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  • Forum Shill gets Busted: ATS and GLP Censor to Cover his Tracks Insanemedia[3/3/14, 3:49:32 AM]

    Forum Shill gets Busted: ATS and GLP Censor to Cover his Tracks

    A Forum Shill gets busted. Something very interesting happened over at GLP March 24th at 9:28 pm. Something that did not go unnoticed by GLP posters and many others around the interwebz. On page 7 of a thread titled Medical Type Says Sandy Hook is Total BS, a user from Kazakhstan posted the following:




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    Published on March 28th, 2013 | by Pilot 34

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  • Forum Shill gets Busted: ATS and GLP Censor to Cover his Tracks Insanemedia[3/3/14, 3:49:32 AM]

    Re: Medical Type Says Sandy Hook is Total Bullshit

    [0x1a970000, 0x1ab00000, 0x27570000> [rdpclip.exe, "iostatZd15.1"]

    you copied a large amount of data onto the clipboard ...Do you want to save this data on the clipboard?

    User ID: 35850666 Korea User ID: 36689081 Korea User ID: 33951304 Kazak User ID: 36809983 Kazak

    N.C.S. logo.jpg

    //SECRET C:\SharePoint012USNCSSAD_Wrkc9inet-N-7339.tx t ********************************** REMINDERS NOTES ********************************** Sensitivity Level

    Action Code

    Team 5.A/ SITE Location of official Agency folder None NPRC Team Contact Sheila N******


    Do any of the respondents display the urge to supply



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  • Forum Shill gets Busted: ATS and GLP Censor to Cover his Tracks Insanemedia[3/3/14, 3:49:32 AM]

    information that could be helpful to your mission?

    Do the respondents appear hostile to your attempts to steer the discussion?

    Have you made a personal chart taking care to note who appear to be the leaders versus who appear to be the followers?

    Have you attempted to gauge the temperature of the forums users?

    In other words, the prevailing social psychology of the forums members?

    Have you been more successful with one or the other XStart methods that were demonstrated in N-7015A.DOC?

    Have more technical members (Computer Programmers, Administrators, or Moderators) of the forum deduced or accused you of hiding behind a proxy?

    Would you gain more trust and/or credibility if you were to use one of the Agencys allotted HOME pools? (most often needed when handling EVTS that are more sensitive to the pop. of a specific locale but also location centered web sites such as FB or Patch)

    Has your PREDEV persona been successful or do you gauge that the users find you to be too obtrusive? Accusations of being ever present are.

    Quote by member: Our korean friend is probably part of the Sandy Hoax team. Im guessing he is one of the many Israeli firsters we have seen so many of

    Sandy Hook Evidence:Where is the Blood?

    Sandy Hook & The Cheshire Murders Why the 911 Calls Matter

  • Forum Shill gets Busted: ATS and GLP Censor to Cover his Tracks Insanemedia[3/3/14, 3:49:32 AM]

    in SH. But he is not really helping his employer that much. His presence and views in different topics works as a litmus test telling if the OP is on to something or not.I bet one million shekels that he wouldnt show up in a thread about Lt Vance shapeshiftingBut hes probably a nice guy doing what he thinks is the right thing.

    Forum Shill gets Busted:ATS and GLP Censor to Cover his Tracks

    Needless to say suspicions were aroused and investigations into specific terms in the text were Googled. Namely N-7015A.DOC, PREDEV persona, etc. An early search for N-7015A.DOC resulted in this entry:

    Second from the bottom we see If

  • Forum Shill gets Busted: ATS and GLP Censor to Cover his Tracks Insanemedia[3/3/14, 3:49:32 AM]

    you do the same search, only the forum references appear. The eda site was very quickly removed from the Google string. How very very interesting

    Notes by Kennedy:

    A search for N-7015A.DOC still gives me the result for the EDA website. Update: As of 3/29/13 Im unable to re-produce the Google Search Resultfor the document on the website. ATS has deleted the screenshots of the Google results, which were posted on page 2 in the thread.

    UPDATE: We have received referrals from the 4Chan community yesterday and it seems the shills are very active over there too. A 4chan member made a post about JIDF. The Jewish Internet Defense Force (JIDF) after the Boston Bombing. He was immediately trolled by shills.

    The Jewish Internet Defense Force (JIDF) is a private, independent, non-violent protest organization representing a collective of activists, operating under the name Jewish Internet Defense Force since the 2008 massacre at the Mercaz HaRav Yeshiva in Jerusalem.

    Were on the cutting edge of pro-Israel digital online advocacy, presenting news, viewpoints, and information throughout a large network reaching hundreds of thousands via email, Facebook, YouTube, RSS feeds, Twitter, and other digital hubs

  • Forum Shill gets Busted: ATS and GLP Censor to Cover his Tracks Insanemedia[3/3/14, 3:49:32 AM]

    to those who share our concerns for Israel and about about antisemitic and jihadist online content.

    Our ACTION ALERTS are now well known throughout the Jewish and Israel advocacy world, and by our many enemies, as they have led to the removal of thousands of antisemitic and jihadist pages online. (JIDF)

    The shill had a copy fail just like our Korean friend on GLP. He deleted his mistake quickly, but a screenshot and link back to this article were quickly posted

    Click below banner for full image!

    You can see the same method. The program he uses has a couple fake accounts, that he uses for his shill copy and paste jobs.

    We have a lot of visits from the Reddit community today, and from a private subreddit Thanks Folks! Please spread the word. These paid government shills are all over the interwebs, trying to stir our opinions and discussion. #noshills!!

  • Forum Shill gets Busted: ATS and GLP Censor to Cover his Tracks Insanemedia[3/3/14, 3:49:32 AM]

    UPDATE Explained by folks at Lunaticoutpost

    rdpclip.exe is the process that handles copy/paste & file copy transactions for terminal services during a REMOTE DESKTOP session. A few of you have questioned how the two text groups can be combined. rdpclip caches both clear-text and file copy data on each end during the transaction (the remote desktop server & client). After it completes the transaction, I think rdpclip calls a method (iostatZd15.1) to clear its cache for the next job. This, however, didnt happen, so the rdpclip cache was still populated with 1) the error message and 2) the text content of the file that it was downloading for the client from Sharepoint cloud (C:SharePoint012USNCSSAD_Wrkc9inet-N-7339.tx t).

  • Forum Shill gets Busted: ATS and GLP Censor to Cover his Tracks Insanemedia[3/3/14, 3:49:32 AM]

    Next, the handler was probably using the remote server as its bot host to interact with the website it was posting to. If the handler (either manually or automatically) pasted the thread reply and hit post the rdpclip process on the server was populated with not only the text reply for the thread, but also the existing data artifacts that were not successfully purged earlier. That explains how the error message, the .txt file (with the checklist) and the text reply got sent to the website as the reply from Korea guy (bot).


    1. We know the handler uses Remote Desktop to connect to the bot machine 2. We know the handler uses Remote Desktop to connect to Sharepoint cloud 3. We know that something broke rdpclip.exe during a transaction (evidenced by the windows exception stack values, header, and the warning dialogue)

    4. We know that the rdpclip cache was not properly purged, and the error message was amalgamated with the contents of the last file copy job (the .txt file), and subsequently the text payload including quoted text and reply text.

    EDIT: iostatZd15.1 is not a method, but a return from IOSTAT, in this case, when rdpclip ran out of room on the clipboard during a transaction, most likely a copy job via remote desktop as hypothesized above. I need to do more research on rdpclip.

    The actual error which occurred appears to be a known one involving Remote Desktop Protocol v5.1,

  • Forum Shill gets Busted: ATS and GLP Censor to Cover his Tracks Insanemedia[3/3/14, 3:49:32 AM]

    since fixed in RDP v6, that involves something known as the clipboard viewer chain.

    It is an error that dates back to (at least) Windows 2000.

    The actual bug surfaces because of the way the clipboard viewer chain (hereafter abbreviated to CBVC) is managed internally by Windows.

    The CBVC is basically a Linked list.

    This list of clipboard viewers is global, and each application shares it. Windows, however, only maintains a reference pointer to the first member of the list, and it is expected that each application, if interested in being made aware of changes in the state of clipboard, first register with the system. Registering adds that applications viewer to the global chain. Each CBVC member must maintain a reference pointer to the next member in the chain (why I emphasized this will be clear momentarily, if it is not already).

    Windows sends notification of clipboard changes by sending the WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD message to the 1st member in the CBVC, whose pointer, remember is maintained by Windows. This member has to deal with the event and pass it along to the next member in the list whose pointer it maintains, and so on and so forth.

    So the simplest explanation of the bug, would also be the most obvious: having each separate application sharing the responsibility of managing the pointers to an OS-level operation (the clipboard), is a really stupid and

  • Forum Shill gets Busted: ATS and GLP Censor to Cover his Tracks Insanemedia[3/3/14, 3:49:32 AM]

    byzantine implementation.

    The following paragraph, found here are a typical use-case for the manifestation of the type of failure we seem to be dealing with: > I use Remote Desktop all the time to work inside of my development systems hosted by Microsoft Virtual Server. I use the host system to browse the web for documentation and searches as I work and when I need to copy some text from the web browser I find many times the link between the host clipboard and the remote clipboard is broken. In the past I have read that somehow the remote clipboard utility, rdpclip.exe, gets locked and no longer allows the clipboard to be relayed between the host and the client environment. My only way to deal with it was to use the internet clipboard, I would create my own space and use it to send content between environments. But that is a cumbersome step if you are doing it frequently.

    The only way I really knew to fix the clipboard transfer was to close my session and restart it. That meant closing the tools I was using like Visual Studio, Management Studio and the other ancillary processes I have running as I work and then restarting all of it just to restore the clipboard. But today I found a good link on the Terminal Services Blog explaining that what is really happening. The clipboard viewer chain is somehow becoming unresponsive on the local or remote system and events on the clipboards are not being relayed between systems. It is not necessarily a lock being put in place but some sort of failed data transmission. It then goes on to explain the 2 steps

  • Forum Shill gets Busted: ATS and GLP Censor to Cover his Tracks Insanemedia[3/3/14, 3:49:32 AM]

    you can take to restore the clipboard without restarting your session.

    Use Task Manager to kill the rdpclip.exe process Run rdpclip.exe to restart it


    Kennedy Ray

    ****End Update

    We have highlighted certain abbreviations in the shill copy fail . Below you can view our findings:

    NCS = National Clandestine Services

    The National Clandestine Service (NCS) (known as the Directorate of Plans from 1951 to 1973 and as the Directorate of Operations from 1973 to 2005) is one of the Central Intelligence Agencys four main components.

    Created in 2005, the NCS serves as the clandestine arm of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the national authority for the coordination, de-confliction, and evaluation of clandestine operations across the Intelligence Community of the United States

    SAD = Special Activities Division

    The Special Activities Division (SAD) is a division in the United States Central Intelligence Agencys (CIA) National Clandestine Service (NCS) responsible for covert operations known as special activities. Within SAD there are two separate groups, one for tactical paramilitary operations and another for

  • Forum Shill gets Busted: ATS and GLP Censor to Cover his Tracks Insanemedia[3/3/14, 3:49:32 AM]

    covert political action.[1] The Political Action Group within SAD is responsible for covert activities related to political influence, psychological and economic warfare. The rapid development of technology has added cyberwarfare to their mission. Tactical units within SAD are also capable of carrying out covert political action. A large covert operation usually has components that involve many, or all, of these categories, as well as paramilitary operations.

    Shills are all over the Sandy Hook story, and have been from the outset. ATS censored Sandy Hook threads and deleted them with impunity. That story was covered in more detail here.

    On GLP, the threads, that were started regarding the Shill were deleted immediately, only traces of quotes from the original post remain.

    A thread about the shill post was started on ATS and it was deleted the following day. You can access a cashed version of the first page of that thread here

  • Forum Shill gets Busted: ATS and GLP Censor to Cover his Tracks Insanemedia[3/3/14, 3:49:32 AM]

    This seems to be a peek behind the curtain of the shadowy world of counterintelligence operations employed to stymie the efforts of people who are quite rightly searching for the truth of the Sandy Hook debacle. ATS once again implicates itself in the cover-up of an important event that threatens to lead to further erosion of rights and freedoms of the American people.

    How do the individuals working for clandestine services rationalize their efforts to hide the truth from the people? Is it just a paycheck? Do they have the same disdain for ordinary citizens that the elites have displayed? Do they feel that they are part of the elite, and must protect the interests of the elites in favor of all else? Just following orders?

    The ship has too many leaks at this point. It is damage control mode 24/7 for these operators and Im hoping that an attack of conscience might grip one or more of them. I wont hold my breath, but it happens.

  • Forum Shill gets Busted: ATS and GLP Censor to Cover his Tracks Insanemedia[3/3/14, 3:49:32 AM]


    Vocabulary: HUMINT (Human Intelligence)

    Human Intelligence (frequently abbreviated HUMINT) is intelligence gathered by means of interpersonal contact, as opposed to the more technical intelligence gathering disciplines such as Signals Intelligence, Imagery Intelligence and MASINT. NATO defines HUMINT as a category of intelligence derived from information collected and provided by human sources. Typical HUMINT activities consist of interrogations and conversations with persons having access to information.

    Displaying the missing image:

    N.C.S. logo.jpg

  • Forum Shill gets Busted: ATS and GLP Censor to Cover his Tracks Insanemedia[3/3/14, 3:49:32 AM]

    Alphabet Soup Letters on text code:


    US Geolocation of the operatives: The United States of America (USA or U.S.A.), commonly called the United States (US or U.S.) and America, is a federal republic[10][11] consisting of fifty states and a federal district as well as several territories with differing degrees of autonomy.[4] The country is situated mostly in central North America, where its forty-eight contiguous states and Washington, D.C., the capital district, lie between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, bordered by Canada to the north and Mexico to the south.

    NCS (National Clandestine Service)

    The NCS consists of six different types of officers:

    For a more detailed description, visit the CIA website.

    1) Operations Officers:

    Operations Officers (OOs) are focused full time on

  • Forum Shill gets Busted: ATS and GLP Censor to Cover his Tracks Insanemedia[3/3/14, 3:49:32 AM]

    clandestinely spotting, assessing, developing, recruiting, and handling individuals with access to vital foreign intelligence on the full range of national security issues.

    2) Collection Management Officers:

    Core Collector-certified Collection Management Officers (CMOs) oversee and facilitate the collection, evaluation, classification, and dissemination of foreign intelligence developed from clandestine sources. CMOs play a critical role in ensuring that foreign intelligence collected by clandestine sources is relevant, timely, and addresses the highest foreign policy and national security needs of the nation.

    3) Staff Operations Officers:

    Based out of CIA Headquarters in Washington, DC, Staff Operations Officers (SOOs) plan, guide and support intelligence collection operations, counterintelligence activities and covert action programs.

    4) Targeting Officers:

    Officers in this career track will directly support and drive complex worldwide NCS operations to develop actionable intelligence against the highest priority threats to U.S. national security.

    5) Paramilitary Operations Officers:

    Paramilitary operations officers are chosen mainly from the ranks of U.S. special operations forces.[9] SAD operatives are the most specialized because they combine the best special operations and clandestine

  • Forum Shill gets Busted: ATS and GLP Censor to Cover his Tracks Insanemedia[3/3/14, 3:49:32 AM]

    intelligence capabilities in one individual. They operate in any environment (sea, air, or ground), with limited to no support. They originate in the SADs Special Operations Group (SOG), considered one of the most elite special operations units in the world.[20] Paramilitary operations officers are the primary recipients of the coveted Distinguished Intelligence Cross and the Intelligence Star, the CIAs two highest medals for valor. Not surprisingly, the majority of those memorialized on the Wall of Honor at the CIAs headquarters were covert operatives.

    6) NCS Language Officers

    Performing a critical and dynamic function within the NCS, the Language Officer applies advanced foreign language skills, experience, and expertise to provide high-quality translation, interpretation, and language-related support for a variety of NCS clandestine operations.

    SAD (Special Activities Division)

    is a division in the United States Central Intelligence Agencys (CIA) National Clandestine Service (NCS) responsible for covert operations known as special activities. Within SAD there are two separate groups, one for tactical paramilitary operations and another for covert political action. The Political Action Group within SAD is responsible for covert activities related to political influence, psychological and economic warfare. The rapid development of technology has added cyberwarfare to their mission. Tactical units within SAD are also capable of carrying out covert political action. A large covert operation usually has components that involve many, or all, of these

  • Forum Shill gets Busted: ATS and GLP Censor to Cover his Tracks Insanemedia[3/3/14, 3:49:32 AM]

    categories, as well as paramilitary operations.

    Propaganda includes: leaflets, newspapers, magazines, books, radio, and television, all of which are geared to convey the U.S. message appropriate to the region. These techniques have expanded to cover the internet as well. They may employ officers to work as journalists, recruit agents of influence, operate media platforms, plant certain stories or information in places it is hoped it will come to public attention, or seek to deny and/or discredit information that is public knowledge. In all such propaganda efforts, black operations denote those in which the audience is to be kept ignorant of the source; white efforts are those in which the originator openly acknowledges himself; and gray operations are those in which the source is partly but not fully acknowledged.


    Thanks to recall15 of the Golden Thread Forum.

    HUMIN Wiki

    Special Activities Division Wiki

    UPDATE 4/30/13

    In case you were not sold on the idea that Facebook is data mining, heres this:

    In-Q-Tel, the investment arm of the CIA and the wider intelligence community, is putting cash into Visible Technologies, a software firm that specializes in monitoring social media. Its part of a larger movement within

  • Forum Shill gets Busted: ATS and GLP Censor to Cover his Tracks Insanemedia[3/3/14, 3:49:32 AM]

    the spy services to get better at using open source intelligence information thats publicly available, but often hidden in the flood of TV shows, newspaper articles, blog posts, online videos and radio reports generated every day.

    CIA Admits Full Monitoring of Facebook and other Social Networks



    Tags: ATS, censor, cia, clandestine services, cointelpro, defense logistics agency, forum, psyops, sandy hook, shill

    About the Author

    Pilot With a view from the flight deck, Pilot attempts to understand the big picture.






  • Forum Shill gets Busted: ATS and GLP Censor to Cover his Tracks Insanemedia[3/3/14, 3:49:32 AM]

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    orkojoker says: March 29, 2013 at 7:07 AM

    Great story. Another thread has popped up on ATS regarding this. Its titled Have You Heard of the National Clandestine Service. Not much activity on it yet, but neither has it been deleted. Be interesting to see what happens there.

  • Forum Shill gets Busted: ATS and GLP Censor to Cover his Tracks Insanemedia[3/3/14, 3:49:32 AM]


    Pilot says: March 29, 2013 at 2:56 PM

    I dont expect it to stay up very long.


    TruthSeekerAlways says: March 29, 2013 at 8:10 AM

    Dude, i knew you guys would be on this! Saw the link on DIF, I love your site and mission! You guys are the shit, Keep it up!!


    Kennedy Ray says: March 29, 2013 at 5:44 PM

    Thanks Truthseeker !


    Stop Chasing Ghosts says: March 29, 2013 at 7:23 PM

    Tavistock: Internet Mass Mind-control:

    How Shadowy Groups Manipulate Internet Opinion and Debate:

  • Forum Shill gets Busted: ATS and GLP Censor to Cover his Tracks Insanemedia[3/3/14, 3:49:32 AM]


    I posted at godlikeproductions and gave a link to my site and within 4 pages the thread was deleted and I was banned. Then for weeks on end I kept getting referrers from that thread that was locked and deleted. I also received a phone call from England, which is apparently where the owner of the site with CIA connections lives now.


    Mark-Eric says: March 31, 2013 at 9:10 AM

    Yesterday (March 30, 2013), a Google search for predev persona resulted in about 100 docs, among them this article at No, I didnt think to get a screen grab. Naive again!

    Today the same Google search returns 10 docs, none of them recent, and not including the article.

    Im M-E-H, from the thread in question. I have to admit, seeing those GLPers unmask that agent to the point of making a mistake and revealing himself was thrilling and sickening. The blatant censorship of the event however, really shocked me. Particularly when I saw it scrubbed from GLP, ATS, and Google simultaneously.

    Now Googles rescrubbed and I find that frightening.



  • Forum Shill gets Busted: ATS and GLP Censor to Cover his Tracks Insanemedia[3/3/14, 3:49:32 AM]

    Mark-Eric says: March 31, 2013 at 9:28 PM

    Well, most of the entries are back in Googles index (90 docs). I wonder if they are manually going in and erasing the docs after each indexing run? Well see I guess.



    -swansong- says: April 2, 2013 at 2:24 PM

    Certainly puts our efforts into some perspective, eh? Someone is making a concerted effort to gum up the works for some reason. We must be on to something.


    Mark-Eric says: March 31, 2013 at 9:21 AM

    Bing, Yahoo, and DuckDuckGo also have been scrubbed.

    Now every post I make on this subject I fear will disappear. Waiting for a comment to make it through moderation is killing me.

    The worst part is I dont see a complete enough picture to both justify this level of effort, and explain this level of incompetence or bravado.

    In other words. WHY! !WTF!


  • Forum Shill gets Busted: ATS and GLP Censor to Cover his Tracks Insanemedia[3/3/14, 3:49:32 AM]


    Pilot says: March 31, 2013 at 5:42 PM

    The second thread on the subject at ats is still going, and the analysis on the lunatic outpost forum is very good. Ive noticed that the shills and skeptics arguments dont hold water in this case. Their effectiveness is waning. Poor, sad shills. ; )


    Saying Hello says: April 1, 2013 at 4:49 AM

    Above top Secret goes well over the top in removing posts so you can tell they are not to be trusted and just about everyone on the site has been banned at one stage or another and then register with a new name.

    Facts is you dont get to be big without help from TPTB and I think ATS has become a play toy for the elite and is used to saw propaganda and dilute the truth.

    The so called ad-servers on the sites have been known to give many users a virus and when you post a warning , it gets deleted and you get a ban.

    Nope, Going to the site has become a danger to youre computers health


    Free Planet says:

  • Forum Shill gets Busted: ATS and GLP Censor to Cover his Tracks Insanemedia[3/3/14, 3:49:32 AM]

    Pingback: This article illustrates how deep the damage control | Sandy Hook Truth Message Forum

    April 2, 2013 at 1:00 AM

    google index editing by hand?

    Surely youd leave such tedious mainframing tasks to whatever Pro.M.I.S. became?


    The Soniq Dreemer says: April 3, 2013 at 2:50 PM

    I was banned from GLP on that date, 3/28. I have not received any response to my multiple emails and forum-entry-banned-splashpage-note, inquiring as to why.

    This really opened my eyes.

    GLP is a honeypot. EVERY DAY since then, dozens of new threads appear asking about the korean shill or has GLP been sold to the CIA and similar topics. Deleted within minutes, all of them.

    What logical conclusion is one to draw when the following is known: 1. Someone posting on GLP, accused for weeks of being a shill, and always appearing in every single Sandy Hook thread, posted the text referenced in this article on insandemedia. That text appeared to use wording consistent with a three-letter u.s. gov. agency. The text also appeared to be copy pasted in haste & in error. The poster quickly attempted to laugh it off, and deny, deny, deny. Then, one of the GLP forum admins appeared, and

  • Forum Shill gets Busted: ATS and GLP Censor to Cover his Tracks Insanemedia[3/3/14, 3:49:32 AM]

    laughed it off. Along the lines of, This happens all the time, cant you tell it was sarcasm? .WTF?! 2. Within minutes, that thread exploded with posts stating, OMG! We have proof there is a gov shill operating here on GLP!!! Mods, Admins, look! What should we do with this info? Also, additional separate threads were created, at least two karma-pinned at the top. MANY people are aware of this event, but alas. 3. GLP deleted any and all reference to this event. GLP banned all members who posted anything regarding this event.

    Is GLP in collusion with, or is GLP outright operated by a clandestine agency?

    I was happy to come across this website, detailing this event. More people need to know GLP has been 100% confirmed a gov psyop/honeypot.

    Ask yourself: Why was a shill assigned to post in every single Sandy Hook thread, using a proxy to appear as a poster from South Korea, or Kahzakstan?

    Please also check out the following resources: I have no connection to them, other than I found them in my quest for other truth-seekers and critical thinkers regarding the Sandy Hook event. HollywoodPastels channel on youtube

    Can anyone tell me the room which was created by banned members from GLP, for discussion of Sandy Hook?

    Also, I think the NewAgeMessiah from GLP is also

  • Forum Shill gets Busted: ATS and GLP Censor to Cover his Tracks Insanemedia[3/3/14, 3:49:32 AM]

    a disinfo agent. His website,, focused on ALL of the most bizarre aspects of the event.with little focus on the most important and most readily contradictory and most accessible to the general U.S. population. Also, NAM was the original poster in the Medical Type-Sandy Hook thread on GLP, where on page 7 the Shill was outed. NAM blew it off, as not important. When pressed by multiple posters as to the importance of that event, NAM disappeared.

    You would think NAM would have jumped and ran with that his own thread, nonetheless!!! Instead, he shrugged and disappeared.

    Sandy Hook will be the event which caused the American population to finally turn and oust the wicked ones in power at the Fed. Reserve, and U.S. Fed Gov.

    Everywhere you look, stonewalling, stalling, delay of info, redacted info on released warrants, etc.

    They are scared. And they should be. Everyone is waking up to what the hell really is going on.

    Peace be with your spirit! -The Dreamer


    New Age Messiah says: November 24, 2013 at 10:52 AM

    New Age Messiah a disinfo agent? LOL. I guess thats why anonymous hacked my site

  • Forum Shill gets Busted: ATS and GLP Censor to Cover his Tracks Insanemedia[3/3/14, 3:49:32 AM]

    and then Google and Bing censored it, scrubbed it from searches. I didnt get involved in that shill outing because it was already long gone by the time I realized what happened. Plus, there were plenty of people on it, its not like I had nothing else to do. Sandy Hook Hoax has plenty of every kind of information to establish for anyone that it was a hoax and the media and gov are behind it.


    SkepticOverlord says: April 6, 2013 at 9:19 PM

    For the record, the thread was not removed from ATS to protect some shill from being discovered in fact, the original post on GLP was considered to be a hoax. We removed it because we currently do not allow discussion of Sandy Hook. The reason: those wishing to discuss the topic are unable to do so with civility and decorum.


    Kennedy Ray says: April 7, 2013 at 9:24 AM

    Hello Bill.

    For the record, this thread was not about Sandy Hook. Nothing in this thread mentioned Sandy Hook, until one of the Sock Puppets came along and talked about Sandy Hook in an attempt to get the thread shut down. It would have been very easy to

  • Forum Shill gets Busted: ATS and GLP Censor to Cover his Tracks Insanemedia[3/3/14, 3:49:32 AM]

    do one of your off topic or even better extreme TOS violation removals.

    Your closing statement for the reason Sandy Hook threads are closed: unable to do so with civility and decorum, is the lamest response and explanation of 2013. Who are you kidding? We have witnessed the lies, the censoring and deletion of very good threads, that had nothing to do with nobody has died or all parents are actors, which you pointed out as being the main reason of closing the threads.


    -swansong- says: April 8, 2013 at 2:30 PM

    For the record

    Theres a record?

    Man, you better hope not.

    Im sure you wouldnt want anyone reading from it at the reckoning.


    orkojoker says: April 10, 2013 at 9:36 PM

    Frankly, bullshit. There have been some very solid threads 404d from ATS that were 99 percent civility. Ive been paying REAL close attention to what ATS does with Sandy Hook material, and they are NOT

  • Forum Shill gets Busted: ATS and GLP Censor to Cover his Tracks Insanemedia[3/3/14, 3:49:32 AM]

    moderating that subject the way they say they are. Period. Exclamation point. I dont know why they are doing what they are doing, but it is clearly not for the reasons they claim.


    -swansong- says: April 10, 2013 at 10:47 PM

    Well said, orkojoker.


    Bananahanacana says: April 24, 2013 at 12:46 AM

    The only people that would have considered the post in topic a hoax are those that didnt participate in that thread and continue to follow its developments.

    In fact the original post in question went on to be filled with youtube embeds for dozens of pages, over the course of days, apparently in attempts to have it shut down.

    The reason you gave for not allowing Sandy Hook discussion is also hogwash. You know that, I sure as heck do, we all do.

    Now as this new Event continues to unfold, I wonder will you be censoring discussing on it, also? Your pattern of site management indicates a resounding: Yes.


  • Forum Shill gets Busted: ATS and GLP Censor to Cover his Tracks Insanemedia[3/3/14, 3:49:32 AM]

    PcGeek says: April 7, 2013 at 10:51 AM

    ATS and Alex Jones do not allow any discussion on Sandy Hook because they are both shill forums. Ive known this for years and when i posted my Alicia research at Alex Jones i was immediately permabanned as being a troll.

    It is quite obvious both are disinfo forums trying to steer debate especially when you look at the topics they promote They like topics that are batshit crazy to make truthers look crazy.

    ATS knows that Sandy Hook is the easiest proveable hoax event to occur Thus they dont want discussion of something they cant debunk.


    Kennedy Ray says: April 7, 2013 at 7:26 PM

    Hey PCGeek,

    yes I was surprised to hear about the forum over at Alex Jones. Regarding ATS, at first I gave them the benefit of the doubt..that was in December. I was never very active in their forum prior Sandy Hook, so I thought they may be worried about their Advertisers.

    But if you see all the other crazy topics that are opened on their forum on a daily basis, you can throw that explanation out of the window..

  • Forum Shill gets Busted: ATS and GLP Censor to Cover his Tracks Insanemedia[3/3/14, 3:49:32 AM]

    I learned my lesson quickly, and if you do a little investigation there is no doubt that their strings are being pulled by TPTB..


    John Smith says: April 12, 2013 at 6:57 AM

    Funny you managed to draw the attention of SkepticOverlord. It must be new that they NOW do not allow ANY Sandy Hook posts because we were just posting in one the other day. ATS has had many,many threads on Sandy Hook and I know of one very long thread at prisonplanet so yes they do allow discussion on the topic. Here is what is happening with the posts. The best way to get any Sandy Hook discussion closed is to start screaming about it being a hoax or how the parents are actors or the kids dont exist. The shills know this and are doing it intentionally because they do not want ANY truthful discussion on the topic. Recently alot of info has been released about the contents of the home and Nancys emails which indicate she should share a majority of the blame yet the media continues to hammer the topic of guns and refuse to address the horrific parenting that took place or what exactly his mental state was to include any medications. The police cant release that info but Peter or Ryan Lanza can. I am surprised they do not out shills more often. I find it disturbing that now ATS just bans all discussion on the topic rather than do their job and properly moderate the forum. If that is the case they just proved to posters how easily they can be harassed.


  • Forum Shill gets Busted: ATS and GLP Censor to Cover his Tracks Insanemedia[3/3/14, 3:49:32 AM]

    conspiracyhead says: April 21, 2013 at 3:11 PM

    M-E-H, its me conspiracyhead. Im still banned over this thread, just like you and everyone else that exposed this on GLP. I posted the Taming of the Shill thread and 4 others and all were removed within a minute. The only way I see that as being possible is if GLP is government owned. The post were at 3:30 a.m. EST, no way they have multiple mods working that fast. ATS is also compromised. Skeptic Overlord is full of shit. How does exposing a government pre-developed persona somehow dovetail into Sandy Hook (simply b/c it was in a SH thread)? These people need to be honest. My website is set to go live within two weeks and when it does it is going to blow ATS and GLP out of the water b/c I will not censor anyone, and thats a promise. It might be the wild-wild-west, but at least all the content will be legit. I am also thinking about requiring a minimal fee or CC info to post to prevent multiple Pre-Dev government shills from clogging my site! Any thoughts??


    Watcher says: April 24, 2013 at 12:47 AM

    Yet Again ATS Exposed: Above Top Secret Censors Boston Bombing Crisis Actor Thread

  • Forum Shill gets Busted: ATS and GLP Censor to Cover his Tracks Insanemedia[3/3/14, 3:49:32 AM]


    ugotit says: April 27, 2013 at 2:41 PM

    I posted over at GLP that Michael Savage was Mosad and was banned in less than 60 seconds. Nice.


    -swansong- says: April 27, 2013 at 10:09 PM

    I pointed out that a thread title related to Alex Jones was silly and misleading. 60secs was about how long I lasted, too. Havent been able to get back in since.


    Kennedy Ray says: April 29, 2013 at 1:12 PM

    They deleted my Timeline thread about the Watertown Manhunt last night. I was going to post it on GLP first, exclusively for discussion. Of course, when you come close to the truth, discussion is not allowed.

    Im not banned, however


    Kennedy Ray says: November 10, 2013 at 12:30 AM

    Notice: This article/link is banned on GLP. But it is apparently because of ATS:

  • Forum Shill gets Busted: ATS and GLP Censor to Cover his Tracks Insanemedia[3/3/14, 3:49:32 AM]

    Pingback: Forum shill gets busted! | Out to Lunch

    *** Because Above Top Secret staff are a bunch of uptight control freaks, we do not allow their content or references to their website to be posted or linked to on *** Attempts to circumvent this warning will result in ban.



    Mark_Eric says: November 12, 2013 at 1:03 PM

    Where the hell have you and this website been!? Welcome back? Did I miss something! Oh, boy, I hope I was just being paranoid!


    Kennedy Ray says: November 15, 2013 at 1:49 AM

    Hey Mark_Eric, well I enjoyed the summer, needed a break and there wasnt much going on Had to move the server as well and Im still working on some tech issues, but YES, we are back! Winter is coming, ,much time for sleuthing and writing as things are heating up again. Thanks for stopping by, very much appreciated!


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