test all poinl$ that might be affected .• Lungs. lymph. nerve. heart. allergy food. allergy

chemical. sugar metabolism.

Begin scan

.. 1. In results:• Print the top 100 falls .

• MPRS .

• Duration .

Active hold.

.. Highlight hold tank.

.. Set potency to 1v.

.. Recheck points(In most cases the points will change

substantially).• Insert Into hold tank 1



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Create New Hold Tank.

.. De-activate Hold tank 1

Balance body.

",Step 1.• With client holding brass conductor and the

second hold tank active, have them coverwith their thumb. the nail beds of the littlefinger and the ring finger.

• Using 8 laser pen hit and hold light on theallergy point in the ear (either one) for atleast 15 seconds.

Create New Hold Tank.

.. Go to Mini Scan of Work set, by pressing Altand F1 keys.• Click mini scan. and a dilution w1il appear at the

top,(highlight)anddoubleclick.• Now a potency set will appear. click Mini scan

again and a potency will be selected by the unitHighlight top potency and double click.

• You will now be asked which Hold Tank to loadtoo. (load to Hold tank 2).

• Repeat this process 3 times.

Balance body.

"Step 2• Repeat the process, only now have the

client place their thumb. ring finger andlittle finger with tips touching tips.

• Again using the laser pin hit the ear pointfor allergies .

• • (These lWo staps balance positive and negativepolarity).

Retest affected Points.

.. Recheck the points that showed the most'deviation in the original test.

.. If polnts are balanced at this time move on tothe clearing process.

• If not, repeat the steps of loading from workset 4 more times (loading approximately 7sets in hold tank 2).

• Recheck points. (generally points will balanceat this time).

.._ ...........




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Balancing the body .

.. Step 3.• Again with client holding active brass conductor.

starting on the Right side phYSicallystimulate theacupressure points starting with LI-4, U-11, K-27righ~ K·271ert, LI-l1, LI-4, ST36, gently squeezeon both sides of the tibia (moving down) about 3movements. SP-6. LV-3 left. lV3 right, SP~ right.moving up the tibia (3 movements) to ST-36 andfinishing on LI·4 right

Balancing Body.

.. Step 4.-iii Attach the right middle-finger to the

harness middle-finger conductor.• (this will make the unit output a sound.

indicating that a circuit has be establishedwith the Phazx device.

• Now click the Imprint icon and allow thevibration load to reset the body.


.. After the load, remove the harness strapfrom the finger.

.. De-activate the hold 2 Tank.

..Activate the hold 1 Tank.

.. Recheck the points.• If the process was complete, all the points

should be balanced.


..In about 85% of the people this willprovide major improvements in theallergenic symptoms .

.. In about 15% of the people with deepseated allergenic burden a phenolicmust be used. Ifind ti'lat The Phenolicsfrom Deseret Biologicals work well.They can be reached at (800) 827-9529



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Touch for Health Kinesiology Association Journal (yr 2002)

9.F-----I,..,.Master Cerebral


1.0Shen Men

( Spirit Gate)

2',0 , C.Autonomic POint'( Sympathetic)

5. FOscinarion

Point~.O 5~.sS

Cal-rrO\~, 'C 3.0.) Thalamus Point

( Subcortex)4.0 \.

Endocrine Point(Internal Secretion)

X.FMaster Sensorial


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RIGHT: LI-4. Ll-II. K-27. LEIT K-27. U-Il. Ll-4. ST-36. SP-6.L V-J. RlGI-IT LV -J. SP-6. ST -3Q. U-4


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