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Forrester on Using Subversion to Optimize Globally Distributed Development

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Cost of Hardware Components As a % of 1991 costs

Operating System Size In Million Source Lines of Code (SLOC)

NT 3.1

NT 3.5 NT 4.0

Windows 2000

Windows XP

Windows 2003

MAC OS X V10.4

Source: Forrester Research, Inc.

Hardware And Software Sprawl Increases Complexity

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July 2013 “To The Victor Go The Spoils: How The Need For Speed Is Reshaping The ALM Landscape”

ALM Complexity Mirrors Composite Application Complexity

Source: Forrester Research, Inc.

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Agile Is Organizations’ Primary Development Approach

May 2010 “The Forrester Wave™: Agile Development Management Tools, Q2 2010”

Source: Forrester Research, Inc.

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Lean And Agile Change Software Development Processes

Source: Forrester Research, Inc.

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From Waterfall To Scrum

Different approaches Different constraints

Different tools Source: Forrester Research, Inc.

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© 2013 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited 6

Approach And Methodology

A Quick Glimpse Into Forrester’s Total Economic ImpactTM

Benefits •  Quantified value •  Defined metrics

Cost •  People •  Process •  Technology

“Options” created •  Are there new

opportunities created for the future?

Uncertainty •  Impact of assumptions

Total Economic

Impact RISK

Perform due diligence

Conduct customer interviews

Construct financial


Write case study

Benefits (Impact on Business)

Costs (Impact on Budget)

Flexibility (Options)

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© 2013 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited 7

Forrester Captured The Customer’s Experience

› Forrester interviewed WANdisco’s customer: •  Referred to as Computer Software Architects (CSA). •  Interviewed CSA’s Director of Global Software Engineering.

› CSA’s commercial software business: •  Generates more than $1 billion in revenue annually. •  Developer productivity is a mission critical concern. •  Developers follow standard processes and tasks.

› CSA developers must: •  Access the same source code. •  Devise solutions to complex problems. •  Synchronize development and debugging. •  Keep pace with development schedules.

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© 2013 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited 8

CSA wants to eliminate roadblocks to the productivity of developers and protect intellectual property

Developers lose productivity during builds and debugging because of latency.

Developers lose productivity when servers go down

Developers get distracted from building software by problems such as backup and recovery

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Key Priorities For CSA’s Executive

© 2013 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited 9

“We try to keep developers developing. “We don’t want them to feel that they are limited in the tools that they can use or become preoccupied with activities that should be behind the scenes, such as processes for backing up or restoring data.

“We want to protect the productivity of our developers.”

Director, Global Software Engineering

Source: Forrester Total Economic Impact of <product>, a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of <client>, Month Year

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© 2013 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited 10

CSA experienced the following benefits from using SVN MultiSite from WANdisco

Increasing developer productivity by reducing latency.

“Time spent waiting for builds reduced from 10 to 1.5 hours.”

(Increased productivity by $4.4M)

Increasing developer productivity during debugging.

“Increased developer productivity during debugging by 10%.”

(Increased productivity by $909K)

Recovering same-day work after server outages.

“Recovery of same-day work saves 24,583 developer hours annually.”

(Increased productivity by $442K)

Avoiding purchase of real-time backup solution.

“We avoid purchasing a real-time backup solution by using replicated nodes to restore source code.”

(Avoided cost of $648K)

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“Multiple nodes mean multiple potential points of connection. If one node or

site is unavailable, users can continue to use the system by connecting to

one of the other five nodes. This prevents lost developer hours and

reduces the impact of mistakes.”

(Director, Global Software Engineering)

Increasing Developer Productivity By Reducing Latency

© 2013 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited 11 Source: Forrester Total Economic Impact of <product>, a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of <client>, Month Year

Three-Year Benefit Metric Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total

Hours spent waiting for builds 10.0 10.0 10.0

Hours waiting for builds with SVN MultiSite 1.5 1.5 1.5

Average number of developers impacted each working day 33 33 33

Hourly rate for India developers $20.52 $20.52 $20.52

Total $1,496,354 $1,496,354 $1,496,354 $4,489,063

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“Globally located nodes put source code closer to people working on it. As a

result, check-ins between development teams get held MUCH more frequently

and granularly. This prevents IP loss at the local level when computers crash, get

corrupted, or when developers inadvertently delete files.”

(Director, Global Software Engineering)

Increasing Developer Productivity During Debugging

© 2013 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited 12 Source: Forrester Total Economic Impact of <product>, a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of <client>, Month Year

Three-Year Benefit Metric Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total

Number of remote developers using SVN MultiSite 350 350 350

Percentage of time spent debugging source code 20% 20% 20%

Improved productivity during debugging because of reduced latency with SVN MultiSite

10% 10% 10%

Hourly rate for India developers $20.52 $20.52 $20.52

Total $303,005 $303,005 $303,005 $909,015

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“A significant amount of productivity loss occurs when a server goes down.

The work done by developers on that same day is almost always a

complete loss. We can recover the same day work with SVN MultiSite.”

(Director, Global Software Engineering)

Recovering Same-Day Work After Server Outages

© 2013 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited 13 Source: Forrester Total Economic Impact of <product>, a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of <client>, Month Year

Three-Year Benefit Metric Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total

Developers impacted by each server outage 130 130 130

Average hours of same-day work recovered 4 4 4

Number of outages annually 6 6 6

Blended hourly rate of developers globally $47.28 $47.28 $47.28

Total $147,500 $147,500 $147,500 $442,500

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CSA benefits from the ability of SVN MultiSite to: •  Rollback updates to previous versions of code.

•  Research the history and changes made to code.

•  Identify errors in methods or decisions to avoid further repetition.

•  Isolate sabotage on the rare, but inevitable, occasions that it occurs.

Avoiding Purchase Of Real-Time Backup Solution

© 2013 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited 14 Source: Forrester Total Economic Impact of <product>, a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of <client>, Month Year

Three-Year Benefit

Metric Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total

Data replicated annually in Terabytes 120 120 120

CSA price per TB for real-time backup $1,800 $1,800 $1,800

Total $216,000 $216,000 $216,000 $648,000

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© 2013 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited 15

Future flexibility options created by SVN MultiSite

› Open source options: •  Subversion is open source. •  WANdisco is an active promoter of open source software. •  WANdisco SVN MultiSite is built on open source Subversion. •  SVN MultiSite allows CSA developers and admins to use any tools they use

with Subversion.

› Labor arbitrage options: •  Opportunity of deploying nodes in more locations. •  Leveraging lower hourly rates by shifting development work to new locations. •  Leverage skills across geographic locations.

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Comment From CSA’s Executive

© 2013 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited 16

“I attend a lot of webinars, but leave most of them after 5-10 minutes. Repeatedly, WANdisco seems to present more valuable content than others. WANdisco has its finger on the pulse of the industry.”

Director, Global Software Engineering

Source: Forrester Total Economic Impact of <product>, a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of <client>, Month Year

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Three Year Risk-Adjusted Cash Flow

($219,372) ($402,972) ($402,972) ($402,972)

$1,920,906 $1,920,906 $1,920,906







Initial Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Costs Benefits

Initial Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total PV

Benefits $0 $1,920,597 $1,920,597 $1,920,597 $5,761,792 $4,949,565

Costs ($219,372) ($402,972) ($402,972) ($183,600) ($1,208,916) ($1,083,725)

Net Benefits ($219,372) $1,517,625 $1,517,625 $1,736,997 $4,552,876 $3,865,840

ROI 357%

Payback Period 1.7 months

Source: Forrester Research, Inc.

Payback period =

1.7 months

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James Creasy Senior Director Product Management

WANdisco plc

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•  Leading Corporate sponsor of Subversion

•  Offer free certified Subversion binaries

•  Enterprise Subversion Support, Consulting and Training

•  Enterprise capabilities for Performance, Scalability, Availability

•  Replication technology used with Git (SCM) and Hadoop (Big Data)


Enterprise Subversion Performance Scalability Availability Security Auditability

WANdisco Certified Binaries Support Updates Indemnification

Subversion Open Source

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MultiSite Differentiators

Master Slave

Traditional Approach

All writes go over the WAN to the Master

Master (single point of failure)

Slave Slave Slave

Every server an exact replica

Local read/write access to each server No single point of failure

Peer to Peer

WANdisco Technology

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•  Peer-to-peer architecture, no single point of failure.

•  Subversion repositories connected over a WAN synchronize automatically.

•  Developers at all locations experience LAN-speed performance.

•  Built-in hot backup and automated disaster recovery.

MultiSite Differentiators

USA Europe

India China

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Improves Performance • 90% reduction in communication overhead at each site because replication is implemented at

Subversion's file system layer • Significantly improves performance for larger implementations

Repository Level Replication • Fine grained control of replication of repositories between sites for security, flexibility and efficiency

Dynamic Replication Group Evolution • Ability to add/remove servers and repositories on-the-fly without affecting current users

Configurable Quorum Schema • New node types enable increased availability, deployment flexibility for more efficient use of IT


Support for All Subversion Protocols • Leverages investments in existing clients and utilities and enables significant cost savings through tools


SVN MultiSite Plus: Next Generation Architecture

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Node 3 Node 4

Selective Replication

Node 1 Node 2 Replication

Group A

Replication Group B

Replication Group C

Per Repository

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Configurations, Self Healing/Recovery

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SVN MultiSite Plus provides dramatically improved performance scalability for global organizations.

Patented Active-Active Replication


• Reduces Traffic Across Networks

• LAN speeds over WAN

• Easy Deployment and Administration


• No Single Point of Failure

• High Availability / Automated Disaster Recovery


• Support for All Subversion Protocols

• Configurable Quorum Schema

• Selective and dynamic replication

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SVN MultiSite Plus SVN Standalone SVNsync Siloed Repositories

Architecture Peer-to-Peer Single - Centralized Master / Slave Single(s) De-centralized

Automatic protection against Single point of failure ✓ ⌔ ⌔ ⌔

Clustering for reads and writes ✓ Partial Partial Partial

Flexible scheduling ✓ ⌔ ⌔ ⌔

Auto-recovery ✓ ⌔ ⌔ ⌔

Simultaneous read/write on all servers ✓ ⌔ ⌔ ⌔

Audit Capabilities ✓ ⌔ ⌔ ⌔

Mirroring across data centers ✓ ⌔ ✓ ⌔

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•  Indemnification •  Guaranteed response times

•  Staff in the United States, United Kingdom, Japan •  24-by-7 Worldwide coverage

•  Core Subversion developers on staff

Subversion Support

•  End-user and Administrator training •  Web-based or classroom options

Subversion Training

•  Migration and Deployment Planning •  Implementation Health Check

Subversion Consulting

Support Services

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